The Pack/Sidemen Imagines and...

By bri_leon823

230K 3.5K 783

The title kind of explains it haha. REQUESTS ARE FOREVER CLOSED Each imagine type will have like two parts s... More

New Story?!
How You Met (Part 1:The Pack)
How You Met (Part 2:Sidemen)
Imagine Requests!
Your Name In His Phone
His Name In Your Phone
Simon for Dani <3
Quick Thank You Author's Note!
You Tell Someone You Like Them (Part 1:Sidemen)
You Tell Someone You Like Them (Part 2:The Pack)
Vikk for Linden <3
His First Gift To You (Part 1:The Pack)
His First Gift To You (Part 2:Sidemen)
Harry Imagine #1
Lachlan for Ryan <3
Your First Dance Song
Wedding Dress (Part 1:Pack)
Wedding Dress (Part 2:Sidemen)
Clothing You Steal
A/N: 3k Thank You!
Mitch Imagine #1
Another Author's Note: Sorry! And HELP!
Video You Make Together
First Kiss (Part 1:Sidemen)
Vikk for Anna <3
Vikk for Hannah <3
Simon for Autumn <3
First Kiss(Part 2:Pack)
Josh for Zoe <3
His Hogwarts House
Your Wedding Location
Starting Over (I'm Sorry!!!)
Simon for Zara <3
Vikk for Lethrese <3
Finding Out They Like You(Part 1:Sidemen)
Harry Imagine #1
Vikk for Sabrina <3
What He Buys You For Christmas
Christmas Imagine
Simon for Monica <3
Ethan for Natalie <3
What He Likes Most About You
Your Best Friend
Simon for Ally <3
Jerome for Aj <3
His Nickname For You
Vikk for Holly <3
Videogame You Play Together
Lachlan for Kailey <3
Your Wedding Color Theme
When He Proposes To You
Preston for Shanelle <3
Vikk for Sophie <3
Vikk for Sophie (Part 2) <3
Lachlan for Lailah <3
Josh Imagine #1
A/N-Stay Connected!
What He Gets You For Valentine's Day
Vikk for Sophie <3 (Part 3)
Simon Imagine #1
What You Do For Valentine's Day
Vikk for Hawaii <3
Simon for Hannah <3
Lachlan Imagine #1
Vikk and Simon for @mothleap
A/N- New Stories
Vikk for Aisha <3
Simon for Lizzy <3
Lachlan for Maddie
Vikk for Kelsey <3 #Kelstar123
Simon for Ally <3
Lachlan for Sarah-Marie <3
Tag Thingy Because I'm Bored
Vikk for Hannah <3
Lachlan/Preston/Simon for Ryleigh <3
Vikk for Anisah <3
Lachlan for Allie <3
Harry for Hannah <3
Lachlan for Amber <3
Rob for Kirby <3
Mitch for Amber <3
Preston for Aaliyah <3
Lachlan for Abby <3
Harry for Hannah <3
Josh for Danielle <3
First Time He Says "I Love You"
Pick Up Lines
Your Kids' Names
Where He Takes You On Holiday/Vacation
Harry Imagine #3
Simon for Shelby <3
Lachlan for Alexia <3
Promise Rings
When You First Meet His Parents
His Good Morning Text To You
Your Bedroom
Harry Imagine #4
Your Favorite Thing To Do Together
Mitch for Amber <3
Prom Dress
A/N: Bad News...
Your Pet
Lachlan for Maddy <3
Gender Of Your First Baby
Youtuber You Watch Together
His Random Text To You
A/N: Please Read
Candy You Eat Together
Josh for Ally :)
Simon for Lizzy <3
Josh for Violet <3
A/N... Almost The End?
Where He Proposes To You
Your Favorite Meal To Cook Together

Your First Fight (Part 1: Sidemen)

4.7K 57 14
By bri_leon823

Okay this was requested, recommended, whatever, by @SigneJnsson, so yeah, thanks for the idea! <3



"Babe, can't you just be done editing already?" You groan at Simon, who has been editing for the past two hours. Of course, you're not mad at him, you understand how much YouTube means to him. And it's not like he ignores you when he's doing it, he'll take breaks to have fun with you.

