Cupid's Match : CUPID'S MATCH...

By LEPalphreyman

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[IN BOOKSTORES AND KINDLE UNLIMITED NOW!] What if you were matched with the original love god? --- When Lila... More

Published version of Cupid's Match: out today!!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Part 2 : Cupid
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Part 3 : The Arrows
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Part 4 : The Finis
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Part 5: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Author's Note

Chapter 63

476K 26K 17.2K
By LEPalphreyman

The flickering black and white screen shows a block of armed cupids marching forward across the grounds.

I spin around, my mouth dry, to the barred window behind me.

They're approaching – a steady mass of white suits. Their bows are raised and as they get closer their stomping feet begin to resound around the study.

Cupid and Cal rush to either side of me and we stare out in silence for a few moments.

"Oh my god" I whisper again.

"Guys," says Charlie shakily "there's more – they're surrounding the house."

The three of us turn to face her. She is still staring at the monitors – her brown eyes wide. Similar blocks of agents have appeared on another two of the screens. As they reach the grounds they begin to disperse – forming a perfect circle around the building.

I look up at Cupid who takes a deep breath, his broad chest rising and falling beneath his still damp cotton T-Shirt. He catches my gaze and nods.

"Well" he says "this is it."

He gives a sideways look at Cal who stares at the screens – his silvery eyes focussed. He looks uncomfortable.

Outside there is a movement as one of the cupids at the front of the procession produces a megaphone from under his jacket.

"On the orders of Venus, you are under arrest." Comes a booming male voice "You are surrounded. Please exit the building with your hands raised above your heads."

I look between the two brothers.

"Now what?" I whisper "They can't get in can they?"

Cupid shakes his head and falls back down into the leather recliner.

"Now we wait..." he says.

He looks at me darkly.

"...for as long as we can."


Around an hour passes.

The agents from the Matchmaking Service still surround the building. At regular intervals the booming voice resounds around the house telling us to go outside. Each time it does my whole being is filled with dread.

Cupid, however, seems unperturbed. He is leant back in the recliner – his eyes closed.

Charlie and I sit in the office chair, staring blankly at the screens.

My stomach is turning anxiously.

Across the study Cal paces back and forth – his bow slung over his shoulder.

"Will you desist brother" says Cupid after a while – his eyes still closed "You're making me nervous."

After a few more laps of the room Cal shakes his head and walks to the exit. As he does Cupid's eyes flicker open – he watches him go with a frown on his face.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

He looks at me. There is something unreadable in his expression.

"None of your concern" he says.

He disappears into the corridor. I share a look with Charlie who shrugs – then go back to staring at the monitors.

I don't see how we can get out of this.

"The longer you take the worse it will be for you" booms the voice from outside.

I take a deep breath. Adrenalin surges through my body.

After a few minutes Cupid sighs and gets up out of the chair.

"Come on" he says "Let's go make a coffee or something. This is just depressing."

I look up at him – reluctant to go downstairs.

"It's safe" he says "they can't get in unless the bars are lifted. And the only place that they can be controlled is in here."

I share another look with Charlie who shrugs.

"I wouldn't say no to a coffee" she says.

I nod and the three of us head down into the kitchen.

Large bars cover the whole of the glass front. Cal stands in front of them peering out– his phone is pressed to his ear. On hearing us enter he hurriedly puts it down and stuffs it into his pocket.

Cupid frowns.

"Calling someone?" he says.

Cal turns around slowly to face his brother.

"Crystal" he says.

He looks uncomfortable for a moment – his eyes not quite meeting Cupid's.

Then he stalks past us.

"You don't want to stay down here for a coffee brother?" says Cupid.

His tone is somewhat challenging – cold.

I look between the pair of them wondering if I'm missing something.

"Someone needs to watch what's going on outside" he replies.

Cupid says nothing – watching him reproachfully as he leaves. Then he wanders over to the coffee machine as Cal exits.

"What's up with him?" I ask.

Cupid doesn't speak – merely hands us over our coffees.

"I think my brother is about to betray us" he says after a few moments.

My stomach plummets. Charlie looks startled.

"What?" I say "What do you mean?"

He looks at me steadily.

"I don't think he was on the phone to Crystal" he says "I think he's just negotiated himself a deal."

I shake my head.

"No" I say "No. No way."

Cupid shrugs and takes a sip of the dark liquid.

"Wait for it" he says.

A few moments later and there is a whirring sound. I spin around to see the bars over the windows slowly rising.

I feel sick.

Cupid said the only way to control those was from the study we just left.

The study Cal has just gone to.

And now the agents can get inside.

The coffee mug falls from my hand and shatters – the black liquid splattering the white floor.

Cupid looks at us.

"Upstairs" he commands "Now."

