"It's All In The Past." (GRA)...

By M1ckyj789

4.8K 321 91

"It's all in the past." I hate that quote. Because it may be the past. But the past will always find a way to... More

He's not so bad...
The ships are sailing
Back Story
Do you trust me?
Please Stay Awake
I'm not going anywhere
Just The Two Of Us
Unexpected Visitor
Use to it
The Dream
You use to love...
The Truth
Solidarity In Mutual Destruction
The Sidemen
Old Friends
True Feelings
Finally Out
The Grind
I Love You
A Race Around Pax
Dreams Or Reality?
The Pain
A Big Mistake
I Never Had A Choice...
The Plan
Don't follow me please
Second chances
It Finally Sails?
I think I'm ready
Just in time
Don't give up
I'm Sorry
How Long
Just let it happen
What are you doing here?
Pushed away
Juice of the gods
Am I Ready To Accept?
That was fun
Are you ok?
He's Home
Couples Embrace
I missed you
Deal we made
I'm not sure if we can do this
New Beginnings
Setting the scene
Only Real Escape
I don't want you to go
Together at Last
Not Yet...
Broken Friends
Set in motion
House Hunting
Be Mine
The End

It felt so good

30 3 0
By M1ckyj789

Michael's POV

Lachlan wouldn't let me let go of his hand. I think he was just using me to keep himself levelled. I felt so bad for him. How the fuck. Did I end up in this situation? It was like someone was laughing at me. Probably my own subconscious. He was a dick. I could feel myself starting to taunt myself. It was like I was laughing at myself. Jay, Vikk, Lachlan, Funny. None of the Americans. Though Rob and I got close at one stage until I met Preston. And I backed off. Oh how times have changed. Guess I can't say I'm shy and quiet any more. I just knew they would have a connection. I looked up at Lachlan who was looking out the window. He was smiling. Like. Genuinely smiling. And he was making me so happy. But Jay started filling my head. And I started feeling horrible. Seeing him in my head smiling. Cuddling me. He had gone through so much. And it was all my fault. What the fuck was I supposed to do.

"Hey. You ok man?"

"Hm. Yeah Lewis I'm fine. Just thinking."

I felt Lachlan shift his position.

"Simon also contacted the other boys. Everyone should be there."

"Wait I get to meet the rest of the boys?"


"Oh awesome. I can't wait now."

I started smiling to myself and I felt so happy. I finally got to meet the others. The boys were chatting between each other. Lachlan trying to bring me into the conversation once. But I shook my head. I don't know If I wanted to talk. I don't even know what I'm thinking in my head right now. I kept to myself the whole trip. But as we near the large building in front of us. I felt myself getting more and more excited. We pulled up and Parked and got out of the car. I started jumping around. Full of energy.

"Did you sneak in some energy drinks in the car?"

"No. I wish though. It would be fun."

I wanted to run off and get ahead of everyone. But I knew I would end up lost. So I walked next to Lachlan and Lewis. We talked a bit before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I froze up before feeling hair hit my shoulders.


"Damn it what gave it away?"

"Your hair. How are you?"

"Damn this awesome fucking hair. And I am alright. How are you? How's your face?"

"Yeah it's good. It doesn't hurt if that makes It better?"

"Yeah that does make it better."

"Is Vikk here?"

"Yeah he is with the other boys."

"Ah ok cool. Hm. Where's Jack?"

"Behind you."

I turned around and shit myself. He had creped up behind me and scared me slightly.

"Damn it Jack."


"Nothing how's it going man?"

"Yeah not too bad."

I turned around to see Josh and Simon talking to Vikk. He didn't seem so upset. Maybe they had already talked to him.

"Lachlan what are you thinking?"

"That I want to punch him back."

"Well don't. Ok."

"Michael he punched you."

"Yeah so. I don't care."

I let go of Lachlan and ran back to half the Sidemen. I ran up and watched Vikk take a step back and jump. He tried to run away but I grabbed hold of him and pulled him close to me. He tried to push me away but I wouldn't let go.

"Michael get off me."


"Michael come on."


"Can you please let go and tell me why your not angry?"


I dragged out the last one. I didn't let go for about a minute. He finally gave in and just hugged me back.


"There we go."

"I will never understand you."

"Good. How are you Vikram?"

"Don't call me that. But I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm really good now. You know the others still don't like you."

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry."

I slapped him across the cheek. Everyone looked at me as the echo was heard travelling through the car park.

"Now we are even."

