"It's All In The Past." (GRA)...

By M1ckyj789

4.8K 321 91

"It's all in the past." I hate that quote. Because it may be the past. But the past will always find a way to... More

He's not so bad...
The ships are sailing
Back Story
Do you trust me?
Please Stay Awake
I'm not going anywhere
Just The Two Of Us
Unexpected Visitor
Use to it
The Dream
You use to love...
The Truth
Solidarity In Mutual Destruction
The Sidemen
Old Friends
True Feelings
Finally Out
The Grind
I Love You
A Race Around Pax
Dreams Or Reality?
The Pain
A Big Mistake
I Never Had A Choice...
The Plan
Don't follow me please
Second chances
It Finally Sails?
I think I'm ready
Just in time
Don't give up
I'm Sorry
How Long
Just let it happen
What are you doing here?
Pushed away
Juice of the gods
Am I Ready To Accept?
It felt so good
That was fun
Are you ok?
He's Home
Couples Embrace
I missed you
Deal we made
I'm not sure if we can do this
New Beginnings
Setting the scene
Only Real Escape
I don't want you to go
Together at Last
Not Yet...
Set in motion
House Hunting
Be Mine
The End

Broken Friends

30 2 0
By M1ckyj789

Jerome's POV

"Why did you kick him out?"

I hadn't spoken to Mitch since he told Lachlan to get out. I didn't want to. Not any more. He hurt, Who I thought was our best friend. I still want to be around Lachlan and help him. But Mitch had taken it too far. He had stayed with us before and it was no problem. He didn't even give Lachy a chance to explain anything. It kind of scared me to be honest. He was never like this.

"Jerome. I'm not going to answer you again. You know why."

"He is one of our best friends. Mitch you wouldn't even let him have the chance to talk. Let him explain."

"I don't need to hear his excuses."


Mitchell was completely silent. I looked over to Aliese next to me. She had her hand on my knee. Trying to calm me down a little. One good thing about having a nurse as a girlfriend. She always knew what I needed to help me. I hated being here to be honest. He hasn't been the same. It's not that I still have feelings for him. It's just. How can you kick someone out with no hesitation.

"I'm going to go for a walk I think."

I got up and emptied what was left of my plate into the bin. I placed my dish in the sink, Walked to my room and grabbed my jacket and then hit the ground running. I know I said walk but I needed to push myself. These thoughts in my head are killing me. And I don't understand half of them. Why would he kick him out all of a sudden? Why has he completely changed? What the fuck is going on? Before I knew it I was at a park a mile away from home. I didn't realise I had ran that distance in such a short amount of time. If I still had a sense of humour about me I'd pull my phone out and sign up for the Olympics. I know that's not how it works but it would still be funny. I decided to walk over and take a seat on a bench over looking the lake. It was really nice and peaceful. Considering it was 7 pm. I looked up at the sky and then back down in front of me. I felt someone flop down next to me. I turned over and looked at the person next to me. Before standing up and running off again.



I ran for longer then I thought until I felt my chest starting to hurt. I wasn't in a lot of pain. My breathing was fine. But my chest felt like it was killing me. I stood to the side of the foot path and lay down in the grass. Luckily it had been a dry day otherwise I would probably be regretting this. I pulled out my phone and opened up Twitter and Skype. So many people tagging Lachlan in shit calling him a selfish bastard, Pathetic. How would they even know. As far as I knew everything happened behind closed doors. Then I remembered the kiss that Rob posted. I closed the social media app before opening up Skype.

Preston – Do you think he will talk to me?

Jerome – You don't deserve his kindness. None of you do. The only person that hasn't treated him like shit. Has been me. Even Vikk has taken some jabs at him. And right now they are under the same roof. Lachlan is smart. He will stay off Skype and stay off Twitter. But honestly. If he is really smart. He won't bother with us any more. He would leave the pack. I don't want him too. But it honestly wouldn't surprise me.

I didn't mean to be that mean to him. I was just typing what I was thinking. And that's what I was thinking. I hated myself for bringing to that. But there was no way he would talk to Preston. Especially not Rob. Mitch was a no go. I was here for him. And I always would be. But Vikk. I just hope those two get along. But I was adamant in what I said. I think he will leave us. And it wouldn't come as a surprise if he did.

Josh's POV

"I don't want him here."


Vikk has been a bit more hostile towards Lachlan and Michael. And granted I understand Vikk still doesn't like him all that much after everything that has happened. I really didn't think it would come to this. Caitlin was pretty much done with Vikk's shit.

"I don't want him near Michael. He has caused enough problems so far. It's stupid him being here. Letting him be close to him. Do you remember the last time Michael and Lachlan became friends? Because I do. And it was the worst thing to happen to them and to us."