"It'll be just a minute more." Simon says, turning towards you, then back to his computer. You sigh and flop onto his bed.

"Good. Because I'm hungry!" You say, dragging out the y sound. Simon only laughs at you and continues his editing. You pull out your phone, scrolling through your Twitter feed.

Do you get hate because you're dating Simon? Of course. But, you understand, having been a fangirl when you were younger. You would always get jealous when a guy you were obsessing over got a girlfriend, even if you were seven years younger than them.

"Finally!" You hear Simon shout, causing you to look up from your phone at him. He spins around in his chair to face you, stands up and lifts you so you're standing too. You grin up at him and he puts his finger under your chin and connects your lips to his. One of the best parts of your day was when he was done recording and editing, because then all of his attention is on you. "Let's go get some food, Y/N." He says when you pull apart and you nod your head in agreement.

Simon grabs your hand and drags you out of his bedroom door and down the stairs. You don't bother telling anyone you're leaving, since they never tell you when they leave. You and Simon skip out to his car, and get in, before you realize you have no idea where you want to go.

"Well, what do you feel like eating?" You ask Simon, turning your head towards him. He shrugs his shoulders and mumbles an 'I don't care'. "How about Chinese?" You ask him and he looks at you with an 'I don't want Chinese' look. "Okay, no Chinese. How about Mexican?" You ask Simon, and see that he's looking at you with the same expression.

You let out a shout of frustration at Simon. "Well, obviously you do care where we go since you turn down every suggestion I make!" You yell at him, crossing your arms over your chests.

"No, I don't care, I just don't want to have Chinese or Mexican!" He yells back, equally as loud. The sharpness in his voice, takes you aback for a second before you recover.

"Yeah, sure! I bet if I suggest Italian you won't want to have that either?" You look over at him, your expression solid and not amused. He's looking down at the steering wheel, not saying anything to prove you wrong. "If you're going to be this picky, you can just go by yourself." You tell Simon, unbuckling your seatbelt. You watch Simon look up at you in shock, there's some other emotion in his eyes, but you can't tell what it is. "Have fun." You mumble, stepping out of the car and walking back to the house.



You had just finished eating dinner with the Sidemen, which you cooked. You had cooked fish, since it's one of the few nights that Simon isn't here, and you never have it when he is because he hates it. The boys had all run off when they were done eating to film some video, so you were stuck cleaning up their mess. Even your boyfriend, Josh, had left, but not before apologizing and kissing your cheek.

You pick up all of their dirty dishes and bring them into the kitchen to put them in the dishwasher. These boys make such a mess. After cleaning the whole mess, you start the dishwasher. You finish drinking your bottle of water and go to throw it away, but see that the trash is full.

You groan and call Josh, your boyfriend, into the room. "What's up, babe?" He asks once he's in there. He walks behind you and warps his arms around your waist, hugging you.

"Can you take out the trash?" You ask Josh, spinning around so that you're facing him. He looks out the window and his eyes grow wide before turning back to you.

"B-but babe, it's pitch black outside. Can't I do it in the morning?" Josh asks, begging with his eyes. You cross your arms over your chest, raising your eyebrows at him.

"Are you kidding me? You don't want to take out the trash because you're afraid of the fucking dark?" You back away from him, causing his hands to slide off from their position at your waist. You look at Josh waiting for an answer, but he just looks like a fish out of water. He keeps opening his mouth and closing it, no words coming out.

"I'm not afraid of the dark..." Josh says, rather unconvincingly, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just, I don't see why I can't take it out in the morning!" Josh's voice starts to slightly rise, causing something inside of you to change.

"There's fish in there, Zerker? Do you really want the house to smell like fish all night just because YOU'RE AFRAID OF THE FUCKING DARK?" You yell the last part, causing Josh to look hurt. You two stand there's looking at each other, Josh looking apologetic and you looking murderous, until the kitchen door opens.

