Trashes of the Counts' Famili...

By rileymilamo33

29.6K 2.2K 232

Adara Thornwin, the best friend of Cale Henituse, and possibly equally as Trash as him, decides to visit her... More

˗ ˏ ˋ❆ Winter Special ❆ ˎˊ ˗
˗ ˏ ˋ❆ (The Real) Winter Special ❆ ˎˊ ˗
Happy Anniversary!


678 46 4
By rileymilamo33

Adara made a face. "What, why?"

Cale shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea, that's all he said."

"'Cale, come to my study tonight, and bring Adara' is a bit ominous, don't you think?" she asked, moving the sack of bread higher up her shoulder. They were going up the hill, for their second or third turn today to feed the Man-Eating Tree, they had bought medicinal herbs for the children who were waiting outside the gate for some bread.

He shrugged his shoulders. "We haven't done anything, so I don't think he's going to tell us off or something. Maybe tell us some big news, after all, the capital event is soon, the Crown Prince has probably already sent out invitations."

Her mood darkened. "Oh yeah, the Plaza Terror Incident. Basen is going to go, right?"


Her eyes grew colder. "And what happens to him?"

"It didn't exactly say all the wounded, seeing as Choi Han didn't really know everyone by name. But," he paused, not exactly looking Adara in the eye, "there's a high chance he got hurt."

Adara didn't say anything, her mind in turmoil.

Once at the top of the hill, the children came running up to them. Adara handed the older one the medicinal herbs. "This is for you."

The silver-haired child made a face. "This is not bread."

Adara shrugged. "But you're hurt. Those herbs will heal you." She walked around the silver-haired child, who was still staring at the herbs with her wide golden eyes.

The younger child had moved in front of Adara and Cale. "You cannot die. Both of you. Cannot die," he said, a fierce look in his eyes.

Adara had a small smile on her lips. "We will not die." Without another word she walked through the gate, standing in front of the Man-Eating tree, Cale following close behind her.

The tree let out a low shriek. "More," it begged in a distorted voice, sounding more and more like a weak woman with a raspy voice, "more, give me more."

Adara's eyes narrowed. "Shush. Be patient. We'll give you more if you stop making such eerie noises."

The tree didn't let out a single sound after she said that.

"Could you please say that one more time?" Cale asked, blinking. Adara was also confused.

Count Deruth looked up at the two, taking note of their stunned faces. "Cale, you shall go to the Capital as our family's representative. Adara, I asked your father, and he permitted you to go as your family's representative."

Adara opened her mouth but immediately closed it. Why? was the only thing running in her head. Why did he do it? They'd only cause a ruckus and further drag their name in the dir— she broke off in her thoughts. If we go to the Capital we can stop the Terror Incident.

Cale had started sweating as Count Deruth continued talking. "Originally, Basen was supposed to go. However, you are the firstborn of our family. I thought it would be fitting."

Basen was in the room with them, standing a bit further from them. He was avoiding eye contact with them, as he often did.

Count Deruth had a gentle smile on his face and was still talking to Cale. "The Crown is hosting a big event, and the noble families of each territory have been invited to gather. It will be your first time to go visit the Crown, but Basen has been going to similar functions for the last two years. However, I am hoping for you to go this time, with Adara accompanying you so you aren't alone."

Adara subconsciously rolled her shoulders as her mind was flashing with stuff Cale had said about the Plaza Terror Incident. The same secret organization that assassinated Harris Village was going to commit a terrorist act at the Capital, during the event celebrating the King's 50th birthday. 10 magic bombs were planted in random places, especially on people, and they would go off once the Blood Crazy Mage, Redika, set them off. A bunch of people were wounded, and some died. Choi Han managed to discover half of the ploy, along with the Crown Princess of the Breck Kingdom, Rosalyn. It would be the fourth time that Choi Han and the secret organization would meet. While not able to save everyone, Choi Han still saves some of the citizens at the plaza. Due to this, he becomes connected to the Crown Prince, which benefits his Highness in multiple ways.

