"It's All In The Past." (GRA)...

By M1ckyj789

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"It's all in the past." I hate that quote. Because it may be the past. But the past will always find a way to... More

He's not so bad...
The ships are sailing
Back Story
Do you trust me?
Please Stay Awake
I'm not going anywhere
Just The Two Of Us
Unexpected Visitor
Use to it
The Dream
You use to love...
The Truth
Solidarity In Mutual Destruction
The Sidemen
Old Friends
True Feelings
Finally Out
The Grind
I Love You
A Race Around Pax
Dreams Or Reality?
The Pain
A Big Mistake
I Never Had A Choice...
The Plan
Don't follow me please
Second chances
It Finally Sails?
I think I'm ready
Just in time
Don't give up
I'm Sorry
How Long
Just let it happen
What are you doing here?
Pushed away
Juice of the gods
Am I Ready To Accept?
It felt so good
That was fun
Are you ok?
He's Home
Couples Embrace
I missed you
Deal we made
I'm not sure if we can do this
New Beginnings
Setting the scene
I don't want you to go
Together at Last
Not Yet...
Broken Friends
Set in motion
House Hunting
Be Mine
The End

Only Real Escape

47 2 0
By M1ckyj789

Lachlan's POV

Michael – Your despicable. You know that right Lachlan. You know he is going through shit and then you drop this on him now. Are you trying to break him? Are you trying to kill him? How stupid could you be?

I got worried now. At first I thought it was him. But even after realising it wasn't Michael. I was being selfish. I know that. I couldn't keep it in any longer. It had been eating away at the back of my mind how he just dropped everything for Jay. Actually. He dropped literally everything until someone mentioned something going wrong. Otherwise he was oblivious to anything going on around him. He only stayed with Rob when Preston said something. He only helped Jerome when he came to him. I know it's selfish of me. But I couldn't ask while Jay was with him. I would end up dead. And Jay wouldn't be the one to deliver the blow. What else was I supposed to do? Just keep it all in. Leave my heart on my sleeve for everyone to see and judge?

Lachlan – Who is this? Have you actually asked him about everything? Have you actually read everything that has been said between him and his friends? Have you been paying attention to him?

Michael – No Lachlan. I haven't and to be frank. I don't care what you say. I know you are the one that brought him to this. Why can't you just leave him alone seriously?

I got up and headed over to my bed. I'm glad I already had some videos done and ready to upload. I've basically written off today as a me day. And look how that went. I've been up for barely an hour and I've already fucked up the day for more then I thought possible. I felt like I had deliberately fucked everything up. I know I didn't do it deliberately. I didn't want to hurt him. But. I felt like I had. I could only really do one thing.

"Lachlan what the fuck."

Wait for Jay. I knew this was a mistake.

"What. The fuck did you say to him?"

I kept silent and rolled over facing away from him.

"Lachlan. You need to tell me what's going. Why is Simon telling me to leave him alone. For us both to just stop. What did you do to him?"

I couldn't even look at him or talk. I already felt like I had done enough to cause them to hate me. Rob and Preston were happy, Jerome met a new girl. Jess seems really nice to Mitch. Even Vikk had met someone. Why do I have to be the selfish one. Why am I the one that needs to be punished and have to go through hell with this. I felt the bed dip as Jay took a seat next to me. At least I hope it was Jay.

"Lachlan. Your my best friend. Please. What did you say? Please just tell me what you said."

I rolled over and looked at him before getting up out of bed and walking over to my bags. I had started to grab my clothes and box up my computer and screens. I couldn't bare to look at Jay. Not now.

"Lachlan for fuck sake tell me what's going on. Please don't leave."

"What the hell is going on up here?"

I looked up to see John walking into the room. Jay had stayed on my bed with his head in his hands. I looked up at John and tried to silently tell him what I needed.


I just nodded to myself. John had known about the family situation for years. And had also known about me being a lot closer to the Pack then I had been with anyone else. Even more so then Jay. Lately it's just. I felt myself drifting apart from everyone here. And he had always said to me that when everything got too much. Or if shit got too real. Then he would have a safe account for me set up. I would always put money into this safety net. I had no idea how much I had saved away. I had my money I needed to pay for everything. Then the savings for whenever I would need to travel. But this was private. Only myself and John knew about it. But we both knew that if I ever had to use it. I probably wasn't going to come home.

