"It's All In The Past." (GRA)...

By M1ckyj789

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"It's all in the past." I hate that quote. Because it may be the past. But the past will always find a way to... More

He's not so bad...
The ships are sailing
Back Story
Do you trust me?
Please Stay Awake
I'm not going anywhere
Just The Two Of Us
Unexpected Visitor
Use to it
You use to love...
The Truth
Solidarity In Mutual Destruction
The Sidemen
Old Friends
True Feelings
Finally Out
The Grind
I Love You
A Race Around Pax
Dreams Or Reality?
The Pain
A Big Mistake
I Never Had A Choice...
The Plan
Don't follow me please
Second chances
It Finally Sails?
I think I'm ready
Just in time
Don't give up
I'm Sorry
How Long
Just let it happen
What are you doing here?
Pushed away
Juice of the gods
Am I Ready To Accept?
It felt so good
That was fun
Are you ok?
He's Home
Couples Embrace
I missed you
Deal we made
I'm not sure if we can do this
New Beginnings
Setting the scene
Only Real Escape
I don't want you to go
Together at Last
Not Yet...
Broken Friends
Set in motion
House Hunting
Be Mine
The End

The Dream

112 7 5
By M1ckyj789

Michael's POV

I woke up to it still being dark. I looked up and it actually was still. I thought I was just cuddled into Jay again. Though I move myself around I realise I was on my own. I sit up in my bed and grab my phone and check it. No messages or calls but It's 3 am. Normally I'd say fuck it and go back to sleep. But Jay wasn't there. And that sucked. I slowly opened the door and exited. Leaving the door ajar. I tip toe my way to the kitchen and see Jay sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen. I was about to walk in before I heard him talk. I noticed he was on his phone.

"Yeah I know..."

"It's ok I'm fine. Nothing happened."

"Yes he is ok. Trust me."

"What? No I didn't hurt him."

"Look. He is fine ok. I promise. I won't let anything happen to him."

"He isn't going to come home until the month ends."

I couldn't take it any longer. I walk into the kitchen behind him and I wrap my arms around him. He smells so good. That's a normal thing to notice. Right?

"Speak of the devil. I'll put it on speaker."

"Who are you talking to Jay?"

"Hey Mate. Hope you have been ok?"


"Shh keep it down you don't want to wake anyone up."

"Sorry. I miss you so much."

"Yeah I know. Jay was just telling me everything that has happened so far."

"I'm fine mum."

"Don't worry I know you are. I see why Lachlan would want to send you home. Though I also want you to slap him back just lightly. You know. Like you use to do with Liam. Just a light tap on the cheek."

I started to cry. I couldn't keep it in. Jay turned around and pulled me into him.

"Jay I trust you. Thank you for telling me everything that has been happening. I know what Michael is like. And with his past It's understandable that he would have attached himself to you. Just don't hurt him. And go on another date or two and then decide if you want to be together properly ok?"

"Don't worry Kim. I'll make sure nothing else happens. And if anything does happen I'll make sure he is safe at all times."

"Ok. I have to go. I need to pack up the store before I head home."

"How was the shift?"

"Yeah good. You know the usual. Clean and make orders. Nothing really changed. Though Liam is a bit slower. Probably just missing you."

"We have been friends for so long."

"Yeah I miss you Michael."

"I miss you too mum. I love you."

"I love you too. Jay said it was like 3 in the morning. You guys should get some sleep. Goodnight guys."


We both said in unison. Mum hung up and Jay kept holding me. He never let go the entire time.

"Are you ok?"

"Why were you talking to my mum?"

"Rob gave me her skype details. So I thought I would give her a call and introduce myself. I started telling her about everything that had been going on and I think Rob is going to get an ear full next time she sees him online."

" Heh yeah. When she said I attach myself to people. I uh..."

"It's ok I understand. But I like the idea of two more dates. Maybe more. See if we do really like each other. But we need to go back to bed. We have to be up in like 5 hours."

He held my hand and kissed me softly before leading me back to bed. I was so tired but at the same time. I was so awake. He got into bed and I crawled in after him. Rugging myself up next to him in my blanket while making sure he still had his own. Before resting my head on his chest. He really smelt so good. I needed to know what spray he used.

Jay's POV

Waking up to the sun beaming straight through the curtain into my eyes. Not the best way to wake up in the morning. But it woke me up. I needed to get up and get some food but I saw Michael was so comfortable. Though I saw he was crying. His eyes were darting and moving so fast. He started to slowly crawl into a ball on the bed and grab me tighter, He started to cry harder and it looked like he was getting scared. I didn't know whether to wake him up or leave him alone. My answer was chosen for me when I hear him scream to stop. I nudged him until he awoke. He looked straight up at me and started crying before burying himself into me. Lachlan came running into the room almost taking the door off the hinges.