"Are you saying this for you or are you saying this for Michael. Because right now. I think your being a selfish cunt and decided that your finished playing with Christian like the little slut you are. And decided you want to fuck with Michael again. Because remember what happened last time you fucked with Michael's heart? Don't ever speak like your doing it for him. When you yourself were in the room when Michael had finally spoken after 2 days. And who did he ask for? Lachlan. Since Lachlan has been here. Let's see. He has gone to the toilet regularly like a normal person. Which means his bladder and stomach must be doing better. He's actually having conversations with us. So I'd say his mental well being is improving. And Lachlan also managed to get him to eat and drink. Which means he is getting the energy and shit that he needs to make his body work. So you can stand here and tell me all you fucking like how you think it's wrong. How you think he is just going to cause more trouble. And honestly. It wouldn't surprise me. Because Michael always finds out about shit like this. He has done nothing but help him already since he has been here. What the fuck gives you the right to stand here and tell us he shouldn't be here. Simply because you want to get your fucking dick wet. How about instead of trying to break him further you grow the fuck up. Realise you have no chance any more. Then go find some slut you can use whenever you want. Because If I hear of you trying anything I'll fucking ship you back to wherever you came from."

"I was born here."

"Well then I'm going to save a fuck tonne on shipping."

I couldn't help myself. I burst out in laughter. Caitlin smiled next to me but Vikk had a shocked and angry face. I can't lie.

"Caitlin that was a bit far don't you think?"

"No. Josh I don't. I'm not going to let him ruin Michael again. He destroyed him once. And then now, What, He wants to fuck him over just because he is jealous that he is now happy and ok. Just because Lachlan is here. Which one are you jealous of Vikk? Lachlan for not loving you after all? Or Michael for being able to get over your sorry ass after you hurt him?"

"I don't have time for this."

Vikk turned around and walked off. I held Caitlin in my arms and brought her closer to me. I kissed her cheek as I felt her getting tense.

"I'm sorry Josh. But I refuse to let someone hurt him. He's my best friend. I'm not letting Vikk touch him."

"Look I agree with you that he is going a bit too far. But at the same time. You could probably have dialled that back a bit. I know your protecting your friend. But then again. That was a bit far."

"I'm not apologising for him. I feel like shit. But I'm standing my ground."

"That's the girl I love."

I held her in my arms as she started to get antsy.

"Why don't you go for a walk or something? Try and calm down a little. Then when you come back with a clear head. We will talk about it again. See what your thinking. Ok?"

"Yeah sure, Ok. I'll be back in half an hour to an hour."

I watched her walk out the door and close it behind her. I got a bit worried. I didn't want to have to be the voice of reason in this house. I didn't really feel like dealing with Vikk right now. And Simon and Liam are both out already. There wasn't really anything else I could do. I walked up to my room and got on my computer. Making a group with Tobi, Ethan, Harry and JJ.

Josh – I'm going nuts over here guys. It's like I have a war going on in my house hold. And Vikk is caught in the middle.

Ethan – In a good or a bad way?

Tobi – Yeah man you can't really just drop shit like that on us with no real information.

Josh – Alright here.

I explained everything that was going on. Everything that was going on with Michael. I had to tell them everything. I forgot they haven't been around to get the whole picture. I ended it off by telling them the fight that happened between Vikk and Caitlin.

Josh – Basically she told him to fuck off back to his own country. After telling her he was born here she made a comment about saving on shipping costs.

Harry – Fuck that's hilarious.

Tobi – I never would have thought she would have been a sassy bitch.

Ethan – Granted I can see how that can be a bit far. That's still hilarious.

JJ – Sorry just finished reading. I think I got it all. Want me to come and knock some sense into Vikk?

Ethan – I agree with JJ... That felt weird saying that.

JJ – Fuck off.

Harry – If he is happy. Why not just leave him. When did this become a Sidemen issue?

Josh – When Vikk told me he wanted him out of the house. And that would break Michael. Causing shit to go down between everyone and Vikk. Honestly. I don't know who I'm trying to look after here.

Harry – That explains why Simon isn't in here.

Josh – He isn't in here because he is on a date. I don't want to bother him.

Tobi added Simon to the group

Ethan – OOO Josh your fucked mate.

Simon – What...

Tobi – Read.

After 5 minutes of silence in the group. I watched as Simon's name popped up again before disappearing.

Simon – Liam says if Vikk lays a finger on Michael he will break it off. He said some other things. But I'm not repeating it.

JJ – Wait your out with a guy?

Harry – Dude that player becomes the played.

Simon – Guys.

Tobi – Ignore them. Simon that's fucking awesome mate.