You turn around to see a confused Vikk standing in the doorway. "Is everything alright in here?" He asks, looking between you and Josh.

You grunt and tell Vikk, "It's none of your fucking business." You take a final glare at Josh before walking out of the kitchen and up to Josh's room, shutting the door behind you.



"Happy one year anniversary, Y/N." Your boyfriend, JJ, whispers in your ear while hugging you.

You are not going to lie, it's been one crazy of a year. Not because of JJ though, it's mostly been his friends, you know the Sidemen, and them always making fun and saying you guys were having sex. No matter how many times you told them that you guys have in fact not had sex, they still choose to believe what their own minds, and JJ's reputation, tells them.

"You too, babe." You reply, kissing your boyfriend. Soon, it turns from small, delicate kisses, to a rather heated make out session, probably causing the boys to think you were having sex... Again.

"It can't take it anymore, Y/N." JJ says, his voice lower than normal, indicating that he was turned on. You look over to him confused - he knows about how you feel about sexual intercourse. "Please, babe, it's been a year." JJ begs you and suddenly, you're turned off.

Turns out JJ doesn't remember how you feel about it.

"JJ, I told you. I don't want to have sex until we're married." You tell him, letting out a puff of air and crossing your arms.

"Aw, come on. You know you're turned on right now." JJ says, pretending to hump the air. You scoff at him. You can't believe it. All of the other boys were right. All JJ ever wanted to do was have sex.

"You know, JJ. If you want to have sex so badly, go find a hooker, because I told you not until marriage! I wouldn't brake up with you if you did it, I just can't understand why you can't wait!" You say, raising your voice. JJ doesn't respond.

You grab your sweatshirt, which had come off in the heat of the make out and make your way out of JJ's room in a huff. You make your way towards the front door to go back to your flat, to let your anger die down. "Did you guys get it on?" You hear Harry call after you from the kitchen and you let out a scream of frustration before slamming the door behind you.



"I love Thorpe Park so much!" You say spinning around before grabbing your boyfriend, Harry's hand. Harry just laughs at you, but you can't control your silliness!

"You want to go on that ride?" Harry says, pointing to a rollercoaster. You quickly nod your head and you both run over and get in line. Once you guys get to the back of the line, you pull out you phone as Harry wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder. "Selfie time?" Harry questions and you nod, opening your Snapchat app. Once you two take a picture together you add it to your story before putting your phone away.

After the rollercoaster, you and Harry decide to take a quick break and sit down on a bench. He grabs your hand and you put your head on his shoulder. You look up at him and he's looking down at you, smiling. You take your head off his shoulder and pull out your phone to scroll through your Twitter feed.

"You ready to go Harry?" You ask him, not looking up from your phone. When he doesn't answer you look towards him to see that he's looking at something farther up the path. "Harry?" You ask him, getting slightly concerned. You try your best to follow his line of sight, see if anything stand out.

You face drops when you see Harry's ex, Jordan, walking down the path with her 'posse'. Oh yeah, you know a lot about her, since you started dating Harry about a month and a half after they broke up. Suddenly anger burns inside of you, knowing that Harry was checking her out.

Harry hadn't broken up with her, no, she broke up with him, leaving him heartbroken. He must have never gotten over her. You scoff at Harry, grabbing your bag and standing up. You walk away, not even bother to say anything to Harry. Texting your best friend to come pick you up, someone grabs you wrist causing you to stop. "Y/N! Where are you going?" You hear a very confused Harry ask.

You sigh and turn towards Harry. "I saw you checking out your ex, Harry. You were so into it that you didn't even hear me talking to you." You turn back towards the entrance of the park and leave Harry in the dust. Or at least you thought you did.

"No, Y/N, it wasn't-" Harry begins, but you don't want to hear a word of it.

