Girl from Mitras ★ A. Arlert

By AstyWrites

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«Can I be your partner?» After an irreparable loss, a girl who was born and raised in the Capital Mitras join... More

A/N and description
Chapter 1 - When everything was fine
Chapter 2 - I want you to be happy
Chapter 3 - Among the scouts
Chapter 4 - In cadet corps
Chapter 5 - A boy with blue eyes
Chapter 6 - Partners
Chapter 7 - A hike
Chapter 8 - Forgotten books
Chapter 9 - Secrets
Chapter 10 - Everything comes to an end
Chapter 11 - Homecoming
Chapter 12 - Promise
Chapter 13 - The one of them
Chapter 14 - Aside
Chapter 15 - To tell the truth
Chapter 16 - They always been among us
Chapter 17 - Extinguished candle
Chapter 18 - It's time to play the part
Chapter 19 - Hiding in the shadows
Chapter 20 - Old friend
Chapter 21 - Influence
Chapter 22 - Escape
Chapter 23 - No more secrets
Chapter 24 - Orvud
Chapter 25 - Can we have a least some peace?
Chapter 26 - Smell like lavender
Chapter 27 - First step towards something more
Chapter 28 - You can't be silent forever
Chapter 29 - Don't let me fall
Chapter 30 - The day, when one life ended
Chapter 31 - On the edge
Chapter 32 - Hold me like the last time
Chapter 33 - Where will we be in five years?
Chapter 34 - Another
Chapter 35 - It's hard to watch you smile
Chapter 36 - Crescent
Chapter 37 - Only feelings
Chapter 38 - I want you to remember
Chapter 39 - New work, new friends, new questions
Chapter 40 - To know each other
Chapter 41 - Just an act of weakness
Chapter 42 - To pretend
Chapter 43 - Why are you doing all this?
Chapter 44 - In the sky over Liberio
Chapter 45 - Make it clear
Chapter 46 - The beginning of the end
Chapter 47 - Truths and lies
Chapter 48 - Dying confession
Chapter 49 - Could we avoid it?
Chapter 50 - Revealing the intentions
Chapter 51 - Destroying the built
Chapter 52 - How to heal a broken heart
Chapter 53 - Selflessness and selfishness
Chapter 54 - The Battle of Heaven and Earth
Chapter 55 - Far From Home
Chapter 56 - Blend
Chapter 57 - Point of no return
Chapter 58 - Live again
Chapter 59 - A place where everything is changing
Chapter 60 - A way to move on
☆Chapter 61 - Refuge from the fears and anxieties
☆Chapter 62 - Behind blue eyes
Chapter 63 - Reunion
Chapter 64 - The evening of change
☆Chapter 65 - Distraction
Chapter 66 - Start over
Chapter 67 - Rethinking
Chapter 68 - Become friends again
Chapter 69 - Things we dreamed of
Chapter 70 - With all my heart
☆Chapter 71 - A story about how rain ruins the plans
☆Chapter 72 - Rainy day
Special #1 - What if she made another choice
Special #2 - What if the Wall Maria was never breached - Part 1
Special #2 - What if the Wall Maria was never breached - Part 2
Chapter 74 - Uncertainty
Chapter 75 - Time alone
Chapter 76 - Friday
Chapter 77 - His love and her boy - Part 1
☆Chapter 77 - His love and her boy - Part 2
Chapter 78 - Two girls, different problems, same reason
Special #3 - What if he listened to his heart
Chapter 79 - Final agreement
☆Chapter 80 - Simply missing you, darling
Chapter 81 - Girls gossip
Chapter 82 - Happiness loves silence
Chapter 83 - Something about Annie
Chapter 84 - Tired time
☆Chapter 85 - Mistake
Chapter 86 - Revelation
Chapter 87 - Sincerity
Chapter 88 - Pendant
Chapter 89 - Walking in the night
Chapter 90 - Arguing is normal...
Chapter 91 - Dates
Chapter 92 - Birthday boy
Chapter 93 - Parties. Part 1
Chapter 94 - Parties. Part 2
Chapter 95 - Outlook on life
☆Chapter 96 - In the candlelight
Chapter 97 - Lovers. Part 1
☆Chapter 98 - Lovers. Part 2
Chapter 99 - Far away from each other. Part 1
Chapter 100 - Far away from each other. Part 2
Chapter 101 - Honesty
Chapter 102 - While he was thinking
Chapter 103 - Thinking
Chapter 104 - No matter what
Chapter 105 - The first changes
☆Chapter 106 - Unity
Chapter 107 - First revelations
Chapter 108 - These painful memories
Chapter 109 - Rip off a band-aid
Chapter 110 - Who took who
Chapter 111 - The place where it all began

