Naruto: The Chakra Molder

By MyAnimehub

111K 1.9K 429

.. Naruto gets blood line where he can mold chakra into whatever he needs. Naruto x harem More

CH-1 The Begining
CH-2 The Blood Line
CH-3 The Sleepover
CH-4 Secret Revealed
CH-5 would you..?
CH-6 The Answer and The Exams
CH-7 Chunin Exams Begin
CH-8 Chunin Exams P2
CH-9 Chunin Exams P3
CH-10 Break in Exams
CH-11 beginning Training
CH-14 Gaara's Problem
CH-18 Battle with a snake 🐍
CH-19 Result of The Fight
CH-20 A day with friends
CH-22 The Hunt
CH-26 Romance
CH-27 The Serious conversation and Love
CH-31 Fighting for Love
CH-33 Datomi's Plan
CH-34 Datomi's last Revenge
CH-35 Welcome back
CH-36 Fights and Bugs
CH-37 curiousity made the cat
CH-42 Shizuki
CH-43 battle for marriages
CH-44 orochimaru's test
CH-45 Nightmares
CH-48 The Date
CH -51

CH-21 Love and Betrayal

2.1K 31 13
By MyAnimehub

Haku yet again woke up feeling more comfortable than she has been in a while and sighed happily. "Maybe I should make this a regular thing; I mean I doubt I can sleep by myself now that I figured out how comfortable this is. I mean technically I should have realized when Hinata helped me comfort him a bit back but I was too worried about him to realize this." Haku thought with a smile until she remembered how upset he got. Still she put that behind herself and used all her will power to make her leave her comfortable position in order to make sure that she was the one who did the cooking today…and actually have him present to eat it with her.

About a half hour later Naruto finally woke up and realized that Haku left and was momentarily confused until he smelt what had to be a delicious meal and quickly got dressed to see what obviously Haku had prepared. When he finally reached the table, he was quite happy to see that he was right and she was just finishing filling pates for both of them. Course he also couldn't help but notice the fact that her clothing seemed to cling just a bit more to her than usual and also the fact that she had clearly wet hair showing she must have taken a shower before he woke up as well.

"Good morning Haku-hime and thank you for the meal." Naruto said happily before sitting down and enjoying the first few bites much to Haku's pleasure. "You know I don't know how I ever lived without you. I mean whatever I make is terrible but whatever you make turns into something nearly as good as ramen." Naruto admitted to the girl then went right back to eating not noticing that she was clearly overjoyed to hear that her master appreciated her work.

"Thank you Naruto-sama. I aim to please you as much as possible he told him happily then began to eat as well.

"Hmm, I wonder what I should do today?" Haku thinks trying to figure out then looked over to Naruto. "You know I still don't know what Naruto's life was like before he met me….maybe I should try and get some information on that as well…especially seeing as he seems to hide things at times." Haku thought to herself seeing as she noticed that every now and then Naruto seemed to hold himself back from doing something; which was especially bad when there was something upsetting involved. So, with that in mind she calmly finished her meal and left to go to the best information center on Naruto she knew of currently.

~Hyuga clan compound~

Haku calmly walked up to the main gate where she was stopped by two clan members.

"State your business here." One of them ordered her in the neutral voice the Hyuga's are known for while slightly tensing up just in case they needed to fight.

"I am here to see Hinata-san." Haku told the duo not surprised in the slightest that they were acting this way even as they both looked at each other and seemed to have a silent conversation with each other.

"Wait here I will go speak with Hinata-sama." One of them told her then quickly left to find her while Haku waited patiently. But soon enough she heard the other guard return and quickly let her in and showed her where Hinata was and found the girl sitting in a training room with a bit of food and her sister nearby in a similar matter.

"Hello Hinata I am sorry if I caught you two in the middle of training." Haku apologized quickly

"No, it is fine Haku we just finished our morning training and were just getting a small breakfast in. Now why did you come to see me today?" Hinata asked her now partial friend. For after she didn't need to worry about Haku taking Naruto away from her she began to actually talk to the girl on kinder terms and actually was beginning to form a good friendship with her…they just weren't completely there yet

"Well I was actually curious about what Naruto-sama's life was like before I met him and you seem to be the most knowledgeable about him." Haku told her and watched as Hinata's smile turned into a small frown.