"What the hell happened is he ok?"

"Yeah He's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah Lachy I'm ok. Was just a nightmare is all. I was running down a dark road and I was by myself. I saw Jay under a lamp post. I tried running up to him but I was being held back by something. It grabbed my wrists and it wouldn't let me move. I got scared and started to scream for him. He turned around and started to run to me but he was stopped when something grabbed him as well. It was scary. Because we were so close to each other. But something was holding us back. Almost like there was something that didn't want us to be together. Or someone. And I got scared and screamed to stop before Jay woke me up."

"That's pretty vivid Micky."

"Yeah I know. Sorry if I woke you up."

"It's ok we were all up I just moved the fastest."

"Heh the blur is real."

"You know it. Breakfast is ready guys. Rob made some bacon and eggs. But I added some stuff to make it more at home."

Michael slowly got out of bed seeing as he was the closest. Before reaching down and almost pulling me up. He tried. But I pulled him in and kissed him.

"There is nothing holding me back from being with you. Remember that ok?"

"Ok. I will. It just scared me a little."

"This is cute. But breakfast."

I chuckled to myself and we walked out to the kitchen. Hand in hand. And saw probably the most beautiful arrangement of food I have ever seen in my life.

"Oh man Lachlan."


"Mitch shut up you eat poutine. That's disgusting."

"Yeah and besides I don't know about Jay. But I have been hanging for some Vegemite."

On the plate in front of us was 2 eggs. Both sunny side up. Roasted tomatoes which I slowly gave to Michael. And watched him slowly push onto Lachlan's plate. As well as sausages, Toast and bacon. On a separate plate was about 6 slices of Vegemite toast. It didn't take long before we sat down and almost inhaled the meal in front of us.

"You both must have been hungry."

"I wasn't really hungry but it is an unspoken rule. You never leave the table for breakfast unless everyone is finished."

"I can get behind that rule."

" Hey Jay."

"Yeah Jerome."

"We are going to be out Skiing all day. So make sure you have your video's queued up and ready to go yeah."

"Yeah will do. We still need to get some equipment for me and Micky."

"We can worry about that when we get to the lodge. In the mean time. Everyone get ready. I want to leave here within the hour.

Michael's POV

After getting organised and putting on I think 3 layers of clothes. I step outside and still feel the cold hit me. Though I had never really seen snow before. This was nuts. The cars had basically been frozen over even though it was just powder. I threw myself into the snow and lay down on my back. Getting up as the boys all walked outside.

"He he snow angel."

"Your like a little kid right now aren't you?"

"I've never gotten to see it properly in the sun light. It's honestly beautiful to see."

I turned to see everyone and finally set my eyes on Jay who wrapped me up and swung me around before he fell back in the snow and I landed on top of him.

"Ok. The snow may be beautiful. But I think I like this view more."

"Damn it Michael your going to make me blush."

"Alright come on in the cars. We aren't splitting up couples this time. But. Jay and Michael can come with me and Jerome. Rob you take Vikklan."

I turned them around to see the two boys kiss each other.

"I just realised I've never actually seen you all be like. A couple."

"What like kiss each other or do anything with each other?"

"Yeah. It's cute. Although."

I walked up to Lachlan and lightly tapped him on his cheek. Causing Jay to start laughing. Everyone else just looked confused.

"I called his mum last night and told her everything that had happened while on this trip. And after telling her what happened with you and Micky. She told him to lightly tap you. She originally said, And I quote. "I'm surprised you didn't drag the bitch."

We laughed so hard. Almost forgetting about the trip. We all pile in and we set off on our road trip.

"Alright so the trip should take us about an hour to get there."

"Oh that's why we had to wake up so early."

"Yeah. There are a few places around here but if we really want to get the good stuff. We have to go up the mountain."

"Hey Mitch what about that place we went to last time?"

I saw Mitch blush and he didn't respond. Jerome must have known exactly what he did. As he just smirked at the Canadian man.

"I feel like the odd one out here."

I looked over at Jay. A little puzzled.

"Why would you feel like that?"

"Because those two are being cute and your closer to them as friends then I am."

"That's half true. We've known you for a year or so. Just never really spoke."

"And besides..."

I lean over and lie my head on his shoulder.

"They may be my friends but uhh... Heh."

"You know you can say it right? Michael we all knew it was coming. And Jay didn't exactly make it a secret he was into you."

"They may be my friends but your my boyfriend."

He leant down and kissed me. Though longer then he should have. I felt him cup my cheeks in his hands.

"Aww come on that's not fair. I can't do that to my little Benja."


"Ah didn't need to know that guys."

