By tpwk-gatsby

576K 13.2K 7K

"You have an edge on him." "Which is what?" "Her." Renny needed a job to makeup up for the loss of hers. Som... More

// Characters Reveal //


1.6K 67 18
By tpwk-gatsby



You're just my eternal sunshine



DOUBLE UPDATE !! first part <3

Harry's Pov.

"And since when is it my issue that they're playing terribly? It's gambling Tyson, it's a risk in itself. You want me to do something about so many people losing? No, learn how to fucking gamble. Not my issue. And i'm sorry but didn't someone just win 90k last night?"

He took a big, dramatic sigh and spun around in the chair.

"Alright grumps, you'd think you'd be in a better mood considering you just came back from a two day fuck fest with your new wife but no, you're still fucking annoying." "Everyday with her is like that, I live in a constant state of bliss at home, so sometimes I gotta be a fucking twat. Okay? Okay." "The sass on such a dominant man is so ironic." He smirked but it just further pissed me off.

"Okay, firstly-" A knock interrupted my next bitchy comment.

"Big man?" "Yeah, come in Edie." "Wife's been calling you." He handed me my phone that I guess I had left in the front office.

I immediately took it, seeing two missed calls and I immediately took it, calling her back. The few rings it took before she answered had me stressed but when I heard her voice, I could tell something was a little off. My stress heightened.

"What's wrong?" "Okay...i'm fine. I'd like to preface that-" "Renny. What's wrong?"

I could feel Tyson and Edie's eyes on me but I couldn't give a shit right now.

"I got in the smallest little...scuffle. Accident. Whatever you wanna call it. I'm fine. I just knew if I didn't tell you, you'd crucify me at home for it." "Baby...if you don't fucking tell me what happened, so help me-" "Tone." She sassily checked me and I pinched the spot between my eyes. "Can you please tell me? You can tell me or i'll track you and show up." "You don't have my location." "I have everything. Anytime I want it. Now tell me."

She was quiet for a second and mumbled something I couldn't hear, probably good that I couldn't.

"Well...Mick picked me up for lunch on his motorcycle and someone kind of bumped...well, us."

I stood up and grabbed my keys.

"Where are you?" "Harry, i'm fine! Mick is too. Just a little bruised and I have a fractured wrist. We weren't going so it wasn't crazy. They're gonna release us soon-" "Renny!" I yelled, but I felt it was warranted in this moment. I need her to just tell me where she is.

She sighed.

"Hospital in Bellevue."

Ding ding.

"I gotta go. She got into a little accident. Call you both later." I told them as I shut the door behind me and kept her at my ear.

"Promise me you're fine Renny." I rawly asked. "I promise." "Are the doctors telling you that or are you saying that?" "Both. They said my vitals look fine, just bruised and a fractured wrist. Mick has a cut on his forehead but they stitched him up and he's fine. Just bruised." "Fucks sake. You're never getting on that ever again." "It wasn't his fault."

I could hear her defensiveness.

"I know baby, I wasn't saying it was. I trust that. But clearly people can't drive for shit and I can't have you on a motorcycle where you're so much more vulnerable to getting hurt. It's New York Renny, you see how these fucking people drive. It's insane." "I know." She innocently said.

I practically ran out front and got in my car.

"Stay on the phone with me okay? Can you do that?" "Yeah, I can. Why though?"

Truthfully...I don't know. Paranoia, I guess. Just my worries. Like her telling me she's fine and I get there and she isn't. I just want to hear her the whole way there. That way i'm not driving myself insane.

"Just want to hear that you're actually fine." "Baby...i'm fine."

I could hear in her voice that she really was. Didn't change the fact that I would be filled to the brim with anxiety until I get there.

I groaned into the phone, making her laugh.

"Maybe we don't need to have a baby. Feeling this shit times two? I'm gonna lose my fucking mind."

She gasped through the phone audibly.

"Stop. You want a baby with me and you know it."

I smiled to myself and hummed.

"Yeah, I do. It's just gonna be torture every time something goes wrong. Oh, baby scrapped her knee at school? I'm gonna panic. You in labor? I'm gonna keep cool but Renny, that shit better go so smooth. If they even think of taking you back and away from me during it, I just...I do not do well when you are not okay. I can't imagine how i'd feel with a baby too." "You'd be perfect because you're perfect with me. You're protective. It is what it is. It's natural. You aren't the only one who panics. You didn't answer your phone when I called the first two times and I cried. I actually cried. I thought something was wrong. We're just weird like this Harry."

Her sentence had me even more anxious to get there.

"I left my phone up front, I didn't hear it. I always answer you. I'm sorry baby." "I know, I just..." Her voice cracked and so did my fucking heart.

"Ren..." "I'm fine. I'm fine! I'm being stupid. You just always answer and you didn't and I got worried-" "You're the one in the hospital, imagine how i'm feeling." "I know but i'm literally fine. It's bruises. I don't think it's any use in you even coming down here. I just wanted to call-" "I'm coming. Don't say there isn't any use. Would you be there if the roles were reversed?" "Well obviously, thank God they're not. I'd be freaking out-" "Exactly. I've had to see you hurt too much for my fucking liking. Next times my turn." "No! Stop it. Don't give me even more anxiety."

