"It's All In The Past." (GRA)...

By M1ckyj789

4.8K 321 91

"It's all in the past." I hate that quote. Because it may be the past. But the past will always find a way to... More

He's not so bad...
The ships are sailing
Back Story
Do you trust me?
Please Stay Awake
I'm not going anywhere
Just The Two Of Us
Unexpected Visitor
Use to it
The Dream
You use to love...
The Truth
Solidarity In Mutual Destruction
The Sidemen
Old Friends
True Feelings
Finally Out
The Grind
I Love You
A Race Around Pax
Dreams Or Reality?
The Pain
A Big Mistake
I Never Had A Choice...
The Plan
Don't follow me please
Second chances
It Finally Sails?
I think I'm ready
Just in time
Don't give up
I'm Sorry
How Long
Just let it happen
What are you doing here?
Pushed away
Juice of the gods
Am I Ready To Accept?
It felt so good
That was fun
Are you ok?
He's Home
Couples Embrace
I missed you
Deal we made
I'm not sure if we can do this
New Beginnings
Setting the scene
Only Real Escape
I don't want you to go
Together at Last
Not Yet...
Broken Friends
Set in motion
House Hunting
Be Mine
The End


93 5 6
By M1ckyj789

Jay's POV

After what happened last night. He looked identical to me. Like. What the actual fuck. Opening my eyes finally to see Michael not in bed. I got up as fast as I could and ran downstairs. Yep. False alarm.

"What's happening?"

"Halo. I want revenge."

"Preston And Lachlan want to hold their crown."

I look up as Preston takes a shot at Lachlan killing him.


"Naw poor Lachy. Revenge for the fallen."

All you can hear is the Boom as the shot is fired and then Preston screaming in anguish.

"You fucking prick."

A roar of laughter ran out. Michael looks over at me then quickly looks down blushing.

"You ok Micky?"

"Yeah Mitch I'm fine."

"Oh ok."

He looks my way and starts to laugh.



"Dude you want to go put a shirt on?"

"Oh sorry."

They laughed again and I saw michael blush again before looking up at me again. I walked over and kissed him before running off to get decent. Though I could still hear them downstairs.

"Dude you are blushing so hard."

"Aren't I allowed to? And besides Mitch shouldn't you be paying attention to Jerome instead?"

"Yeah biggums."

I put a shirt on and ran downstairs.

"Hey guys so when are we going skiing?"

"Well we were going to go tomorrow. But I'm good either way."

A collective yeah went round. Though Micky looked a bit confused. Everyone got up and started to head back to their room. Leaving michael and me downstairs.

"Why is everyone packing?"

"We are going to stay at Mitch's place while we are there for the week. He lives closer then Rob does to the mountains. Have you got some equipment?"

"Jay. I told you last night didn't I? I haven't seen snow till I came over here."

"Oh. Right I must have forgotten about that. Alright well lucky it's still morning I think so we can go with Mitch or Rob and get you decked out."


We walked up the stairs before nearly running into Lachlan on his way down. He didn't say anything, just glared at us then kept going. I think Vikk needs to top sometime.

"Boys you have 20 minutes to pack before we have to go."


Racing to the room, We threw everything we could into our bags. I swear some of our clothes got put into each other's bags but it didn't matter. The room was clean and fine. We grabbed our bags and had gotten to the lounge room in 10 minutes.

"Alright seeing as we are all early. Who's going with who?"

"Well Michael doesn't have any equipment but we can hire that when we get there right baby?"

"Yeah shouldn't be a problem."

"That makes that easier thanks Preston I wasn't sure."

"Ok well there are 8 of us. Do we want couples with couples and one couple has Michael and Jay? Or are we splitting everyone up?"

"Lachlan really?"


"He has a point though. It's up to you guys. Though If we are splitting everyone up. I call Mitch."

"Alright Mitch, Lachlan, Jay and Preston. Then Rob, Me Vikk and Michael. Right?"

"Yeah that's right. Ok let's get packed and on our way."

This should be interesting. Maybe I can get Lachlan to talk more. Though he didn't look too happy. Michael didn't seem too bad. Then again he was with Jerome and Rob. Maybe Vikk wouldn't mind.

Michael's POV

After getting in the car and driving for half an hour we stopped to grab some food. The ride was pretty cool. Vikk did a small vlog with us just talking about random shit. Jerome was being himself and Rob tried so hard to pay attention to the road before he gave in and started having some fun.

"Alright vlog is done I am happy. What's up with you and Jay?"

"Wow hitting hard straight off the bat."

"Come on Micky you guys have been really close since you got here. Feelings like that don't just happen right?"


"What do you think he feels towards you?"


"Aren't you guys from different places?"

