
נכתב על ידי PinkestSea

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[𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫] Peregrination(n.)- a journey, especially, a long meandering o... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
The Corporeal Peregrination
The Corporeal Peregrination II
The Inner Peregrination
The Spiritual Peregrination
The Spiritual Peregrination II

The Inner Peregrination II

432 19 4
נכתב על ידי PinkestSea

Part II

The morning sunshine rained down on the four as they stood on the outskirts of their village. 

A few villagers who were about to go to the neighboring village had spotted a horde of creatures. They decided to turn tail and go back to the Belmont village warning everyone. 

With the villagers sealed safely in the Belmont Hold she could only hope that the creatures wouldn't wreak havoc on the town. 

"Get ready," Sypha warned the rest of the group, "They're getting closer." 

Trevor tightened his hold on his whip, Alucard drew his sword, Sypha charged her attack, and the healer unsheathed her dagger. 

As the creatures got closer it was easier to analyze them, they didn't look like vampires but rather night creatures.

Had a new forgemaster risen to power? Or was it the other forgemaster who was working with Dracula, Isaac?

A dim blue glow greeted her. 

She held up her hand to stop the others from attacking, "Wait!" 

"What is it?" Sypha looked over at her. 

"Those night creatures they look like... Hector's," she whispered. 

"Hector?" Alucard questioned with a deep frown, not at all hiding his disdain for the forgemaster. "I thought you left him in Braila." 

The healer watched as the horde approached them, "I thought I did too." 

"Honey, we can't rule out the fact that the creatures might belong to someone else," Sypha frowned at her with squinted eyes, obviously trying to appeal to her senses. 

Trevor nodded with hardened eyes as he stared at the approaching creatures, "It could be anyone, love." 

"Okay," she nodded and steadied her grip on her dagger, "Let's keep up our guard then.

The group walked over to the creatures with their weapons drawn.

"Peaccce," the beast croaked out in a deep guttural voice.

All of the group, except the healer, shared looks akin to shock. 

It had spoken and with the promise of peace. 

The healer, however, was not surprised. Night creatures talked, not all of them but she knew it was possible. 

Y/N stepped up out of the four, "Who is your master?" 

"Hectorrrrr," the creature growled.

Her eyes widened and she glanced back at her group before turning her attention back to the beast, "Take me to him." 

She followed the night creature toward the horde. Tens of night creatures surrounded a figure. She couldn't see who it was past their large bodies but she could assume that it was Hector. The group opened up as she walked closer to them. 

Her heart plummeted at the sight, she ran over to the forgemaster and fell to her knees, "Hector?" 

His face was badly bruised and there were gashes along his arms and legs. He was beaten and it seemed relentlessly so. Despite his injuries, he looked peacefully asleep save for his labored breaths. 

He was laid on top of a sheet and the white clothe had been stained crimson.

She lightly traced over a bruise, "What happened to him?"


She stood up and looked at her comrades, "We need to take him into the castle. He'll succumb to his wounds without us." 

Sypha stepped forward and placed a hand on the healer's shoulder, "Are you sure? We have to remember that he was attempting to bring mass genocide on the entire human race a few years ago."

"I am not gonna let him die here," she looked at all of them, "I am not leaving him to die."

Trevor held his hand up in surrender, "Okay, we'll bring him in. We'll talk more when he's healed." 

The healer turned to look at night creatures, "Bring him into the castle."

The creatures heaved up the forge master using the blanket and began to make their way to the castle. 

The sight of Hector brought her a lot of relief as it did worry. She didn't enjoy seeing him in a worn down and painful state but she was glad to see him. She thought that after leaving Carmilla's castle she would never see Hector again.

For a brief moment, she wondered if he was interested in staying.  


Light streamed in through the window as the healer sat next to her friend, book in hand. She had done all she could to help the forge master. 

She healed him and then washed him of the blood staining his skin, yet he remained asleep. 

He had been unconscious when his creatures had brought him into the castle, it had nearly been a week. There was nothing more to be done than waiting.

Her thoughts brought her to the life they used to lead, one of simplicity and happy days. Sometimes she yearned for the simple life but she was happy where she was now. She had found people who would care for her and love her unconditionally, without ever even thinking about leaving her. 


