Trashes of the Counts' Famili...

By rileymilamo33

29.6K 2.2K 232

Adara Thornwin, the best friend of Cale Henituse, and possibly equally as Trash as him, decides to visit her... More

˗ ˏ ˋ❆ Winter Special ❆ ˎˊ ˗
˗ ˏ ˋ❆ (The Real) Winter Special ❆ ˎˊ ˗
Happy Anniversary!


217 17 14
By rileymilamo33

It was always darker than she was used to in a tavern. The candlelights were always dim and flickering, a warm glow caster across the worn wooden tables. The shadows were large, attracting her attention.

The scent of the burning wood in the fire casting more shadows across the room was mixed with the smell of alcohol, ale and wine. Mainly ale. There were some smells of a stew as well.

The tapestries in the tavern were not different than the other taverns she visited. All of the scenes from great battles and mythical creatures that belonged in the Ancient Times. She could name all the separate battles and creatures, the bleeding Dark Elves shown on the tapestry staring hatefully at her. There were various antlers and animal heads, showing a successful hunting expedition for all who passed through the tavern she was in.

But what was different, than in the other taverns she visited as Adara Thornwin, were the sounds. She could hear. The hum of lively chatter. Bursts of giggles. The clinking of glasses and tankards. A bard strumming a lyre, playing a fitting tune. It was unlike everything she had ever heard in a tavern.

The loud laughter. The crackling of the fire. The heated arguments. The sound of people having a friendly conversation. It was all so odd to her, she who had only been welcomed by silence and frightened stares.

The patrons had always been there, mercenaries and mages, traders and bards, but she never saw them huddled in conversation, a tankard of ale in their hands. They were usually simply quiet and stared at her, not a muscle moving.

And the barkeep, this one old and weathered, with a sharp look to his face. There had always been a barkeep, in every tavern she went to, but they usually rushed over to her to try and dissuade her from sitting in their tavern. This barkeep, simply gave her what she wanted and then went to argue with one of the patrons who was demanding a discount.

And then there were the gamblers, of course, the ones who huddled around tables, rolling dice and flipping cards to win their games of chance. But some simply played to play, not to win, but to have fun.

One of such groups was now staring at her warily.

"You want to play?" the buffest and tallest of them all asked, staring her up and down cautiously.

She looked at him. "Yes, I do."

Gromm, she would soon learn his name was, sent a look to the one sitting next to him. He looked back at her. "Aye, lass, no offence, but you don't strike me as someone who'd be into this kinda game, y'know?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, feeling the other 6 people at the table staring at her as well. She knew what made him think she would not like the game they were playing. She had her simplest clothes on her, but they were still far above the clothes worn by all 7 of the people at the table. And they all had a tankard of ale in their hands, but she had a bottle of wine. A very expensive wine, all the way from the Henituse Territory.

And, of course, they were all staring at the pouch of coins she had attached to her belt. It jingled when she walked.

She took the pouch clipped to her belt, lifting it up to look at it as if for the first time. All 7 of their eyes followed it. "Yes, I did think it might be a bit too much just for this bottle." She sighed before she acted as if she had an idea. She leaned a bit over the table, looking directly into Gromm's eyes. She put the pouch in the middle of the table, a few gold coins spilling out. "What if I buy a few more rounds for the table? This amount of money is way too much for only me, and you guys seem like you could use a few more drinks."

Gromm stared at her before he burst out in a booming laughter. "Alright, lass! You're a generous one! A few more rounds for the table it is, but I warn ya, we play hard, and we don't take it easy on newcomers." He now had a gleaming look in his blue eyes, making room for her at the table. "Come here, take a seat! Let's see if Lady Luck favours you tonight." 

She did not mind that they would not play easy because, at least for tonight, she was surrounded by people who did not know who she was.

Gromm, from next to her, signalled to the barkeep. "Oi, Barrold, bring us another round, on our new friend here!"

Barrold sighed and came with the tankards. She was content with taking a sip of her wine.

She was not the only woman at the table, however, because on her other side was a beautiful woman with skin paler than hers and hair an ashy blonde.

And this woman, Cecilia, leaned in closer to her and smiled a wide smile with her sharp canines on show. "Have you ever played this game before?"

Adara caught her breath in her throat. "Not at all. First time, looked fun."

Cecilia smiled even more at her response. "We're playing a friendly easy game now, it's almost finished. Should I explain the various cards before you start playing?"