"You will leave in 5 days," Count Deruth said. "Cale, before Basen started to do it, you had participated in all of these ceremonies. Think back on those times and have a relaxed journey, even if you haven't been to the Capital before. And Adara, I am sorry for what happened last time you were in the Capital, but this time will be better than that," he said, turning his attention to her.

She stood still as a statue, feeling the chill on the back of her neck. The chill was always there when the Capital was involved. It served as a reminder.

"Father," Cale started, his voice gentle yet indifferent. Adara's head snapped to look at his, while Basen slowly turned to look at his older brother, "I am a bit anxious because of this sudden development. I have not gone to any of these since two years ago." Adara's eyes widened by a millimetre. If this little bitch is going to refuse. She reached out and held Cale's hand, digging her nails into his skin. Cale's breathing hitched. "But I would be glad to go in Basen's place."

Adara released her hold on his hand. Turning to Count Deruth, who had missed the interaction between the two, she smiled. "Thank you for convincing my father. I hope it will be better than the last time."

The Count nodded, sympathy hiding in the corners of his eyes. He did not truly know what had happened in the Capital when she was 10, but he had heard rumours. Rumours of how prior to her disappearance, she was kind and soft-spoken, with not an imperfection on her face that looked as though it had been sculpted out of marble. But when she came back, 4 years later at an event Count Deruth was invited to, which was meant to announce Adara Thornwin as dead and her younger brother as the Official Successor, she crashed the banquet, ruining it. Except he would argue that it was ruined before it had even started. She came back with scars on her face, cold eyes, and a haunting grin on her lips as she watched the chaos around her.

That was when Cale met Adara for the first time, Count Deruth remembered. He was quiet for the whole banquet, before suddenly getting up and walking to Adara. Adara was talking to another noble, one older than her but who was listening to her with such attention that Count Deruth remembered wanting to know what they were talking about. Upon seeing Cale, Adara stopped her conversation with the noble short and started talking with Cale. Count Deruth wasn't sure how long they had talked, but it wasn't until her father had forcefully taken her aside to question her, that Cale came back to their table, saying nothing of their encounter and pretending he had never gotten up in the first place.

Blinking suddenly, he realised that his children, and his other-somewhat-but-not-really child, were all staring at him. He quickly dismissed them, making the excuse that he needed to review the plans to fortify the walls. They all left without another word. Count Deruth sighed, pulling out the blueprints, the Continent was on the brink of war, he knew. He could feel it. And he wanted his family to be safe, behind these fortified walls, while war raged on outside.

In the hallway, Basen turned to the two, not looking at them. "Hyung-nim, Noona, I wish you a good trip to the Capital."

Cale paled at that. But Adara let out a smile. "Of course, think about what you want so that I can get it for you as a souvenir." Without another word, she turned around and walked away, Cale followed her, not even looking at Basen.

"What did you do that for?" he hissed, rubbing his palm which had tiny little crescent shapes embedded into it.

She looked at him. "You were about to refuse, you get much more if we go to the Capital."

"I wasn't going to refuse," he said. "I was going to ask him if I could think about it a bit longer."

"You said Vitality of the Heart is in Puzzle City. Puzzle City is on the way to the Capital if you tweak the route a bit. So is the cave where they're torturing the Black Dragon. You can get an ancient power that heals you and that makes that you can live a long life and royally fuck with Venion's connection to the Secret Organization," she explained. "All in one go."

He sighed. "I did think about that, but the Plaza Terror Incident will be a dangerous place."

She rolled her eyes. "And if all goes according to plan, you'll have Vitality of the Heart, you'll regrow any limbs you might lose in under a month."

His eyes lit up. "And I can get rid of Choi Han, Ron, and Beacrox while also pushing them to follow the normal storyline."

Her eyebrow raised. "With Rosalyn and Lock? We'd need to specifically engineer their meeting, also figure out how and when they'd meet us in the Capital on time so they can deal with the Terror Incident."

Letting out a happy sigh, Cale smiled the same viciously sly grin she knew. "It is so easy to talk to you, Young Mistress. You understand everything I say."

She mirrored his grin. "Likewise, Young Master."

