Bandaids & Bullet holes -yoo...

Von minhugzz

18K 1.4K 482

They wanted a happily ever after so badly...but the past crept up on them again Jimin and Yoongi are still ma... Mehr

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427 32 11
Von minhugzz

Yoongi POV


That's all I felt when I first came to consciousness everything around me was very cold at first. I slowly fluttered my eyes open my vision was blurry but when it cleared up the first thing I saw was concrete.

I slowly tried to move feeling my body ache until I moved onto my back looking up and that's when the memories hit me...

Car Chase                     Gun Shots                 Car Crash


I let out a loud gasp and quickly sat up looking around and seeing my surroundings. That's when I realized I was in a cage. A huge metal cage like they use at dog shelters but bigger the floor was concrete the cage went all around locking me in like an animal.

I snapped my head back and forth looking around when I realized there were two cages a foot apart from each other and Jimin was laying on the cold floor next to me. I stood to my feet fast and went to the side of the cage where I could see Jimin, banging on the cage for his attention.

"Jimin?!" I spoke he didn't move and my mind thought the worst "Jiminie wake up!" I said hitting the cage it rattled.

That's when he started to stir I heard him groan and slowly sit up his head was bleeding just a little. A breath of relief left my lungs when I saw him look at me.

"Moonlight you okay?" I asked he rubbed his head looking at me and then around us.

"Fuck..." he whispered pulling at his hair "FUCK!" He yelled so loud.

He then stood up going to the door of the cage pulling hard at the hinge even kicking it "Fucking ass!" He hissed banging his hands against it.

"Jimin calm down" I spoke softly

"How can I calm down?! We are locked in a fucking cage! Fuck!! How did I let this shit happen" he growled he was pacing and I wish I could reach out and touch him to calm him down.

"Jimin stop! Please stop" I sighed leaning my head against the cage "J-Just stop" I added he froze and looked at me walking over to where I was putting his hands on the cage.

"I'm sorry's just when I think of you in a place like this I just wish...I wish I was a normal guy where this kind of stuff didn't happen to you? It's all my fault. You wouldn't experience half of the traumatic stuff you have been through if you have never met me...I'm like a disease I only do harm to those I touch..." he whispered putting his head on the cage closing his eyes.

"Hey! Don't even say're my whole heart and the Jimin I know is beautiful and kind and has a huge heart with so much love for everyone around him and I keep falling in love with you everyday" I spoke I gripped the cage bars "Don't talk about yourself like that again please" I whispered

"I'm sorry baby...I'm sorry" he murmured I shook my head and sank to the ground leaning my back against the cage and looking around. We had to be in some abandoned building or warehouse it was very dark and smelled like motor oil or grease I could also hear a pipe leaking somewhere with the sound of water drops.

"Who do you think did this?" I whispered holding my knees "And what's gonna happen to us?" I added

"Don't know...probably the same person who shot Seokjin this has to be connected somehow"  He murmured "When we got to Seoul with what happened to Jin I just felt like something was off...I should've been more careful" he sighed hanging his shoulders.

It was silent after that for a while just the sound of drips hitting the floor and I just couldn't take the silence anymore knowing Jimin was beating himself up in his mind.

"What do you want to name the baby?" I asked suddenly we were in separate cages but both leaning against the cage and sitting down I could see him and he could see me.

"This isn't the time for this..." he sighed but I shook my head

"What do you mean it's the perfect time? Tell me a name for a boy and girl" I whispered "If you tell yours I'll tell you mine" I winked he let a small smile grace his lips.

"Alright" he hummed "For a boy Dae-Hyun and a girl Binna," he said and it made me chuckle.

"Binna is cute I like it, but Dae-Hyun sounds a little basic," I said he scoffed.

"Don't talk about my future son like that" he frowned "Tell me your names then hot shot?" he huffed.

"Well for a girl Byeol means star and for a boy, I was thinking Yong-rae means hero," I said he smiled brightly it was beautiful wish I could hug him right now maybe kiss his temple to relax him.

"I like Yong-rae" he hummed "Min Yong-are, he already sounds so cool our kid is gonna be so cool watch him be a soccer star or a scientist or whatever the hell he wants to be in life" he added it made me laugh.

"I would love to be a soccer dad like cutting up oranges and cheering loudly at the games" I spoke "And embarrassing them when they get older" I chuckled

"Driving a minivan? Like sign me up" he added it made me chuckle as I played with my sleeve looking at my wedding ring.

"I like Binna as well it means to shine" I whispered playing with the sleeve of my hoodie "Min Binna what a mouth full" I chuckled.

"We can call her Bin or Binnie" Jimin whispered "But Byeol is beautiful as well I like that it means star we have the sun the moon and our star" he added

"The whole galaxy" I joked he smiled at me reaching his hand out I moved mine as well our fingers gazed at each other.