Time Skip

Jerome's POV

It had been a few days now Since I had spoken to Michael about her. And I was getting a little bit excited. I really liked being around her. She was able to joke around but was serious when it came to work and business. While I do get to have fun with Youtube. At the end of the day. There is a line. And I'm glad she helped me find that. I felt my productivity getting better and just my over all attitude towards it change. I would sometimes just lay back and totally forget what I was doing and get distracted by something else. And now I would make sure to get it done as soon as I sit down to start.

"Hey Jerome do you want me to start on dinner? I start work in an hour but I can see your only half way through editing. Mitch and Jess have gone out for dinner."

"Is Ryan still here?"

"No I'm not sure where he has gone but he said he will be back soon."

That was odd. He would have told us if something was up. I decided to head back to my editing. I had done a fair bit. Though I see how she thought I was only a little into it. I finished up my video and headed down to see her half way through dinner.

"Are you finished already?"

"Yeah I had only a little bit left to go anyway. Thought I'd come back and help you out if you need anything."

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her slightly towards me and kissed her on the cheek lovingly. I felt her giggle and blush under my arms. She was so beautiful.

"Oh my goodness your making me stop concentrating. I don't want to burn your meal."

"Worth it."

I let go of her and walk around the counter to sit on a stool and just stare at her. Her Dark, Frizzy hair bouncing around her beautiful face. The way she moved around the kitchen. Was gorgeous and elegant. I heard the front door open and a few voices coming from the hallway. I heard Ryan. But.

"Jerome is going to be over the moon when he sees you."

"When I see who?"

I yelled out loud enough for them too hear me. Though I heard a gasp in front of me. And another from behind.


"Jerome. You never told me you were dating Aliese."

"Yeah and you didn't tell me Lachlan was coming to stay. I would have cooked some more. Here Lachy you can have Jerome's plate. I'll just make some more we can wait."

I turned around and saw the blonde hair of the only Australian giant that I have ever seen.

"Damn it Lachlan why didn't you tell me? What's going on? Are you ok? Why are you here?"

"Ok. It's a bit of a long story."

"Well I need to go and get a few things. And Aliese I will take you in if you like?"

"Yeah sure sounds great. Thank you."

Time Skip

After Aliese and Ryan had left. And with Mitch and Jess still having an hour or two until they got home themselves. I listened to Lachlan as he spilled everything to me. Everything that was going on back in Australia. Everything that happened with Simon. Everything that happened with Michael. And he told me. Everything. I felt my heart break for him. He would have had to deal with it all. And while I wouldn't take sides. Michael would kill me. I still felt myself break for him. I can understand why everyone else would be against him. But for Lachlan. I saw the way Michael would look at him. I saw the way Michael would talk about him. And then how he just jumped at Jay. It was. Abnormal to say the least.

"Jerome I don't really know where else I could even go. I didn't want to stay at home. I couldn't go to Kim. I could never go to Vikk or Caitlin. Rob still hates me. Preston won't want anything to do with me. And I'm sure Mitch won't like me being here. But please Jerome I don't have anywhere else I can go. Even just for a little bit until I can try and find a place to rent. But please. I beg you. Just for a little bit."

I looked into his eyes and saw him pleading. I leaned over and pulled him into a hug. I wrapped myself around him and let him cry on my shoulder.

"Lachlan I won't kick you out of the house. I would never do that. And don't think for a second I'm letting you be on your own. Not with all this shit going on with you. Regardless of what Mitch says. I'm not letting you leave. If he wants you gone. Then I'm leaving as well. Ok. I'm not leaving you on your own. Now I want you to lay down and rest. The flight would be killing you. Sleep alright."

"Ok. Sure. Jerome."

I pulled away from him and looked at him. Wiping his tears from his cheeks.

"Thank you."

"Any time buddy. Now get some sleep. Let me deal with Mitch ok?"

