Da KillingFiendCorp

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when all hope is lost the world just seems to find a way to recover with the fall of superman by the hands of... Altro

Before You Read
Awkward Justice
Strange man
The Bald Anomaly
The Brains vs The Bald
The Friendly Dead
Magic is Weird
The Hero No One Understands
Being Specific
Celestial Boredom
We Need A Hero
Hero's Vs Villains
For Which Life Flows
The God Vs The Bald
Shoulder to Shoulder
Greed And The Pain it Breeds
The Gift Of Guilt
Shit Happens
Mistakes Within Accidents
Epidemic Pt 1: The Doom Patrol's Stand
Epidemic Pt 2: The Plan
Epidemic Pt 3: The Complications
Epidemic Pt 4: Justice For All
Epidemic Pt 5: Hope Returns
Epidemic Pt 6: Epilogue
Welcome To Paradise
Revelations Of A Superman
The Perspective Of A Deadman
The Perspective of a Super Girl
To Be Saitama
Open Closets
Justice Lives
The Rematch
The Life Of His Own
Change With Time
The Hero They Need
The Greatest Poison
A Familiar Tune For The Greedy
Still Hero
Seasons Of Age: We Meet Again
A Fate Of Solid Steel
Forsaken To Humanity
Save The Day
Situations: The Roads We Take
Introductions pt1: Impressions
Introduction pt2: Tomb of Avarice
Introductions pt3: The Beast Unleashed
Introductions pt4: Your Roll
Introductions pt5: Strong World
Cactus Adventures Chp 1
Introductions pt6: Human Faith
Introductions pt7: Hiding Steel
Introductions pt8: Don't Mention It
Introductions pt9: Demons
Introductions pt10: The Light that Shines through the Darkness
Introductions pt11: The Brightest Star
Introductions pt12: The Gift
Introductions Epilogue: Dragons Gates
These Days
The Greatest Battle
A Little Pep in your step
Dinner For Nuts
Foundation and it's Importance
For The People
Magma Theta
Confronting the Storm
Lone Road, Black Dog, No Future
A little something
The Count Down
The Pieces on The Board
The Struggle
Not Acording to Plan
The First Student
The Beatdown
God Save The Queen
Bouncing off a ledge
The Least I Can Do
Superman Vs The Bald
The King and The Horse
Closing In
Inner Light pt1
Inner Light pt2: Born Again

To Wish Upon A Dream

313 8 1
Da KillingFiendCorp

The moon sings a lullaby while caressing the skin with it's pale glow, the wind gently passes through leaving kisses with a promise to return, and the stars that glitter the midnight sky makes wishes for others to dream.

The Mind is imaginative, with hello's and greetings in toll, welcomed by all, always noticed, but never expected.

Dreams are like a dime with one side being a nightmare in disguise, so we roll the gambit in hopes of a dream come true, but Luck is a cruel mistress only giving out offerings like a stingy hag.

So We Wish Upon a Dream.

A dream with no blood, gore, or violence, a dream with no thieving, mockery, or cursing a place that can not be touched.

Not by war, not by disease, not by hunger, and oh definitely not by greed.

Where money and ones standing are a thing of the past, where you aren't judged for inexperience or for one's very existence.

Is it so wrong to desire....

Is it so wrong to want.....

To wish upon a dream...

Is that what everyone's been fighting for this entire time.

For now, we wait.

Until we get one step closer and are properly at a point to start, wishing.

As the gentle wind is pierced through It's dance like a speeding Bullet slinging in the direction of the wind and where to of all places, the docks of Jump City.

For The gruesome scene is exposed once again this time the full might of the teen titans all there to take it all in as they all gazed upon a familiar S with sharp ends.

As the first to speak up, to properly say what's on everyones mind.

"Slade..." spoke Beast Boy

"At least that's what I think" spoke Connor.

