Girl from Mitras ★ A. Arlert

By AstyWrites

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«Can I be your partner?» After an irreparable loss, a girl who was born and raised in the Capital Mitras join... More

A/N and description
Chapter 1 - When everything was fine
Chapter 2 - I want you to be happy
Chapter 3 - Among the scouts
Chapter 4 - In cadet corps
Chapter 5 - A boy with blue eyes
Chapter 6 - Partners
Chapter 7 - A hike
Chapter 8 - Forgotten books
Chapter 9 - Secrets
Chapter 10 - Everything comes to an end
Chapter 11 - Homecoming
Chapter 12 - Promise
Chapter 13 - The one of them
Chapter 14 - Aside
Chapter 15 - To tell the truth
Chapter 16 - They always been among us
Chapter 17 - Extinguished candle
Chapter 18 - It's time to play the part
Chapter 19 - Hiding in the shadows
Chapter 20 - Old friend
Chapter 21 - Influence
Chapter 22 - Escape
Chapter 23 - No more secrets
Chapter 24 - Orvud
Chapter 25 - Can we have a least some peace?
Chapter 26 - Smell like lavender
Chapter 27 - First step towards something more
Chapter 28 - You can't be silent forever
Chapter 29 - Don't let me fall
Chapter 30 - The day, when one life ended
Chapter 31 - On the edge
Chapter 32 - Hold me like the last time
Chapter 33 - Where will we be in five years?
Chapter 34 - Another
Chapter 35 - It's hard to watch you smile
Chapter 36 - Crescent
Chapter 37 - Only feelings
Chapter 38 - I want you to remember
Chapter 39 - New work, new friends, new questions
Chapter 40 - To know each other
Chapter 41 - Just an act of weakness
Chapter 42 - To pretend
Chapter 43 - Why are you doing all this?
Chapter 44 - In the sky over Liberio
Chapter 45 - Make it clear
Chapter 46 - The beginning of the end
Chapter 47 - Truths and lies
Chapter 48 - Dying confession
Chapter 49 - Could we avoid it?
Chapter 50 - Revealing the intentions
Chapter 51 - Destroying the built
Chapter 52 - How to heal a broken heart
Chapter 53 - Selflessness and selfishness
Chapter 54 - The Battle of Heaven and Earth
Chapter 55 - Far From Home
Chapter 56 - Blend
Chapter 57 - Point of no return
Chapter 58 - Live again
Chapter 59 - A place where everything is changing
Chapter 60 - A way to move on
☆Chapter 61 - Refuge from the fears and anxieties
☆Chapter 62 - Behind blue eyes
Chapter 63 - Reunion
Chapter 64 - The evening of change
☆Chapter 65 - Distraction
Chapter 66 - Start over
Chapter 67 - Rethinking
Chapter 68 - Become friends again
Chapter 69 - Things we dreamed of
Chapter 70 - With all my heart
☆Chapter 71 - A story about how rain ruins the plans
☆Chapter 72 - Rainy day
Chapter 73 - Back to reality
Special #1 - What if she made another choice
Special #2 - What if the Wall Maria was never breached - Part 1
Special #2 - What if the Wall Maria was never breached - Part 2
Chapter 74 - Uncertainty
Chapter 75 - Time alone
Chapter 76 - Friday
Chapter 77 - His love and her boy - Part 1
☆Chapter 77 - His love and her boy - Part 2
Chapter 78 - Two girls, different problems, same reason
Special #3 - What if he listened to his heart
Chapter 79 - Final agreement
☆Chapter 80 - Simply missing you, darling
Chapter 81 - Girls gossip
Chapter 82 - Happiness loves silence
Chapter 83 - Something about Annie
Chapter 84 - Tired time
☆Chapter 85 - Mistake
Chapter 86 - Revelation
Chapter 87 - Sincerity
Chapter 88 - Pendant
Chapter 89 - Walking in the night
Chapter 90 - Arguing is normal...
Chapter 91 - Dates
Chapter 92 - Birthday boy
Chapter 93 - Parties. Part 1
Chapter 94 - Parties. Part 2
☆Chapter 96 - In the candlelight
Chapter 97 - Lovers. Part 1
☆Chapter 98 - Lovers. Part 2
Chapter 99 - Far away from each other. Part 1
Chapter 100 - Far away from each other. Part 2
Chapter 101 - Honesty
Chapter 102 - While he was thinking
Chapter 103 - Thinking
Chapter 104 - No matter what
Chapter 105 - The first changes
☆Chapter 106 - Unity
Chapter 107 - First revelations
Chapter 108 - These painful memories
Chapter 109 - Rip off a band-aid
Chapter 110 - Who took who
Chapter 111 - The place where it all began