"Well Naruto-kun's life wasn't all that good. For before we realized the reason just a little while ago, I had no idea why but before he got his bloodline a lot of people hated him. They basically tortured him for things that he didn't do and made is life miserable. Meanwhile I had to watch it all seeing as whenever I tried to help him my guards either refused to help protect him or he simply refused to accept any help I gave him out in pubic…I don't think he liked a lot of people during that time either thanks to that." She began still with her frown and watched as Haku's face began to have the same frown.

"Your wrong."


"He didn't refuse your help because he didn't like you but because when people hate you a lot they will go after even the people that try and help the 'hated one'…trust me I know." Haku told the girl remembering her own childhood before Zabuza found her. For before he did an older man tried to help her by giving her a home and a grandfather figure that even gave her enough food to survive. But soon enough she accidentally used her ice bloodline yet again and someone saw. So, rather than going after her again they first went after the old man forcing her to watch as he was punished for helping a 'demon child'. It truly was one of the worst memories she had of her life

"….okay I guess that makes sense." Hinata responded partially confused but a bit a bit happier. "Now after a while all of us went into school where while he always seemed to be doing something to get attention from our teacher who was one of the few people who gave him the time of day but also seemed to partially listen. Still in every test he was one of the worst scoring but never seemed to be that surprised by this fact…it almost seemed like he knew something about why it happened other than his study habits and did nothing to fix it...anyways after while he quickly began to prank a lot of people around the village. In fact, he even managed to prank a lot of the more 'regal' members of our clan in pranks that made them look like fools for a while." Hinata told the girl with a smile as she remembered the clan's reaction to some of the pranks.

"Hehe, I still remember how mad dad got at what has to be one of the bravest men in the village." Hanabi added in surprising her sister seeing as she never heard her laugh much or even seriously compliment anyone for years.

"Yes, anyways he did all of this for attention and even tried to constantly ask out Sakura just to get the negative attention she would give him…I always hated her for stealing his attention." Hinata began again before stopping to mumble the last part to herself in a voice that was just barely loud enough for the other two to hear. "Still eventually he became our classes dead last and was paired with the highest scoring of both the physical and mental part of our final tests…basically after that I have no real knowledge seeing as their training would of be closer to when my team was busy….not that I watched over him or anything." Hinata finished though quickly added the last part hopping the ice user wouldn't think of her as being a stalker.

"I see…thank you Hinata." Haku muttered clearly upset with what she heard. "So, his life was just as bad as mine if not even worse." She thought annoyed with the village she now lived in but soon used this new knowledge to get determined to make sure the rest of his life would be as enjoyable as she could make it.

"It is no problem Haku…you know I don't think I really care for my bento any more. Do you want to go get some ramen?" Hinata asked now that she was thinking about her boyfriend more.

"Sure. That sounds good and Naruto-sama already told me he had to go do something and won't be back so I don't even need to worry about cooking for my master first." Haku answered but now was a bit amused by how annoyed Hinata seemed to get whenever she heard that someone else was spending their time working hard to keep the bond happy when she was too busy to do so.

"I will go as well. I want to see why Naruto liked it so much." Hanabi added in before the two left making her sister curious as to why her normal attitude changed so much all of a sudden. Still for now she just shrugged it off and they all left to get a few bowls of ramen.

(mainly put this in to get a basic history of Naruto's life in that is a bit different to give more reason to his changes and to also begin to show that Hanabi has some interest in Naruto so I don't just say "all of a sudden she seemed to love Naruto" later on)

So, all of them began their trip through the village simply enjoying the fact that at the moment none of them had anything to do before finally reaching the stand.

"Hello Hinata, Haku,..Hyuga-san." Ayame happily greeted the two people that helped her get to be with the man she loves but did not know Hanabi besides seeing her eyes which gave away her clan.

"Hello Ayame-san can I get a miso ramen for me and…another for my sister." Hinata asks ordering the second miso ramen when she noticed that Hanabi clearly had no idea what to choose being that it was her first time at the stand. So, she simply started the younger girl off with one that she found to be one of her favorites even though her sister glared at her for a bit for taking the decision away from her.

"And one pork ramen for me." Haku then added simply to the older women who nodded her head then went to the back to help her father make the meal. Then soon enough three steaming hot bowls of ramen were placed in front of the group of girls who happily began to eat and talk to each other and even Ayame when she decided to join in. So, all together they had a very good meal until they finally decided it was time to leave.

"That was a good meal. I can see why mater loves this place so much." Haku told the two Hyugas seeing as the two chefs truly put as much effort as possible into making sure their food was as good as it could be.

