Bandaids & Bullet holes -yoo...

By minhugzz

18K 1.4K 482

They wanted a happily ever after so badly...but the past crept up on them again Jimin and Yoongi are still ma... More

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456 32 2
By minhugzz

Jimin POV

I can't sleep at all since we got to Seoul my brain is running a mile a minute. I just can't shake this feeling that sometimes bad is gonna happen and it's looming over me like an ache in my back.

Even last night in the hotel with Yoongi cuddled up next to me with his soft snoring hitting my ears and the smell of his coconut shampoo didn't work to calm my worrying heart. So all night I spent staring at the ceiling going through every possibility and scenario in my head until the sun starts to peek in through the window lighting up Yoongi's beautiful face and making him glow in the morning sun.

The next few hours I spent staring at my beautiful husband's face taking in every mole and curve of his face how long his eyelashes are or how his curly charcoal black hair frames his round face.

He is sleeping in late today it's already 9 am he would usually be awake by now demanding room service and fresh coffee. All the traveling and stress of the situation drain my pretty partner.

I moved my hand to tuck hair behind his ear causing him to stir in his sleep his brown eyes fluttering open to look at me. Which made my heart beat aggressively in my chest its been years and each time I look at him and our eyes meet I fall more and more in love with him.

"Mhm morning moonlight" he whispered rubbing his eyes "You okay?" He murmured

It made me smile at how cute he is all pouty lip with messy curling hair in a huge yellow sweater. I scooted closer to him so we were facing each other noses touching.

"Good morning Sunshine" I murmured slipping my hands to his waist to pull him closer "Did you sleep well? Because you have pillow sleeping lines on your face" I said poking his nose.

He scrunched up his nose "I was very sleepy but now I'm hungry and still sleepy"  he sighed burying his face in my chest "I want Pajeon and a coffee" he whined it made me chuckle kissing his head.

"My baby let's get you some Pajeon and that coffee in your cute tummy" I hummed rubbing his back.

"Don't call my tummy cute when it's just fat I let myself go since I got married because I know I got you hooked" he winked he leaned back to face me.

It made me chuckle causing me to sit up go underneath the blanket and under his shirt to press kisses to his stomach causing a burst of soft laughs to erupt from him.

"Fat where?!" I said kissing all over his stomach he laughed.

"Jimin!! That tickles" he giggled I quickly dropped more sloppy kisses on his belly until I slipped out of his shirt pulling him up to look at me.

"Let me order that breakfast for us then I have to shower and then head out I'm gonna visit Seokjin with Namjoon and Hoseok," I said he frowned but nodded.

I know he hates this being back in Seoul it scares him. After the last time, he has a fear of me leaving and not coming back and he doesn't voice it but I can see it in his eyes.

"Alright but be careful walking around by yourself wear a bucket hat it's still dangerous out here for you and I worry about you," he said wrapping his arms around me.

"Please nobody can hurt me I'm untouchable still a baby" I winked but he still frowned at me which made me hold his waist pulling him onto my lap.

"You're not made of steal Jimin please be careful" he whispered cupping my face with one hand I leaned into his touch "You're my whole heart and if anything happened to you I would break into a million pieces " he murmured his eyes held so much love and it made my heart flutter.

"I'll be careful I promise," I said sticking my pinky out to lock with his he wrapped his around mine.

He smiled a little pulling me closer "Good boy, now do you wanna makeout?" He asked it made me laugh but I stood up off the bed.

"Not with that morning breath," I said pulling on some sweatpants and tying the string.

"Rude but fine! Order the food I'll text Tae and Kook and see if they wanna hang out together" he said grabbing his phone.

"Sounds good my sunshine anything else you wanna order for breakfast?" I asked he grinned and picked up the room service menu like a giddy little kid.


I used to own Seoul I was the prince of this huge city, and people feared me just by hearing my name it sent shivers down people's spines.

