Business (completed) |H.S|

By Into1D

178K 6.7K 2.7K

1D watty awards winner | Completed| Harry Styles is a psychology student with a bright future, but when his m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Thank you and announcements :)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 63 + thank you so much
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Final Chapter
Sequel (Please read)
New book: Between Devil and Satan

Chapter 59

1.4K 57 10
By Into1D


As my eyes slowly opened, I didn't realize where I was. I looked up, seeing the white ceiling and then the light grey of the walls. I was in my bedroom. When my eyes turned to the right, my eyes settled on a man. Harry was lying on his stomach, half of his face against the white pillow, one of his arms near me, his red lips parted, his hair stuck against his forehead...He gave the impression of being an angel on a cloud, sleeping peacefully.I had slept with him.

That thought caused a conflicted feeling in my mind.The reminiscence of the night we spent together gave me torturing feelings in the pit of my stomach. I felt strange, overwhelmed but scared as well. Angry but happy.This man had shattered all my life with his arrival. I had hated him so much before and now we were in bed together.

I couldn't realize what happened. I just let myself fall into his arms without any question...

I heard loud noise at the door that made me jump from the mattress. But before realizing what was happening, a few men entered my room with axes. They broke my door with the axes. Surprise invaded me, my mouth falling to the ground. What was happening? I pulled the covers above my chest to hide my nakedness.

My mind was about to explode if no one explained me why men entered my room that abruptly. Harry started to move and opened his eyes slowly. All of that happened in a few seconds.

"Evelyn Sethi?" the man with a helmet asked, approaching my bed.

"What the...?" I attempted to calm myself down. Yelling wouldn't solve my problem. I took a heavy breath and saw Harry getting up from his peaceful sleep. He looked as surprised as I was when he discovered the men.

"Why are you in my bedroom? Why did you break my door? Are you insane?" I asked with such a rage that I had to stop myself from bursting from inside.

"Madam, please keep your calm. I'm the Captain Brake," The man said, looking as confused as I was. Why was he confused? He should be the one aware of everything since he was the one who broke my door. «If you could just get dressed, we'll talk calmly later."

The three left, and I noticed one of them slowly laughing. The anger still burning my veins, making my heart pound so badly I needed to do absolutely anything.I felt an arm laced around my shoulders. That didn't have a better effect, I flashed a glare at Harry who only smiled.

Checking the nightstand, I noticed the clock set on it. Shi-t, it was only seven in the morning, which meant Harry and I only slept six hours.

"Get dressed. I have three idiots to talk with." I grumbled, pushing away the arm from my shoulders.

When I hopped off the bed, I re-discovered the wet floor. The water level wasn't as high as the last night but it didn't descend that much either.

"Good morning, Eve." He greeted, shaking his head slowly.

I ignored his greeting and walked towards the dressing gown that I put on. Then, I looked for underwear in a drawer. I grabbed the first knickers I saw and put them on, too. My hands couldn't stop shaking uncontrollably, due to the huge surprise that struck me.

"Eve, you're not okay." He pointed out, jumping from the bed as well.

"Of course I'm not okay." I yelled at him, opening another drawer. When such excess of surprise and anger affected me, the pills were my only easy way out. But I couldn't find them, adding more stress on my shoulders.

"Eve, stop! Don't put yourself in this state." He whispered, putting a hand on my shoulder. But I pushed him back with a shove of my shoulder. I decided to go meet these idiots with that maddened state.

I walked out of the room, discovering the pieces of my mahogany door in the water along with some shoes of mine. The men were in my living room. I only understood they were from the fire brigade when the man showed me his plaque. I noticed Mrs. Michelson, the caretaker and the house cleaner who usually came to clean every day. Everyone had their feet in the water, just like me. The two women watched me with both surprise and fear.

"Mrs. Michelson? What's this mess?" I crossed my arms above my chest and cocked one of my eyebrows.

"Miss Sethi, we've been knocking at your door and calling you on your phone for at least one hour." She started and made a few steps towards me. "The neighbours from downstairs complained that water from your apartment fell on their living room."

"You didn't have to break my door for that." I couldn't still accept they woke me up in such situation.

"Miss, everyone was worrying about you. When we discovered the room in this situation, we all had horrible thoughts." Debbie, the maid said, pointing the water with her finger.