"Ya it is-" Hinata began before she bumped into an adult who clearly smelt heavily of alcohol. "Oh, I am sorry for bumping into you sir." Hinata kindly apologizes to the man who shakily turned his attention to them and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, well if it isn't the demon lovers." He spat out surprising the group at the hostility.

"I don't know what you mean sir." Hianta told the man hopping that she could just keep the talk peaceful and that the man left them alone. Though he seemed to have a lot to say to them and by the crowd that was quickly forming people were curious as to what would happen here. For they all saw both Hinata and Haku around Naruto and knew that he had to have some relationship with them but they never really minded as much as they would have seeing as they now heard that he was from an important clan that could easily hold a good amount of power in the village.

"You know what I mean. Both of you girls are prudy enough to go after any male yous gals wanted but both of ya beauties have gone after that demosh..demon brat. Don't yous all know what he has done to all of Konovillage?" the man asks the girl with the drinks he consumed messing up his speech a bit.

"We aren't dating a demon sir we are dating Naruto Uzumaki who is a good man for all of us." Hinata told the man now getting a bit annoyed with him now.

"Bah, the demons brat has just put spells on all of ye. You need a good man to get its off. Now let me just give you both me's special medicine." The man tells them both with lust in his eyes as he looked down at the two girl's bodies not even caring that they were still young. Now he was also going to put a hand on Hinata's shoulder but a blur sped past him and landed in front of her and now had his wrist held in a firm grip of its own. This blur ended up being Naruto who clearly was furious. For after stopping the man he stood there glaring at the man while still holding firmly onto his wrist. Though right now everyone in front of him could notice his eyes partially turning red. Meanwhile the girls behind him could begin to feel Naruto's chakra saturate the air and become very cold and dangerous.

"Oh, the wittle demon come to see a real man treat the girls under his magic genwatevers. Well just watch as I give them all me medicine." The man told Naruto not afraid at all seeing as he still was the young boy that he was able to torture before. Course now everyone around him was getting disgusted with the fact that this man wanted to do unspeakable things with two young girls…ninja or not. Plus, they were also getting really curious what Naruto would do seeing as when someone stood up to him he usually just accepted his beating.

Though what they didn't expect was for the red tint to completely change his eye color and watch as the pupil turned to become more animal like they also now began to feel a large amount of KI weighing down on them and watched in horror as red chakra came from Naruto and seemed to almost be boiling and bubbling. They then heard the drunk man scream in pain as Naruto's grip became strong enough to crush the man's wrist and shock him out of his drunk state.

"Ow, you dump demon that fucken hurts. I was just going to show these girls the error of their way. After all who cares if the village claims that you are a clan leader now. All in all you still are the little demon that can't be allowed to create more monsters. Now move so I can show these girls the error of their way." The man told Naruto happy that he now had a perfect chance to teach Naruto a lesson seeing as he figured that Naruto would just break down in fear in front of him and let him do what he wants. Though what he didn't expect was to feel extreme pain from his chest. So, he looked down and saw Naruto's hand that was now coated in the red charka into what looked like a clawed hand was pierced through his chest completely and pierced a massive hole in his lung that Naruto left his hand in. He then looked shocked at Naruto who was glaring at him with his eyes glowing red and more of the horrible chakra leaking out each second even as blood slowly began dribbling out of his mouth.

"I may have taken all this villages crap for the old man to not have to deal with so much and to keep my haters hunting group from getting any bigger. But that has changed I am stronger now and I have people I WILL protect with all of my strength. Now understand these girls are giving me something that I never thought I would have. They are the ones who finally made me realize why people are supposed to enjoy this damn thing called life. AND I WILL NOT LET A BASTARD LIKE YOU HARM THEM." Naruto growled out and roughly tore his hand out of the man's chest making his blood spray out following his hand and soon after pool around the man's body that fell to the ground at Naruto's feet. Though instead of simply watching as the man's life quickly went away Naruto brought up his bloody and still clawed hand up ready to hit the man's head. "Let this bastard be a message that while I can take any of the crap you say about me; I will NOT LET YOU HARM ANY OF MY PRECIOUS!" Naruto called out to the now horrified crowd and quickly began to bring his hand down before an arm from behind wrapped around his arm in a way that tried to stop him but instead just greatly slowed him down due to the strength the chakra was giving him which was increasing by each moment making the arm visibly shake as it struggled to try and stop him. Though another pair of arms wrapped around his chest with a large object on his back a bit above them that was making his back wet. He quickly looked behind himself and saw Haku stopping his arm and Hinata holding him with her head on his back. Course he also soon noticed how Haku seemed to be in visible pain and was horrified to realize that the chakra he was using was cooking the skin that was touching it just by its toxic value to any human cell not use to it already.

