Bandaids & Bullet holes -yoo...

By minhugzz

18K 1.4K 482

They wanted a happily ever after so badly...but the past crept up on them again Jimin and Yoongi are still ma... More

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ending scene

scene 3

641 37 12
By minhugzz

Yoongi POV

After we spread the good news, everyone was ecstatic about being uncles. All of them got so excited about it. Taehyung was going on and on about being the favorite uncle, but Hoseok argued he was gonna be the best uncle. Then they bickered about it for awhile they then started to make out in front of everyone.

It's been about a week since we told everyone and Hoseok and Taehyung decided to celebrate our having a baby by taking us out to a club to have a baby bachelor party or whatever that is.

I'm kinda against it because Jimin in that scene is dangerous. Someone might recognize, him but the boys assured me that everything would be okay and if Seokjin is saying, that it must be true.

They separated us yet again because Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin took Jimin somewhere else. I stayed home and got ready with Taehyung and Jungkook, not to mention all of them are staying with us this weekend. Once all three of us were dressed to impress, we headed to a club called Tundra. It's a club for tourist people visiting Busan on vacation or foreigners.

We sat down at a booth in the corner. The club wasn't that, packed maybe because it was early only 9 pm but I was happy that it wasn't crowded with people. The music playing was catchy we sing along as we order some drinks.

"Why does every shirt you make me put on display my nipples!" I huffed, looking at my chest.

"You have nice nipples! I know Jimin likes them I thought the world might as well" Taehyung winked. We were giggling and tipsy.

"Cheers to Yoongi and starting a family!" Jungkook slurred holding up a shot.

"Is this how people celebrate having babies these days?" I spoke cheering the glasses and downing the shot. Making a face at the bitter liquor going down my throat.

"It's like a bachelor party but celebrating having a baby like your last night of freedom except for last night as people without a baby and shit" Taehyung slurred playing with a tiny little umbrella that came in his fruity drink.

"That makes no sense? They don't get the baby for a while" Jungkook spoke

"Shut up, no one asked you," Taehyung said slapping Jungkook's shoulder.

"Anyway I appreciate it, but I still want a proper baby shower " I grinned feeling the drinks hit me. I'm a lightweight and I haven't gotten drunk in a while so it's hitting me fast.

"Definitely! And gender reveals all that cute stuff" Jungkook spoke cupping his face happily "I want a baby one day with a nice house and a swing set in the back playing hide and seek" he sighed with a pout while I reach my hand out rubbing his back gently.

"So? Tell us, do you want a boy or a girl?" Taehyung hummed wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ah doesn't matter to me. I just want a healthy happy baby"  I spoke then Jungkook let out a huff.

"Bullshit you know which gender you want just tell us we aren't going to cancel you on Twitter for it," He said scooting closer to me on the booth and throwing an arm around me "What is the first thing that popped into your head when he asked" he added

I let out a groan. "a baby girl! I want a girl" I huffed holding my flushed face "I wanna do their hair and have tea parties and buy her dresses and cute outfits" I grinned

"Aw! Now I want one!" Taehyung pouted "Should Hoseok and I have a baby?" He hummed tapping his chin.

"Maybe start with a puppy," Jungkook added with a smirk

"You are so mean to me!" Taehyung fake cried I patted his head and then turned to Jungkook whose arms were still around me noses almost touching at how close he was.

"Do you know where the guys went? Hoseok wouldn't tell me, just kept sending me the devil emoji" I pouted at him

"I think they went to a gay bar," Taehyung said with a shrug but I choked on nothing at that news.

"What!?" I said sitting up on high alert.

"Yeah, Namjoon and Jin thought that would be a lowkey place for them to hang," Jungkook said like it was nothing like all of our partners went so unbelievably hot.

"A gay bar?! Have you seen Jimin?? That's like throwing the finest piece of meat into the lion's den" I pouted "My poor husband the flies he has to swat today" I said sinking into Jungkook's hold

"Please Jimin doesn't even notice other people when you are in front of him"  Taehyung joked, poking my cheek.

"Yeah, that man's whole world revolves around you," Jungkook said poking my other cheek.

"Kook, how's it going with Jin Hyung?" I asked he groaned and leaned back against the booth.

Jungkook has grown up in the past few years his hair is long and he has two full sleeves of tattoos he has also gotten bigger and more muscular.

"It's the same we live together and do all the domestic shit I make breakfast he makes dinner we go on dates he sweet talks me at night" he sighed and then took another shot "It's just...we have been dating forever and he still hasn't asked me to marry him" He pouted "Both of you are married and I'm still here with my boyfriend like a loser" he pouted

"Well, Taehyung told Hoseok to propose to him so he doesn't count," I said which earned me a smack to the thigh.

