Crimson Eyes [Akashi Seijuuro...

By Yuki_Akacchi

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Nijimura Sorano, the younger sister of Nijimura Shuzo was a normal middle school girl. Her life wasn't specia... More

Trapped by his crimson eyes
We met again
An unexpected Encounter
A Day Full of Embarrassment
An Uncomfortable Ride
An Uncomfortable Ride (Part II)
Troublesome Day
You make my Life more Enjoyable
First Date
Overnight stay
Declaration of Love
A Fateful Accident
"I want to go back to the old days"
"I love you too, Sorano"
"Who are you?"
Rules and Mistakes
Sorrow and Pleasure
From lie to lie
'Try to Accept'
A new start
Rakuzan High School
Unavoidable Revelation
An unexpected gift
Moving forward
Alternative Sequel Part I

Be mine

2K 67 62
By Yuki_Akacchi

"Tell me what am I to you?" I asked him doubtfully.

"Well, the last time I said you are someone who made my life more enjoyable, but that's only half of the truth. I want you to become more than that to me"

"More?" I looked up again in his crimson eyes.

"I don't want to only date you. I want you to become my girlfriend" he gave me some of his rare heart melting smiles. He watched me intensively as silence fell over us.

"Why are you still feeling so undecisive? Don't tell me you're still resisting because of your brother?"

"N-no, that's not it" I replied churned.

"Tell me what it is then?" He looked rigid at me.

"I... I don't know" I averted my glance on the ground.

Akashi sighed out "I give you some time to think about it"

"I-i... I am sorry that I can't give you the answer you want to hear right now" I apologized while I felt really guilty.

"Stop making such a face. You are still here and that's all what counts for me" he started stroking my left cheek before he leaned forward and whispered seductively "You will give me your answer soon"

"Huh?" I leaned back to have a proper look at him.

He didn't replied, still wearing this mischievous smirk on his face.

"So... w-what are we doing today?" This sudden change of topic from the previous conversation let him straighten up and frown at me.

"At first I show you around the house" but before he could continue, I interrupted him "You call this a house?"

"Well, yes. Why?" He asked surprised.

"Because I live in a house and that is two or three times smaller than yours!" I said stunned.

He seemed amused about my irritation and let out a small chuckle.

"Anyway, let's begin" Akashi took my left hand and led me outside the room. "Don't let go of my hand if you don't want to get lost" I clutched his hand even more while my free hand found its way near the middle of my chest, my hand clenched slightly to a fist.

We walked through the large corridors with a red carpet, one third of the wall was decorated with wood paneling. Every now and then hung sporadically an oil painting on the wall. Most of them showed landscapes or flowers, some of them were pictures of the colorful sky and some showed the nightsky with the milk way and thousands of stars.

"Who have painted them?" I asked Akashi curiously as we stand before an oil painting that showed wonderful drawn lilys.

Akashi glanced at the painting and remained silently for a moment before he finally answered "My mother"

"Really? She is really talented"

"Ah" was his only answer. I noticed a hint of sadness in it, but was unsure to ask about it.

We walked further along the corridor as we stopped before an large room. He opened the big door and gestured me to get in.

Many shelves full of books filled this room. So many shelves that no wall was seen, every single place was filled with books, in the middle stood a few sets of tables and chairs.

"You have a libary? Amazing" I said.

"Well, actually this is our short version of the libary" Akashi stated

"What? You have an even bigger libary. Even here are more than thousand books"

"Yes, we have. It's on the other side of this mansion" he replied casually.

"Akashi-kun, have you read all of them?" I asked effusive.

"When you mean all of the books here in this room then yes. But not all in the other libary" Akashi answered undismayed.

"That's unbelievable" I looked at him in disbelieve.

"Not really" he pulled me closer to him and gave me a small peck on my head, what made my cheeks already spread in a florescent of pink.

We exited the libary and continued to walk on the corridor again. The next room was again a smaller version of the living room that I had entered at first.

After an hour Akashi had already showed me a few more rooms, like two of the five bathrooms with shining bathroom fixtures made ​​of marble, or some of the guestrooms, a really large kitchen or two working rooms.

We were already walking in the next large room. It was a music room with lots of various instruments which were perfectly placed on pillar.

"You have even an music room?"I asked in astonishment.

"Is it so suprising?" He answered with a question.

"Hmmm... I guess not." I paused a moment and slendered through the pillars. "Can you play all of them?" I stopped at the violin.

"Of course" he said triumphant.

"Then play for me" I demanded.

"As you wish, my empress" He replied teasingly while he bowed slightly. "Which one do you want me to play?"