Chapter 95 - Outlook on life

100 8 4
By AstyWrites

A/N: I'm sorry, but smut will be next time. And I'll have a busy weekend, so I post a chapter a little earlier


The girls argued for a while, then it was time for Mikasa to leave to get ready. Hitch, as promised, stayed with Y/N to prepare for the evening.

- How much did I say yesterday?

- You were frank yesterday, which is very unusual for you.

- I can't drink so much, God, I'm getting too careless.

- You know, I think that you keep too much to yourself, and yesterday just some of your emotions broke out in the form of strange, slightly inappropriate revelations. But neither I nor Mikasa are judging you, there was nothing unusual in what you said. Ordinary things from the couple's personal life. I'm even a little pleased that you opened up.

- I'm embarrassed by this.

- It's all right, Y/N, don't worry. Maybe you needed it. I can see that you've been sad since the news of the trip came out. You are sad because Armin will leave. You behave more quietly than usual, and often... you're floating somewhere. If so, you can talk to me.

- Thank you, Hitch... I really feel sad lately. Everything was just starting to get better for us, and now he will leave, and we will not see each other...

- It's only for a couple of months, he'll be back, it's just a business trip.

- I know... Armin said that they have a plan for two months, but if something goes wrong, it will most likely be longer. And I understand that this is a business trip. It's just... it's hard for me to admit that I don't want him to leave. And you know... if I were him, I would also put work in the first place, since it's important for the whole island, but... it's difficult for me, as his girlfriend.

- You can handle it, because there are holidays ahead, a festive week in the palace, we will have fun. And now Mikasa also knows about you and Armin, she will also support you if you need it. I think everything will be fine. But still... talk to Armin about your feelings. I think it will get easier later, and it will be important for him to know about your feelings.

- I understand that I need to talk to him, but it seems to me that after this conversation it will only be harder for him. When he told about the trip, he said that he couldn't refuse, that he didn't want to leave me... it's not easy for him, and then there's me with my whining...

- It's not whining. It's okay to miss the person you care about.

- It's just... I didn't think that I would ever act like... like a fool in love...

She hid her face in her hands, sighing in frustration.

- Let's get ready, you have a fun evening ahead of you.

- And again a lot of alcohol and food.

- So don't drink if you don't like the consequences.

- But it's such an occasion that it's hard to resist.

The girls went to get ready. Y/N helped Hitch curled her hair a little, and Hitch braided for Y/N two small braids from the temples, which then connected at the back of her head and disappeared into her long hair. A white ribbon was woven into the braids - one of the attributes of "bridesmaids". Initially, Historia offered everyone to wear the same dress, but no one really liked this idea. Then, there was an idea to make dresses from the same fabric, but then everyone had different preferences and it was all quite difficult. As a result, they settled on the fact that all the girls use white silk ribbons in their outfits. Y/N decided to weave a ribbon into her hair, because in principle she often liked to do this. Hitch decided to use the ribbon around her forearm.

Y/N didn't know what to wear. She didn't have many beautiful evening dresses, but she had some of them. She decided to opt for a sleeveless dress of light blue color, covered to the waist with floral embroidery made of silk threads. The hem of the dress was multi-layered, which made it moderately lush, but at the same time neat and elegant. Under the dress, she wore Armin's gift, which she never wore except once when she tried it on for the first time.

By four in the afternoon they were in the palace. They gathered again with their girlish company, helping Sasha to get ready and tune in. The ceremony was supposed to begin at five in the evening in one of the halls of the palace, where there was a large balcony overlooking the garden.

Sasha sat in front of the mirror in her white dress - it was a simple white dress with long sleeves, bare shoulders and a light flying train from the waist down. Historia braided Sasha's hair, Pieck and Hitch helped Sasha with makeup. Annie left at the request of Sasha to check the readiness of the hall and find out how the boys were doing, who should also have already been in the palace and getting ready. Y/N and Mikasa sat together on the couch, watching Sasha's preparations, periodically exchanging phrases with her girl-friends.