The healer raised her head and looked behind her, her brunette lover stood in the doorway with a frown on his face. She stood up and exited the room, slowly closing the door behind her. 

"What's wrong?" she inquired as she tucked her book under her arm. 

"You've been in there all day," he crossed his arms, "You haven't eaten much today." 

She frowned. "I want to be here if... when he wakes up," she attempted to explain.

It had been a week and Hector could wake up any moment. She didn't know when he lost consciousness and she didn't want him to be spoked by waking up in a different place.

He grasped her hand, "You need to eat something, love. It's not healthy for you to function this way."

He was right. 

The healer tended to put herself last and it was something she didn't want to continue. It was time to break bad habits.

She sighed and squeezed his hand, "Okay. Let's go." 

The couple walked down the corridor hand in hand to the stairwell. Y/N understood that she would be no use to Hector weak and ravenous. She also understood that she couldn't go back to the way she used to act. Putting Hector above all in her life. 

She had Trevor, Alucard, and Sypha to care for and love. They chose her back and she wasn't going to make them regret it. 

The sharp pangs of hunger were starting to assault her stomach, she needed to find Alucard soon. 


Light footsteps echoed through the hallway. 

The healer was feeling airy and reborn. 

She had eaten some food from their harvest along with a drink of Alucard's blood. With her hunger satiated she could focus on her other task, Hector. 

Her finger grasped the door knob and she slowly pushed the door open, her eyes immediately going to the bed. 

Any bit of joy was stolen from her at the sight. 

The bed was empty. 

Hector was gone. 

She fully stepped into the room and looked around. 

"Hector?" she called quietly. 

Where had he gone? Why did he leave?

She halted at the sound of rustling. It came from the room across from her, her room.

Her door was ajar. 

She slowly walked the door and pushed it the rest of the way open. Hector stood at her desk, reading her papers. 

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving again," she whispered as she closed the door behind her. 

He jumped in surprise before turning to look at her with wide eyes, he quickly regained his demeanor. "How long have I been out?" 

"A week." 

He paused before slowly walking towards her, "What happened?" he gestured to her mouth. 

"Carmillia tricked me. I'm a vampire now, cursed with this affliction until I find my Sire," she explained. 

"But I thought Carmilla died. We all heard her screams." 

"I wouldn't be a vampire if she were dead, Hector."

He frowned and dragged a hand over his face, "I'm sorry. I dragged you into all of that. It was all just so horrible."

A sliver of resentment snaked it's onto the tip of her tongue. 

She crossed her arms, "It didn't seem so horrible when you were begging to stay. What happened to that plan?" 

"Lenore killed herself." 

Wow. She wasn't expecting that. Vampires were always known to be fickle creatures.

She raised her brows, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"I went back to our cottage only to find it swarming with villagers," he paused, his eyes became glossy and unfocused, "...I— I had no choice, they were yelling and throwing rocks..."

Her eyes widened at the reveal. It hadn't even crossed her mind to return to the cottage, nor did she expect it to be in such ruin. 

"How are you feeling?" She sat down on her bed and motioned for him to do the same, which he did with a slight limp. 

He looked down at his arm, void of scratches and bruises. "No longer on the brink of death like I was before. That's an interesting new trick you've learned." 

"I've adapted," she let out a sigh, "It was necessary." 

He looked around, "So you've returned the castle to its former glory. I remember it being in shambles when I left." 

The healer smiled, "It was a lot of work but we were able to fix it. It's home."

Hector turned to look out the window "And you've made a village." 

"Would you like to see it?" 

"I'm not sure." 

"The humans here are nothing like the ones back at the cottage," she placed her hand over his, "I promise."



The town was filled with bustling noise. 

"Fresh plums, right off the tree!" A deep voice bellowed.

"Enriched bread! Highest quality!" A shrill voice yelled. 

The sound of vendors shouting about their products served as background noise to the friend's conversation.  

"How long did it take to build this?" Hector asked with a slight limp in his leg. The healer made sure to walk slowly to avoid causing him more pain.

A couple of children ran past them and she made sure that Hector didn't lose his balance. 

"Well, I'd say the townspeople built it themselves," she looked at the stalls with a fond smile, "We just gave them the space to do so."

"Oh, Y/N!"