"OK SHIT! Let me answer. I really like him. He has been, Helping me out a lot. Trying to make me feel like I am not like a stranger to you guys. Rob you have done the same. So I do like him. And I would like to get to know him better. But I have been feeling like. I don't know if I am feeling like this towards him because he has been a sweet guy. And trying to help me. Or because of the fact he is protective of me. Do you know what I mean? And Jerome I would have no idea how he feels towards me. Whether it is protection or he does actually think I was worth his time. I haven't been the best guest and I haven't been the best friend already being here. Last night he told me to forget about the week so far and what has happened. And try and start new with you guys. To try and integrate myself with you all because It's already so different over here. While being myself. It's not easy."


"That was deep."

"Look guys I heard Preston and Lachlan talking yesterday. And Lachlan was saying how you shouldn't be here Micky. That your safer at home. I shouldn't tell you but I know what your like. And I know you can handle it. But you need to remember that we do want you to be here. And in some twisted way. He is thinking of your safety."

"That's the issue though. My safety. Yeah I'm in a new country. Yeah I only really know you Rob. But. Your not really letting me have my own choice. Let me be myself. And trust me ok?"

"Ok. Preston said the same thing. To let you have your own privacy here."

"Rob I understand you want to keep me safe but I'm good."


"Lachlan has been quieter lately?"

I looked at Vikk. That was not what I was unexpected.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. He's just been quiet."


"Don't be."

It went silent for a bit there. Before a call went off through the car. Rob picked it up. And we heard them all.

"Hey Car number 2."

"Yeah Nah I don't think so. What's happening guys?"

"Not much where are you?"

"About 10 minutes from the house."

"Ok we are here see you soon..."

"Hang on Mitch."

I heard Jay's voice and got happier and Vikk laughed at me as I sat up higher.

"Micky you doing ok?"

"Yeah I'm ok how about you?"

"Yeah everything is good. Dad is driving us nuts."

We all laughed as Preston tried to say no.

"Ok I'll see you soon ok Michael?"

"Ok. See you soon."

Rob hung up the call and I knew Vikk and Jerome were looking at me.


"So do you want us to ask again?"


"He did just basically ask if you were ok. Even in a car with those guys and us here. I don't think you can dispute the fact he likes you."

"Come on Jerome."

"Guys we are around the corner. Michael..."

"Yeah. I think he likes me. And uh. Yeah. I guess maybe I like him too. I want to spend more time with him."

"Wanting to spend more time with him you know that means you like him?"

"Fuck off Rob."

We started laughing as we pulled up. Vikk was grabbed and picked up by Lachlan. While Jerome almost jumped out at Mitch. And Preston waited jumping about not staying still waiting for Rob to get out before they embraced each other. I unbuckled myself and went to open the door before I saw Jay had already opened it. Reaching his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me into him. Hearing everyone either Naw or laugh at us.

"I don't care. Didn't want to leave you left out without a hug."

I just giggled into him. When everyone decided to let go we grabbed our bags and Mitch made us bunk up... Well he tried to. He basically just called everyone's ship name to a room.

"But you two. This is where it get's fun. Because you don't have one. And to be annoying. I'm not going to give you one just yet. "

"I am A ok with that."

I grabbed my bags and ran along the house to my room. It was a lot bigger then I thought it was. After finding our room and putting our stuff in. I pulled Jay into me.

"Is this because I always grab you?"


"Or do you want to talk about something?"

"No comment."

"Heh Ok well before you do let me just say that even though I have already told you. But I want to spend more time together. Like. The two of us. Doing our own thing. Or even with the guys. But still. I want to get to know you more and spend more time with you. So I was wondering. Considering I hope you enjoyed the last one we went on. If you Michael would like to go on another date with me?"

I just looked at him and smiled. Hugging him tighter I leaned up and kissed him.

"Jay I would love to go on another date with you. Though next time. I want to ask you out."

"Well then how about you decide what we do?"

"As much as I would like to. And I know I want to have a bit more choice. But in saying that. I don't know much around here. I might talk to Mitch about it. He might know some places."

After another kiss. This time holding it a little longer then I should have. I went to walk out though Jay didn't let go of my hand. I held it and felt him squeeze my hand.

"Michael I think I might be starting to develop real feelings for you. And I know that might be strange. But I needed to tell you."

"Jay honestly. At first. The time we spent together was weird for me. I thought you were just being over protective. But these past couple of days. You have made an effort to talk to me and get me to get to know the boys more. Honestly. I think I like you too."

He pulled me in and let our arms fall at our side while still holding on.

"I don't care about them if you don't."

"I don't mind."

And we walked along the hall to the lounge room where everyone decided to meet. Only this time holding each other's hands. Everyone looked at us. Some were smiling, Some looked happy. Though Lachlan still looked upset. I would need to talk to Jay later. But you know what. Honestly. The smile on my face couldn't have been bigger. And I couldn't have cared less.

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