Chapter 73 - Back to reality

193 6 16
By AstyWrites

Y/N woke up in Armin's warm embrace. He slept soundly, snoring softly. Y/N looked at his sleepy face, slightly parted mouth, tousled hair, which still looked perfect. Seeing the hickey on his collarbone, Y/N smiled at her work. She could spend a lot of time in his arms, but... it was time for her to go.

She spent several minutes slowly pulling herself out of his arms. She managed to get out of bed without waking Armin. With one last look at her sleeping boyfriend, Y/N headed to the bathroom. After washing up a little and changing clothes, she decided to borrow the shirt she slept in from Armin to cover the hickeys on her neck and chest. She wasnt opposed to this, but she understood that for some people this could be an occasion for discussion. She put on a shirt over her jumpsuit.

In the living room, Y/N found paper and a pen. She wrote Armin a little message which she left on the table in the hallway. The clock was 5:40 am. Friday.

After leaving his house, Y/N quickly headed home. She needed time to clean herself up before work. As she passed her favorite bakery, Y/N sighed as it was still closed. She was very hungry.

When she got home, she immediately went to the bathroom. While taking a shower, Y/N thought about work, about what she might have missed. She didnt assume anything terrible, since letters and messages from work werent waiting for her at home.

After shower, she made herself some tea and cookies. After a quick snack, but still hungry, Y/N started to dress. She camouflaged the hickeys on her neck, and loosened her already dried hair. Putting on a white blouse and her uniform, she headed to work. On the way, she stopped by a bakery that had just opened, bought herself hot sandwiches, cinnamon bagels for herself and Hitch, and a mug of hot, strong coffee to wake up. She breathed deeply as she walked down the street, enjoying the still damp air after the rain. Her thoughts kept returning to Armin and the time they spent together. A soft smile appeared on her face, full of happiness. She couldn't wait for their next date. She enjoyed spending time with him, he treated her so carefully, cherishing her as something priceless. She cherished what was between them. She dreamed of how they would build their lives together. Yes, she dreamed of spending her life with him. How they will walk together, how they will cook together, eat together, how they will spend evenings together, reading books to each other, discussing everything in the world, how they will love each other... Y/N wanted to be on the coast with him,,, Armin and ocean... two complementary...

There was practically no one at the headquarters. The time was 8:10 am. Y/N thought that Hitch would come much later, which was basically expected. As she approached her office, she ran into Levi, who had an expression of displeasure and annoyance on his face.

- Levi, hi, do you want something?

- Are you serious now?

- Um, what's the annoyance for?

- Where were you yesterday?

- Why are you interested?

- ...

- Listen, if you're in a bad mood, dont pour out your discontent in my direction.

Levi's gaze softened.

- You really don't understand? Hitch didn't tell you?

- Yeah... now I'm worried. What happened?

- Let's go to the office. I'll tell you everything.

They headed for the building of the Survey corps. Following Levi, Y/N could clearly see from him that something had happened yesterday. She began to worry and reproach herself for putting her desires ahead of her duties. They went into his office, Y/N sat down on one of the chairs, and Levi sat across at his desk. Y/N took sandwiches out of the bag and began to eat - either from hunger or from nerves.

- So, can you tell me why you're out of sorts and what Hitch had to tell me?

- There was an explosion yesterday. They blew up the power plant downstairs.

Y/N choke, hearing his words. It was more serious than she imagined.