The healer turned to see an old woman speed walking towards her, Lain.

Lain was the owner of the fruit stand. She sold one of the best apples, Y/N had ever eaten.

"Lain!" She held her arms open to hug the woman, which the merchant received happily.

The old woman released her from the hug and presented her with a basket of apples, "Straight off the tree. Only the best for you my dear!"

"Thank you!" She took the basket. "Are you sure?"

"Of course, dear." Lain turned her attention to Hector, "And who is this? Adding another one to your harem, hm?"

The healer's eyes widened, "Oh no! This is a friend of mine, a childhood friend."

"That's how it always starts out!" The merchant laughed, "Next thing you know, you're hugging, kissing, licking—"

"Anyways!" She chuckled awkwardly and began walking away, "Thank you for the apples, Lain. I will see you later!"

"No need to be so shy dear. See you later!" the woman called after her. 

The two walked in silence for a few moments before Y/N decided to speak up, "If you couldn't already tell Belmont has a lot of character." 

He chuckled, "I like it. I would rather have funny comments than scolding insults."

She offered him an apple, "Getting comfortable are we?" she smiled at him. 

He received the fruit with a smile, "Perhaps." 

The two continued their walk, leaving the main village and journeying to the outskirts of town. 

"Where did Simon go?" The healer suddenly remarked, "I don't think I ever had a chance to ask you amidst the chaos." 

His face darkened, "I lost him when Carmilla's soldiers attacked." 

Her face fell at the reveal and the mention of Carmilla. She hadn't thought about the woman often, but when she did, she could only feel guilt at what had transpired in the castle. 

"I can't believe she is still out there," he stopped walking and creased his eyebrows, "For all this time I thought she was dead." 

"What will you do now that you know she is alive?" she tilted her head.  

He huffed before sitting down in the grass, looking at the expanse of grass and the soon-to-be-setting sun in front of them.

"I don't know."

She sat down beside him, "That's okay. You can stay here as long as you need." 


Hector and Y/N snuck back into the castle, hushed giggles emitting from them as they reminisced. 

"I can not believe you fell into that pond," she quietly chuckled. 

Hector rolled his eyes, "I was standing on uneven ground." 

"I will let you tell yourself that," she smiled. 

They continued up the stairs and to Hector's room. Y/N followed behind him, "It's nice having you back." 

He grinned. "That's good to hear," his smile faded, "The way that you were talking when we were back at Braila... I thought coming here was a lost cause." 

She crossed her arms, "As long as you do not attempt to start another genocide we will be fine." 

"Doesn't sound too hard."

A sweet smell filled her senses as she stared into his ocean eyes. He smelled like the berries she used to pick when they had a taste for pie. Her eyes fell lidded as she listened to his heartbeat slowly increase in speed. 


Ba-dum.. Ba-dum..

Was he getting closer? That sweet raspberry scent enveloped her. 



That red red berry scent. Scent like...


She hastily leaned back and placed her hands on his shoulder, "Goodnight!" she quickly muttered before turning and rushing out of the room. 

Blood dripped down her lips as her fangs painfully jutted out of her gums and pierced the skin of her lips. 

Being so close to him, so close to his blood. 

It tempted her.

She closed the door behind her before leaning on it and allowing the wood to ground her. 

Is she getting worse? 

How long would it take before she could no longer stand to be around Sypha and Trevor? Or have to avoid the townsfolk like Terena and Lain?


Her eyes widened and her attention turned to the figure sitting on her bed. 

"Trevor? What are you doing here?" 

He rolled his eyes, "Do I need a reason to visit you?"

She narrowed her eyes at his sudden attitude, "Trevor I need to be alone right now. My hunger has returned." 

His eyes hardened and he stared at her momentarily before getting off her bed and leaving silently. 

She watched as he closed the door behind him with a soft slam. 

The healer couldn't understand what had gotten into the hunter. They had been fine in days past. She rubbed her temples before letting out a harsh sigh. 

She needed to find Alucard. 


The young woman walked through the castle with a faint smile on her face. She had just finished talking to Hector about a possible lead to finding Carmilla. 

The friends had spent most of the last month together talking about various topics. 

Currently, she was on her way to find Trevor, she felt as if there was a strain in their relationship and she wished so desperately to fix it. 