"It follows his MO, but this is different, it doesn't feel like slade" spoke Kory

"If this was really Slade, he wouldn't be aiming for random people" spoke Damien

"He would be aiming for people close, one of us, friends, family, allies, fans, whatever that hits deeper than just an innocent civilian" spoke Rachel

"This is a front" spoke Hawk

"Yeah but why, is the deeper question" spoke Cassie

"Who is another big question" spoke Kara.

"Who Indeed..." spoke a voice from the shadows a familiar child like voice to the titans at least.

As dark clad ninjas dropped from the ceiling all wearing a red H in a hexagon on them, a new adjusted symbol of the known HIVE Organization.

These cyber ninjas in design being similar to Slade's.

But coming right with these ninjas were three very familiar faces.

The ever alluring bad luck temptress, Jinx.

The bratty super genius, Gizmo.

And The concrete jungle pressing Powerhouse of the trio that is, Mammoth.

"Played you snots like chumps" spoke Mammoth with a toothy grin.

"I know for damn sure you three didn't do this, so I rather we cut to the chase and you just spill who put you up to this" spoke Connor as Connor crossed his arms.

"Sorry, Super Dork, this time's for blood" spoke The Child Genius as he spring into actions as drones filled the warehouse.

"We could help Gizmo, it's possible that no blood has to be shed here" spoke Beast Boy trying to reach to a long time foe.

But as testified by the good book, desperation and greed can fuel a man into a pit of their own making.

But in a wave of purple the ground beneath the titans crumbled sending the teens to become a victim to gravity.

But only for a brief moment as they simply flew or carried the other titans that couldn't.

But to simply crumble the ground beneath them was only the beginning of the attack as the army of Cyber Ninja's jumped right at the heroes.

For as they were rising the Cyber ninjas were falling at the super powered teens.

The cyber ninjas indicating they're blades and turning the blade down in a stabbing motion as they let they're weight and gravity do the rest.

But this is the Teen Titans were talking about so.....

Connor and Kara used they're heat vision to not just melt through the swords but also the Cyber Ninja's themselves.

Starfire while carrying Damien was firing heat blasts from her eyes while Damien was tossing explosive Sparrow's at them.

Beast Boy carrying Hawk as a dragon giving these robots a wave of fire breath while Hawk was kicking air like a sack of shit.

Raven used her magic to completely crush the tin cans like it was nobody's business while Wonder Girl was giving these bots an Amazonian Special Ass Kicking.

2 hands and knee to the nether regions popping these robots like tire.

As they took care of the bots they eventually made it back to leveled ground but The new Hive was waiting for them.

But as they landed on steady ground, Mammoth took advantage as he jumped up bringing his huge arms upon them.

But Hawk and Wonder Girl gave him a duo uppercuts taking out the big lug.

Jinx was being elusive but being elusive and making distance doesn't guarantee victory as she gets tripped up by raven bending the ground beneath her tripping her and Damien using this instance to knock her her out with a chop to the neck.
At the end of the day. A Fight is about whoever is left standing.

As Gizmowould get taken apart by the combined efforts of Beast Boy and Super Girl.

Beast Boy turning into a snake and strangling Gizmo while Kara ripped off his control pack.

Garfield subdued Gizmo by putting him to sleep.

But right as the Teen Titans think they saved the day, The heads of Mammoth, Jinx, and Gizmo Exploded.

Stunning all the titans.

As the situation was now clear to them.

This wasn't just about getting rid of the titans, this wasn't just the usual villain of the week, this wasn't even a game.

This was a message.

And the message spelled out.

"In Due Time, Your Ashes will fall"

We may wish upon dreams

But it is important to recognize that most dreams are unachievable and are only Dreams.

To Be Continued.


I'm really sorry for not updating for a while, life just finds strange ways to pull me away from writing.

But I would be lying if I didn't say my own depression had something to do with it.

For the past 2 months I just haven't been writing taking everyday at a time.

Trying to figure out certain things in my life.

As I've said before and I assure you again this story will be complete if it's the last thing I fucking do.

Even though I must admit I actually planned the story to be longer but I lost my notes of what I was going to add and put down so as I said before after thus current arc is finished I'll give my official final chapter that I had always planned for this story.

Continua a leggere

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