- How? When? And who?

- In the morning, but the news reached us in the afternoon. They carried out the evacuation of workers, tried to eliminate the consequences, and... in general, we lost about three months of work. You will have to completely redo the main unit. When the news came, I sent for you and went to the Underground. But you didn't come. I spent nearly twelve hours there organizing the investigation and follow-up. Today the head of the engineering team from Hizuru will come, we will discuss what to do. I hope you join us today.

- Dont escalate, I already realized myself that I made a mistake by skipping work.

- Why didn't Hitch tell you? As far as I remember, even when you work from home, she brings you messages, everything is close there.

- I wasnt at home yesterday, but... you know, this morning I didnt find any messages and letters, nothing at all. Therefore, there will be a conversation, as I understand it.

- Then its clear. Did he not feed you at all?

-... Who?

- Don't think I don't understand. I know you, Y/N. When you said you weren't home and now youre... eating like... a lot... it's hard not to put two and two together.

- Now I'm embarrassed.

- Because I know or...

- We havent told anyone that we're... together, I dont know when...

- Look, don't say anything. Youre happy and well. I hope he doesn't offend you.

- Levi...

- I'm your friend, Y/N. I don't want to see your misfortune anymore, you've suffered too long because of it.

- We're fine, okay? But thanks for your concern, I really appreciate that we've remained friends despite our past.

- Like I said, it wasn't a problem for me.

His face changed dramatically for just a moment.

- Levi?

- Everything is fine.

- Does your knee hurt again?

- Yesterday I spent too much time on my feet, and this is the result.

- What time should the engineer arrive?

- Promised by ten.

- Then Ill give you an injection and put a bandage on your knee, its not good to endure pain.

- Y/N, you don't have to.

- I'm your friend, and also... I'm your doctor, and I will do what I think is necessary, and you just silently accept my care, okay?

He didn't answer her, but his eyes softened.

- Well, that's good. I'll go get a bandage and a syringe, I'll be quick.

A couple of minutes later, Y/N returned with her little doctor's case. In it, she usually carried everything she needed. Putting on gloves, she began to draw up an injection with an anesthetic, which she had developed during the year when she helped Levi with rehabilitation, into a syringe. She was an amazing engineer, but at the same time she remained a talented scientist and doctor.

Levi moved from the table to one chair, Y/N approached him, with a syringe in one hand and cotton soaked in alcohol.

- Raise your pants, please.

Levi obediently obeyed. Y/N knelt down in front of him, and, having treated the future injection site with cotton, carefully inserted the needle into the tendons in the joint, injecting painkillers, which made Levi clench his jaw. He often preferred to wear bandages or endure than to give injections, as it was incredibly unpleasant and painful. But sometimes it had to be done, when even in a calm state, the knee didnt give rest.

- That's it. Within an hour and a half should work. In the meantime, I'll put on a cooling bandage to make you feel better. Did you even sleep today?

- No.

- Again insomnia or...

- And insomnia and work. All at once. And the knee.

- Tired?

- A little.

Still holding pant leg, Levi closed his eyes. In Y/N's society, he wasnt afraid to appear weak... in her society, he could be a simple person. A person who is tired, who is in pain. He felt her putting a cold bandage on his knee, gently, with all the care she had.

- Thanks, Y/N.

- Youre welcome, please, dont be silent if youre in pain. The point here is no longer in the joint, but most likely the tendons and muscles have grown together incorrectly due to the fact that you were immobilized for more than a year. And now you move as before, and the position of the tissues has changed. Friction is created, which, after a long time, makes itself felt. There is a risk of inflammation, so don't be silent, okay?

- Okay, Y/N.

- Make tea?

- It would be nice.

Y/N just smiled at him, and went to his sideboard and a small table with a tea set and various teas, most of which was bought for him by Y/N through her connections.

