"It's All In The Past." (GRA)...

De M1ckyj789

4.8K 321 91

"It's all in the past." I hate that quote. Because it may be the past. But the past will always find a way to... Mais

He's not so bad...
The ships are sailing
Back Story
Do you trust me?
Please Stay Awake
I'm not going anywhere
Just The Two Of Us
Unexpected Visitor
Use to it
The Dream
You use to love...
Solidarity In Mutual Destruction
The Sidemen
Old Friends
True Feelings
Finally Out
The Grind
I Love You
A Race Around Pax
Dreams Or Reality?
The Pain
A Big Mistake
I Never Had A Choice...
The Plan
Don't follow me please
Second chances
It Finally Sails?
I think I'm ready
Just in time
Don't give up
I'm Sorry
How Long
Just let it happen
What are you doing here?
Pushed away
Juice of the gods
Am I Ready To Accept?
It felt so good
That was fun
Are you ok?
He's Home
Couples Embrace
I missed you
Deal we made
I'm not sure if we can do this
New Beginnings
Setting the scene
Only Real Escape
I don't want you to go
Together at Last
Not Yet...
Broken Friends
Set in motion
House Hunting
Be Mine
The End

The Truth

67 4 1
De M1ckyj789

Mitch's POV

Jay and Michael had been up there for a while but I thought it better to not disturb them. Jerome had sat on the couch and hadn't moved since they left. I walked over to him and wrapped him up in my arms. He pushed me off then wrapped me up himself.

"No I hug you. I'm the top in this relationship."


"No one is here Biggums. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I guess I'm just worried about Michael. What if Jay still likes him then. Lachlan did kiss him."

"Mitch I'm pretty sure Jay doesn't like him in that way. He wouldn't have been so nice and protective if he was right. And they wouldn't be seeing each other."

"Yeah you have a point."

Jerome kissed me slowly yet with passion. Jay and Michael walked down stairs toward us. Hand in hand.

"You ok man?"

"Yeah I'll be ok."

"How about you Michael?"

"Yeah it's fine."

"I got a message not long ago from Lachlan saying everyone was home. What time is it now?"

"About 6 pm why?"

"Do we want to stay in or go out for dinner?"

"Going out would be easier for us. Plus your mum wouldn't have to worry about cooking."

"Alright I'll call up the others."

Jay reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out. I didn't necessarily mind going out or staying in. I've done enough flights to not have jet lag phase me. I'm surprised Michael is still awake though.

"Yeah meet you there at 8. See you there Vikk."

"So where are we headed?"

"Lachy suggested this Irish pub called O'Malleys on the gold coast. I remember heading there once or twice."

"Oh I remember that place. Your mum wasn't too keen on the idea but ended up enjoying herself."

"Hey dad. Didn't hear you come in."

"I only just arrived. If you boys are all going to head out that way I might take your mum somewhere as well."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Hey Mum."

"Hey mate. Ok so Jerome and Mitch right?"


"Cool you guys know what room your in?"

"Yeah Jay showed us before."

"Cool. Ok we are going to head out. Have fun guys."

As Keely and John both left. Jay let out a deep sigh.

"What was that about?"

"To be honest. I wasn't sure how they would react to Michael."

"Your mum's cool. I'd be surprised if she didn't like me."

Jerome stood up and gave them both a hug. Before coming back and pulling me off the couch.

"But I'm so comfy."

"Yeah well too bad."

"Jerome you know we still have like 2 hours before we need to be there right?"

"Mitch is right but it will take us about an hour to get there. So if anyone needs to pee or whatever let me know. I'll take us over to Lachlan's before we go. Mum left her keys here."

"Ok want me to drive?"

"Honestly Mitch. No. We drive on the other side. Plus we have a lot more rules then you guys do."

I pouted at Jay. But he had a point. I had never driven on this side of the road. Plus I went to hop into the passenger seat before realising they drive with the other side. Jerome went to the toilet and Micky wasn't far behind him. After he finished we hopped into the car and went over to Lachy's.