Adara nodded.

For the rest of the game, Cecilia was leaning close to Adara, whispering various cards she had in her hand and their function. "These are the currency, pretty simple cards, you have bronze, silver, and gold. You use the money to buy the resources. The resources are needed to conquer the territories. Every territory has different resources needed. Since we're playing a simple game, we only have 17 territories, but usually there are 29. Have I lost you, yet?"

Adara grinned at her. "Not at all. Do go on."

Cecilia pointed to another card in her hand. "These are all action cards, you can only play three action cards in total in a round. You have the passive action cards, ones that help you get more resources or let you play more action cards, and the aggressive action cards, like the robber and thief. The aggressive action cards either steal resources from other characters or skip over their turn. The assassin, for one, is known for injuring the weak in the dead of night, in this game the 'injured's turn is simply skipped. The thief, to name another one, is known for stealing dragons."

"What's the difference between the robber and the thief?" Adara asked, knowing they were similar.

"Well," Cecilia responded, leaning in closer, making the hairs on the back of Adara's neck stand up, "the thief can only steal one resource, though it is usually a very important one, while the robber can steal a maximum of three. But, of course, if the person they are stealing from only has two action cards in hand, they will take only those two. But if it's a less friendly game, then the robber can choose one of the other cards to steal, like the money."

Adara nodded, absorbing the information. "There has got to be a way to protect yourself from the robber or the thief, right?"

Cecilia had a small smile on her pretty lips. "You're pretty smart. There is. Both the guardian and the mage can protect you. But the mage also flips the aggressive attack, letting you steal one or three of their resources. You can buy both aggressive cards and passive cards with the money you have, you can also buy more money with the money you start out with."

Adara nodded again, resolving to watch the other players play.

She soon saw something interesting. She saw that some of the players had some sort of alliance. "Do they have an alliance?" she asked Cecilia. "They're sharing resources, not trading."

Cecilia looked at the player she was talking about. "Yes, they do have an alliance. Trading requires both sides to agree and to give each other the resources the other wants. But as you said, they are sharing."

Adara looked up at Cecilia, her eyes flickering from her eyes to Cecilia's lips. "But I thought only one player could come out as the winner? What use would there be for an alliance?"

Cecilia lowered her voice as she explained. "The point of making an alliance is so you can team together to conquer more territories in a quicker time period. But, as you said, only one player can come out as the winner. Since the territories belong to the whole alliance, you need to somehow get the most of the territories to your side."

"And how do you do that?"

Cecilia motioned to the players who were negotiating between themselves. "Well, the harder way is to hold the Negotiations. The Negotiations is a series of negotiations between the alliance. The one who proposed to hold it usually wants the most territories to themselves. So, they need to give away something to the others to make up for the fact that they are keeping the territories for themselves. Either resources so they can conquer more territories or one or two territories as well as resources. So either the person who is hosting the Negotiations ends up with all the territories but no resources to get more, or a few territories and a few resources."

Adara sighed at the complicated nature of the Negotiations. "And the easier way?"

"The easier way is a card called the 'Poisoned Dagger," Cecilia explained with a mischievous smile. "It's a rare and powerful card that allows the player to dissolve the alliance at any moment and claim all the territories for themselves without the need for negotiations or compromises."

Adara raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you become the enemy of the other alliance members then?"

Cecilia nodded. "Of course. That's why you need to play the card at the right time. If you play it too early, then you might have the other alliance members using all of their aggressive cards on you. But if you play it too late, then someone else might already have won."

Adara thought about this. "Seems like a pretty overpowered card. Is there a way to protect against it?"

Cecilia winked. "That's where the 'Diplomatic Immunity' card comes in. It's another rare card, the card's sole purpose is to let the player be immune to any betrayals that might be played against them. But in a more intense game, we might not include the Diplomatic Immunity card."

Adara watched the players discussing and saw that the person who hosted the Negotiations had ended up giving away almost all their resources but kept a bit under half of the majority of the territories. Then, with the resources they still had, conquered the last territory. Ending the game and letting them win.

With more of her money, they bought another round of ale. Adara had already downed her wine, so she got another Henituse wine bottle.

From next to Gromm, one of the previous players watched her with interest as she took a big swig out of her wine bottle. "I woulda thought you're a lightweight," he mentioned as the others shook up the cards and set the table again.

