Are you Real?

By summer2224

73.1K 1.8K 201

fem! Reader A love story between a ordinary 28 year old woman with a traumatizing past and a 33 year old dead... More

Who is she?
Oh. My. God. It's Her.
Absolutely Not!
Who did that to you?
The meeting
You're mine **
Be safe **
The Mission
New Supervisor
I still love you
My Daisy**
What if?
Mission #2**
Dont leave me detka
I lost someone
Beautiful Red
I Don't Remember
First dates
The dinner*
Ms. Romanoff
A new dynamic**
Momma Wanda
Say it again**
The plan*
Here we go*
Blissfully Unaware*
The Night Fell Still
A Mothers Desperation
Her Children
A Moment Together***
Betrayal's Embrace
Divided but Together***
Haunted Memories
Old wounds
Bad girl ***
Left Behind
Stitched Wounds
Красная комната
The Contact
Its Your Fault
Natalia Alianovna Romanova
Shadows and Promises
Through the Veil of Night
Rescue **
Promises in Paradise**
A New Beginning
Trust and Tensions
Shadows of Reality
The Finale
New Natasha Story Chapter 1 is now out

Prototype Y62D

811 19 1
By summer2224

(FYI: different writing style this chapter)

Natasha's eyes flutter open seeing her arm still delicately wrapped around your naked body as you sleep on your back. Her eyes move from your face to the balcony, the sun hidden behind the  morning clouds waking earlier than she had anticipated to.

Knowing you'll be sleeping for the day she covers your bruised body with a bigger comforter in replacement of her body heat, placing a gentle kiss to your lips before heading to pay your ex another visit.

Natasha enters the kitchen to leave a note for the team letting them know to check in on you periodically until she gets back. Which mid writing the note she realizes its pointless knowing Wanda will be by your side. She sighs, looking at the note crumbling it up, deciding to just text her letting her know where she was off to.

The redhead doesn't mind the early hour liking the peace and quiet before it turns hectic. She savors these mornings alone with her thoughts with a warm cup of coffee in hand, this is when she thinks best.

But this type of morning doesn't compare to the other mornings. Normally snuggling with you under the covers tightly wrapping her arms around your body watching how peaceful you look. But she can't do that with you this morning. You're hurt and in pain because of Diana.

God she hates that woman with every inch of her body. She hates how she looks at you, how she treats you, how she stole you from her. She loathed the woman as soon as she stepped in to that conference room that afternoon.

For her, the thought of someone else once calling you theirs is maddening. Yes, it's the past, but fucking hell to her. She truly is one of the most jealous people out there, and she doesn't care. You're hers end of story.

Before Natasha steps out, she checks in on you one last time cracking the door, opening it slowly seeing you still in the same position. The placement of the comforter is to her liking, all of your pain medication next you on your night stand where your water bottle is placed just in case. After deeming you are good, she slowly shuts the door making her way out.

The sound of Natasha's footsteps has Wanda snapping her eyes open, listening to the foot pattern, it's not you she thought to herself. Wanda looks to her left seeing Vision's back turned to her as he sleeps. Her lips finds his shoulder blade making him hum, feeling the soft lips, he blindly searches behind him for his wife.

Wanda chuckles when Vision's hand finally finds her, having her naked body pressed up against his back, arm wrapping around him. "Where you going beautiful," he asks with a groggy voice. "Hmm, to check on my baby," she murmurs, kissing the back of his head. "Did you sleep well?" He mumbles into the pillow. "Very well thank you, darling," she buries her head in the back of his, hiding her smirk thinking about how Vision insisted on taking her stress away and he did just that allowing her to sleep peacefully.

Another light chuckle escapes her when she hears her husband snoring again haven fallen back to sleep. Twisting back on her side to grab her phone shooting upright seeing that Natasha had texted her making her get ready faster.

While Wanda scrambles out of bed, Bucky lays awake in his, replaying what occurred and why the fuck didn't Carol listen to him.

"Carol! What are you doing! You're not suppose to be here!

"Dont enter! We don't know what she'll do!"

"Carol! Stand down!

"Damn it Carol," he mumbles, rubbing his face with his hands not gotten much sleep the past few nights since the incident. His mind restless as he tries to figure out if he could've stopped her. What could he have done differently, what could have been said differently.

As Bucky stares at his ceiling, Yelena and Kate start tossing in their bed as they both start waking.

"Good morning, krasivyy," Yelena mumbles in Kate's neck planting soft kisses to her skin causing a warm smile to cross Kate's face. "Good morning, babe," Kate murmurs, pressing her ass further into Yelena's front making her tighten her hold around her. "I think we should stay in bed all day," Yelena suggests, continuing the soft markings down her neck. "Mhm, I think I agree," Kate replies, turning on her back having Yelena shift on top of her, leaning down smirking when a moan leaves Kate's lips from her knee slotting between her legs.

While the two of them let the world fade around them, Steve and Sharon are still fast asleep in their room. Sharon lying on his chest, soft sighs leaving her lips. Both gone to bed late, too engrossed in conversation learning new things about each other and simply just enjoying each others company.

The opposite is currently happening with Tony, slamming his mug down on his workshop table while Pepper squeezes his shoulder. "You haven't slept," she kisses his cheek, "you need to sleep." He shakes his head twirling a pen through his fingers, "two of them are still out there, I need to make a better security system." Pepper sighs, at her husband's exhausted tone resting her forehead against the back of his head. "Let Vision deal with it for now," she murmurs into his hair hands massaging his shoulder trying to relive the tension. "I'm fine." He blankly states giving her hand a squeeze.