I turned at the red light and sped up as I drove.

"Im sorry. Im gonna be fine baby. Just never want you hurt yet i've had to see it a fair share already." "Im not." "You are." "Hardly."

I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"You're fucking stubborn." I mumbled and she took a deep breathe. "Are you mad?" "Mad? At what?" "Me."

I shook my head to myself because what in the hell could I be mad at her for?

"Why would I be mad at you?" "You tell me not to get on motorcycles with the guys." "Yeah and this is why." "So you're mad?"

I saw the hospital ahead and breathed out a solid breathe.

"Absolutely fucking not. I am however, so fucking glad you're okay."

She was quiet for a second and I didn't quite like it.

"Renny?" I softly asked and she hummed. "You're okay?" "Of course I am. Where are you?" "Pulling up."

She hummed.

"Good. ER. Hurry, I wanna see you."

The feeling when she needs me or wants me, it's a feeling like nothing else. It's addictive. I could never tire of it.

I kept her on the line as I went inside the ER, the feeling immediately striking a bit of a panic in me. At least it's not that hospital.

"Renny No- Styles. Novis? What's it under Renny?" I asked her and she hummed. "I haven't changed any of my things yet. It's Novis." "Novis." I told the lady and she hummed.

"She's getting ready to be released. You can take a seat-" "No. That's my wife and I need to see her. I know how ER's work, you're allowed a visitor and she doesn't have one."

The lady pinched her eyes at me and I hardened my expression at her before she snapped at one of the people in scrubs behind her.

"Novis. Room 22. How long will she be?" He grabbed a chart and I was getting impatient. "Not long. 20 minutes or so?"

The lady huffed and turned back to me.

"Fine. Double doors, room 22." "Yeah, I gathered. Thanks."

I walked quickly to the back.

"And actually, it's Styles. Renny Styles. I don't care what your cards and shit say." I told her as I found her room, hung up the phone and like magnets, went directly to her.

She was sitting on the side of the bed with a cast of some sort on her left wrist.

"I know that. Obviously. We're an old married couple already for fucks sake."

I love that she's taken on some of the things I say so often.

I got right in front of her. "Sore on your body?" I asked and she shrugged and shook her head, so I leaned down, wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up in a hug, which she instantly clung to me back in.

"Don't fucking scare me again." I whispered into her neck. "I'm sorry." She kissed my neck and sighed. ""I love you." "I love you Renny."

Suddenly the door opened and a groan sounded.

"Please don't bitch at me. I'm sorry and she's never allowed on my motorcycle again. Shit scared me just as bad as you." Mick said and I sat her back down on the bed, not having had any intention to bitch at him anyways. Was worried about him too if i'm being completely transparent.

"How are you man? You alright?" "I'm fine. Renny, you? Still good?" "I'm fine Mick. He didn't need to come but...you know him." She's referring to me, obviously. "Surprised he didn't get here in a millisecond if i'm honest." Little scar face chimed in.

Trust me, I tried.

"Yeah, well she just called me." I glared at her and she rolled her eyes. "Because i'm perfectly fine."

I rolled my eyes, keeping my hand in hers with a tight grip though before looking back at Mick with a stitched up gash on his forehead.

"Pretty wicked cut there mate." "I know. This is my fucking money maker too, those assholes." Mick shook his head and Renny scoffed. "What money are you making from that mug?" "Excuse you? What money are you making from yours?" "Someone wanted to buy me for millions. You can't say the same."

I shook my head as she uses this a lot. You'd think she wouldn't but oh no, trust me, she does.

"No I cannot and thank fuck for that."

"Baby..." I looked at her with a pointed look she knows. "I'm just saying!" "Maybe don't just say then." "It's true though." "A very unfortunate truth that isn't a compliment." It's like she thinks when someone wanted to buy her when they literally work in sex trafficking is a compliment. I think it's her way of coping with that whole thing, so I don't usually say much but I always give her a look that she knows too well and she'll usually give me an apologetic look after that.

"So parental." She grumbled, looking at Mick who gave her a funny look. "You're the one that's dating him."

Oh, yeah. Did I mention we still haven't told them? I mean, it's only been 3 days and it's not like it was the real wedding. We're still gonna have one of those. And they will all be there.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked Mick and he looked a little nervous suddenly. "Sure..." "We're married. We got married at the courthouse a few days ago. We're still going to have a wedding though so I obviously want you all there but...we are already married."

His eyes got big and he huffed.

"Am I the last to fucking know?" "You're the first actually." I informed him and suddenly he had a shit eating grin. "No one else knows?" He whispered and she shook her head.

"It's not that it's a secret but...didn't want anyone upset that they weren't there. It was...just for us. The wedding is when you'll all be there with us. Nothing big or crazy, but you'll all be there." She told him and suddenly he sat beside her and they just looked at each other.

Almost felt like I should let them have a second.

"Look at ya." He said quietly to her and she looked like she was holding back some emotions so she wouldn't cry. "Look at you." "Still getting us into shit." He smiled and she returned it and sighed.