"I love you sunshine" he whispered

I was about to answer him when we both heard a door open a loud rusty scraping of a door against concrete and footsteps. This caused both of us to shoot to our feet at the men who walked in suits and others in all-black gear with beanies.

The last person who walks is in a red suit he is very tall while looking very expensive and powerful his hair slicked back and hands in his pocket.

I hear Jimin let out a snort but he looks beyond angry.

"Kinn? No fucking way, you bastard You must have a death wish!" Jimin hissed he was fuming and angry gripping the cage.

This Kinn guy smiled as he stood in front of the cages letting out tsk tsk "Park Jimin, how sad look at you? Your name alone set fear in many, and now? Your are just a house husband" he sighed

"What the hell do you want?" Jimin hissed but this guy shrugged his shoulders with hands still in his pockets.

"You know when I heard you died in a shoot out I was shocked the all-powerful Park Jimin was gone so soon? The more I thought about it the more I didn't believe at the way your men acted after your so-called death. Even your friends were so nonchalant about it. So I set out a plan to lure you out of hiding if my thoughts were to be true?" He hummed

"You shot Jin! Fucking bitch I'll cut your dick off" Jimin snapped shaking the cage.

"Actually I wanted to kill his lover boy but someone got in the way but it still worked because look who came out of hiding to visit his precious hyung" He smiled "After that, it was easy to follow you everywhere until I could get you at a vulnerable moment" he spoke

"What the fuck do you want from me? We haven't spoken in years and I didn't mess with your side of town our dads made a treaty and I respected it" Jimin spoke his gaze was dark I just stayed quiet.

"Oh I just want one thing" he spoke his voice got dark and he stood in front of Jimin "Revenge" he growled.

"What the hell did I do to piss you off for you to kidnap me and my husband" Jimin spat this guy's glare was dark and sinister it scared me.

"March 15, 2020, I sent my men to pick up the product from the docks coming from Columbia but the dealers were two-timing fucks because they sold the same product to you and our men got there at the same time and had disagreements and shots were fired..." he spoke he was fuming but I saw sadness behind his eyes.

"My guys were outnumbered and they all died that night partner got shot and he died that night at the cold docks and his body wasn't found until the next morning!" he yelled "YOUR MEN SHOT AND KILLED MY BOYFRIEND AND LEFT HIS BODY THERE LIKE HE WAS TRASH!!" He yelled it made me flinch.

"How the fuck is that my fault?! I didn't kill your boyfriend?? Is that why you are throwing a tantrum??" Jimin said this guy looked ready to murder everyone here.

"Don't throw that bullshit at me! You gave the order! His blood is on your hands!! He wasn't supposed to die!! He just went to make sure everything went smoothly! H-He wasn't supposed to die" he hissed

"Again I don't see how this is my fault?" Jimin spat

"Because you're the boss so it's your fault his death is on you and I just thought you should feel my pain of losing someone you love more than life" Kinn spoke then he moved away from standing in front of Jimin to stand in front of me.

"Hello doll face" he smiled at me looking me over "Mhm you're gorgeous not my type but I see the appeal" he winked

"Fuck off with that shit" I spat he chuckled looking me up and down and licking his lips.

"Maybe you are my type I like them sassy maybe I should hit it before I blow your brains out" He spoke.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING BREATH NEAR HIM!" Jimin growled hitting the cage

"Such a lost to kill such a beautiful face like yours but it must be done" he sighed snapping his finger as a gun was handed to him "Open the door" he added but as his men moved to open my door Jimin spoke up again.

"Now that I remember it...wasn't his name Porsche? A handsome guy my men told me he died fast no worries he didn't suffer" Jimin spoke and this ticked off Kinn he walked back over to Jimin.

"Excuse you? Don't say his fucking name!" He spat

Jimin laughed "I remember when we were teens you're dad always showed you love and affection while mine showed me pain and the back of his hand but guess what?" Jimin spoke gazing dark "That made you weak like your father, you were nothing compared to me, you will be the scum I step on your a fucking joke" Jimin spoke.

That was the final straw whatever Jimin was doing to piss off this guy worked "Get him out!" Kinn spat and his men quickly open the cage they went in and grabbed Jimin by the arms he tried to break free but these guys were huge.

"Beat the shit out of him until no one can recognize him" Kinn hissed

That when the two huge men started throwing punches the first one hit his face it was loud and echoed in the room. His lip and mouth immediately started to bleed and I felt a wave of panic and fear start to boil inside me.

"Stop!" I yelled fingers gripping the cage but the attack continued.

They kept punching his face over and over as tears flooded my eyes "STOP!! STOPP!!" I cried out banging on the cage "LET HIM GO!!" I sobbed

They threw him to the ground and started to kick him hard in the back and stomach I hear Jimin groaning and I was full-on sobbing at the sight of my husband being beaten to death.