Ethan – Rip Emon

Simon – Haha fuck you Ethan. We not long finished dinner. Liam says we can watch a movie another time. He wants to make sure Michael is ok. Has Vikk said anything to them?

Josh – No. I got Caitlin to go on a walk and calm down. Vikk is in his room. I don't know where Christian is to be honest.

Harry – So your the only straight one in a house full of faggots. How does that feel.


Ethan – What?

Tobi – Mate.

JJ – Well. Your fucked.

Harry – What?

Simon – I knew there was a reason I didn't like you. And besides. Vikk is Bi. And I am Pan. So technically. No faggots. Just happen to be with guys. Though it explains why you had to settle for your mom back in Guernsey.

Tobi – Shots Fired.

Ethan – Couldn't have thought of a better come back if I wanted to.

Josh – This was a bad idea.

Simon – No it wasn't. Thanks for adding me on Tobi I owe you. We are on our way home now.

Ethan – I'm going to head over as well.

Tobi – I'm coming as well.

Harry is typing...

JJ – Harry just shut the fuck up. Don't even bother if it's not an apology.

Well he didn't say anything. That's something I never would have guessed. I would have thought he would be the most accepting one.

Josh – Hang on one sec.

I looked down stairs and saw Lachlan come out of Michael's room.


"Hm. Oh hey Josh. What's up? Weren't you supposed to be out with Caitlin?"

"Uh. Shit hit the fan. Can you come up here for a sec?"

"Yeah one minute."

I watched him walk back into Michael's room. If I was an immature twat. I'd make a joke about him being whipped. But I know he is just trying to calm his mind. He came out not long after and came up the stairs.

"I just told him you needed to see me for a sec. He trusts you Josh. More then he should. Must be the daddy factor."

"Oi nah fuck off. How is he?"

"He's ok. He's getting better. You can tell. He feels more comfortable. But I don't know if that's me or when Vikk was helping him."

"That's what I wanted to show you."

He followed me into my room. I sat down at my computer and checked the conversation. A lot had happened.

Josh – Anyone want to give me a short version?

Tobi – Harry apologised profusely

Harry – Simon and Liam just left.

Ethan – Tobi and I are on our way now.

JJ – I still want to bitch slap Vikk.

Josh – I'm going to add Lachlan into this. I think he has the right to know what was said.

Tobi – Are you sure?

Ethan – What if shit goes down?

Josh – Then I will take the fall for it. But with Vikk's hostility. I can't not tell him. He would go nuts at Vikk if he just randomly starting attacking him. You know.

Harry – I'm sorry for what I said Josh. I didn't mean it to be harmful I promise.

Josh – Your still young and immature mate. But it's fine.

Josh added Lachlan Power into the Group chat.

Lachlan – Holy fuck that's a lot.

Tobi – You only need to read the top mate. Once you finish that. We can give you a short version afterwards.

Lachlan's POV

I read through the top part. All of what Josh said. I got a bit worried. I knew Vikk didn't like me but this. This Is nuts. Why wouldn't he just tell me if he had a problem with me being here? I'd rather he be honest. But.

Tobi – Look man I'm sorry. I told him not to show you.

Lachlan – It's fine. I'm just. Uh. Thanks guys. I'll see you soon then yeah?

Ethan – Yeah we are only a few minutes away.

Simon – We just arrived.

I walked out of Josh's room and down stairs. Opening it for Liam and Simon.

"Where is he?"

"You are going in to see Michael."

"I'm going to shank the fucker so hard he will forget his nationality."

"No. You are going to wait with Michael. Got it. Make sure he is ok."

"Fine. But only because no one touches my husband."

Liam walked off and went into Michael's room. I looked up at Simon. He looked at me with pity maybe.

"You ok?"

"Not really. I didn't know he felt that way towards me."

"Why don't you two just try and avoid each other for now. Give it some time. Maybe after he realises Michael is happier with you. And that he is getting better he will back off and realise how much of an idiot he is."

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me."

"Yeah. Ok. Well. I'll give you back Liam ok."

"It's ok mate. Let Liam stay if he wants ok. We are both worried ok?"

"Are you sure?"

"Lachlan just stop. Go back ok?"

I put my head down and nodded towards Si. I walked back to Michael's room and walked in. Closing the door behind me. I watched as Liam and Michael both looked up at me. Micky crawled out of his bed and fell on the floor crying. He got up and ran over to me before holding me tight.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Michael. What's wrong?"

"Liam. Showed me everything. I'm so sorry."

"How did you?"

"I have Simon's phone. Don't tell him just yet."

"Alright. Look it's fine. Ok."

"No. It's not ok. Everyone hates you because of me. It's all my fault. Why won't you understand that?"