- Y/N?

- Mm?

Mikasa quietly turned to her.

- Do you look tense, still not feeling well, or worried about what... you said yesterday?

- In fact, I don't really like such events, and in general - I'm hungry. My hangover only recently let me go, so... the banquet would start soon.

Mikasa laughed.

- Understood you. But this is a wedding - romance and fun, why don't you like it?

- I didn't tell you? Yes, apparently I told Historia about this. I just don't quite understand it. That's the problem.

- Don't understand? In terms of?

- That I don't understand the essence of marriage. Well, like, look at Sasha and Niccolo - they love each other, they live together, share life, problems, joys. What will marriage change?

- Hmm... marriage is like strengthening one's feelings and intentions, a vivid confirmation of fidelity and...

- People cheat, even being married. If a person wants to cheat, no bonds will hold them back. If you love a person, you want to be with him, then you will be with him without marriage. I can only understand this form of marriage, when they marry for the sake of obtaining the privileges of their partner, entering some certain circles. I'm by no means saying that this is bad, I'm happy for Sasha and Niccolo, but I myself would hardly have decided on this.

- And if your partner wants it?

- I hope he understands my point of view. After all, I don't need any privileges, but only love. And marriage is not always about love.

- You have a pessimistic view of marriage.

- No, it's reality. I grew up in this reality, watching how people marry not for love, so marriage for me is not some kind of consolidation of feelings, an act of fidelity and love. Call it pessimistic, but it's true. I've seen married people cheat on their partners, and... For example, Damian's family... his parents were married. Although his father loved his mother, she most likely didn't marry for love, at least Damian thinks so. In the end, she ran away with some man, leaving both her husband and her three-year-old son. Damian doesn't remember her, she didn't try to get back to them, contact them. Did marriage help? No. Like I said, it won't hold a person. Nothing will stop a person if the person doesn't want to stay.

- But there are also people who live happily together and continue to love each other?

- Is marriage required for this?

- Well...

- Exactly, it's not required. I think you can argue on this topic endlessly, but in the end everyone will have their own opinion. Everyone's worldview is different, someone doesn't understand how people can even live together without marriage, some don't understand sex before marriage, some don't understand same-sex relationships and so on... everyone has their own principles, their own preferences. I don't judge anyone, I don't say that something is bad or good - it's just that I have my own views, the rest have their own. This is fine. Let everyone live the way they want. I have my own life to build it the way I want. I can only be glad that my friends are happy with how their lives are going.

- Maybe you'll change your mind over time.

- I highly doubt it.

She smiled at Mikasa and looked back at her friends. After some time, they left this room. They reached the hall where the chairs for the ceremony had already been set up. Historia stayed with Sasha and her parents in the next room, while everyone else went to the main hall.

Everything was really luxurious. The whole hall was illuminated by a warm light, in one corner tables were set for guests, in the other side there was a stage where the musicians were already sitting. Now in the center of the hall there were chairs in several rows up to the exit to the balcony. On the balcony were two heat lamps, curiosities from Hizuru, and a beautiful wedding arch. Some guests were already seated waiting for the ceremony to begin. Y/N's gaze fell on the tables - some snacks were already there, which made her stomach growl. She had hardly eaten anything today, and she just wanted to start eating faster.

- Are you already choosing what to eat?

She turned around. Levi looked at her with his usual frown.

- Good evening to you too. I'm just hungry, I haven't eaten anything today. In fact, I didn't expect that you would still accept the invitation and come. You don't like all these noisy events where everyone drinks.

- I decided to come for a while, yet Braus personally handed me an invitation.

- Yes, she told me how nervous she was. But it's great that you came. We are sitting next to each other again, I think this is already something... usual.

- It won't be a problem?

Y/N at first didn't understand what he meant, and then... she understood.

- No, it's okay, don't worry. I think that would be even better. Hitch will sit in a different place this time, but Mikasa, on the contrary, decided to sit next to us, and Jean, too, respectively. Mikasa, like you, doesn't really like loud talk, so I guess she decided that.

- This made it easier, your assistant is very... noisy and... talks too much, and most often some kind of nonsense.

- You just don't know her very well... Okay, let's go sit down, almost everyone has already gathered.