"So...maid of honor?" He laughed and shook his head before shrugging. "Sure. Why not. Not like this prick was gonna ask me." "Actually, I was." I informed him and his eyebrows shot up. "Ah then never mind. I'll be his. Ask Shiloh." He told her and she gasped.

He smiled at her and gave her a look.

"It's more fitting for him. You know it." They gave each other more looks I couldn't quite read because, well, they know each other in ways I never will. But I did know a bit of what he meant there. Shiloh and her have always had a different kind of bond.

"Yeah...you're right. Harry was gonna ask him too but-" "Against my will." I teased and she rolled her eyes. "He loves him secretly. Sexual tension between them two?" "Insane." Mick added and she nodded.

"You two are fucking creeps. I have no sexual tension with anyone but you and you are well aware of that." "Nah man, you exude sexual tension. Thought I noticed it once when that Gianna girl was around."

Renny pinched her eyes at me and glared.

"He's trying to start shit, don't give me that look. I have never felt that way towards her actually and I met her before Tyson so I had my chance."

That's not true, I didn't meet her first, but it felt right to say to help my case here because Mick is fucking lying. Shit starter.

Mick starts laughing his ass off while Renny continues that fucking glare at me.

"You're the one who made so many threesome jokes with Tyso-" "I stopped doing that a while ago! They were jokes. Sexual tension isn't something you can fake." "Well fucking well then, because i've never had it around her."

She rolled her eyes and I shot a look at Mick for even starting this shit.

"When have I ever given you a reason to worry?"

She shrugged and gave me those soft eyes and I sighed.

"Exactly. So just be quiet." I quietly told her as I cupped her face and kissed her lips. "Pussy whipped." Micks annoying ass spoke beside us.

"Incredibly. Do you even know what one feels like?" "Just because i'm not pussy whipped, I suddenly haven't felt a puss-"

The door opens and the doctors voice interrupts him.

"So that's where you are." He said to Mick and Mick nodded with a smile. "What's up dude?" "You weren't in your room." He gave him a pointed look as if to say 'you should be'. "Ah yeah man, i'm good. Checking in on her." "I see."

I tried to hide my smirk and looked over to the doctor now.

"Is she okay? Everything looks good?" "You are?" "Her husband. The question?" I pointed back to and he sighed, clearly having had enough shit at this point in the day probably.

"Yes. Fractured wrist. Some bangs and bruises. Should be fine. As well as him. Nice cut to the head but should be fine along with his bangs and bruises. We're good to discharge." "Thank fuck! Got some shit to do." Mick said and stood up, grabbing the discharge papers.

"Out we go Ren. Wanna go get that lunch now? I'm fucking starved." She nodded as I watched her, them going over where to sign and where not to etc.

I noticed her fractured wrist wasn't her dominant hand and for that I was grateful because she wouldn't have been able to work and I know she wouldn't like that.

"Wanna come?" He asked me and I looked at her. "Well i'm taking you both so yeah." "Oh shit...yeah we don't have a ride." He laughed and shrugged. "Uber." "Me." I reiterated.

"You were at work and I know you're busy. We're completely fine-" "I'm going to lunch so just be quiet." "Get a tone one more time." She warned and I stared at her while she did the same with me.

The doctor interrupted us and gave a couple basic instructions. Mick isn't to sleep for 12 hours and I could see Renny shift when he said that. Nervous for him maybe? I'm not really sure. Renny is to keep her cast on for 6 weeks. He suggested giving them both some mild painkillers to which they both immediately denied. I smiled to myself when they did, their eyes connected when they said their no's in unison.

"We've got some Tylenol big guy. Thanks for everything but i've gotta eat so you think we're pretty clear to make a run for it?" The doctor sighed and nodded.

"I'll let the nurses know. Give us a call if you need anything. Those stitches are to come out by a professional only." He pointed at Mick and he rolled his eyes. "Duh doc." "God help us." The doctor mumbled as he walked out with a quick wave.

"Alright. Pizza. I need pizza."

My hand was on Renny's waist as I led us to my Porsche, reeling in her outfit which consisted of low waisted trousers and a high neck tank with some yellow adidas.

Mick got in and I pulled Renny to me in a kiss.

"You're so sexy." I mumbled with a smile against her lips and she smirked into it. "Is someone suddenly horny?" "You look so good. I can't help it." "Bruises and all?"

Yes, I could see the scrapes and bruises, tried to block it out because I hate that sight on her.

"Everything included. Nothing is gonna make you any less sexy to me. Ever. I could eat you up every second of the day." I gave her one more deep, solid kiss before finally letting her go.

I squeezed her ass a little and opened the door.

"Alright, let's eat."

She gave me that soft, smirky smile as she got in while I went to my side right after.

"Mario's? Or Giovanni's? Or street pizza? So many choices." Mick whined from the backseat while my hand reached over to buckle Renny. Habit. Sue me. As soon as I did however, her hand reached over and buckled me.

"Never buckle me before you." She gave me a stern look and looked back straight ahead. "I'll do what I want." I smirked as I pulled off and she playfully slapped my thigh.

"You pulled that husband card quick in there." Mick spoke from the back. "Well I am. Better get used to saying it."

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