He pushes us in front of him and we race up the spiral staircase and burst into the study. He slams the door shut.

Cal is stood statuesque – staring at us in front of the monitors- backlit by the pink light from outside. The bars in front of the window disappear upwards.

There's no doubt about it.

He did it. He betrayed us.

His silvery eyes watch us carefully.

"How could you?" I screech.

I hear the sound of marching from outside.

They're coming.

I run forwards to hit Cal but Cupid holds me back – grasping my arm firmly.

"I bet you've been waiting for this moment haven't you?" he says to Cal coldly "The moment when you could turn me in and return to her good graces."

Cal stares back at him.

"I tried to help you." he says "I tried to get you to leave town. I tried to protect your match."

"LOOK AT HER" shouts Cupid. "SAY HER NAME."

Cal shifts uncomfortably. He doesn't look at me.

It's like he can't.

"You broke the law and you need to be punished" he says coldly.

"Does Lila need to be punished?" says Cupid "Does Charlie?"

Cal doesn't reply – but he casts his eyes downwards.

"There will be a fair trial" he says.

"Like hell there'll be a fair trial" spits Cupid.

I've never seen him look this angry before.

He pushes me and Charlie back against the window then races towards Cal – pulling him from behind the desk. He slams him into the opposite wall.

They face each other – almost nose to nose – anger etched on both of their faces.

Then the door to the study bursts open.

Cupid throws a punch at Cal's face and he slumps down to the floor just as the agents begin to spill into the room.

He grabs his bow and begins shooting arrows but the agents are too fast and too close.

Five of them grab him and thrust him to his knees – holding him there on the ground. One grabs him by the hair and forces his gaze towards me.

"Commander" shouts one gruffly "We've got them."

The agents by the doorway part as someone walks through.

It's a tall, slender male with dark hair and cold eyes. His black bow is larger, and more elaborate than the other agents' and I notice a V broach pinned to his white jacket.

"Cal" he says "Take the girl."

Cal looks at me for the first time since his betrayal. His silver eyes are blazing.

"Cal" I whisper "Please."

"Take the girl" repeats the agent coldly "If you want to come back to the service. If you want your crimes to be excused. Take the girl."

Cal pauses then begins to move forwards.

I shakily grab an arrow from the quiver over my shoulder and hold it in front of me - my back still pressed against the window.

"Cal" warns Cupid – his head still held back.

I note the pink tip of the arrow in my hand.

The Capax.

The truth arrow.

Damnit. It's not the one I need.

On the floor Cupid struggles against the agents holding him but they force him to watch as Cal gets closer.

He looks at me.

His face is filled with disdain.

"Cal." I whisper again "Please. Please don't do this."

My heart is fluttering.

On the floor Cupid is now thrashing against the five agents holding him down.

"Get away from her" he snarls. "Get away from her."

Cal ignores him and I keep the arrow extended.

He looks at me then slowly walks right into it – letting it pierce through his stomach. His eyes widen as it does. Pain covers his face.

It crumbles to ash in my shaking fingers.

"Did you ever care for me?" I whisper.

He's been hit by the Capax. He has to tell the truth.

He stares at me – a sudden moment of uncertainty flashing across his expression before it hardens once more.

"No" he replies.

He grabs my arms roughly behind my back then pushes me forwards towards the throng of agents in the doorway.

"What about the others?" he asks the commander.

"Leave the others" he says "Venus just wants the girl."

Cupid roars on the floor.

"LILA" he screams.

I look at him – my eyes wide. Horror fills me.

He meets my gaze. He looks wild.

He manages to throw one of the agents off, then another.

But they keep coming back.

The commander surveys the scene coldly.

"Knock him out" he says.

One of the agents raises her bow and thrusts it into the side of his head.

"CUPID" I shriek.

His eyes widen then close as he slumps, unconscious, onto the ground.

Cal looks at his brother a moment, an unreadable expression on his face, then turns his gaze towards the agent in charge.

"Take her to the cars" says the commander "We're driving back to the Matchmaking Service."

He walks past me as I struggle against Cal's grip. Then turns back and smiles thinly.

"Time to find out what Venus makes of Cupid's Match."

A U T H O R . N O T E . . .

. . . a random anecdote about my mum and Cal lol.

So, when I was writing Cupid's Match I didn't realize this – but my mum was reading it on Wattpad! lol. 

I was visiting my parents for the weekend when I wrote this chapter – and after I posted it my mum disappeared off to a different room in the house. She came back like ten minutes later, burst through the door, and was like "HOW COULD YOU, LAUREN?!". And I was going through all the things I could have done to be getting a telling off haha but it turned out she was on Wattpad and just a huge Cal fan XD

Hope you're enjoying the story!!!

Love, Lauren


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