They sat down – Levi sat down with the rest of Sasha's invited colleagues from the Survey corps, and Y/N sat down with the bridesmaids. Y/N looked around the hall - everyone was already in their places, and Niccolo was standing near the wedding arch, along with a representative of the crown, who acted as a registrar.

Soon the music began to play. The ceremony began.

Y/N was watching the event - it was the first such event she had been to. Beautiful slow music, warm light... Sasha appeared in the hall. She walked down the aisle with her father. She had a smile on her face, but it was obvious that she was worried. Her father escorted her to the wedding arch, nodding towards Niccolò and taking a seat next to his wife.

The registrar started to read out some usual traditional speech about love, fidelity... All this made Y/N think about what Mikasa had said. What if for Armin, this was something he aspired to? Did he see them now in the place of Sasha and Niccolo? Suddenly, her hunger became even stronger because of the nerves and fear that gripped her. What if her worldview repels Armin? What if this will make him doubt himself again and their relationship will begin to collapse again... What if he will not accept her views, as happened with many of her friends - they all wanted for the most part the same thing - a family, a common home, marriage... she recalled her conversation with Historia about it, her conversation with Mikasa...

Applause. Y/N returned to reality from her thoughts. Everyone clapped, someone got up from his seat. Sasha and Niccolo kissed tenderly. Rings glittered on their hands. Y/N also started clapping. Her friends looked happy, all smiling.

More cheerful music began to play. Everyone began to disperse, and the royal servants began to remove the chairs and put them at the tables where they all needed to be seated. All gradually settled down. Sasha and Niccolo sat at the table with Sasha's parents, as well as Historia and her family. Even little Frieda was present at this holiday. She was two and a half years old, and Aidan constantly looked after his daughter, since Historia was busy organizing this whole event. Frieda was a very active girl. When she was ill, Historia often consulted Y/N, trusting her daughter's health to her friend. Although the royal doctor was very experienced, Historia's family's health and well-being was of the utmost importance.

Sitting at the table, Y/N immediately began to pick up food for herself on a plate - she was very hungry.

- You're possessed by Sasha or what?

At the table with her were also Mikasa, Jean, Levi, and two other scouts-colleagues of Sasha. She didn't know them, but everyone else knew each other.

- I'm just hungry, what's wrong with that, Jean.

The rest of their friends sat all together. Y/N drew attention to their table - Annie sat next to Armin – «However, what did I expect...», Hitch was already saying something with might and main, incessantly chattering... Now Y/N was glad that she wasn't around. She wasn't in the mood to talk. For now.

The holiday has begun. Everyone was having fun, toasts sounded from everywhere, the clink of glasses, guests approached the newlyweds, congratulating them.

After a couple of hours, the guests were already drunk enough, people began to dance. The first dance, of course, was for the newlyweds. Lights were partially switched off in the hall, making the atmosphere more romantic and solemn.

- «You're surprisingly quiet today, Y/N», Levi said when they were alone at the table.

- «Remember when you told me to drink less? So I still don't listen to you», she said, smiling in his direction.

- And now you continue this?

- It's still a holiday.

- Why didn't you go dancing?

Now most of the guests were dancing.

- No mood today. And you?

- Very funny.

Y/N looked at the dancers. Mikasa danced with Jean, Sasha with Niccolo, Reiner invited Pieck, they danced, actively chatting with each other. Connie sat with Armin and Annie at their table, they discussed something while Annie sat looking bored. And Hitch... Y/N didn't see her. «Probably talking to someone somewhere again»

- How do you like the event?

- Not for me. You know I don't like noisy gatherings. And drunk people.

- Levi, you're too picky.

- I just feel out of place at such holidays.

- Are you leaving soon?

- Yes, once again I will go to Sasha with her marleyan and go. Should I expect you tomorrow or not?

- Probably not. I think I need a rest after these two days filled with heavy food and drink. We have to work on Monday.

- I got it.

- Are you offended?

- No, what are you talking about. I already get used to it.

- Bad. It's our kind of tradition. I'm sorry that our meetings have become inconsistent in recent months.

- You have more important things to do, I understand, don't worry about it.

- You're my friend, my close friend. I'm doing wrong by neglecting our friendship. Everything will change.

- Don't be so nervous, I told you - I understand everything.

He even gave her a barely perceptible smile, to which Y/N smiled back at him.