Vikk's POV

The guys had turned up not long ago. It seemed a bit tense though. Like someone had said something. Jay pulled Lachlan aside and they went up towards his room. Michael came up and gave me a hug. So I hugged him back.

"Are you ok Micky?"

"Yeah Vikk I'm ok. Just needed a hug from someone I didn't really know. Sorry I haven't really talked to you much."

"It's ok. You haven't really had much time to breathe the whole trip."

"Jay told me the day you arrived you have multiple channels. Some aren't pg."

"Yeah I have the Minecraft one Of course and my main one for random games and GTA with friends."

"Oh cool. I didn't think you were pg when I heard you scream fuck at Lachlan when wouldn't put you down at the airport."

"Ha. Yeah that would give it away. What about you? Do you have your own channel?"

"No. But I've played with Rob a couple of times."

"Fair enough then."

Preston and Rob got up and headed to their rooms.

"So how long has everyone been together for?"

"Well as far as I know. Mitch and Jerome have been together for about a year and a half. Preston and Rob have been together for uh..."

"5 months. I remember him telling me. What about you and Lachlan?"

"That's the thing. The Vikklan name and Just being close is natural. He never actually asked me to be his boyfriend."

He let go and looked at me surprised.

"But It's so natural between you two."

"Yeah I know. But he never asked me. When we are out with others or whatever we play along with the ship name. But in all honesty. Even when he kisses me. It's like he's thinking of someone else."

"Oh Vikk. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. I'm over it. I just find it fun. I don't feel anything toward him any more."

"Aww Vikk."

"It's fine Micky but thanks for asking. No one else asked. They just assumed we were together."

We sat there and talked for half an hour before Jay and Lachlan came back. Lachlan held his hand out and instinct kicked in as he pulled me up. Jay took my seat and cuddled into Michael. Though Jay looked a bit more distant. I wonder if he is ok.

"Are we all ready to go?"

A collective yeah was heard. While Rob and Preston came back and let us know they were ready. I walked outside with Lachlan. With Merome not far behind us.

"Hey so Because we are in Australia. Lachlan and Jay are driving right?"

"Yeah Mitch."

"Ok Lachlan can take Jerome Mitch and Preston. Me, Rob, Vikk and Jay can go in the other one."

Everyone nodded and agreed. Lachlan didn't mind and I walked over to Michael and Rob. Rob just shook his hand through my hair.

"I thought the short guys needed one tall one. Hence why I stole Rob."

I just laughed at him. Maybe I should actually try to get to know this kid. We didn't really talk much and he seems alright. Watching as Lachlan and the boys drove off to meet us there I couldn't help but smile a little. At least now that someone asked I don't have to pretend to be with Lachlan. Even if it is only temporary.

"Thank you Michael."

I gave him a big hug before we got in the car. Me and him in the back while Rob and Jay took the front. Rob gave me a confused look.

"He knows what he did."

"It's ok Vikk. Thought you might want a different car."

"Vikk are you ok man?"

Guess it was time to tell Rob as well. And Jay was here. Rob I trusted but it was Jay I was worried about. He and Lachlan were so close. But I guess I didn't have much of a choice.

Michael's POV

While on the way to dinner. Vikk told Rob and Jay about what was going on between Him and Lachlan. Jay was silent through the whole thing while Rob was asking him about situations and places. I looked over to see Vikk getting upset.

"Hey Rob come on give him a break."

"Yeah sure."

He looked back towards the road when I heard my phone go off. I knew it wasn't Jay. He was driving. And mum would be at work. And she still thought we were in Canada. I pulled my phone out to see an un named number.

Vikk - Sorry I forgot to tell you. Jay gave everyone your number. Probably to try and get us all to talk more. It's Vikk by the way. I'm worried about how Lachlan will react. No one ever really questioned it so yeah.

I felt bad for the guy. He said he was over Lachlan. And maybe he was. But I'm more so curious about Lachlan. Did he ever have feelings for Vikk.

Me - Hey Vikk. Thanks for letting me know you had my number. Was a bit scary I thought Seth got a hold of me haha. I honestly wouldn't know. But I mean if you guys had never actually been together. Then why wouldn't anyone ask? That's weird to me.