Hans was in the study with them, giving them a full report of what Choi Han's request was. Cale was half listening, while Adara was giving Hans her full attention, Hans was a bit unnerved by that. Cale was focusing on Adara, since she had, from what he could tell, excellent hearing. She had heard Hans's footsteps at breakfast and predicted correctly who it would be, so she could, in theory, recognize footsteps, and she also said they were talking loudly this morning as well. He didn't want to have a cardiac arrest like this morning.

All of a sudden, Adara turned her head quickly to the door. To Cale, it looked like she had snapped her neck from moving so fast, but she seemed fine. As expected, three knocks came, sudden to Hans, yet anticipated to Cale and Adara.

Hans walked over to open the door, and the two could see that Choi Han was standing outside the door. Cale made a shooing motion with his hand towards Hans, he bowed his head, with only slight hesitation, and left the study.

Adara and Cale were sitting on one side of the desk, while the chair on the other side was empty. "Come sit down," Cale said, waving his hand to the seat across from them.

Choi Han walked over to the chair, slowly as he was looking around the study. The two were quiet as he continued to inspect the room. Adara saw admiration in his eyes, especially as he looked at the bookshelves. Adara was trying to ignore the mana fluctuations. After looking around the room fully, he turned his gaze to the two who were staring at him, he stared back, trying to avoid staring at the scars on Adara's face.

"What is the payment?" he asked.

Adara's lip quirked up in a rough smile, as did Cale's. Calmly taking a piece of paper from the drawer, he set it on the paper with an indifferent expression.

Cale started speaking, Choi Han following his every word. "There is a way for you to pay back for the meal, but I need to first determine whether you will be capable of doing it. In simple terms, this is an interview."

Choi Han didn't miss a beat. "Please go ahead."

Adara leaned onto the desk, resting her chin on her hand. "Can you protect people?"

Choi Han's eyes clouded. "What do you mean?" he asked after a moment of hesitation.

Adara leaned back in her chair. "Are you capable of not killing people, while making sure that they themselves are not killed?"

Choi Han did not speak for a few seconds, his head bowed down as he stared at his hands. With both of the people who had provided him with a meal and a sleeping place, staring at him so intensely, the only answer he could come up with was, "I am not sure."

The click of Cale's tongue against the roof of his mouth was audible in the quiet of the room.

"Can you kill someone?" Cale asked.

This time Choi Han did not waver. "Absolutely."

"Then you should be able to protect people as well."

"It is quite simple," Adara said. "Just kill anyone and everyone who wants to harm them. While also not killing them," she added, watching Choi Han with her cat-like eyes.

Contrary to what Adara had said, Choi Han spoke, "That is difficult."

Adara raised an eyebrow. "But difficult is not impossible," she said. Except, Cale had also said it. At the same time as her. That's weird, they both thought at the same time, turning to look at the other. Even Choi Han was slightly creeped out by their synchronising.

Quickly getting over it, the two looked back to Choi Han. He had a bitter smile on his face. "I guess that's true."

"Yes, it is," Cale accepted. "Now, for the final question of the interview."

"And the most important one."

"Yes, please ask," Choi Han said.

"What is your name?" Cale asked, a small smile at Choi Han's shocked expression.

Choi Han blinked. "You don't know my name?"

Adara shrugged. "Not really. It doesn't really matter who you are."

Cale made a similar gesture. "I have heard from other people, but I want to hear it directly from you."

Choi Han had a strange expression, this was his first time meeting nobles, and yet he thought that these two were different from the rest. "Choi Han," he introduced himself, sticking his hand out. "My name is Choi Han."

Cale shook his hand first. "Great, I am Cale Henituse."

Adara shook his hand next. "And I am Adara Thornwin."

He was surprised. "Oh, you have different last names."

Adara raised an eyebrow. "Yes, we are not related."

He blinked again. "Oh, oh," he fake-coughed. "I thought—."

Cale didn't know what he thought or wanted to know what he thought, so he quickly waved his hand in a dismissive way. "She is my best friend, we're going to the Capital together s representatives of our family." He pushed the paper on the table towards Choi Han. "The way you can pay us back is simple."