"J-JIMIN!! PLEASE STOP JUST STOP!!" I sobbed aggressively hitting the cage it started to hurt my hands but I didn't care all I wanted was for them to stop hitting him he was bleeding from his face and he was groaning in pain.

The abuse continues with hard kicks and punches "STOP!!!! YOUR GONNA KILL HIM STOP PLEASE!!" I screamed so hard it echoed in the building.

"Alright, we can stop" Kinn sighed my chest was heaving up and down and my voice hurt "Pick his ass up I decided to kill them both why not?" He shrugged and that's when alarms went off in my head.

The men picked Jimin up his head hung and there was blood in his blonde locks. Then there was a sound of a gun being clicked as they pointed it right at Jimin's head.

"NO!!!! PLEASE DONT" I screamed out "D-Don't kill him please t-take me!" I sobbed out and that got his attention he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Y-You want revenge? Right? Well t-take me J-Jimin loves me more than life itself " I pleaded "Y-You want him to feel the pain you did well take me as yours I'll be with you in any way you want...J-Just stop hurting him please" I cried

I see Kinn lower the gun and walk over to me crossing his arms "Why do that? When I can just kill you both? Easy and done" he said but I shook my head.

"All of Seoul k-knows I'm Jimin's lover his most prize possession b-but imagine what everyone will think if t-they see me with you? H-How powerful you will be with the diamond of Seoul?" I said he sighed tapping his foot.

"You make good points" he sighed

"Y-Yes! Plus I-I know everything about Jimin's work his business I know it a-all. I could help you take over Park Industries and finally bring down Park Jimin" I said "Plus Jimin knowing I'm yours... him seeing you touch me or kiss me will hurt 100x times more than my death," I said

"Y-Y-Yoongi" Jimin groaned but I shook my head.

"SHUT UP!! LET ME DO THIS!!" I cried out each word I spoke made me want to vomit but it had to be said to save Jimin's life I'll do whatever. I let out shaky breaths as I gripped the cage.

This made Kinn smile he looked at Jimin then me and sighed  "You're right seeing the one you love happy and better with another hurts way more it's tremendously heartbreak" he hummed tapping his chin "Alright we got a deal" he smiled I felt relieved all over my body.

"Y-Yes I'll do it b-but let him go," I said this made Kinn tsk looking at Jimin "it's the only way so he can witness your rise of power and his downfall because your right...Jimin is weak" I said each word like a little knife to my heart.

"Fine we will dump him somewhere but if he dies getting back home that's on him doll face" he sighed putting his gun away.

"Let my new lover out boys" Kinn added and his men moved to unlock the door "Let's get the fuck out of here smells like greasy ass" he added as the door opened I stood froze looking at my beaten husband on the dirty ground and held in my tears because I can't cry yet.

"C-Can I say goodbye? W-We were t-together for so long" I said

"Sure I'll be waiting in the car you have five minutes doll face," he said then he left out the loud doors now only two of us and some of Kinn's men were around.

I walked over to Jimin and kneeled down next to him putting his head on my lap. The sight broke my heart to pieces he was bleeding from his lip and eyebrow his eye was swollen and he was bruised all over his face.

"Y-Yoongi why?" He groaned I shook my head carefully running my fingers through his hair.

"Our whole relationship you were the one protecting me over and over again and now it's my turn to protect you and I don't regret it" I murmured to him for only him to hear "L-Listen to me carefully Moonlight we don't have a lot of time so I need you to be the P-Park Jimin I know and love so when you leave I need you to dust yourself off then pull yourself together and come and rescue me like you always do" I whispered softly he started to cry he groaned trying to move to cup my face.

"N-N-No don't do this p-please?" He sniffled but I quickly wiped the tears.

"No!" I said sternly "Don't cry you can't! You have to pick yourself up and be the Park Jimin I fell in love with be that boss and destroy everything that gets in your way let Seoul burn for your family's not just me your fighting for this time it's our baby...our star" I whispered than I took off my wedding ring with shaky hands and gently placed it into his palm "Give that back to me when I see you again okay? Promise me" I said he nodded

"I-I p-promise" he whispered I nodded a weak smile on my lips as I memorized his face one last time.

"G-Good...I-I love y-you so much okay? Be s-strong my love I'll be strong as well...the both of us need to hold it together no matter what until I can be in your arms again" I said to him his gaze was gaze was heavy on me and he was crying.

"Times up!!! Boss is waiting" One of his man hissed and grabbed my arm pulling me up to my feet.

I see them also grabbed Jimin leading him the opposite way we lock eyes and our emotions scream through them as we were separated for the first time in years.

It has to be protect Jimin I'll do this for him

Be safe my Moonlight


oh damn...
Is everyone okay? I wouldn't worry to much because Yoongi will be okay??



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