He read through my message and looked over at me. The poor guy. He seemed a bit scared. But I don't understand why.

"If they were never together why would something happen? It would be just like stating the obvious."


"Sorry Rob was talking to myself."

Vikky – Something might happen because of the fact no one questioned it. I don't want the guys to question every little thing. But I'm also worried about what Lachlan would do. Would he be relieved he didn't have to pretend?

I couldn't stop thinking to myself. Different scenarios ran through my head and I kept falling on one situation.

Vikky – If it makes it any easier. You know he treats me like I don't exist when It's just us. In videos and outside. He treats me like the ship is sailing. But really. It doesn't. He has made me sleep on the floor the past couple of nights at Mitch's house.

"Fucking asshole."

I had said it under my breath but Vikk still heard me.

Vikky – Michael you know we are here for you and I don't mean to sound selfish. But can you help me if something happens tonight. I want to let the others know. But I don't want anything to happen either. You know what I mean.

I looked at him and nodded slowly.

Time Skip To Dinner

We all walked into the restaurant. Letting the lady working there take us to a massive table. Jay had grabbed my hand and made sure we were together. While Vikk and Lachlan took the seats next to us. I had Jay on one side and Vikk on the other. Merome and Poofless sat in front. Preston kicked my ankle lightly and tilted his head towards Vikk. I just shook my head trying to tell him not to worry about it. He must have understood.

"Hey guys I'll be right back I need to go to the toilet."

Lachlan had got up and walked off. I nudged Vikk.

"Best chance is right now man."

"Yeah I know."

Vikk said everything on his mind. How things had been between him and Lachlan. Telling them how they were never together. Everything. Including everything he told me in the car. About not sleeping in the same bed due to Vikk drifting further apart.

"You guys were in the same bed when we were at Rob's though."

"Yeah Preston I was. But it was when we first went to Mitch's place that I decided not to sleep in the same bed. I just got over the fake feelings. Trying to make people happy."

I was expecting a lot more questions but they were easy on him. Jerome just kept quiet. He would probably talk to Mitch later. Lachlan came back and sat down. Just as Preston was about to ask him about it. Our meals arrived. While majority of the boys had a steak and chip or pasta mix. Vikk and Mitch went for seafood pasta while I just took the chicken and salad. When we had started our meal it went quiet. It was a nice feeling. Everyone eating in piece. When we had finished. Preston finally decided to speak up.

"So Lachlan. How come you and Vikk aren't actually together?"

"Oh he told you all did he?"

"Yeah. Vikk told us everything from his side."

"Ok well my side is a long story short. I never really felt anything for him. I only saw him as a friend. But when Vikklan started. I just gave into it. I thought it would be easier to just play along then it would be to deny it all. Plus the fans eat it up."

I felt Vikk flinch. I put a hand on his knee trying to calm him down. But I felt him getting antsy.

"Alright we have all finished. Want me to call over the cheque?"

Everyone agreed and I called out. After receiving the receipt after everyone payed for their meal. We started walking toward the car when Lachlan pulled Vikk aside. Though I noticed it was a bit rough. And Lachlan didn't look to happy. Vikk came back to us and hugged me. I didn't know what else to do so I hugged him back. He was really upset and started to cry. Jay stayed with us but the others headed to the cars.

"Vikk what did he say? Do I need to slap him again?"

"That wasn't a slap the first time. But he told me that when we got home to either find a place to sleep at your place. Or hit the streets. He just kicked me out."

I pulled him closer to me. I was worried this would happen.

"When we get back. Grab your bags. Pack your stuff. You can come stay with us ok?"


I linked my arm with Vikk on the left while linking up with Jay on the right. Just trying to make it look like 3 friends.

Time Skip To Jay's Place

After we headed back to Lachlan's place and grabbed Vikk's stuff as well as Mitch and Jerome. I sat up the front this time. Giving the boys as much room in the back as they could get. The atmosphere was dead. No one talked. No one coughed. There was just dead air. When we got home. Vikk almost didn't get out of the car. Though I had to coax him out of it. Jay took his stuff and placed it into the lounge room. Merome had gone upstairs. Complaining they were tired.