"Yeah. I still feel bad."

"Want me to slap you again?"

I managed to say through a giggling fit. He looked at me like I had gone mad. Honestly. I probably have. I turned back to see Caitlin and Lachlan trying not to laugh.

"Oh your allowed to laugh. Anyway where are the others?"

"Waiting for us. Come on let's go."

We walked through the shopping centre before stepping outside into a courtyard. Across from us I saw the Arcade. I was getting excited. I don't even know why I'm so obsessed with these places. It's just mindless fun with friends... But maybe that's why I liked it. I looked back to see everyone talking to each other except for Vikk and Lachlan. Who had been walking together. Poor guys. Vikk looked uncomfortable. Lachlan just looked like he half wanted to punch him. Half wanted to hug him. So I decided to walk up and help the situation.

"Alright. You two. Do the whole. Thing with the body and stuff."

I clapped my hands together and hugged my fingers together. They looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes and held both their hands. Before pulling them closer so the three of us were in whispering distance.

"It hurts seeing you two look at each other with distaste."

"He Punched you."

"He cheated. Twice now."

"And I don't care. Lachlan I've made up with Vikk. I don't care. I won't repeat myself. And Vikk. He cheated twice. Well no. Technically. Cheating is defined as being with another person for an extended period of time. I should have told myself this earlier. I probably wouldn't have left Jay's place. Though I'm still glad I got to see your home. Now. He didn't cheat. It's impossible for him to cheat."

"How is it impossible for me to cheat?"

"Because you don't have anyone to cheat on..."

As soon as I said those words out loud I realised my mistake. I got really light headed as I started thinking about Jay. He was so happy. And I was as well. But...


I looked up to see Lachlan holding me up with a hug. Vikk standing to the side. I heard people start running towards me. I snapped myself out of what I was doing. Finding my footing, I stood up and hugged him back.

"What just happened?"

"You spaced out. Then you started falling backwards. We didn't know what was going on. I screamed when I noticed you started actually falling. So I pulled you up and in."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I don't know what happened."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine Vikk. Thanks. Sorry I worried you guys. Come on let's go play some games."

I let go of Lachlan but he wouldn't let go of me.

"I can walk and stand up and shit. I'm fine man. You can let go."

"No. I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself. And you can't hurt yourself If I don't let you go."

"Your not letting go are you?"


I felt Caitlin tap me on the shoulder. She walked behind Lachlan so I could just see her. She did a choking motion. Though no one else saw it. But it was a good idea. So I followed. I slowed my breathing down. And eventually I pretended to hyperventilate. Lachlan flinched and let go of me. He thought I was seriously not breathing. He is hilarious. As soon as he let me go I coughed once and stood up in front of him.

"You faked it?"

"You wouldn't let me go otherwise. I have my ways. Thanks for the idea though. Was pretty ingenious if I say so myself. Now come on. I'm getting bored."

I grabbed Caitlin's hand and dragged her along. Before she started laughing at me and ran behind me. The boys all running to keep up. As soon as we got inside, My eyes widened. The place was huge. And It shit all over the one on the coast.

"The problem is that I don't know where to go."

"We do. Hey Caitlin."

I turned around expecting to see the boys. Well I saw some boys.


Ethan started laughing at me and it was just as infectious as in the videos. I couldn't help but join in.

"So much better in person. Hi guys. I'm Michael."

"Oh. We know. How are you?"

"I'm good. Happy I got to meet the rest of you."

I ran up and gave Harry a big hug. Before letting go and hugging Tobi.

"Aw what about me?"

I looked over and watched him look sad. Or well he tried.

"Saving the best till last."

I walked over and gave him as big a hug as I could. Though with both of us being bigger guys. We barely managed to reach around. Though Ethan was taller so he just wrapped around my shoulders. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder so I let go and turned around. Lachlan was standing there with a card in his hand.

"What's this?"

"The key to your happiness."


"It let's you play the game smart one. We had it at the place at Surfers. Come on man get with the times."

"Oh. Haha Thank you Lachy."

I gave him a hug as the boys all walked off. Caitlin stayed a little before Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Lachlan and I started walking around just looking at what was around. There was a lot more variety here.

"What do you want to play?"

"I don't mind. I am literally down for anything."


"Preston told us your weakness. You need to come with us."

"Wait Rob what did he tell you?"

"Just come on."

He grabbed my hand and dragged me along with a massive grin.

"Hey where did you guys go when we parked?"

"Oh we ran ahead. I wanted to get something while I was here."