On that paper, Adara had written two names, what they looked like, and where he would meet them. "Go to the capital with these people," she said.

In the original storyline, Choi Han would meet Rosalyn and Lock on his way to the capital, they became his trusted companions and would grow stronger along with Beacrox until Volume 5.

Rosalyn, the current Crown Princess of the Breck Kingdom, who was returning to her Kingdom after surviving an assassination attempt, was strong and cold, an amazing mage while also using her power logically. Her goal was to create the Continent's greatest Magic Tower. Lock, the heir to the Wolf King, who had just witnessed the assassination of his village, was a naive, scared, shy, and a bit stupid boy, but one of the few Beast People with the purest blood of the Wolf People, he might have been naive and stupid in human form, but he was more cruel and violent than anyone else when in Berserk Form, and he was the only survivor of the entire Blue Wolf Tribe.

"Rosalyn and Lock," Choi Han read out.

"Yes," Cale said. "Those two people. I'm glad you know how to read."

Adara held back a snort, she opened a drawer and took the map they had been previously looking at to determine the route, and spread it out on the desk. "You will start the journey with us," she started, pointing to the Henituse Estate, before dragging her finger along the route and stopping at a location on the map. "We will separate at this point. The instructions are on the paper."

Choi Han wasn't saying anything, not asking any questions or anything, only nodding and quietly listening. There were two main reasons why they had made their own custom route instead of handing it off to somebody else to make. It was because she wanted to rescue the dragon. Like any other novel, there was a main antagonist. The main antagonist was, naturally, the Secret Organisation. Except there were also minor antagonists. Like Marquis Stan. 

Marquis Stan leads one of the noble factions, the North-Western one to be more specific. He was handed a black dragon by the Secret Organisation and was currently trying to tame it by torturing it. Her heart clenched just thinking about it. In the original story, it was only a baby dragon, having enough of Venion Stan's torture, the unofficial successor of the Stan Family, went crazy and exploded with enough mana to remove the mana-restricting chains. Since its mana was restricted, the mana the dragon exploded was its own life force.

You do not call a dragon the strongest beings in the world for no reason, she thought. Living in that cave, day after day, night after night, never seeing sunlight, the dragon lost its rationality once it escaped. The village where Choi Han was staying, which will also become the same village that they will end up staying at, was endangered because of the berserk dragon. And Choi Han fought the Black Dragon. And killed it.

They actually had no other choice but to go there, since avoiding it would mean a very large detour since it was on their way to the Capital. She wanted to release it before it went crazy, letting it explore the world in freedom far way from the cruelty of humans.

"Come to the capital with the owners of these two names," Cale said. "That is your way of paying us back."

Choi Han had not taken his eyes off the paper. "I just need to protect these two people?"

Adara shrugged. "If you want to, they should be strong enough to be able to manage alone, but I think a bit of extra help would be appreciated."

"Do as you wish," Cale said. "However, you must definitely come to the capital. You must also meet me there without being injured. You can at least keep yourself safe, right?"

But Choi Han still hadn't taken his eyes off the paper.

"Why aren't you responding?" Adara asked. "Can you do it, or can you not?"

Choi Han suddenly looked up. "Yes. I can do it."

Adara frowned internally. He was speaking in a more respectful tone than before, but what had they done that deserved his respect? She shook off the thought, briefly becoming distracted by the mana fluctuations. She ignored them once again, instead focusing on Choi Han as he neatly folded the paper and put it in his chest pocket.

"You can leave now," Cale said, waving his hand at Choi Han in a dismissive way. Choi Han got up and walked to the door, about to leave through it when Adara spoke up.

"Before I forget, everything we discussed is a secret, you get that, don't you?"

She could not see Choi Han, but she could tell that he was smiling. "Of course."

Once they were alone, Adara got up from her seat and walked to the library. Searching for the right book, she scanned the shelves.

"What are you doing?" Cale asked.

She didn't respond, only touched a book, pulled it out, and watched as the library started shifting.


[Fun Fact]: She had a ton of etiquette lessons when she was younger, sometimes the lessons come back and she's accidentally nice even when she was previously being rude.

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