"Hmmm... The violin" I looked down at the violin.

Akashi walked towards me, took the aforementioned instrument and placed it gently on his left shoulder while he holds the bow with his right hand.

Akashi closed his eyes as he layed carefully the bow on the strings. Slowly he started to swing the bow up and down, making the strings of the violin to left quiet and harmonic sounds.

After hearing the first few notes, I recognized the song as 'Love me like you do' from Elli Goulding.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to be distracted by the magnificent crimson haired boy who has captured me with this lovely melody. By closing my eyes, I let my whole body feel this harmonic and emotional melody. I even couldn't surpress a smile any more, but what I didn't notice was that the crimson haired boy has opened his eyes and watched me as he played this wonderful song. He got slowly closer to me and walked behind me. I remained where I was standing, well I noticed that he was standing behind me right now but I didn't mind that.

Not until he encircled his right arm around my shoulder, closing the distance to zero what made my closed eyes to wide open. Our bodys connecting again as he continued to play.

A dark blush rised up from my cheeks to my ear while my breath almost stopped. I bit my lower lip in nervousness.

I forced myself to close my eyes again, listening to the sweet melody again. Relaxing slowly, I rested my head on his chest.

When he finished the song he lowered his right arm so that it hang down beside his body, my head still resting on his chest.

"That was beautiful" I whispered in trance.

"Thank you. Do you want to hear more?"

"That would be nice" I turned around to face him and gave him a bright smile.

Akashi put the violin back to its place, took my hand and guided me to the piano. He sat down at the bench and gestured me to sit beside him. I sat down at the end of he bench but Akashi pulled me closer to him, our thighs were almost touching.

Akashi opened the compartment of the keys of the piano, while I watched him excited, not knowing what song he would choose this time.

Akashi put his fingers slightly over the keys, before he finally started to play.

My mind got blank immediately, captured by the first tone of the melody. The tones sounded colorful and more harmonical than of the violin. I loved the sound and the rhythm of this melody.

To enjoy the music even more I closed my eyes once again and the corner of my lips rised up to a light smile.

I swang slightly to the melody of the song that flow through every fiber of my body, left behind goose bumps on my arms.

My head found its way to Akashis shoulder and rested on it, elicited a contented grin from the red head.

When the song finally ended, I said without thinking "That was so beautiful, I wished it would never end".

Akashi leaned closer to me. "I can play for you whenever you want as long as you are mine"

He pecked my cheek that showed a shade of dark pink almost reaching the color red. I averted my eyes in embarrassement, unable to respond even a bit.

"You're so adorable when you're embarrassed" Akashi chuckled.

The sound of an knock echoed through the silence, followed by a calm female voice "Seijuro-sama, the meal is ready".

"Hai. Thank you" he stood up from the piano bench and walked out of the room. I followed him silently, still blushing about his comment.

Akashi stopped before a big white woodendoor, turned slightly around to me and glanced a short moment at me.

A bit irritated, I blinked nervously as my eyes wandered restlos around under his intensively gaze.

As the door opened, Akashi put his hand on the lower part of my back and shoved me carefully in the dining room.

We stopped before the dining table. My jaw dropped immediately when I saw the fully set table.

"For how many people was the food served again?" I asked stunned.

"Only for both of us. Come" Akashi answered before he led me to my destinated chair. He pulled the chair back and gestured me to take my seat. Before I sat down he shoved the chair closer to me. Then he took his seat across from me.

"Itadakimasu" We said synchronous.


After finishing the meal we exited his mansion and walked outside in the big garden, the weather was cold but luckily it was dry.

"Ano. Akashi-kun? What's happening with the rest of the food?" I wondered.

"The staff at the house will take care of it. It's not going to waste, if you are worried about it"

"Ah. Okay" I smiled relieved.

A cold breeze brushed against the skin on my face and let my hair dancing in waves in its rhythm.

From day to day it's already getting colder, the onset of winter was close.

I rubbed the palms of my hands against another in order to engender some warmth.

Akashi took them in his warm and comfortable hands, brought them close to his mouth and blew his warm breath against them.

My cheeks showed a hint of pink. 'He never miss his chance to made me embarrassed' I thought to myself.

Before he made me flushed even more, I changed the mood by starting a casual conversation. "I have heard from Nii-san that he had given you his position as the captain of the basketball team. Congratulation"

"Ah. Thank you" he replied hesitately while his glance was still resting on me.

"Are you unsure about it?" I frowned.

"No. But I heard of the reason why he did it. Is the health status of your father so bad?" He blow against my hands once again, which was still close to his face.

"Well, for now he is stable, but it can change every day" I couldn't hide the sadness and anxiety in my voice.

