Night of the Living Bitches...

By __thedynamos__

1.5K 270 37

Two girls finding their way through the apocalypse....what could go wrong? Started: July 7th, 2022 Ended: Oct... More

Chapter 1: New Friends?
Chapter 2: Blood-Soaked Jacket
Chapter 3: You Can't Die
Chapter 4: Never Be Alone
Chapter 5: Calum
Chapter 6: Shopping Center
Chapter 7: Back at the House
Chapter 8: Promise
Chapter 9: Handyman
Chapter 10: Trust Me
Chapter 11: The Barn
Chapter 12: Strictly Platonic
Chapter 13: Annoying Little Sister
Chapter 14: RIP Wawa
Chapter 15: Train Car
Chapter 16: The Crowbar
Chapter 17: Nialls Backpack
Chapter 18: Rabbit
Chapter 19: Tensions Rising
Chapter 20: Truth or Dare
Chapter 21: Taken
Chapter 22: Field of Wildflowers and Stone
Chapter 23: Blender
Chapter 24: Clifford
Chapter 25: Jackpot
Part 26: Party Time
Part 27: Barbie Mobile
Chapter 28: Tea!
Chapter 29: jealousy jealousy
Chapter 30: Leaving Him Behind
Chapter 31: Eggs Smush Wonky
Chapter 32: Crumbing Ground
Chapter 33: Manhattan
Chapter 34: tomatoes
Chapter 35: Uno
Chapter 36: Axe
Chapter 37: The Letter
Chapter 38: Deciding
Chapter 39: Dead Inside
Chapter 40: Love and Loss
Chapter 41: Time
Chapter 42: Grieving
Chapter 43: supply run
Chapter 44: unexpected relations
Chapter 45: Badass Status
Chapter 46: the truth
Chapter 47: Erica vs. Luke
Chapter 48: fighting back
Chapter 49: friends with benefits
Chapter 50: Anniversary
Chapter 51: eyes
Chapter 52: Two Weeks Late
Chapter 54: Zombie Killer
Chapter 55: Him
Chapter 56: Any Day Now
Chapter 57: Seven Years Later
Chapter 58: Brown Leather Jacket
Chapter 59: Hunting
Chapter 60: Airborne
Chapter 61: hospital
Chapter 62: Turned
Chapter 63: Taking Charge
Chapter 64: Backlash
Chapter 65: Blood and Guts
Chapter 66: Decisions
Chapter 67: Petty
Chapter 68: Lower Your Weapon
Chapter 69: A Strange Encounter
Chapter 70: Haunted
Chapter 71: Grieving
Chapter 72: Cabin in the Woods
Chapter 73: rambo
Chapter 74: Duffle Bag
Chapter 75: Reunited
Chapter 76: A Week
Chapter 77: Glamorous Living
Chapter 78: Hot Chocolate
Chapter 79: Missing Jewlery
Chapter 80: A Dream
Chapter 81: Staying In Position
Chapter 82: Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chapter 83: the final era

Chapter 53: pinky promise

12 4 0
By __thedynamos__

Vote. Comment. Enjoy!




--Erica's POV--

"Kyleigh, this is insane. You're going to be a mom and of course, I'll be the fun aunt," I tell her as she wraps her arms around me in a hug. I hear her start to cry and rub her back trying to calm her down from the good news.

"Is everything okay?" Luke asks making us jump as he walks up the stairs. Kyleigh nods her head and comes up with a quick lie as I go into the bathroom and shove the pregnancy tests down my pants. She gives me a thankful look as she's not ready to tell him yet.

"I'll let you two be alone. I'm going to check in with the other house," I tell them as I run down the stairs with wide eyes. I run down the street and open their front door getting wide eyes from the three of them. Blake tilts his head and jerks it to the side to ask if I want to go upstairs.

"Sorry for barging in. I have a really important question for Blake," I lie as he walks with me upstairs. He shuts his door behind me and I can't suppress the smile growing on my face. He laughs as he obviously stares at me, "I shouldn't tell you but you and Kyleigh are like my best friends now and...." I tell him as I giggle in the middle of his room. He pulls my arms to my side and stops my fidgeting asking, "What's up?". I hold my pinky up and he rolls his eyes while playing along.

"Promise you won't tell anyone. Not even Reece," I ask. He shakes his head and says he promises, "Kyleigh is pregnant," I whisper making his eyes go wide.

"I have to go tell Reece," he says going to walk out of his room before stopping at the door. I laugh as I pull him back, "When did she find out? Does Luke know? Is she keeping it?" he asks as we sit down on his bed.

"She found out like not even twenty minutes ago. Luke does not know and depending on Luke's reaction I think they are going to keep it," I tell him.

"That's insane. It's weird to think about bringing new life into this world," he says.

"Could you imagine a little badass Kyleigh and Luke running around," I smile.