"Did you find it? Also you guys just ran off. How did you know where to go?"

"Oh we didn't Caitlin messaged Preston telling him where to go. So yeah."

"Oh. Uh. Ok. I think."


"How did Caitlin Message Preston?"

"You do know Skype Is a thing right?"

"Yeah but still."

He dragged me along a little further. With Lachlan trailing behind me. Keeping up with no effort. Before he pulled me ahead and almost pushed me in front of him. I looked up and started laughing to myself.

"Oh you guys should not have shown me this."

"I know how to set it up as well."

"Then move the fuck out of the way. I challenge you to a battle."

I stepped up onto the "Stage." DDR Will always be my love and weakness. But I never knew how to calibrate it properly. It was always either too easy or too hard. I remember once I played against a guy who knew how to do it. It was the most fun I had in a long time.

"I accept your challenge good sir."

Preston stood up next to me. This should be good. I was about to show that bigger people can dance. Or at least keep up with others. And I was right. Preston was terrible. It wasn't even that hard. I looked around and saw Most of the guys look down or away from me. But I see Lachlan, Vikk and Tobi smiling at me.

"You think you can beat me?"

"Well. I can't. But this might be fun."

"Alright Vikk. I guess that is ok. And yes it is fun."

"I know I can beat you. Goalies are meant to be good on their feet."

"I'm not going to insert the obvious joke here."

"Shut up. I can beat you."

"Lachlan what about you."

"My legs are practically double your height on their own. I could lean over to your side and you wouldn't even know."

"Well then let's keep this clean yeah?"

"We will see. I'm going to go last. Vikk you can go first."

"Alright let's do this."

Time Skip 15 minutes

So Vikk was hilariously bad. But it was also hilarious to watch. He was failing a good majority of the time but I almost lost myself laughing at him.

"My strategy to be so bad you can't almost worked."

"It almost worked."

"Hey I'm up next."

Time Skip another 15 minutes

Lachlan and Josh both tweeted out the epic dance battle. And I think Rob had been recording the whole thing.


I turned around to see about 30 more people behind us. All cheering and clapping. A couple were taking some photos with everyone. I went to step down to stay with Jack, Lewis and Caitlin but Lachy grabbed my hand and pulled me back up.

"Not just yet. I'm going to beat you first."

I heard a loud OOO from everyone behind us.

"Bring it Giant."

"And here we have the grand finals. The Aussie battlers are at it again. Only one will survive."

I heard Rob behind us. Causing an eruption of cheering. Some for Lachlan. And surprisingly. Some for me. I turned and got myself ready. As Tobi started it up. Making it almost hard for us. I listened to the beat and got into my groove. I looked over to Lachlan who was getting really into it. He was bobbing his head to the beat of the music. Listening to the sound and the beat of the music. I let it fill my head. I watched the indicators start to come up the screen and started moving to the music. Hitting each of the indicators as I went. I looked over to his side of the screen. As we both had the same arrows coming up. He was on par with me. Having not missed a beat. I was pleasantly surprised. He kept up with me really well. I looked back at my own screen.

"The boys are literally neck and neck throughout the whole time."

I laughed slightly.

"What's this. Has Lachlan found a strategy?"

I looked over to his screen as he quickly jumped over and kissed me. Holding it for a second before jumping back and playing the game. A roar of cheering and laughter was heard. I couldn't keep going. I was so stunned. IT felt so good. Even just the smallest of touches. It was just. What I wanted.


I didn't even pay attention to what just happened. I was a little happy to what just happened. He kissed me. Like it was nothing. And kept going. People started walking off as I stood there slowly coming back to reality.

"Sorry Michael. But I needed to win."

I looked over to him as he hugged me. I hugged him back.

"You did it on purpose."

"Obviously. Didn't try too hard did you?"

"No that wasn't fair we said a clean fight."

"No. You said keep it clean to Vikk. You weren't looking at me."

"No excuses. I'm actually a little bit upset now."

"Upset over what?"

I looked up and saw him frown slightly.

"Not the kiss. That was great. But you cheated to win."

"But I couldn't let you win and be undefeated."

"Yeah you could have. I would demand a rematch. But I'm so tired now."

"Come on then."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. No one was behind us now.

"Where are we going?"

"Over to one of these capsule games. I watched you play with Mitch. It looked like fun."

We walked for a minute before he found one he liked. He was getting so happy and excited and it was so adorable. I stepped around the other side as he hopped in. I pulled the curtain back over as I took my seat. Space themed. I gave him a look.