So, due to this shock the chakra quickly receded back into him and his eyes went back to blue. "Hinata, Haku why?" Naruto asked the two girls shocked that they would protect this man. Course he only slightly noticed that Hanabi also seemed to be in tears just like her sister but was just frozen in place but brought all of his attention back to the girls.

"You already stopped him from hurting us Naruto-kun and while I don't necessarily like the way you did it I can't help but partially think a creep like that deserved it. But if you continued this you would just make the village fear you as if you actually were a monster; and I don't want that to happen again, not after it finally began looking better for you here." Hinata told him while still crying. So, he quickly looked at the crowd and saw them all look at him clearly horrified by what happened and seemed to be frozen in fear just like Hanabi was frozen. Course he also noticed several Anbu who quickly came up to him and placed a seal on his head that stuck onto him and grabbed him away from the girls.

"Naruto Uzumaki you are being detained until we determine what will result of this event." One of the Anbu told him and two of them left with one restraining Naruto and the other watching over him to make sure nothing happened. Though the others that stayed close quickly put the body into a body bag and washed away the now drying blood. They also checked on the girls and made sure they were okay before escorting them to their own homes telling them that they would be questioned later. Course in Haku's case she was taken to the hospital to be treated for the chakra burns that were on her.

"What is going to happen to Naruto-kun." Both of the girls thought worried as they were taken away from the scene. With their last sight of it being an Anbu trying to calm down the villagers.

=Council meeting=

Tsunade was in yet another meeting going over her plans now that she is Hokage when an Anbu shows up near her bowing low.

"Hmm? What is it?" Tsunade asks the ninja

"Hokage-sama we have found that jinchuriki Naruto Uzumaki has used the beast's chakra to kill a civilian. While it looked to be a simple murder case it turns out that said man was getting ready to try and sexually abuse Haku Momochi and Hinata Hyuga. Naruto is retained in a holding cell waiting for your decision on what will happen while we sent the body to the morgue." The man told Tsunade who rubbed her temples out of annoyance.

"I haven't even been here for a week and already trouble is brewing around the brat." She thinks annoyed then listens as the civilian council demanded for Naruto to be punished even if he was technically a clan leader. Course they were silenced quickly when she loudly ordered everyone to do so. Though soon after she did that Hiashi decided to add his own opinion in.

"Hokage-sama while I don't necessarily approve of the boy being around my daughter if this man was going to try and defile her; I find the fact that he was killed on the spot to be justifiable. After all, if he was detained instead I would have him put to death anyways for attempting to harm one of my daughters who might become the next clan leader." Hiashi told her respectfully while the civilians stayed quite seeing as they knew that this was true seeing as when she was kidnapped, he quickly tried to get every punishment possible for the cause of it.

*sigh* "While it wasn't handled in the right matter the man in question would have been punished severely anyways. So, it would seem like a light punishment for Naruto-san would be good enough just to make sure he doesn't think it is completely okay to kill them again." Shikaku mumbled out in his normal sleepy intellectual voice. Course before the civilians that were still against Naruto could react Tsunade made her decision.

"I decree that Naruto Uzumaki will be given…having to do two days of only D rank missions as his punishment for killing a civilian in question before he could be sentenced for his own illegal acts." Tsunade tells the group seeing as even she felt that Naruto's murder was justified due to the events but had to punish him somehow so that people don't accuse her of favoritism. Though by the looks of the council a lot of them were happy with her decision showing they felt the same way. "Guard release Naruto and tell him that he is to report at the mission hall tomorrow morning for his punishment to begin." Tsunade ordered the Anbu who nodded his head and left.

~Containment cell~

Naruto was calmly sitting in his cell waited for whatever the council decided his fate to be. For while he knew he shouldn't kill civilians of his own village no matter what he still found what he did to be worth any punishment. So, instead of whining, begging, or trying to act tuff like the rest of the people around him were doing while waiting for trail he just sat in the middle of his cell just waiting. Though soon enough he heard footsteps coming closer to his cell and looked up to find a few Anbu standing around his gate.