"That couch pulls out into a bed for you. If you want you can leave your stuff in here against the wall or you can put it in one of the rooms with us or Mitch and Jerome."

"Thanks Jay. Sorry it wasn't planned."

"It's fine man. I'll talk to Lachlan tomorrow ok. See if I can get something out of him."

"Ok. Thanks again."

"It's fine."

Jay went up to his room. I stayed with Vikk for a little longer as he got himself ready. He took his shirt off and got changed. Putting on a pair of black tracky dacks. Before crawling into bed.

"Why are you still here Micky?"

"Well originally it was because I thought I'd keep you company and talk for a little. Though now I feel a little bit embarrassed and awkward because while I do like Jay. You are a really cute guy. So I hope you can take that as a compliment."

He just laughed at me before sitting up and hugging me.

"Thank you Michael. I'm sorry we haven't really talked much. But your a nice guy. I promise I'll try and make an effort to get to know you a little bit."

"It's ok Vikk I don't blame you. Between me fucking things up. And you clearly having a lot on your mind. I think we can both take equal blame for not talking to each other."


I heard foot steps coming down the hall and Jay walked in.

"You ok Vikk?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Micky was just helping me through a couple things."

"Yeah he has that affect on people. Helping them without trying. Anyway I am really tired still so I'm going to go to bed. Micky what are you doing?"

"I will be up soon."

Jay nodded before walking up.

"How come you didn't leave straight away?"

I turned around and hugged Vikk.

"Your in Australia and your so called friend just kicked you out because you stated the obvious. Sorry if that makes me think you need a hug and someone to talk to."

"Your a good guy Man. Jay is lucky to have you. Even if Lachy did kiss him I'm sure he only likes you."

"I hope so. Do you think Jay was the reason Lachy never asked you out properly?"

"I beat you to the punch on that one ages ago mate. I just accepted it after a while."

"Sorry Vikk."

I leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Alright I am getting tired so I will see you in the morning ok?"

"Sure. Night Michael."

"Goodnight Vikk."

I got off the bed and headed towards the stairs. I stopped for a moment and turned around to see him still looking at me. I turned around and waved at him. He waved back to me but stayed sitting up. I hope he is ok. I walked up the stairs to find Jay lying down with his eyes closed.

"Hey Jay are you still awake?"

"Yeah I am. Is Vikk ok?"

"I don't know. A lot has happened tonight and after he told everyone I felt like he went through the same thing I did when everyone first found out about Seth. No one really spoke to him."

"You have a feeling you know what he needs right now?"


I walked over to Jay and kissed him while wrapping my arms around him.

"If It's ok Jay. I'm going to go stay with Vikk. I love you Jay. But I think he needs someone to just help him feel better."

"It's ok Micky. I feel the same way. Though with me being so close to Lachlan. I don't think he would appreciate me being there."

"Sorry Jay. Good night."

"Good night Michael. And don't come back until he is ok."

I kissed his fore head before making my way down stairs. Vikk was sitting up in his bed crying. He didn't notice me until I put my arms around him. He tried to stop and wipe his arm across his face. Missing a few tears.

"Vikk come on It's getting a bit late."

"Why aren't you with Jay?"

"Because I felt like you needed a friend."

"I'm fine."

"Your crying your eyes out. I'm no scientist. But I'm pretty sure your not ok. Jay knows I'm down here. Come on."

"Fine. But I'm ok."


He lay down and I lay beside him on the pillow next to his. He pushed over a blanket for me before getting back under his own. I rolled over and hugged him. He just tensed up under me.

"Remember I'm not Lachlan."

I felt him relax under me. He rolled over and kissed me. He looked shocked at me.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Vikk it's fine. I'm sure you didn't mean it. And i know Jay will find it funny.

"Thank you Michael. I hope that was ok."

"Its fine Vikk. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Micky."

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