"What? I thought it would be fun."

"It does look like fun."

"Alright let's go."

I put my arms around him. His hand fumbled the card and he had to lean down to pick it up. As he leaned down I grabbed his cheeks in my hands and pulled him over to me. Knocking my lips to his. I didn't even think about it. It just. Happened. I felt like I had to do it. Like If I didn't do it then I would be really upset. Once I realised I tried to pull away. But he leaned into me. And I realised I was so happy he didn't let me pull away. I felt him smile slightly. I joined him in that. I don't think I knew how much I wanted this. My body was going nuts. My mind melted. It felt... Right. I couldn't think about anything else. He put his hand on my cheek. He stopped for air before kissing me again. And again. And again. And I let him. Again. And again. And again. He pulled away from me as I heard our phones start to go nuts. He groaned and pulled away from me.

"Is it sad that I didn't want that to end?"

He looked at me and smiled. Genuinely smiled.

"I didn't either. But both our phones are going nuts. That only happens when shit goes down."

I watched him pull out his phone. I looked down at the phone and stared at it with shock. I looked up at him.


"I don't. I can't."

He looked at me and I watched him breaking again. Just like every time before hand. I grabbed his hand but he pushed me. Hard enough for me to fall out backwards. My head hit the ground hard. I was dazed and could barely make out what was going on.

"Michael are you ok? I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Please be ok."

"I can hear that. But give me a sec. Blurry."

I felt him pull me up and onto his lap. I didn't need to see to know it was Lachlan. I got happy. I smiled at him.

"I don't care that you pushed me. That would be a scary thing to see. Who did it?"

"He pushed you? What the hell. I'll kill him."

What? I squinted and blinked a few times. I realised it wasn't Lachlan. Vikk held onto me.

"Are you ok?"

"Where's Lachlan?"

"Why do you still care about him? HE pushed you out and hurt you."

"Did you see your phone?"

He pulled it out and looked at what I meant.

"I need to find him now. GUYS!"

Oh really Vikk. Fuck that was loud.

"We need to find Lachlan now."

"What why?"

"Rob please. Just find him. And don't let him do it. Please don't let him do it."

"Do what?"

"You people are hopeless."

It didn't take long. Vikk showed them. They ran off. Josh and the rest of the Sidemen going as well.

"Where's Caitlin and uh..."

"They ran off as well. We are staying here."

"Is he alright though. That's all that matters. I think I'm good now."

I went to get up but got really dizzy. Vikk pushed me slightly so I could lean on the machine. I looked around. All I could see was flashing bright colours. It was really distracting.

"Michael did you get a good look at who sent it?"

"No. I just saw the picture briefly before Lachlan pushed me away. I tried to grab his hand. Why did he run off?"

"I don't know. But your about to be in a world of pain."


"Because Jay just commented."

I saw it and I almost cried.

Jay – What's going on? Why are you kissing my boyfriend?

"Where has that been posted?"

"Twitter, Instagram, You name it. It's on there. I just."

"Who did it?"

"That's the weird part. He is supposed to be your best friend."

"That really doesn't narrow it down."

"Oh for fuck sake. Here he comes."

"We couldn't find him anywhere. Do you know where he could have gone."

I pulled my phone out and checked everything. I looked over at Preston who had a worried look on his face. The tears started flowing.

"No. I can't find him either. I'm sorry. I didn't know where he went. He went to the "Toilet." But he didn't come back."

"Preston. I will bet anything. I know where to find Lachlan."

"Find Rob. And you find Lachlan? You think he took him?"

"I don't think he took him. I think he needs to relax."

My phone vibrated. I pulled it out quickly to see Rob had commented under Jay.

Rob – I was protecting you two. I don't know why he tried to pull something that stupid. He won't do it again.

"Fuck. I need to find them now."

I took a step forward before falling to the ground. Preston caught me.

"Everyone is trying to find them."

"Everyone is trying to find Rob. I'm here."

I kept my head down. His voice. It was like silk to the touch. Like precious water down a parched throat. He made me feel better straight away. I rolled over to the ground. I started drawing a crowd.

"Hey come on Back up. He is fine. Just hit his head."

I heard murmurs as people started to leave. I could see clearly now. Lachlan was over me. I looked at him but got distracted.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I shouldn't have. I'll tell Jay I got scared. And I did it. Because that's what it was. Ok."


"Nope. That's what I already said."

"Your black eye says otherwise."

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