"We have to start fortifying better then. We have to babyproof this camp. We can't have a nine-month-pregnant Kyleigh fighting in her front lawn," he says making me smile even wider. He looks at me and gives me a confused look.

"What?" he asks.

"You're just cute when you talk about protecting the people you care about," I tell him going to stand up. He puts his hands on my waist and moves me in between his legs as he smirks up at me.

"You promise you're not going to tell Reece," I ask playing with the hair on the back of his head, "Good, I'll come by later tonight. Is that okay with you?" I ask,

"Who would say no to that?" he asks as he lets his hands drop to his lap. I give him a small smile and say a quick see ya later as I walk out. I pass Reece and Jensen on the way out with a wave and start heading back to our house. I turn around as I hear my name and see the twins tracking me down.

"What's up?" I ask as they stop in front of me panting, "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"We were wondering if you could host another self-defense class today. A lot of the people here want to continue their training," he says making me nod my head.

"Yeah....sure. I can meet whoever wants to train at the main house," I tell them as I continue walking away. They both run off yelling a thank you as I make it to the front door. I open it up and see Ashton sitting at the counter with a piece of paper and a pen.

"What are you up to?" I ask hopping on the counter next to where he is writing. He turns the paper and I see it's a list for the next time we go out scavenging, "Want to help me train the newbies?" I ask with a hopeful look.

"Doesn't Luke help you with that?" he asks.

"Come on it will be fun. I'll let you flip me," I tell him making him laugh.

"Fine, go set up with the mat and be prepared to get your ass beat," he says making me laugh. I give him a salute and walk to the garage to grab the karate mats we stole from a dojo nearby. As I'm dragging them out a guy runs over and helps me get them to where I was going. I stand up and thank him as he puts his hands on his waist.

"Are you the teacher I've heard so much about?" He asks.

"Not sure what people are saying but yes. I'm gonna be the one helping you train today," I tell him as Ashton walks outside.

"You ready?" Ashton asks looking around at the decent amount of people who showed up. I nod my head and stand in front of everyone with Ashton by my side. Just as I finish speaking he puts his hand on my side and flips me onto the mat. I look up at him panting as he smirks down at me.

"Told you this would be fun," he says holding his hand out for me to grab.


"THAT WAS THE WORST FUCKING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE," Ashton groans as he limps into the living room with his arm around my neck.

"You told me you weren't gonna go easy on me," I tell him as I help him sit on the couch. He shoots me a glare as Kyleigh and Luke walk into the room.

"Imagine getting your ass kicked by a girl," he laughs before looking at the two women in the room. He makes an excuse to go into the kitchen and we smile with satisfaction. I give Kyleigh a small glance and she shakes her head no meaning she hasn't told him yet.

"Is everyone coming for dinner tonight?" I ask just as the front door opens. A breathless Reece walks in as Jensen shuts the door.

"What happened to you?" Kyleigh asks as Blake helps Reece to the couch.

"Jensen jumped on my back for a piggyback ride and refuses to get until we got here," he says leaning against a groaning Ashton. My eyes widen when he pulls him in for a small kiss as everyone watches. As they pull away Ashton's eyes mimic mine when he realizes what he did.

"I already knew. Don't worry," I say going to sit on the love seat. Everyone in the room says the same as Luke walks in confused.

"Know what?" He asks looking around. He sees everyone looking at Ashton and Reece and laughs, "Everyone finally knows? Thank god. I've been meaning to tell you I walked in on y'all making out in the supply room," he says.

" don't hate me being with him?" He asks hesitantly.

"Why would I hate you being with him? It's good you found someone who makes you happy. Now," he says walking over to Reece and pointing at him, "If you hurt him I will not hesitate to kick your ass," he says before giving a smile and sitting down. We all look at each other for a minute before breaking into separate conversations. Blake sits on the arm of my chair and I move over a little for him to sit.

"How was training?" He asks.

"Good but I think I hurt Ashton," I whisper with a laugh, "But in all seriousness, some of them are getting really good. I think the next time we go out and scavenge we can bring them with us," I tell him.

"Sounds good, plus it's not like they didn't survive without us for half a year," he says.

"I might head to the lake and clean up," I tell him as I glimpse at everyone around the room.

He puts his arm around my shoulder as he sinks more into the seat, "Or wait until tomorrow when it's not dark out. I'll go with you if you want to go now," he says making me think about it.

"I guess it's not entirely safe to go out now. I probably shouldn't get on Luke's bad side again," I say thinking out loud.

"Look at you growing up," he says nudging my side.

"Oh yeah like you're any better," I shoot back making him scoff. I think now is the perfect time to settle down. If they do decide to have this kid by the time it comes out Community will be perfect. The walls will be complete. People will have better training, and we might even find more people to save. As I look at how Kyleigh smiles at Luke I can tell they will be perfect parents, Even if the world is ending.

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