"Because it's not your fault. Michael people make and lose friends all the time. It just must be time for me to lose these guys."

"But you shouldn't have to though. It's my fault. Why can't they comprehend this?"

"Michael. Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

I walked over to his computer and sat down. I logged out of his own Skype and put my own details in. Waiting for the messages to pop up. So many messages. So many people. I didn't really feel like going through all of them. I only needed to do a few things.

Kim – Hey Lachy I got word from Jay that you ran off to America. Look I don't know what's going on but please be safe. Your Michael's best friend. Or one of. And your a good kid. Just please make sure your safe.

Lachlan – Hey Kim. Yeah. I'm fine. I wasn't in America for long I'm staying with Michael and Josh and the boys now. I think I'm going to just stay here.

Kim – Morning. Sorry didn't realise the time I sent that. Hope I didn't wake you or whatever. If that's what you want then do it. Regardless of what everyone else says. Rob filled me in, Who was told by Preston, Who got told by Jerome. Too many people by the way. That Michael hasn't been in the best situation. I'm glad someone is there. If What I got told is true. Please don't leave him. Or at least stay with him until he get's better. It won't take him long he's a fucking stubborn bastard but he will need time. Ok?

Lachlan – Uh. Kim. It's going to be ok. I promise.

Skipping over Jay, Rob, Preston and Mitch. I opened up Jerome. He always had something good to say. I trusted him.

Jerome – Lachy. You know. Your one of my closest friends. And you know I would never want ill to befall you. Shout out to the dictionary. I want to help you ok? If you need anything let me know.

Lachlan – Jer I won't lie to you. With how everything has been lately. I think I'm going to take a break from YouTube for a bit. And uh.

Jerome – Lachlan. I don't blame you. If you are going to do it. Then remember I'm going to be here for you always. I promise.

Lachlan – Thanks Jerome. I appreciate it. They will probably all hate me. But. I can't stay any more. It's too awkward. It's hard as well. It's not that I don't want to talk to them. It's just.

Jerome – It's alright man. I understand. Well. I don't but you know what I mean.

Lachlan – Thank you. Sorry Jerome. I don't want to lose contact with you. Or the guys. But I feel like some time apart might be good for me.

Jerome – I'm here for you if you need anything.

I turned around and saw Michael behind me. He had been reading over my shoulder.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah. I'm sure. I uh. Feel like I just need a break for a moment."

"Ok. I think."

I turned back to the computer screen. I opened up The Pack group chat and got bombarded with a tonne of messages. There were a lot there. And I can't lie. Not many of them were nice. Especially when it concerned me.

Lachlan – Ok. I'm just in here for now to say good bye. I've had a lot of fun with you guys. But after everything. I've decided to take a break from YouTube. And I don't know when I'm going to be back to be honest. It's been a lot of fun but I think this is for the best.

Lachlan Power has left the group.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah... I'm sure."


He leaned down and hugged me. I turned around and saw Liam wasn't here.

"When did Liam leave?"

"Not long after you sat down."


"It's ok. I love you Lachlan."

I couldn't say anything back to him. I wasn't expecting that.

"It's ok. I didn't expect you to say it back. Not yet."

I stood up and grabbed his hand before leading him over to the bed. I pulled him down next to me. He lay down next to me and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I do love you Michael. I never stopped. I'm sorry for everything I have ever done."


I interrupted him by pulling him up to me and kissing him. He didn't pull away but he didn't press forward. I held him tighter and I didn't want to end it. But I eventually did. I looked down. I couldn't look at him. I felt stupid.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to go stay on the couch or something."

I got up and walked out of the room. I didn't want to leave him. But I couldn't stay with him and I feel terrible. I walked out to the Kitchen and saw Vikk and Josh sitting down. Vikk walked over to me and punched me. I just took it. I let myself hit the floor. I didn't even bother getting up. I couldn't do it. I didn't want to. Vikk walked out and Josh sat on the floor next to me.

"You ok?"


"He told me you left the Pack."

"Yeah. I felt like. It was the best decision to make."

"Are you sure?"

"Why is everyone saying that to me?"

"They are your friends."

"They were. I'm going to stay on the couch tonight. Ok?"

"Yeah. That's fine."

He walked off towards the stairs and headed up. I didn't want to do anything else. I got up and headed over to the couch before grabbing the blanket and pillow and laying down. I closed my eyes and just tried to sleep. But I couldn't. I kept thinking about Michael. I shouldn't have just walked out. I heard foot steps and felt someone in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw Michael there. He looked so sad. I lifted up the blanket and he crawled in. He had his arms around me and I pulled him close to me.

"Don't leave me."

"I promise. I never will."

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