Before the arrival of the engineer, they drank tea, just relaxing in silence. Y/N felt anxiety looming over her, both because of work and because of the situation with Armin. She didnt quite understand how their relationship would develop further. But she understood that she didnt want publicity. It wasn't what she wanted. If it were her choice, she would never tell anyone. After all, people love to talk. What was the rumor about her relationship with Damian worth, which was talked about both in headquarters and in the palace, despite the fact that they both denied it, openly saying that there was nothing between them. But people just talked. And how their friends reacted to Armins and Annie's relationship when they were together... Y/N didn't want people to say anything, think anything about them... She wanted them to spend some time together, understood, how they will live on, will they be able to... She didnt want to think that they wouldnt succeed in building a good relationship. But... Y/N understood that they had to find a balance in their lives, and not only in the lives of each of them, but between each other. Something told her that perhaps everything wouldnt be as easy and simple as she thought...


Armin woke up in a cold bed. Outside the window, the sun had already risen, the noise of the morning bustle was heard from the street. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, stroking the empty space next to him. Part of him still didn't believe what had happened, feeling as if it was Wednesday morning and those rains hadn't happened. He rolled over, burying his face in a nearby pillow. Lavender... No, it was all there. Today is Friday morning. And he is happy.

He got up, took a shower, drank tea with a sandwich that Y/N made yesterday. As he was getting ready to go to work at the mirror, he noticed a small note from Y/N.

Borrowed your shirt. I'm sorry if you needed it. I'll get it back... maybe.

With love,


This little thing made him smile. It was all Y/N - everything about her made him smile. It seemed to him that he couldnt love her even more, even more than he already loved. But now everything has changed. His feelings became brighter, his need for her, in her company - has become stronger. But he no longer felt anxious, because she was his. She loved him in return, she agreed to be with him, and he will do everything to keep her close and happy with him.

He put on his uniform and went to work.

He came to the office at the beginning of 11. Everyone was already in their places. No one, as he expected, asked why he wasnt there yesterday. He had been absent frequently in the past two weeks, on trips to the cadet corps and meetings with the Marleyans and the Queen. Everyone just once again thought that he worked, as always. He worked hard. As it was in Marley, so it is here. Armin liked what he was doing. His work helped him realize his potential, which was seen in him by previous commanders. He wasnt good in battles, but he saw the best outcomes for each of them.

- Jean, hi. How do you?

- Armin, yeah, hi. My head hurts a little, I didn't get enough sleep. Were you at work yesterday?

- No, there were things. Are you too?

- The block where I rented an apartment in had a roof leak because of that damn rain, I was trying to save the furniture, and then the owner came along with a crew of repairmen and they were fixing the roof. In general, I would rather go to work, to be honest.

- Unpleasant situation. Everything is fine?

- Yes, yes, I'm just waiting for this day to end, and the weekend will come.

- Is there any news on the Marleyans?

- They are still thinking. I personally think this is a good sign.

- Negotiations were held on Monday, wasn't it too long... I understand that they want to have some kind of guarantees, but... we can't just give them all our developments.

- You know, it's funny that a couple of months ago we were «on the other side», and now...

- Now were at home. And we do all this for the sake of our home, our island, our people.

- Yes, I understand this, but... I know that everything is difficult with you and Annie, and she stayed because of you, but... why go to the Survey corps?

Jean looked to the opposite end of the larger hall where he ran into Armin - Annie was standing there, chatting with Hitch. Or rather, only Hitch spoke.

- You know, I told her not to do anything because of me or for me. I don't want to be guilty if she regrets this decision. As for the Survey corps... she herself had asked Historia to be assigned here instead of the military police.

- You never said what happened between you.

- There is nothing to talk about... You remember how quickly our relationship developed the first couple of months. Then everything went downhill. After a while, I realized that I was running away from the awareness of pain and loss into this relationship, not wanting to put up with reality. Now it seems to me that what was between us wasnt real. At least for me. Maybe I thought that this would help me cope, but... at a certain point it got worse and... and the relationship ended.

- I remember that everything changed dramatically in you... or maybe not dramatically, if you think about it... How are you now?

- Better. Much better. I don't remember how long I felt like this.

- Returning home works wonders, I agree.

- What is Hitch doing here?

- Maybe she came to Annie, they seem to be friends.