"Thank you for worrying that much. But as you can see, I'm very good." I told them all and then, turned to the men. "Captain, I hope you can solve this problem. I forgot to turn the tap off last night. Mrs. Michelson, I need you to check on the work if you don't mind."

"Yes, we can. Though, it'll take some time." He answered, checking as well the approval of his colleagues.

"Great. I think I'm going to leave then. I believe you'll finish it till this evening." I told them, seeing how the damages increased since we slept. The some pieces of the furniture might be broken and the electricity was a danger with the water. I feared being electrocuted in my own apartment.

I turned my heels on them and went back to my bedroom. Harry was putting his jeans on, still looking at me with some apprehension.

"So?" he asked with hesitation.

"We have to leave." I briefly said, looking for dry clothes to wear. I opened my wardrobe that thankfully didn't drown in water. I picked up a few random clothes very fast as I didn't want to last any longer in the apartment. My hands were still trembling as hell. It happened every time a very bad surprise occurred.

"Eve, chill." Harry whispered, placing his hand on my right shoulder. I flicked my head around, seeing his green worried eyes on me. "It's not like a meteorite broke into the room. Now, get more clothes, you'll stay at my place until the deluge stops."

I smiled at his proposition and took some more clothes from the hanger very randomly. After taking a rather large bag from a drawer, I set all the clothes in it. After toing-and-froing in the room, I finally got dressed and my hair was done, making me look more presentable. I chose a pair of black stilettos to match with my black jacket. I had to wear them once out of the room. Water would ruin them in a second.

"I'm ready, too." Harry said, and my body spun around to check on him.

"Use that magical thing called comb, Harry." I laughed, seeing his hair in an awful disorder. He only took one of my elastic bands, amassed his hair with his fingers and then threw his hair into a bun. This bun made him look so adorable, tracing a large smile on my face.

"Yeah, since you taught me, I make my buns myself now." He hissed, noticing the reaction that his hairstyle gave me.

"You learnt from the best."

He nodded his head and picked his shoes up from the water, making me burst into laughter. With shoes and bag in our hands, we made our way back to the living room where the men started pushing away the furniture. As agreed, Mrs. Michelson gave them a few instructions since she knew more about the apartment than I did, myself.

"Captain, when the place is rehabilitated, just leave me the bill. I'll pay as soon as I get it. Just pay attention to some of my furniture and the pottery."

"You can count on us, Miss." The captain replied and they continued moving the furniture.

I nodded, walking towards the caretaker. The corpulent woman looked at me walking towards her. She was a very nice woman, extremely nice. But that day, her usual chubby face became scrunched up.

"Mrs. Michelson, I hope you will keep quiet about what you saw today, keep that for yourself, please." I told her with a rather menacing tone. I didn't mean to sound like that. However, she had to know I didn't want anyone to know I had spent the night with Harry and that it made me forget turn the tap off.

"You surely know I don't agree with that but I'm going to keep quiet." Her hoarse voice let out.

"Good." I mumbled, stepping out of the living room. Gosh! It was good to be on a dry floor. Harry followed me, his eyes darted on the woman. "Sorry for the bother. Call me if there is any trouble."


My arms around Styles' waist and my head against his back, we were racing off on his motorbike. We threaded our ways through the traffic. I didn't know what was happening to me. But I felt overwhelmed even if the position somehow hurt my sides and the helmet ruined my bun.

After a few minutes, Harry stopped the engine in front of the building he lived in. I jumped from the two-wheels and removed the helmet from my head. He did so and discovered his hair was a mess, too.

I looked around, checking if no one had followed me. I meant paps. They had been behind me since I came back to Sethi for work. They were only waiting for me to make an error. I currently was making an error. People had already noticed Patrick who was around me often.

"Babe?" Harry called me out, making me jolt a bit. Focusing on looking for paps made me zone out. "Anything wrong?"

"No. Let's go?"

He nodded and rid off his motorbike. I laughed at seeing him barefoot and his shoes in his hands with the helmet.

"Do you ever know what shame is?" I asked him, pointing at his feet. But he shrugged off and walked towards the small entry to the stairs.

We walked up the stairs, as he cracked strange jokes. I didn't put a foot in this place for weeks. Harry was always the one who came home, with Niall. We ran up to his door and while he looked for the key, my eyes kept staring at him.