The rest of the trip was filled with banter and some music from the radio. The other car called though not much really happened. They asked more about me and Jay though we didn't say anything. Causing them to give up not long after they called. Making sure Rob was still behind us. We pulled into a long driveway. Realising how close I was to being able to ski for the first time in my life. I got really excited. Though Jay did not seem so impressed.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I have never done this before."

We got out of the car and met up with everyone at the hire shop.

"Welp we better grab your stuff and get you geared up. This is going to be a good day."

We made our way to the lodge and got inside. I started looking around, It was so warm. Considering it was freezing outside. I had to take off a jacket.

"Before we go anywhere we need to get you guys checked out by the doctor to make sure it's ok to ski."

"Wait really?"

"Well it makes sense doesn't micky?"

"I guess."

I got a little worried. Thinking about medical conditions I already sustained from years ago. And still suffer now. I wonder if I can fake my way through this. Mitch led Jay, Preston and Myself to the doctor to get checked. While the boys were fine, I walked in and he automatically gave me a worried look.

"I assume by the look on your on your face you already know your answer."

"Sir you need to understand we do this to make sure no one gets hurt out there and possibly lost."

"Alright let's do this properly then. I have 7 friends with me. And 3 of them would never let me out of their sight here."

"Alright. Let's get this started then ok?"

For about an hour. I would sit down and answer his questions. Being as honest as I could. With each question he asked my fear of not being able to get on the mountain got greater. I didn't want to come all this way without being able to do anything.

"You really shouldn't be allowed to be out there. If it was up to me. I wouldn't let you in the kiddie pool downstairs."


"But you said you have lived with these for years. And I mean they let you on the plane. Your breathing is fine due to the air around here being a lot clearer then it is in Australia."

"I won't deny that."

"You gave me an explanation about everything as you said it. I know you really want to go out there. But it would be in your best interest to not."


"But you said you have 7 friends with you. I'm going to assume the three sitting outside are the ones that would never let you out of their sight."

I looked outside to see Preston, Rob and Jay. Jay looked like he had been crying. I didn't plan to tell him anything that was wrong with him. I enjoyed having my own privacy.

"As much as I don't want to do it. And I'm sure you want to have your own time as well. Jay can you come in here please."

He stood up and raced in here and put his arms around me.

"Why didn't you tell me you had so much going on?"

"You would never leave me alone. Granted you don't now but at least now. I enjoy you being over me all the time. Though if you knew. It would be over bearing."

"Well your not going to like this then. He can go up on the mountain. But I feel like that would be a terrible idea. But you seem to be capable of keeping him safe. Keep him warm. Keep his air ways clear and unobstructed. Just always keep him safe and in your sight. As soon as he disappears. He might already end up dead."

"Well that's depressing."

"Alright I've given my opinion but what you guys do is up to you."

We got up and walked out to Preston and Rob.

"You know we heard all of that. Your a broken man aren't you?"

"Shh we don't. We don't need to talk about that."

"I'm inclined to agree with the doc here. I may be competent enough to teach you to do it. But I can't help if something goes wrong."

"So in other words. It's almost highly recommend I do not leave this lodge."

"Sorry. You can leave this lodge. But it would be in a car going home."

I couldn't help but let a tear fall. I was so looking forward to this. We walked out to meet everyone and they saw the look on my face.

"Your not allowed are you?"

"Its highly recommended I don't."

"So what's the best way for us to get home?"

I looked at Jay like he had grown a new arm and a new leg.

"What? I'm not going to leave you on your own."

"Well It's only 8 am. I could drive you guys back home and get back. I'd be back at 10 ish. So I would still get the full day."

"Sorry Rob."

"It's ok. I'd rather make sure you guys are at home instead of trying to get there yourself."

Rob grabbed me and Jay by the arms and lead us out to the car. Making sure we were in the car and ready to go. I felt so bad that I couldn't go. And Jay willingly stayed with me. He would have had so much fun. Why did he have to do that. I could have been fine. I probably would have just found a wall socket and just watched YouTube the whole time. Or played some games. I dunno. But he didn't need to come with me. Then again I would have gotten pretty lonely. So I think I should be happy right?

"Sorry Rob."

"It's fine Michael really. Mitch and I live up here and we can ski whenever we like. I don't mind at all."

"When we get home we can find something else to do ok? Mitch said there are some places around the corner and down the road. I'm sure we will find something."

I didn't really feel like talking much. I still felt bad. After an hour in the car. Rob dropped us off at home and left after letting us inside. He left a key with us as well in case we decided to go out. We decided to go out to get some food though I still needed some things. While Jay waited for me at the front door. I went to my room until I realised the door was open. Stepping inside I stopped and fell backwards. He was here. He walked up to me and loomed over me.

"Well nice to see you guys finally got home."

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