I left him on his own in our guest room. I couldn't put him anywhere else I will help him unpack tomorrow when he get's up. But for now. I have to deal with Mitch. I know he won't be happy. But he wouldn't kick him out would he?

Caitlin's POV

"What the fuck do we do? He can't stay there can he? He hasn't moved in 2 days. He hasn't eaten. He hasn't drank anything. I don't even know if he has slept."

"What if that's all he has done."

"Oh fuck off Lewis we both know what he is like.:

"What if... He just needs the time to re organise his thoughts. Get back on top of everything?"

"Because it should not have taken him this long."

"I understand that Caitlin. We are all worried about him. But you need to remember. He won't talk to us. He won't even give any indication he knows what's going on. It's like he is completely brain dead. Or mute. I'm not sure which is worse."

"I'm not sure I want to know to be honest. Look I have to head back. I promised Josh I would look after him. And Christian didn't Vikk want you to come back as well?"

"Yeah he said he wanted to chat about a few things but I already told him I had plans already. He didn't seem happy but I'm sure he understands."

"Alright well we will see you guys later."

I got up out of my seat and said my farewell to Lewis, Jack and Christian. Jack and Freya had spoken and apparently Freya didn't want it to be awkward. I wasn't sure why she would think that? I was fine with it. When I did get home 15 minutes later. I knocked on the door and was let in by JJ. Though he put a single finger to his lips. Ensuring I was to stay quiet. I gave him a questioning look. Causing him to point towards Michael's room. I walked over carefully. Making sure to not make a sound. I stood out the front and heard a faint voice inside. Josh had walked up next to me. Pulling his phone out and handing it to me.

Vikk has been in there talking to him. He has managed to get him to go to the toilet. He still won't eat or drink. He won't talk either. We don't know what's going on.

"Jerome is calling. Do you want to see him?"

I heard Vikk's faint voice behind closed doors. And then the sound of footsteps. At least he was out of bed now.

"I'm going to go so that you can talk to him alright? I'll be just outside. Throw something at the door if you want me for anything ok?"

I stood back and out of view of the door. Vikk had opened and walked out. Closing it behind him before walking towards me with his head down. He grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into the kitchen. Josh, Simon and JJ were already here.

"Vikk what's going on? Is he ok?"

"No. Simon. He isn't. He broke. Completely. It's like he doesn't even know how to think. He won't talk. But he will still write things down and send messages. That's why I was in there. He had sent me a message asking to check something."

"What did he want you to check?"

"His logic."


"His room is full of paper. Each piece is covered in writing. Some are unreadable. Some of it I could make out. He has written everything down. From when he had started to feel depressed. When he first attended high School. When he first met Rob and how Rob had changed his life. Everything. And the fresh memories in his mind. The last couple of weeks. Namely. Lachlan, Jay and you guys."

He said the last part pointing towards me.

"What has he been saying?"

"Writing. Remember he has been writing everything down. Don't be surprised if he doesn't talk for a little bit. I was watching him. He was processing everything. His eyes were constantly darting around the place. His breathing was sporadic and shallow. But it didn't seem to bother him."

"What the fuck is going on with him?"

"I think it's just him coping."

I fucking hate that term. To cope with something means to put up with it even though it's fucking you up. Destroying you from the inside out most of the time. Coping is a way to show your barely getting through but you don't want any help.

"I found the most recent piece of paper. It had two words on it. With arrows coming off them. Jay. Lachlan."

"Do you think maybe he is trying to rationalise everything that has happened. Everything that has been going on. His feelings for both boys. The past he has had with them. And just trying to solve the problem in his head before he writes it all down."

"Alright JJ want to tell us when you got so smart all of a sudden."

"No Josh hang on he has a point. What if that is what he is doing? What if this whole time he is just going through everything and trying to find the rational answer?"

"He has mentioned before his mind runs on facts, Logic and what he can Hear, See, Taste, Touch and Smell. And that he doesn't rely on fantasy to make a guess. He said there is no such thing as luck. No such thing as a guess. And that everything can be drawn down to what has already been proven."

"He scares me."

"What do you mean Vikk?"