The compound is quiet at the early morning hour of 6:00 the light snow flakes making it even more peaceful as the white specks fall from the sky creating a perfect gloomy white light. The sound of a tea kettle fills the room, Wanda brewing a cup before she makes her way to you letting the hot tea sit. The door to your room opens quietly Wanda stepping in making her way around the bed. Her soft fingers caresses your yellow and blue cheek leaning down planting a kiss to your forehead. She studies you for a little, eyes scanning your body removing the comforter to check the rest of you.

The warm gaze fades when she sees your body so beaten, the serum doing a number on you makes her jaw harden tracing the strap of your sling adjusting it just slightly around your shoulder. Not moving once almost worries Wanda placing her hand on your chest feeling it rise and fall as you breathe steadily her eyes darting to the night stand seeing the type of pain killers, knowing the reason why you are out cold. "My poor baby," Wanda murmurs brushing some hair out of your face planting one last kiss to your forehead before heading back to the kitchen.

Grabbing her mug, Wanda leans against the counter texting Natasha.

"Fury," Natasha says over her office phone. "Why don't I have Diana's full file, I asked for it yesterday and it's not on my desk." she taps her pen against the wooden surface rolling her eyes as Fury said he forgot. "Well, I would like to have it, so today would be nice," her tone short eyes darting to her phone that buzzes, instantly snatching it seeing Wanda's name. Her body relaxes seeing Wanda had checked up on you and will check on you again in an hour. "20 minutes Fury, have someone bring it to me." Natasha hangs up the phone typing back, thanking her letting her know the current situation.

With Diana's folder in hand, Natasha makes her way to the interrogation room having setup another interview with Diana needing to get more information. She sits in a cold metal chair, gun attached to her hip folder in front of her seeing Maria enter with Diana shackled, sitting her harshly down in front of Natasha.

She leans back in her chair arms crossed staring Diana down. The effects of the restraints clearly working seeing her unable to heal herself still bruised making Natasha smirk. Good she thinks to herself, suffer.

Opening the folder Natasha pulls out surveillance photos sliding them in front of Diana. "Your little puppets aren't so smart," Natasha leans back watching Diana scan over the photos rolling her eyes. "Why were they around Shield University?" Natasha asks, watching her finger trace the photos before pushing it back smirking, staying silent.

Natasha pulls out another document sliding it in front of her. "Nice location," Natasha sits back watching Diana's eyes widen. "Your two morons lead us straight to it." Diana picks the paper up seeing the plans of the abandoned building. "Are they hiding there?" Natasha continues to ask questions getting no verbal response but the Widow knows body language and it's telling a lot.

"When did you become such a pussy?" Natasha jeers at her, Diana snapping her eyes up from the document to Natasha's taunting ones. "I'm not the pussy here," Diana snarls back leaning back in her chair. Natasha watching curiously knowing something's on the tip of her tongue.

"How's my Daisy," she diverts the subject, smirking when Natasha's jaw stiffens biting her own tongue. "That's irrelevant." Natasha grits, leaning in more hands placed on top of the table pushing the documents back at her. "I know they're there." She pulls more photos out of the folder, picture after picture the two men leaving and going the abandoned building, "what will we find there, Diana?" Natasha continues to press her, steering the conversation back. Diana shrugs, keeping her mouth shut.

The door opens Fury leaning to her ear, "they weren't there, but theres stuff that you should see," he whispers to her, Natasha's eyes snapping to Diana. "We're done here."

Wanda walks back in the room seeing you shifting uncomfortably, the comforter now on the floor body sweating making her rush over to you, "sweetheart," she mumbles, your eyes squeezing shut wincing, "are you in pain?" She asks softly hand caressing your cheek. You nod in response having her look at your pills. "Sit up for me," she helps you sit up right hand going to your chest feeling your heart race. "Try to breathe sweetheart," she rubs your back soothing the panic handing the pills. "Relax," she coos, helping you get comfortable.

Glass crunches under Natasha's heels, the old brick building cold and dirty. Shield agents disperse about the large room snapping photos of hard drives, and footprints. Anything that is in view is documented. Natasha stands there gun on her hip looking around, "photograph the window sills," she points seeing a disturbance on one.

Pushing aside a plastic sheet that hangs from the ceiling entering a dim room, a single desk in the middle with a computer on top, papers scattered. "Has this been photographed?" Natasha asks.

"Yes, ma'am. It's all set." An agent answers her before stepping out of the room giving her space. Natasha grabs a folder off the desk, Y/n's medical records Natasha furrows her brows putting the folder down scanning over the computer clicking into a folder. Her eyes widen, photos of you at the coffee shop with Wanda, photos of you at the university in her class. You've been followed and Natasha sees that, you've been followed for a very long time.

"You fucking bitch," Natasha mumbles under her breath, hands balling into a fist eyes darting back down to the desk, her hand shuffling papers away revealing another folder. Natasha lets out a sarcastic laugh lifting the folder in her hands the drug Diana created: prototype Y62D

Natasha scans the papers that sit inside, the documents unveiling the plans she had with you and it makes her sick to her stomach. She's obsessed. Deadly obsessed.

She has to find them before they get a hold of you.

Hey! I hope you're all doing well and I hope you're still enjoying this story. I apologize for last chapter it wasn't my best and I apologize. Thank you again for reading this story it means a lot and letting me practice my writing skills :)

Don't worry I have a lot planned for this story.

I do have another story called The Neighbor a Wanda and Y/n story if you want to check it out.

As usual sorry for any mistakes 😊

Thanks again!

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