Harry was standing there in his magnificence. He unlocked the room, and then flipped his head back towards me. He caught me intensely looking at him.

"Come in," he instructed, his head tilted towards his apartment. I followed his directive and entered the living. It changed a lot. All the fashionable furniture disappeared, there were no curtains anymore and the decorations were missing out. Only the flashy wallpaper lasted on the walls.

"It's back to normal here." I pointed out.

"Two men came last week to get all her stuff back." He responded very evasively. With eyebrows and forehead frowned, he looked down on the apartment. He still was hurt, I guess.

He suddenly threw his helmet to the couch and I did so with mine. I placed my bag on a table. We walked towards the kitchen. Once in, he opened the fridge.

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked, looking through the mountain of food in the fridge.

"Mmh, anything. I'm so hungry."

He chuckled, taking out milk. He put it on the table and leant in to steal a kiss from my lips. Surprised, my cheeks flushed, which was impossible to hide. He remarked my reaction, building a shaped smile on his lips.

I poured the milk into the glass he put in front of me. He scanned the fridge once again.

"I don't feel like drinking milk." He said, his hands on hips. His body flicked towards me, sighing in annoyance. "But I'm hungry, too."

Tilting my head to one side, I checked the interior of the fridge. There was nothing but a frozen piece of beef and something that looked like yoghurt.

"Take the beef, then." I mocked him.

"Your lips taste so much better," he cheekily replied.

He walked towards me and leant in towards me. His hands wrapped around my neck, his lips approached mine, slowly. I dropped the glass to the table as our lips locked. It was just the simplest kiss but it didn't stop me from melting, as if it was the very first time. The feeling going through me troubled me.

He surely was trying to stop himself from thinking of Angie. I was his distraction from falling into his sadness. I'm not complain, everything with him was just so much better. It wasn't just a physical overwhelming, but also emotional. Every time I was with him, I could be mad at him but he found the way to make stop.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, he dragged me up as our kiss deepened. He pushed himself back and looked into my eyes. His green ones were sparkling. They were so beautiful.

"Shi-t, what if I drop my job today and then, we spend the whole day here." He proposed to my surprise.

When I was about to positively reply to his suggestion, another's man voice coughing caught our attention. "That would be great. Let's start right now?" I recognized that voice as Tomlinson's. It actually was him. The shock of seeing him paralyzed me, making me unlace my arms from Harry's neck.

Tomlinson was leaning against the frame with crossed arms. His face was wearing a large smirk, enough to embarrass me. He was from work; he kind of didn't like me so I suspected him to tell everyone what he had just seen.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked with a loud voice, seemingly feeling more disturbed than uncomfortable. I could understand him. However, his voice was laced with a strange annoyance.

Tomlinson shrugged his shoulders off and walked in.

"Hi, Eve! Do as if I weren't here. And continue your thing, guys. Harry has the right to have fun, unlike me." He said, also with a strange voice. From their glares, I could tell they weren't on good terms even though they were supposed to be best friends.

"Lou, shut up."

He arrived in front of the table that separated us from him. He opened the fridge and took the last yoghurt from it. Harry gave me a nonchalant look.

"Fun's stopping in a few seconds." Tomlinson said turning towards me. "Let me just remind you that you have a meeting at work today."

My eyes went wide open as I realized I actually had job to do. My mother even insisted just before Harry's arrival that I should come. How could I forget that! She would kill me since I was late. The watch showed eight in the morning!

"Harry! I got to go!" I told him very sternly but with a hint of panic in my voice. "I have a meeting for a new product!"

"You work there now?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Yeah, yeah" I replied, looking for my phone. "We've just got a huge command and I'm in charge of production management, only temporarily."

Hands on hips, I walked around to table with nervousness.

"We have to meet them to talk about their preferences."

With all the worry that suddenly crashed in my head, I fumbled my phone to check any call. But I dropped it to the floor. I never forgot working before and that only scared me more. I was a very punctual person... My mother would feel my strangeness.

"Stop panicking, babe." The sweet name made Tomlinson laugh but I ignored him again. Harry was looking at me with a very reassuring smile. "I'm going to take you there and just remember you have the upper hand on your mother. She won't yell if you have a meeting with other people than your mother."

He placed his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them slowly then gave me my phone.




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