She walked into his room, lightly rapping on the door before making her way in. 

Trevor was sitting at the desk, sharpening his blade. 

"Trevor?" she called out to him before sitting down in front of him on his bed. 

"Hey," he replied without taking his eyes off his blade, sliding it against the stone.

She decided to jump straight into the conversation. 

"Why have you been ignoring me?" 

He stopped sharpening his blade and looked at her, "What are you talking about?" 

"You have been avoiding me this entire week," she sighed, "I want to know why." 

He shook his head, "It's nothing. I've just been in my head lately."

"Talk to me, Trevor. I want to make it better but I can not if you refuse to talk with me." 

He went back to sharpening his blade. 

The healer knew that her partner wasn't going to say anything more. She would have to wait and she knew that the truth would come out sooner rather than later. 


The group sat together at the dinner table.

Tight-lipped and quiet, save for the sound of cutlery hitting the table. 

Y/N ate silently and occasionally sipped her glass of blood. 

The tension in the air was thick.

"So!" Sypha said with a strained smile, "Hector, what are your plans after getting back on your feet?" 

The healer gave her lover a pointed look. What was she saying?

Hector's eyes widened, "Oh, I hadn't thought about that yet. I've been taking it day by day." 

"Hector can stay until he is fully healed," Y/N announced, looking around the table for any protest. 

Trevor grunted and rolled his eyes. 

"What's wrong?" she called him out. 

He sat up and looked around the table, "I think that all of this is a bit unnecessary."  

She crossed her arms, "What is unnecessary?" 

"We're all sitting here like we're some fucking pals," he turned to look at Hector, "This guy was a part of a mass genocide carried out on Dracula's command. The same guy who had Y/N wandering all over in search of him? The guy who said 'Never mind' after she saved him from enslavement? The reason she's a vampire. Not to mention who knows how many people he killed while under Dracula?"

The table was washed in silence. 

Hector looked around at the table with an expression weighed with shame, he quietly stood up and left the dining room. 

"Trevor!" Sypha said with a scolding look. 

Y/N uncrossed her arms, a deep frown on her face. "I can not believe you said that." 

She felt embarrassed and beyond hurt. She didn't expect them to get along perfectly but she hoped everyone would be cordial with each other. 

The hunter shrugged, "It's what most of us are thinking." 

"I've known him for nearly my entire life," she stood up from her seat, "I don't know where I'd be without him. He did a lot of bad things in the past but I think he has changed and I am willing to house him here until he is healed."

"Fine," he stood up and began to walk out of the dining room. 

"You are acting childish, Trevor!" she yelled after him. 

He didn't respond.


It had been a few days since the dinner... situation. 

Her finger traced over the page of the book before turning it. She had thrown herself back into her work, this time looking into Carmilla and her possible whereabouts. Her vampirism was starting to get worse. 

She feared being in the same room with Hector, Trevor, and Sypha. She needed to get herself under control. 

A light knock rapped at her door and she turned around to see Trevor entering her room. She turned away and continued to pour herself into her work. 

"Love?" he called out to her as he advanced into the room.

She didn't reply.

"I'm sorry I was being an ass earlier." 

She gave him silence. 

Suddenly, he pulled her chair from her desk and turned her to face him, kneeling before her. 

"I apologize, love. I'm sorry I wasn't open to you when you came to me. I wanna be open with you and make this work." 

She crossed her arms and leaned back into her chair, "Well go ahead." 

He held her hands, "I was mad at Hector. You tried your best to save him and he couldn't even give you a thank you."

Y/N frowned, "I know, but I've already forgiven him for that. He came here in his time of need and I refuse to turn him away."

Even though she had originally felt some resentment toward her childhood friend, it quickly left her as they spent the month today. Both she and Hector did things they weren't proud of to survive. She was moving on to a new chapter in her life and she didn't want her past to hold her down. 

"Love, I'm sorry. I mean it."

The two engaged in a stare-off before the healer finally relented. 

She leaned in a pressed a soft kiss onto his lips, "I forgive you." 

The two had a lot of growing to do together but as long as they loved each other, they were both willing to put in the effort. 

Love is a journey and she couldn't wait to brave the wilderness and explore, learning more about herself and her lovers in the process.

המשך קריאה

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