The next dance ended, all the guests returned to their places. Levi, as promised, went home. Before leaving, as a sign of farewell, he put his hand on Y/N's shoulder, squeezed it slightly and went to the newlyweds. After saying something to them, he left.

- Has the Captain gone yet?

- He doesn't like such gatherings.

- «And you don't look very optimistic today, Y/N», Jean remarked.

- I'm fine. Now I'll drink a little more and relax.

Jean went to chat with the rest of his friends, while Mikasa stayed with Y/N.

- You're really quiet.

- Everything is fine. Stop it.

- Our conversation before the ceremony upset you, am I right?

- No, I told you...

- So, it upset you.

- Because of you, I started thinking about it...

She poured herself a glass of gin and began to drink.

- Y/N, I shouldn't have said that, I

- What if you're right? What if he wants it, and will not be able to accept my desires? Is this something that is mandatory for him? What then? Suddenly he...

- He won't leave you, Y/N, calm down, you're getting nervous out of nowhere. He loves you too much to push you away.

- Well, what if...

- «Without what if, Y/N. Let's drink for the newlyweds and you'll forget your worries», Mikasa told her, leaning into her ear to whisper. «And then when you're sober, you will talk to Armin and everything will be fine. Believe me, it cannot be otherwise, only not with you»

- Eh, okay... And where did Jean go?

- He wanted to talk to the guys. Still - it was I who wanted to sit separately, not him. I, like Levi, don't like noisy events.

- That's another one of your similarities, I suppose.

- Jean started talking about Armin and Annie again...

- God, it's obvious even to me that she's waiting for him to ask her to dance. She sat down next to him and...

- Are you jealous?

- No, I just don't get it. She goes to meetings with me, we talk, and... this is not the behavior that we are discussing. I wont go into details, it's not right, I'm her doctor or something... But still... I'm sorry that she can't move on...

- Don't you think she'll act like that on this trip?

- Even so... I trust him and it's up to him what he does with Annie and her behavior.

The girls continued to chat, occasionally drinking. Then Mikasa left to dance, and Hitch materialized in Levi's place.

- You're not dancing today?

- Yes, you're right about that.

- But you love to dance! Or give you a certain gentleman?

- Let's assume that's the case. Why are you sitting here and not dancing?

- I'm already tired. I have been invited many times today. Do you sit and drink alone?

- No, Mikasa went to dance again, and so I'm here with her all evening.

- Discussing yesterday's news?

- Not without it.

- When will you tell everyone? It would make life so much easier.

- This needs to be discussed, I told you that it's not so simple. We both hold high positions, there are issues of bias and abuse of office for personal gain.

- Speaking of work, what are you going to do on holidays?

- Well, New Year's week and the week before the new year I'll be in the city. And then, Damian and I decided to go on vacation to the mountains for a week. I originally wanted to go there with you know who, but plans changed. By the way... do you want to come with us?

- Will you give me a week off?

- Without paying - yes.

- Hey, that's not fair.

- Paid vacation only on account of the days that you are entitled to. So the summer vacation will be shortened. Think for yourself - you decide.

- Mountain springs... I find it hard to refuse...

- So don't refuse. It will be great.

- Oh, okay. I'll think about it.


Armin felt inspired. He liked being in the company of friends. He really liked the ceremony - everything was beautiful, romantic. He involuntarily began to imagine what his own wedding would be like. With Y/N. When the ceremony was going on, he looked at her. But he didn't see in her that excitement, enthusiasm that he himself felt. He saw on her face... confusion. He wondered what she was thinking at that moment. She was incredibly beautiful today - how her hair covered her bare shoulders, how her skin shone, the dress she was wearing fit her perfectly. There were moments in his life when he still couldn't believe that they were together. And that moment was now. He wanted to be close to her, to hold her hand...

Throughout the evening, he kept looking in her direction. She was sitting next to the Captain now he was still a little jealous, not because he saw anything different in it, but because he would like to be with her. Lately, he'd learned a lot about the nature of Y/N's relationship with the Captain... that calmed him down. Today, Mikasa was sitting next to her - they talked a lot that evening, Armin wondered what they were talking about. Now Mikasa also knew about their relationship, and he still really couldn't understand what would change it. But he was glad that Mikasa knew she was his closest friend.