- And that they stood there if the Captain hears chatter under his door...

- Someone's not good.

Annie didn't really go into what Hitch was telling her, but Hitch's talent was that she was great at distracting Annie from her disturbing thoughts. She noticed how Jean and Armin looked in their direction.

- ... and then I... Hey, are you even listening to me?

- Yes, sure.

Hitch followed Annie's gaze and grinned.

- So, what's going on between you?

- What are you talking about?

- You and Armin. I know you were together, so... why aren't you together anymore? I have been so rooting for your couple ever since he visited you when you were in your crystal. Such romance. And how he always blushed, as soon as I teased him a little about this... Youre perfect for each other and...

- We just broke up, there's nothing to talk about.

- Come on, no one just breaks up after a year and a half of relationship. And you still love him, I can see by the look, I have a trained eye, I always see such things.

- What's the difference now...

- But you stayed for him! To return everything! Let me help you.

Annie looked at her as if she was mocking her. But Hitch looked at her with all the sincerity she could muster.

- Are you serious?

- Yes! You know, I'm a romantic at heart, and since I still can't figure out my personal life, and others don't need my help, I'll be happy to help you. Yes, and it will be easier, because you already know who you need.

- What are you talking about? Why is it easier?

- Oh, yes, Y/N and I once went on double dates, I really liked it, but she didnt really like it, give her everyone serious and educated, and she stopped going with me, thinking that I only get acquainted with fools, but it's not! In general, I still dont understand what she wants at all and whether she wants at all. It's hard to understand her, but... it's not bad, she's just like that. Difficult... In general, she said that she was already fine. What nonsense... she is too abstruse, sometimes even too much.

- She's just... not like us, or something... she understands people, sees them differently... I dont know her well, but... in my only conversation with her... she was very understanding, and, even without knowing everything, supported me, said what I needed to hear. Maybe she, unlike us, doesnt need it.

- I don't know, I've gotten to know her quite well this year, but... that side of her remains a mystery to me. In general, were not talking about that now. But, I appreciated your ability to change the subject. But if you want, I can help you...

- Don't, Hitch. I myself don't know want to do yet...

- You're usually so straightforward, decisive... but now... you don't look like yourself... it means a lot to you...

- Hitch, forget it. This...

- It doesn't concern me, I understand. But... I see something new in you... You...

- Bye, Hitch.

- Hey Annie –

Annie got tired of her and walked towards Armin and Jean, who were still talking, occasionally glancing at them. She told Hitch a lot about her life, intuitively trusting her, given everything that Hitch told in those four years. But still... she didn't like the invasion of her soul. That's what she was. Only her father and Armin had access there. She missed him so much. When they broke up, when he made that decision, Annie thought it would be the right thing in the end. She let him go, seeing that he needed time. She knew him, she understood that this decision was not only his desire to cope with his problems, but also his attempt to take care of her. In part, it was for her. She respected his decision.

Since their return to Paradis, Annie has seen how every day Armin becomes again the way she remembered him from the days of the cadets. But there was some kind of confidence and stamina in him that attracted her. She wanted to be with him again, because, seeing how he lives on, she was sad. She feared that the same thing was happening to Armin as it was to Reiner—that only Bertholdt's feelings were the reason they were together.

- «Annie, why were you standing there?» Jean asked her as she approached them.

- I was walking to our office and Hitch just caught me.

- «What is she doing here?» Armin asked her, still looking in the direction of Hitch, who was standing outside Captain Levi's office, glaring at the scouts passing by.

- She was somehow not in the mood to talk about work, which is not surprising.

- «Most likely, she brought a letter from Y/N, I think that's the point», Jean suggested. «What else is she supposed to do here? In addition to the engineering unit and the military police, she still lacks a couple of units... Okay. Armin, Ill go and find out about the negotiations then, Ill let you know»

- Yes, thank you, Jean.

He left, leaving them alone. Annie thought they were going to go up to the floor where their workspaces were now, but... Armin stood where he was, staring at Hitch with intense eyes.

- Armin, how are you? Everything is fine?