"Don't deny it, Harold. I know you didn't break up with her and she left you heartbroken. I knew this day was going to come." You tell him, not turning to face him so he doesn't see the single tear rolling down your face. You walk away and Harry grabs your wrist once more, but you shake it off, walking away from your love.



"I'm so hungry! You have no idea." You say to your boyfriend, Ethan, as you walk into your flat's kitchen. He was sitting at your island on his laptop, eating something, but you couldn't tell what it was. You had just gotten out of the shower, since you just came back from playing football with the Sidemen and some others.

"Sure I do." Ethan replies, looking up from his laptop at you. "About as hungry as I was before I started eating." And then he starts to laugh. Oh his laugh, it gets you every time. You can't stop yourself when your own laughter comes billowing out of your mouth.

You look in the refrigerator to grab your pizza leftovers. Either you're blind, or your leftovers aren't there. Odd, you could've sworn that you had put them in there last night.

"Hey, babe, do you know where my pizza leftovers are?" You ask Ethan, still looking in the fridge. He doesn't answer, so you know something is up. Or that he didn't hear you. I could be either to be honest. You grab a bottle of soda and turn to face Ethan.

He is looking very guilty and has his hands behind his back. You cross your arms over your chest, giving him a 'not amused' look. You smiles innocently at you and you hear something hit the floor. "O swear to God, if that's my pizza..." You warn him, walking over to see what hit the ground. A growl emanates from your throat as your see your pizza laying on the ground.

"I'm sorry?" Ethan says, putting his hands up in the air. Not much time passes before he starts to laugh, which just pisses you off more.

"Not only did you take my pizza, which I had specifically told you not to eat, but you also think this is some sort of joke. It's not a fucking joke, Ethan." You tell him, grabbing your soda and walking out of the room, not wanting to argue with him more.



Christmas time is finally here, and you couldn't be more... nervous. Yes, nervous, not excited. You're nervous because it's your first Christmas with your boyfriend of six months, Tobi.

Sure, you had finished all of your shopping, and you know he'll love the presents, but there's still something that is bothering you, and you can't tell what it is. "Hey, Y/N." Tobi says, walking into the living room of your flat and sitting next to you on the sofa, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"Hey, Tobi." You reply, leaning your head on his shoulder. You two often sat like this, watching television, having a conversation, or even just sitting in silence, starting out the window. It was often a relaxing position to sit in, especially with Tobi there to warm you.

"So, I was thinking." Tobi blurts out and you let out a slight laugh.

"That's never good." You say before you start laughing again, looking up at Tobi.

"No, this is serious." He says. Oh no, this can't be good. You aren't necessarily the best at serious conversations, and he knows that as he squeezes your shoulder. "It's nothing too big, just, whose family will we spend Christmas with? We won't be able to visit both in one day since our families live so far apart..." Tobi's voice trails off as you sit up, looking at him.

This is the thing that's been nagging you. You two had never decided whose family to visit. You love your family, you couldn't not see them this Christmas. But, at the same time, you know how much family means to Tobi.

"I think we should visit mine. I haven't seen them in four months." You tell Tobi and watch his face drop, knowing that he had hoped you would allow that you went to his family. But, you guys live so much closer to Tobi's family than yours, so he visits them once a month, where as you haven't seen your family since you moved down here.

"But, you know how much I care about my family!" Tobi says, his voice slightly raising. You sigh and move farther away from him, knowing that this will not end up well.

"But, you can visit your family whenever you want! Mine is a three hour flight from here, I haven't seen them since we moved into this flat!" You say, standing up and throwing your hands up in the air.

"You know what, Y/N?" Tobi says, now standing up with you, his voice still raised. "You go visit your family for Christmas! I'm going to see mine." And like that, you boyfriend turns and leaves the room, leaving you to stand there, processing what just happened.


A/N: Hope you all enjoyed these! I felt really guilty writing them omg

Umm... Part 2 will be out sometime in the future? I don't know, I might post a requested imagine before then.

SPEAKING OF REQUESTED IMAGINES... if you want one for yourself feel free to dm me, I don't bite I swear! :]

See ya!


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