She didn't dance today. On other holidays, she usually agreed to dance with one of their group of friends or colleagues, but not today. She sat, chatting with the Captain, then with Mikasa, then with Hitch. She approached Sasha and Historia and chatted with them. Drink, eat. With every hour that strange confusion disappeared from her face, a smile appeared...

Armin didn't dance with anyone either. He only danced with Sasha once, since she herself invited him, and it was stupid to refuse the bride. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the tension on Annie's face as she sat next to him. He knew perfectly well that she would like him to invite her to the dance, to give her attention, but... Armin didn't feel obliged to do this. He had already explained everything to her. He was lucky that Connie was still feeling bad from last night and wasn't in the mood to dance, afraid the nausea would come back. He sat with Armin most of the time and they discussed their future trip. And, of course, they drank. Everyone drank at the party.

Several hours passed. Some of the guests had already left, but most were still at the feast - recently a wedding cake was served, which Sasha and Niccolo solemnly cut while feeding each other. All the guests clapped for them, and again everyone drank to the newlyweds.

Armin soon began to feel it was time for him to stop drinking. He didn't want to not remember what had happened again. He decided to take a walk to recover a little bit. Walking through the hall, he didn't see Y/N anywhere.

He went out into the garden. It was already cold outside, the moon hung in the sky. His eyes fell on the windows where the party was going on. He thought about the fact that a few years ago there was a war. And now they finally... have a normal life. What they only dreamed of as a children. They all dreamed of a world without titans, but... to be honest, few of them thought that this would seriously happen.

He wandered around the garden for a little over five minutes, and, quite cold, he headed back inside. He entered from another entrance, not wanting to return to the hall immediately. He was tired of the noise. In the corridor, he met the royal guards, who regularly carried out their service, as well as some guests, having decided, like him, to take a break from the celebration.

- Maybe you should go home?

- Look, I already told you, I'm fine, I just won't drink anymore, okay? Calm down.

- I won't take you to my place, I've had enough of guests.

- Calm down, as if I will have the strength to climb to the fifth floor.

He saw Hitch and Y/N coming out of the women's restroom and arguing. Y/N scolded Hitch severely for being too careless...

- «Are you alright?» he approached them.

- «Oh, hi. Y/N, look, Armin is here, let's be worried about him, not about me! It will be more interesting», Hitch said as she nudged Y/N slightly towards Armin.

- «Hitch, stop it, I care...», Y/N began.

- «I'll tell that you're tired and gone home», Hitch said mischievously, and awkwardly, swaying, quickly headed back into the hall, leaving them alone.

Y/N sighed unhappily.

- Are you okay, love?

- Hitch... she drank a lot and lives far away, I offered to walk her home, but she...

- Harmful, I understand. Don't worry, Historia said she would provide everyone with guest rooms if needed, or an escort and ride home. Hitch will be fine.

Armin looked around the perimeter of the corridor - no one was there. And he allowed himself to come closer to her, putting his hand on her waist.

- How are you?

- Everything is fine... I'm a little tired.

- Drank a lot or...

- And that too... but the food is excellent. I haven't eaten since morning because of a hangover, and now I finally ate.

- How do you like the evening?

- Great, Mikasa was sitting with me today, so there was someone to talk to. Do you like the evening?

- Yes, not bad... I noticed that you're not dancing today.

- I would like to dance, but the person I would like to dance with is not available.

- Hmm... let's fix that. Let's go.

- Where are you taking me again, Armin? Let's just without another storeroom...

- Just come with me. You will see everything.

He pulled Y/N somewhere deep in the palace. They went up to the second floor and entered a room. Armin approached and opened the balcony, from which music immediately began to be heard. Armin paced the room, lighting candles — candelabra and the usual simple, long candles. He lit candles here and there, finally illuminating the room. This was some kind of room for informal meetings - there was a small work table, several sofas, armchairs, bookcases, a fireplace... There was a warm carpet on the floor, softening steps...

Y/N looked out onto the balcony. From there, the cold night air blew, filled with the aroma of the evergreen royal garden. As it turned out, they were right above the hall, where the celebration took place in full. She heard the laughter of her friends, music, the clink of glasses...

Armin walked up to her and extended his hand to her.

- Will you dance with me, my love?


A/N: a long time without smut will soon pay off, but now - hope you like new chapter. We slowly approaching the end of the story. I'll implement my ideas, but if someone has ideas, then I can always write a special. Love you all, leave comments and votes💕💕

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