- Yes, everything is fine, it's just strange all this.

- I'm not talking about that. How do you feel?

He tore his eyes away from Hitch, looking at Annie. He could see the almost imperceptible blush on her cheeks, which was hidden behind strands of her loose hair.

- Oh, it's all right, don't worry, Annie. And how are you? Thinking of going back to Marley with the others?

- No, you know I don't.

- Annie...

- I miss you, Armin... It's not easy for me to see that you live on...

- I... I don't know what to say...

- You always found the words.

- But now... I can't. I don't know what to tell you, Annie, really.

- Tell me how it is.

- Annie... returning home... helped me. This is... my home. And my friends. And I don't want you to sacrifice your friends, your home, your family...

- But Armin, and you understand me... I still love you, and I don't know if I can let go of this feeling... you opened this new sensitive side in me, you taught me to love... you took care of me without demanding anything in return, and I don't understand why we can't try to be together again. You feel better and...

- I can not. I can only be your friend, Annie. Sorry.

- But why? Why do you think so? Did these year and a half mean nothing to you?

- They meant a lot... of course they meant... don't say that, its unfair.

- It's all about Y/N, right?

- What?

- After all, you're friends again... And you talked to her about your problems, and she advised you something from her abstruse books, as she did for Reiner. Something like how to breathe properly to cope with stress, or eliminate negative emotions and the people who cause them, and...

- Stop it. Don't drag her into this. I don't take any advice from her, as Reiner does. Don't look for someone to blame for what is happening. There is you and there is me. Don't drag anyone else into this.

- But then why...

They were interrupted by the sound of a door opening and movement outside of Captain Levi's office. A man in the form of engineers Hizuru with a tense face came out of the office, followed by Y/N with a serious look, saying something to the engineer. He turned to her, answered something, and held out his hand. They shook hands, and the engineer went about his business. Y/N's attention shifted to Hitch. She didn't say anything to her, but Hitch began to chatter something into her eyes.

Y/N made a hand gesture for Hitch to be quiet, then walked back to the Captain's office, slamming the door. Hitch was clearly nervous. She remained standing by the office, looking down at her boots, nervously treading water.

- What is happening there?

- Probably, again their affairs on the power plant. Hitch said that this is one of the main things they do in the engineering unit. Nothing out of the ordinary, that's their job. Armin, I...

Armin didn't listen to her, looking at the closed door. He didn't like how he felt. He realized that he didn't want them to spend time together. But... what could he do about it... He felt hopeless. Five minutes ago, he felt only happiness and lightness, but now everything in his soul was spinning and unpleasantly shrinking.

The door swung open again. Y/N left the office, and Captain Levi followed her, closing the door. They were off somewhere, walking side by side and talking to each other, ignoring Hitch, who plodded behind them with her head down.

Armin was confused. He knew that his feelings were groundless. What this is just work. He wanted everything to work out for him and Y/N, which means he must cope with his emotions. But now, he nervously clenched the fist of his hand, trying to catch his breath and calm down. He completely forgot about Annie.

- Armin?

She put her hand on his shoulder, seeing an expression on his face that she didn't recognize. Armin looked at her as if he had returned to reality.

- What's the matter with you?

He looked away, looking somewhere behind her.

- Yeah, I... I'm just nervous. You know this project is important, and I can see that something is wrong. And there is no information on the result of the negotiations

- You need to rest, it's just been a tough week. Relax on the weekend, sleep and...

- Thanks, Annie. Gotta go to work.

He, without saying or doing anything, just walked towards his office, leaving Annie alone. It upset her. She felt that there was something between them, some kind of barrier, the reason why he was so cold to her, why he pushed her away. She began to think about asking Hitch to help her anyway.

Armin walked without thinking where he was going. On the way, his colleagues greeted him, some saluted, but he didn't pay attention. Approaching his office, he noticed his assistant out of the corner of his eye, who jumped down from her desk to greet him, he didn't pay attention to her either. Entering his office, he slammed the door and, resting his back against the door, closed his eyes, trying to adjust his breathing.