She turned to look at him, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. "Why? Because of the way I talk?"

He nodded, agreeing with her suggestion. "Yeah. And the way you dress and the way your back is as straight as an arrow. And the money. You're kinda like a Noble."

She raised an eyebrow in amusement, her wine bottle at her lips again. 

But before she could comment, make a sly remark about Nobles drinking straight from the bottle, another one spoke up, laughing at the idea. "A Noble? Here? Are ya kiddin' me? No offense, Barrold."

The barkeep gave him a tired sigh, simply filling his tankard as well.

"Ay, ay, ay," another interjected. "I've heard of Nobles that go to taverns and bars. Those two, the Thornwin bitch and her Henituse boyfriend, I've heard plenty a' rumours of them throwing bottles at random people."

Cecilia frowned. "I don't think they're dating."

Gromm made a face at the one who had interjected. "Aren't they the ones who saved us all at the Plaza? Why are you calling her a bitch?"

He shrunk back. "Sorry, Gromm, was a slip a' the tongue."

Gromm grunted, shuffling more of the cards. "Better 'ave been."

The player who had first started talking to her turned to her again. "If you're not a Noble, what are you then?"

Adara smiled slyly, making him flinch for a second. "Well, for certain, I can tell you that my life would have been a whole lot easier if I had been born a Noble. But their sense of grandiosity has never been my style, though their jewellery is rather pretty." She took another swig from her wine bottle.

It was an answer. But then again, it was not.

"Aye, lass," Gromm started, setting the shuffled deck of cards on the table. "What's ya name?

Adara looked at him and smiled. "Eris."

He raised an eyebrow. "No last name?"

She shook her head. "As I said, my life would have been easier if I had been born a Noble. I have no last name."

Her answers indicated that she was poor. But with her clothes and the pouch of gold, she had on her suggested very clearly that she might have stolen it. But she did not mind, as it was not like they would call the Knights, nor would they get in a bar fight with her over it.

Gromm shrugged. "Well, Eris, since it's ya first time playin', you can play last, so you can watch everyone else havin' a go."

She smiled, thanking him, as he started giving out the cards. Adara turned up at Cecilia. Cecilia was sitting on the arm of the couch, one leg over the other one, giving her a sense of regality compared to the casual setting of the tavern. "So, Cecilia," Adara started, a mischievous smile on her lips, "any special strategies you forgot to share with the newcomer? I would hate to be at a disadvantage against such a knowledgeable opponent."

Cecilia raised an eyebrow with a playful smile on her lips. "Oh, I wouldn't want to give away all my secrets away. But I don't think you should worry; after all, I won't be playing this round. I will be at your side and helping you if ya need it."

Adara put a dramatic hand on her hand. "Well, that certainly relaxed me."

Cecilia put a hand on Adara's shoulder, leaning in closer, she whispered a few words in Adara's ear. "I know a couple other things that can help relax you, darlin'."

Adara smiled even wider. "I'm sure you're at the top of the list."

Cecilia leaned away from Adara, her hand disappearing from her shoulder reluctantly. "How did you ever guess?"

Gromm looked at the two suspiciously. "Looks like there's more than just a card game going on here." He chuckled. "Don't let her distract ya too much, Eris; we've got territories to conquer."

Adara got her cards in her hand and took a glance at them before she looked back at Gromm. "We?" she repeated. "Gromm, how would you like an alliance?"

Gromm narrowed his eyes, the attention of the table suddenly on them. "So early in the game? Ya got the backstabbin' card or somethin'?"

Adara had a small frown on her face. Turning back to face Cecilia, she asked, "The backstabbing card? Which one was that again?"

Gromm let out a boisterous laugh. "Sure thing, Eris, I'm up for an alliance with ya."

Cecilia raised an eyebrow at Gromm. "Can I explain the card, or will I be distracting her?"

Gromm let out a playful huff. "'Kay, then."

And then Cecilia was leaning closer to her again, and Adara's heart stopped for a moment. Her lips brushed Adara's ear, her arm was now over her shoulders, bringing her closer, with her hand pushing Adara's cheek closer to Cecilia. Her voice was a soft murmur as she whispered, "Well, darlin', you see, there's this sneaky little card called the 'Poisoned Dagger, I explained it a few minutes ago. It's the type a' card that turns alliances into betrayals, like the alliance you just made with our dear Gromm."