"Naruto Uzumaki it has been determined that starting tomorrow you will have several D rank missions assigned for you to complete for no pay for that day and the next day. This is your punishment but otherwise we are here to let you out. Just be sure to show up in the mission room to collect the beginning of your missions bright and early tomorrow." One of the Anbu told him then they all walked into his cage and began to remove the chakra suppressers they put on him and gave him back his normal gear to wear yet again. Then as soon as he was done getting ready, they lead him to a small room that had a seal covering the entire floor before disappearing from the chamber with a guard. Course he wasn't surprised by this seeing as no one should know where the criminals are kept so that no one could get them out. What he did find surprising was that they brought him so close to his house before nodding as a good-bye and leaving the boy alone in the village.

~Naruto's house~

When Naruto finally made it home, he was ready to see Haku hate him for being a cold-blooded killer and hardened his heart yet again to try and make her words hurt less. Instead he saw her and surprisingly Hinata at a table and were instantly relieved when they saw that he was back.

"Naruto-kun I am so sorry we didn't protect ourselves and made you have to enter jail." Hinata told him while crying a bit.

Course Naruto couldn't help but be surprised seeing he was expecting hatred not two worried girls. "No, it is okay Hinata I would gladly protect any of you no matter what the cost is…but shouldn't you two be afraid of me seeing as I now am a cold-blooded killer?" Naruto asks shocked.

"No Naruto-sama we know it was just your way of protecting us…though a less brutal way would be better if there is a next time." Haku tells him and then he turned to Hinata who nodded in agreement before blushing.

"Hey Naruto did you rely mean it when you told him that we are your precious people?" Hinata asks still blushing.
"Yes Hinata all of you gave me the one thing I would never experience returned being love and also what I never thought I would have; a family. All of you girls mean the world to me and I would gladly do anything to make sure you stay happy." Naruto told them with his love for them clear in his expressions which made both girls blush badly.

"Oh, thank you Naruto-kun…wait you never thought you would have Sakura return you love for her." Hinata asked slightly disappointed seeing as she was hopping that she was the one he first found to love seeing as he asked her out first.

"No, um for Sakura sure I found her attractive and still partially do but really she was the one of the only people I knew on my level that I wouldn't mind dating a lot if she accepted…plus she actually responded to me." Naruto told Hinata honestly.

"At your level? What do you mean all of us were at the same rank." Hinata asks confused with Haku now getting curious.

"Well I basically put any of the clan member girls out of my league seeing as they had anything they wanted and I was only an orphan. But really the only girl I was focused on I knew I would never be able to ask out…well before I got closer to her level by becoming a clan member and that was the princess of Konoha." Naruto told them still being honest while Hinata blushed badly knowing that is what she is called due to her clan's strength.

"You mean all this time you loved me the girl who was too timid to try and get anyone's attention and thought I wasn't on your level…Naruto-kun I probably was lower than your level seeing as only Kiba ever tried to flirt with me." Hinata told him seeing as she always thought she wasn't all that pretty seeing as while the more social girls like Ino were asked out all the time she was only seem by one boy that she found to like as only a good friend.

"No, Hinata you may think that but even back then you were the beauty of our class. After all I know a lot of other boys always use to talk about you but were too afraid of your clan's power to talk to you. After all we all saw what a beautiful woman you were becoming." Naruto explained making the girl severely happy knowing not only was she considered beautiful by her crush but she also was the one that he would have went after all through school if she just had enough guts to ask him out.

Though this led to her kissing Naruto right on the lips where she found the feeling, she received to bring even more pleasure to her body. So, they kissed again…and again until eventually they made them longer lasting to keep the feeling going. In fact, they were so enveloped by the feeling that they didn't even notice Haku leave when she finally decided that she would get her turn to talk to him latter and that they needed this moment.

Still Naruto partially noticed her absence for a moment before he was surprised to fine Hinata licking at his teeth which made him open them out of shock. So, he opened his eyes and looked to see Hinata as clearly in a love/lust haze, but seeing as she seemed to be even happier than before he chose to not stop her and just enjoy it as well. Course he was surprised that in her lustful mood she began rubbing around his body with her hands but soon enough he found himself reacting to it. A reaction that made all of his self-control leave his teenage hormonal body and get more into their moment as well. In fact, it was just shy of becoming a sexual moment before a loud banging came from the door shocking them both out of it.

"Um. I should…um get that." Naruto told her and rushed to the door while trying to recover from his lust while Hinata stood their blushing heavily remembering what they were about to do.

_Sasuke, random training ground_

"Che, that damn dobe getting all the credit for beating that desert demon child. That should have been me so that the world can begin to understand the greatness of me, the all might Uchiha clan head. Plus, he has been able to collect the stronger and more beautiful girls of the village, they should be mine as well. He will pay for taking stuff that should belong to me." Sasuke thought angry while resting on a tree branch that was close to where he was training.