"If you or your family ever need something don't hesitate to ask me" he supported his words in which he stroke gently my cheek.

"A-arigato, Akashi-kun" I smiled gratefully.

We continued walking through this immense big garden which had the seize of an park. Even the plants were formed in figures like you can see in parks. Some fountains were placed in the middle of the paved path.

Right and left beside the path stood many cherry trees, they had lost almost every single leaves.

We reached a point were the path split in three. The path on the left side led to a labyrinth made of a small short-cut hedge, only about one meter high. The path on the right led to a cobbled large pond, a typical red japanese bridge connected both sides with each other while more cherry trees adorned the pond.
The middle path led to a tall round stone pavillion. It stood on an increase and thus became the focal point in this area of the garden.

After being outside the mansion for a while we entered frozen the mansion again. We made our way back to the huge living room. Akashi led me to the couch on which we sat down beside another. He wrapped an blanket around us, bringing our bodys closer to another while his right arm rested on my shoulder.

A sudden knock on the door gave me a little distraction from this closeness to get a bit air inside my almost collapsed lungs.

A maid entered the living room with a tablet in her hands. On it stand two cups with hot chocolate. She placed them on the table before us and before she left the room she bowed towards us.

We drank silently our hot chocolate to warm up our frozen bodys faster, speeking not a single word only letting the warmth of the drink take over the coldness inside us.

When both of the cups were finally empty Akashi walked with me towards one special room he had reserved for showing me at least.





Perfectly set.

These words would I choose to describe this room. At the first moment I entered it, I immediately knew who this room belong to.

I didn't know why, but it gave me the same comfortable and warm feeling like he does...

...maybe because it was his room.

I took a look around. A desk, a few shelves filled with books, a big couch with a small version of a table and two armchairs, a small table with a shogi board, a walking closet, a huge king size bed. All of them seemed perfectly located.

As I was admiring his room, I wasn't aware of the fact that he watched me observing his room.

"Do you know how to play shogi, Nijimura-san?" His husky voice brought me out of my observation.

A few eyelashes stroke layed between his question and my hesitately answer. "Only the basics"

"Then let me see them" Akashi sat down at the table with the shogi board. Hesitately I took the seat across from him.

"Ladys first" he gestured me to start and so it beguns.

A few shogi rounds later in which he won ever single game without any problems, we decided to quit this for now.

"You have outperformed better than I suggested you would" he said with a blank expression.

"T-that's mean" I pouted.

"No, in actually fact it was a compliment" his lips turned into a small smile.

A blush spread across my cheeks one more time.

"Have I mentioned that you look adorable with this color on your cheeks" this made my blushing cheeks turn even darker.

To avoid him I stood up from my chair and turned around, cooling down my cheeks by pressing my cold hands on it. That only gave him the opportunity to embrace me from behind. My eyes widened at this sudden closeness of us.

'I am always so embarrassed in his presence...

... why am I struggling against these feelings although they couldn't be more obviously?

What is it?

It's not his family status, nor his behavior towards me although it's irritating how easily he made me embarrassed or that he tease me at any chance...

I am sure, it's also not his personality. I am always feeling comfortable and protected around him. Well, so many times embarrassed too.

But what is it then?' Only seconds were passed when I questioned myself, Akashi was still holding me in his arms, his head rested above mine.

'It's time to make a desicion, Sorano!

But... I still can't decide...

Dammit' I suddenly pulled myself out of his locker, turning around to face him.

For a short moment I glanced in his eyes, still weigh what kind of an answer I should give him. I took a long breath before I finally made a desicion.

"This is my answer for the question which you are waiting for the whole day" I said as I closed the distance between us, I tiptoed so that we were almost at the same height as I pecked his lips.

Akashi, not even a bit suprised of my behavior, smirk again at me. His hand reached out for my chin and lifted it up slightly as his thumb traveled across my lips.

"You let me wait long enough.

So then from now on you are mine"

Author's note:

End of the 15th chapter *sigh out*

I am sorry that I let my dear readers waiting for so long. I am so unmotivated to write even a single word, maybe to exhausted from work. I feel so emotionless and even thought about going on hiatus for a short time, but I couldn't bring myself to this point xD hahaha

Please don't blame me for this lane chappy. But maybe you have still enjoyed this chapter like the previous ones?! I would appreciate if you could give me a short feedback of it....


By the way, the melody that was Akashi playing on the piano was the one in the video ❤❤❤ ('River flow in you' from Yiruma)

You should also check out the violin version of the song 'Love me like you do' ;-)

Until next time my dear readers *hugs hugs*

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