"If this is what he is like when he has snapped. When his brain stops working. And I remember Lachlan telling me what he was like In Australia when they got Lachy out of his home. How he exploded then. Maybe he is like a ticking time bomb. No one knows when he will go off. No one knows what's going to happen to him. I guess we will need to wait for him to decide I guess."

I watched as Vikk walked out of the room and sat down with his back to Michael's door. Though his head piped up as if he heard something. I walked over to see what he was doing but I heard it too.


Over and over again. Like someone had lost something and was trying to find it. Vikk opened the door to see Michael in bed again. Crawled into a ball into himself and just slowly rocking. The screen was still up showing Lachlan balling his eyes out with a terrified looking Jerome.

"Guys what happened?"

"First of all. Mitch came in and saw Lachlan. He wouldn't even give him time to explain before he basically demanded Lachlan leave. That he couldn't stay here. So He and I are going to go down to Preston hopefully. But after seeing Michael react the way he did when Lachlan walked in and asked me something. I'm sending Lachlan to you guys. Caitlin is your place able to hold one Australia."

"My place is always open for you Lachlan remember that."

"Thank you Caitlin. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry. All I can hear is him saying your name. I think you might be the only one that can help him. But I have to ask how the fuck did you get to America. I thought everyone was all dried up."

"We are. But he isn't. He had a private safe filled with money that he would put in since he started Youtube for a while. Jay's dad helped him. Long story short. He had a tonne of money saved and could easily move to another country. And I doubt that when he left. That he would ever go back."

"Think of it like an emergency escape. Whether it was a holiday. Or a permanent one. Caitlin. Between my family hating me, Kim down in Sydney and working all the time. Jay hates me I'm sure of it. I can't see Rob or Preston. And Mitch kicked me out. Jerome has been the only one I could trust."

I noticed he was holding on pretty tight.

"Lachlan get on the next available plane out of there. I hate to be the bearer of bad news mate but I think we kind of need you. Badly."

"Lachlan. Home. Lachlan."

Michael. Oh man. The poor guy. He sounds like a broken record and it honestly broke my heart seeing him like this.

"Has anyone messaged Kim. Told her what's going on?"

"I told her that he had just been integrating himself into his life here. And that he has been busy looking for work or something like that."

"That's better then me Vikk. I just said he has been having too much fun with you guys making videos."

"I can't tell her Caitlin. I want to see him."

"I'm curious though. Why you. Out of everything that has happened. All these pieces of paper. Why you Lachlan. It seemed like the odds were stacked against you. I won't lie."

"Vikk I am trying to sort myself out right now to worry about the papers he has been writing. You told Jerome he had written everything down. Just try and clean them all up and keep them somewhere accessible. I will have a look at them all when I get over there ok?"

"Jerome what are you going to do?"

"Aliese said that I can stay with her for a few days. But because of her shift she very rarely has food in the house. And she said her internet is not the best so I wouldn't be able to do many if any videos. So ultimately. I'm staying here."

"Alright. You know your welcome over here at anytime as well. Right?"

"Yeah Kim said the same thing. Anyway I'm going to let you guys go. I need to get Lachlan onto his flight."

I waved them off as he ended the call. I watched as Michael sat himself up.


"Yeah mate he is coming home. Lachlan is coming home."

Vikk looked like a professional carer. Holding him gently. Though it seemed to do something to him. This whole time he was holed up in here. He had written all these papers around him. Trying to sort everything out. Trying to rationalise everything. Find the facts about it all. I would have loved to be here and watch how his mind works. Though I couldn't help but feel happy.


"He will be here soon."

I looked over at Michael who had rested his head on Vikk's shoulder. While Vikk had a firm hold of him in his arms. He kept repeating the same word over and over again. Until I watched him fall asleep. Vikk lay him down on the bed in a more comfortable position. Oh man his back was going to ache tomorrow. We were about to leave before I poked Vikk an pointed to Michael. Through the time he had been put to bed. And the time it took for Vikk and I to leave. I noticed a small smile forming. Until he was smiling completely. I could only hope he was dreaming. His only real escape.

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