"Look we finally found the Uchiha." He heard from a good distance away from him and tried to get prepared for a battle but before he could a few wires wrapped around the tree and tightened to tie him to said tree. He then saw a group of people appeared around him "Hey Uchiha are you still looking for the power that Orochimaru-sama can give you?" Kimimaro asked the struggling boy.

"Yes, any power that it is possible to achieve rightfully belong to the Uchiha." Sasuke told them fully believing their clan deserves everything they want.

"Che, this bastard is fucken stuck up." The only women mumbled out but is ignored for the most part.

"Very well then come to the location on this map by 7:30 tonight. It may look blank right now but that is just to make sure that no one will question it until it is needed so it will not actually appear until seven o'clock tonight." Kimimaro told him with a blank face.

"Very well." Sasuke told them simply and watched as he put the paper down on the tree and then felt the wires tying him up loosen letting him quickly grab the paper.

"Yes, very soon I will be able to gain a lot of power under a sannin. Soon I will have more than enough power to be able to defeat all that stand in my way." Sasuke thinks with a smirk while picturing his brother and also Naruto. "and I will collect what is rightfully belonging to me and my clan." He continued now picturing a large clan compound with multiple strong women admiring him who had every kage's hat sitting on the ground in front of him. "All I need is time and I will be able to show the world what the true power of the Uchiha is! Then they will understand why we were always feared. Just you wait world I will surpass even Madara and become someone that the whole world has to respect!" He finished with an insane laugh before heading back to his currently empty clan compound to collect anything he would need on his training trip seeing as he knew he would have to become strong enough to control Konoha before he is ever allowed back seeing as he was leaving it. After all, in his mind why bother serving a village that refuses to give you any more resources to become stronger instead of going to one that will make you one of the strongest beings alive.

+6:30 o'clock that night+

Sasuke now was sitting on one of his clans several rooftops simply watching the sky until it was time for his map to be activated. Though now in his kunai pouch was not only just a good amount of kunai but also several sealing scrolls filled with anything he felt he could ever possibly need. But he wasn't focused on that currently, instead he was looking down at the paper which quickly was stained with ink that showed a clear destination. And with that he left with a smirk ready to get the power he deserved and didn't even glance back at the village that had been his home for years.

"Good bye weaklings of Konoha, hello power." He thought happily as he sped up even more to reach the meeting point before anyone noticed him.

~Meeting spot~

When Sasuke finally made it to the marked location he saw all of the same people there and yet again Kimimaro walked up to him with his fatter teammate following carrying a large barrel on his back.

"Okay Sasuke to begin giving you the power Orochimaru-sama can give you take this pill. It will rebuild your body in order for you not only unseal the power that Orochimaru-sama gave you and also will let you reach the second level of the seal. So, take this quickly and let yourself fall asleep while we will carry you to our base in this container which will help the process go smoothly." He explained and then watched as the Uchiha immediately took the pill and instantly passed out only to be quickly caught and stuffed into the barrel. "The process has begun. Now let's go Orochimaru-sama wants us back before he fully reaches the second level so he may welcome his new student." Kimimaro tells the group who nods and they all begin their trip back to their hidden base.

~Naruto's House~

At the door Naruto saw Shikamaru who was for once completely serious looking at him which took the last bit of his lust haze away.

"Naruto-san grab anything you need for a large fight as fast as possible. You and a few others will be following me as we go to try and capture a possible missing ninja." He told Naruto serious.

"Huh, why would we be sent after him then. Usually the Anbu do that." Naruto asked.

"Naruto it is Sasuke so he is not currently at the treat level the Anbu go after. Also, they are all busy so Tsunade has me collecting a few of our available ninja to go. Now grab your things and meet me at this gate." Shikamaru order Naruto then quickly showed him a spot on a map before running off too more than likely prepare some more. Course after that Naruto quickly grabbed a few things before heading out telling the girls that he needed to help seeing as he knew they heard Shikamaru and quickly ran to the meeting point.

~Meeting point~

Soon enough Naruto and several other members of their graduating class were nervously standing at the gate when Shikamaru showed up and instantly took charge.

"Okay so now he was last seen by our chakra sensors heading straight this direction a little bit ago. Now be careful seeing as they have also sensed several other large chakra signatures with him so be ready for a fight at any time." Shikamaru told them then watched as they nodded showing they understood. "Good then let's go." He added and they all speed off to catch up to the leaving ninja ready to use any means necessary to stop him.

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