He "promised" Y/N not to be jealous. He understood that it was better for him to agree than for them to argue over this. Armin understood that Y/N would still not back down and would be right. Captain Levi meant too much to her, he helped her through the most difficult years of her life. Armin understood that he should be grateful to him, otherwise Y/N might not be with him now. And he respected the Captain as before, but... there were other feelings in him, feelings that he denied, that he didn't like... jealousy, the desire to appropriate her for himself, the desire... to make sure that they never spoke... It woke up in him "manipulative", the dark side, which he both loved and hated. It helped him at work, helped him achieve his goals, playing with people's thoughts, reading them like books. But... he didn't want this part to interfere with his relationship with Y/N. After all, he remembered... He remembered the moment when it interfered... he remembered the pain on Y/N's face, he remembered her bitter tears, he remembered the notes of hatred in her voice. He didn't want to see that picture again. He didn't want to hurt her anymore. He loved her so much, she was everything to him. He only wanted to be with her, to make her happy, to see her smile, to spend his whole life with her... he would become the best version of himself for her...


Returning to her office after the meeting in the Survey corps, Y/N sat down at her desk, sighing. «Tough morning...» In a conversation with the chief engineer of the power plant construction project, they outlined a plan of action. Everything was fixable, but Y/N was angry at herself for putting her personal whims ahead of her duties. Even though Levi reassured her that nothing would have changed if she had found out yesterday, but she was quite self-critical, always doubting herself. Now she just wanted to do everything to make things right.

After the meeting, Levi headed to the palace - it was necessary to decide in what format they would resume construction work. One thing was clear - it was decided to hide the fact of the explosion from the Marleyans, who were already sticking their nose everywhere. According to Levi, now negotiations with them and the achievement of some kind of agreement were in the final stage, and a breakdown was unacceptable. And its for this reason that Y/N will have to personally interact with some of the suppliers. In agreement with the chief engineer, they decided that Y/N would have to go tomorrow to one of the factories where they produced the key mechanisms and the main generator, which they blew up. She will personally coordinate the new proceedings in order to exclude third parties from being involved in the issue. Only the queen will decide who is involved in solving this problem.

And then there was Hitch, who kept apologizing as they walked back to their building. Y/N understood that even if Hitch had done everything right, nothing would have changed. But she was still angry with her, because she really counted on Hitch. Hitch often talked about how she would like to work only in the engineering unit, leaving the military police, and in doing so... she often acted like that - irresponsible. Y/N had spoken to her many times, calmly pointing out her mistakes, but now she was already tired. The situation was very tense, and this affected Y/N's mood.

Thinking it over, Y/N suddenly remembered that she saw Armin when she left Levi's office. He looked somehow... tense, agitated... «That's the least I need to think about»

She pushed all thoughts aside, returning to the work of which she had too much.


This chapter is a little bit boring as for me... but I have to start somewhere...

Tomorrow there will be some kind of special, but not really... This will be not interesting for some of you, I understand it but still. I make some hints for the main plot there, so... please read and make guesses, and... if you still want me to make any kind of specials for this story - some alternative version of events or some kind of situations - leave a suggesting right here in the comments!💕Maybe I can turn it into a nice little story (if you like my writing style, ofc)

It's Christmas Eve today, so hope you're all doing well, happy and healthy. Merry Christmas to all of you, your families and friends. 🎄❤️

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{Jean Kirstein x Fem! Reader} The artwork in this fanfic's book cover isn't mine. Credits to the rightful owner. [Slow Burn] Disclaimer: I do not own...
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✿ꕥ°✎ Baseball player Jean x Journalist Reader (modern au) ✿ꕥ°✎ Currently chapter: 18/24 "𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎, 𝚈/𝙽. 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞...
10.8K 456 23
Sequel of One Last Time Year 850. The second appearance of the Colossal Titan affected the lives of many. After finding Eren's titan shifting abiliti...
1K 49 16
✨️Story cover drawn by myself, so please do not steal this!✨️ I do NOT own ATTACK ON TITAN. This is a VERY long story so it will take time to get int...