Now I happily gave that all up for the light of my life my husband who pulled me out of the dark world with his gummy smile with his kind and innocent personality. He saw past all my flaws and darkness to just trust and love me for me and I would do anything for him I would do anything to protect my light from the darkness.

Getting around Seoul without raising any suspicion isn't so hard I actually don't mind being just a regular guy. I drive myself everywhere I needed to go and I traveled with no bodyguards none of my men were at my beck and call.

I arrived at the hospital late because when I walked into Seokjin room the rest of them were already there.

"Ji-man! Hey, what took you so long?" Hoseok smiled he was sitting on the couch with Namjoon while Jin was still bandaged up in the hospital bed.

I let out a sigh and handed Jin the bag of food I got him along the way "Here Hyung I got you some soup dumplings" I whispered he smiled and took them.

"Thank you but I think we should talk about what happened" he spoke opening up the bag "But I'll still eating these because hospitals food is dog shit," he said

"Let me have one!" Hoseok piped up but Jin glared at him.

"Did you get shot? No? Then sit down" Jin said digging into his dumplings "So Namjoon any news?" Jin asked Namjoon who stood up clearing his throat and hands in his suit pocket.

"Spent all last night scoping the rooftop where the shots were fired but so far nothing whoever did it was a ghost" Namjoon sighed rubbing his forehead "Cameras were out no one saw anything...I'm so sorry boss" Namjoon added looking at me.

I shook my head "This shit shouldn't have happened none of us have ever actually gotten shot before this shows weakness right now everyone knows that the head of the table is weak" I said

"I think Jin wasn't the target I like it was Jungkook" Hoseok spoke up and everyone looked at him as he sat on the couch man spreading "Whoever did this wanted to kill Jungkook in my opinion" he hummed

"I have Yunho and Mingi on it they are asking around to other gangs if they know anything because whoever did this has big balls to mess with the head of Seoul," Namjoon said I nodded when I was in charge people called me the prince of Seoul and since Jin took over he got nicknamed the head of Seoul. They also called Yoongi the diamond of Seoul saying he was able to capture my heart and that he is one in a million.

"Also have the bullets sent to our inside at the police station to see if the gun was used in any past crimes?" Jin added then he looked at me "Jimin go back home you shouldn't even be in Seoul the world thinks you died and I took over for you if anyone sees you could cause destruction" Jin spoke

"Hyung you got fucking shot, of course, I came here," I said but he shook his head.

"No I told you I would drink the poison for you so Yoongi and you can have your happily ever after and I stand by that I get released in two days so after that you go back home and paint your nursery," he said firmly.

"Yeah boss I agree with Jin and I promise not to fuck shit up again go home and be with him be happy," Namjoon said I let out a sigh.

"You guys are good friends but I don't want this life for any of us let's figure out a way for us all to have happily ever after we can move to another country and live on the beach as neighbors," I said I hear Hoseok chuckle.

"Yeah Taehyung keeps asking me for a baby but I'm afraid to bring anything into this world with my job and Taehyung acts like it doesn't bother him but I know it does," Hoseok said

"Maybe we should...sounds like a dream to be out of this lifestyle I've been looking over my shoulder since I was nine" Namjoon hummed I walked over to him and patted his shoulder looking at all my friends.

"One day my brothers I promise to clear all the fog around us," I said


When I got back to the hotel room I was hit with a surprising sight it was fake candles on the ground leading to the bathroom. I let out a chuckle closed the door behind me and slipped off my shoes then followed the candles.

Once I looked into the bathroom it was dimmed and lit with rose petals on the ground and the bathtub filled with bubbles. More importantly, my gorgeous husband was standing in the middle of the bathroom in a robe holding two glasses of champagne out to me with a fat smile on his face.

"Hi, Hubby I missed you" he whispered the romantic setup was adorable.

I stepped closer to him taking one of the glasses as he grinned so big at me "Hello what are you planning?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He clicked his glasses with mine "Well I just wanted to take a nice romantic bath with my very sexy husband" he grinned and then happily drank his champagne.