Cecilia chuckled, her fingers caressing Adara's cheek, making shivers go down Adara's neck. "And you're smart, I'm sure you didn't forget that card. But I've got to say, you're quite the actress because you have that card in ya deck, and you just fooled every one of them that you didn't. Did ya know that Gromm almost never accepts alliances? Even if we don't play with the backstabbing card, and even if he has the Diplomatic Immunity card, he has never joined an alliance. Congratulations on that part. We're not using the Diplomatic Immunity card, however, so be sure to use the card at the right moment, and you'll have the whole table dancing to your tune."

And then Cecilia leaned away, and Adara was smiling at her.

Gromm seemed tired of them. "That was a very long explanation."

"And a very meticulous one at that," Adara added.

Gromm sighed. "I don't wanna know what met-i-cu-lus means. Probably nothing good with you two around."

Adara laughed, feeling a sense of joy at the company she's found herself in.

After a few more rounds of beer and wine going around the table, Adara was now flushed, looking more like Cale with her beautiful scarlet face instead of her usual dark carmine. But she was still sober, unfortunately. She looked up at Cecilia again, who was taking a sip out of Adara's wine.

"Looks like Lady Luck is favouring me tonight," Adara mentioned, a sly smile on her face. "Would you care for a bet on who wins?"

Cecilia laughed at her comment. "You're on, though let's keep the reward friendly, we don't want to scandalise the whole tavern. Winner gets a victory drink, I do hope you have a taste for something strong."

"Always," Adara responded. She turned her head back to the game. Her turn was coming and she did need to pay attention to something other than Cecilia.

And then Cecilia was leaning closer to her. Adara could feel her breath on her neck, one hand innocently on her shoulder. The other hand was snaking its way to the hand Adara was using to hold the cards she had in her hand, lingering a bit too much on her. But a pale finger pointed to a card, the intricate image of a dagger on it.

"Use it now, darlin'," Cecilia's voice came, impossibly soft.

And then her turn came, and the table was in outrage the second she put the card down.

She had made more alliances with 3 other players besides Gromm. They were now all cursing and screaming. The other 3 players were outraged as well because they were relying on the Negotiations to give them the time to conquer more of the territories. And Adara had just won the game.

Cecilia's amused voice broke through the curses like a sharp dagger. "That was the fastest game of 29 I've ever seen. And I've been playing this game for a while."

The outrage was now silent, quietly watching Adara.

"Well, Eris," Gromm grunted, salty that he was tricked like this, "guess it's your turn to cover the next few rounds, eh?"

Adara looked at the pouch of gold she had put on the table; it was almost empty now. She sent Gromm a bright smile, clasping another pouch from her belt. "Of course." She set that pouch on the table as well, the gold spilling out of it.

The table was in a better mood instantly.

Adara and Cecilia left the table a few moments thereafter. Together, they were now seated in a quiet corner of the tavern.

"So," Adara started, "Cecilia— have I told you that your name is really pretty?" she interrupted herself.

Cecilia laughed, taking Adara's hand into her own. "You can tell me again." Cecilia put Adara's hand on her cheek, her hand over Adara's.

Adara smiled, her eyes meeting Cecilia's. "Cecilia, your name is really pretty."

Cecilia chuckled, leaning in slightly. "Flattery will get you everywhere, darlin'."

"I sure hope it will," Adara joked, leaning closer to see Cecilia better.

"So continue," Cecilia said.

Adara's face lingered on Cecilia's lips. Before she looked back up into her eyes, feigning innocence. "Continue what?"

Cecilia's laughter seemed to echo around Adara. "Continue telling me how pretty my name is, or perhaps," she paused, gazing at Adara's lips instead, "tell me something else you find pretty."

"I can think of only one thing," Adara said, smiling widely. "You."

Cecilia smiled back, leaning into Adara's palm. "Ah, darlin', aren't you silver-tongues? Or should I say gold-tongued?"

Adara had a question for her instead. "Cecilia, where are you from? Such a beautiful woman is surely from an elf village, or perhaps one of the Northern Kingdoms? You are very beautiful, may I add one more time."

"You may," Cecilia said, looking into Adara's eyes. "To answer your question, I am very far from home."

Adara smiled widely at her, a sly one. "I have always wondered where vampires lived. I do suppose they have to be in hiding at all times."

Cecilia's smile dropped immediately. "What."

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