"A bath together? We haven't had one of those in a while" I smiled drink some then coughed into my hand "Why did you buy the cheap shit" I added he scoffed and drank his whole glass.

"Shut up I was in a hurry" he huffed placing his glass on the counter and then moving to stand in front of me with a smirk on his face "I missed you all day" he whispered putting a hand on my chest and playing with the string of my hoodie.

He stood in front of me and then slowly untied his robe until it fell to the ground showing his bare naked body in front of me and I immediately felt myself get tight in my pants "Well I drew us a bath and thought you would be so tired and stressed and it would help you relax" he sighed slowly running his hand down my arm his fingers trailing down leaving goose bumps behind.

"You're very cute" I whispered into his ear drinking the rest of my champagne he groaned and moved to get into the tub. When he plopped down the water splashed onto the floor.

"Can't believe I show you my naked body and you call me cute?? I wanna be sexy and hot maybe fuckable not cute like a kitten" he pouted leaning back in the tub the bubbles covering his body.

"Baby are you drunk?" I asked he scoffed dramatically putting some bubbles on his head and then laughed at himself.

"Nope! At lunch I only had three mimosas" he hummed holding up three fingers "I'm m-maybe baby! Just like maybe tipsy but stop chatting and get naked my sexy man because I want that dick" he winked it made me laugh as I slipped off my hoodie and sweatpants. He started to whistle and clapped his hands like a happy seal "Yes! Get naked!" He cheered.

I pulled down my underwear and stepped into the tub in front of him since it was huge enough room for both of us to fit together. I felt his hand on my thighs squeezing the muscles as he leaned closer to my face.

"You have a huge dick I want it in my mouth" he groaned and I felt my dick get hard at his words this caused him to grin "Mm not so cute anymore am I hot stuff?" He winked

I scooted closer to him cupping his face and sticking my thumb in his mouth "Watch that pretty mouth baby" I whispered he smirked and started to suck on my finger and I was getting ready to bend him over the side of the tub.

He smiled at me dropping my hand and poking my nose "Not yet sweetie" he whispered then grabbed a small remote and hit a button as a familiar song filled the bathroom.

"Fallingforyou" by the 1975

He wet his hair pushing the black locks back exposing his bare forehead then smiled big at me moving to sit on my lap hands on my shoulder.

"Do you remember this song?" He asked I put my hands on his waist pulling him closer until our chests were pressed together.

"Yes I do," I said he hummed tracing my jawline and nose.

"This song played when we're in your bathtub at your penthouse I never had a boyfriend before so when you asked me to do that I was kinda nervous. The moment I got in and saw you my heart started to do jumping jacks in my chest you looked so handsome so beautiful...that was the moment I realized I was so madly in love with you" he murmured but my heart was drumming so hard in my chest never hearing this before.

"Really? I didn't know that" I said he chuckled rubbing his nose with mine a bright grin on his lips.

"I fell in love with you in that very moment with this song playing in the background then I was so nervous around you afterward because I was scared I would let it slip out and scare you away" he spoke softly.

"That's insane I was already so in love with you the moment I looked into your eyes for the first time in the bar. I remember what you wore what you said to me how you stormed out of the bar leaving me breathless" I said he smiled his cheeks a soft pink.

"I have never been in love with anybody the way I love you Park Jimin, you are my whole heart my whole world, my soulmate my other half the moon to my sun" he whispered putting his forehead on mine and closing his eyes "I love you more than anything else in this whole world every day I find more things I love about you and I would do anything for you my husband" he murmured opening his eyes to look at me and it's like a whole new wave of emotions and love for the man in front of me hit me so hard I grabbed his face and kissed him.

It was like kissing heaven. Soft, peaceful, exciting, was perfect, wonderful, blissful.

"Forever my moon it's us together in this life forever" he whispered I pulled him closer so close our rapid heartbeats matched.

"Forever my sun" I murmured and kissed him passionately.


That was so cute awwww 🥹

Last bit of smut and yoonmin be all lovey for awhile because heartbreak and darkness is coming.

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