"Yah!! It so does" he huffed. I just stuck out my tongue at him

"Anyways, I'm sure he will soon" I spoke 

"You know hyung he is all business it took him forever to even ask you out," Taehyung said I nodded along.

"That's because he was in a love triangle" I giggled "Good times you were so happy about it," I said poking his shoulder.

"You know...Namjoon and I went drinking one day when Hyung was working and he told me he still had feelings for me he said he had a curse of falling for his best friend's boyfriends" he said tapping his fingers against the glass it bought me back to when Namjoon confessed his feelings for me maybe that's why he has been so distant "Maybe I should have chosen Namjoon instead...I-I feel like H-Hyung doesn't wanna marry m-me and all I want in my small life is for him to love me as I love him" he sniffed wiping his eyes "Shit why am I crying?"  He chuckled I just threw my arms around him.

"No! Kookie, it's okay don't cry or cry you're heart out" I whispered he hugged me back.

"I miss you Hyung, you are so far away now and we can even visit without Jin and Jimin's permission...I just want to see you again" he spoke. I ran my fingers through his hair it smelled like passion fruit.

"I know you can always visit don't even worry about those two I'm the real boss here" I whispered he chuckled.

"Sorry to ruin your baby's bachelor party" he sighed with a small chuckle.

"Nah, it's still a party! Let's order more drinks and play some games or something" I smiled he nodded wiping his eyes.

"Yes!! Shots!! And I know next time we will be celebrating a bachelor party here" Taehyung smiled

"I hope so. I love that clueless idiot so much" Jungkook sighed


"Rock, Paper, Scissors at who has to go order the drinks this time" Jungkook slurred

"No! I'm so bad at that game! And I have gotten the, already count me out you two do it" Taehyung huffed I rolled my eyes and held out my hand to play.

"Let's go Bunny boy" I winked he held out his fist and I was determined to win because I was too drunk to even move right now.


"Fuck! Tits" I hissed with a frown they both giggled and stuck their tongues out at me "Fine! I'll go you jerks" I said standing up from the booth and stomping away.

I pushed my way through the gathering crowd at the club it was a bunch of young people and foreigners the music was louder on this side of the club and the colorful lights flashed around me.

The song was "UnHoly" by Sam Smith & Kim Petras

I leaned against the bar tapping my hands on the bar to get the bartender's attention but she was busy with all the other drunks there.

I was swaying my hips to the beat absentmindedly humming to the song I was still very drunk my body felt hot under the lights and the club was a crowded bunch of people grinding and kissing girls in pretty dresses.

I was minding my business when I felt a hand on my ass then it trailed up my back right when I felt warm breath on my ear and a very familiar voice hit my ear.

"Hey, beautiful can I buy you a drink?" He murmured in my ear it made me turn around and face him seeing my husband.

There he stood dressed in all black his long blonde hair brushed back and a signature smirk on his lips he was a work of art he was so beautiful my mind went blank for a second.

He stood next to me at the bar a foot apart looking me up and down like I was a deer and he was a hungry wolf.

"What are you doing here? Thought you were out with the Hyungs?" I whispered he lifted an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry you must have me confused with someone else sweetheart" he smiled "But you never answer my question? Can I buy you a drink?" He smirked I can see what he was doing here so I played along.

"I'll pass I'm all good" I sighed turning away from him I hear a chuckle.

"Beautiful and Sassy just how I like em" he whispered I rolled my eyes facing him again.

"You like it when they are bossy towards you?" I said raising an eyebrow he smirked and leaned closer.

"Most definitely show me who is the real boss" he winked I smiled.

"I will take that drink but we have to be careful I'm married and my husband is very possessive over me and doesn't like when people touch what's his" I murmured he smirked and leaned against the bar closer to me.

"Your husband let a beauty like you leave the house looking this good? Because your fucking gorgeous" he whispered I let out a soft laugh and poked his chest.

"My husband can't control what I do or what I wear" I spoke he hummed

"Tell me about your husband. Is he as good-looking as me?" He asked I sighed brushing my hair back.

"He is kind and gentle with a breathtaking smile he is the sweetest man I've ever met he treats me like I'm royalty and...he has a huge cock" I whispered the last part into his ear.

"Is that true?" He hummed we were so close to each other that my whole body felt hot under his gaze and my chest was heaving "Bet I could make you scream louder if I were to bend you over this bar?" He whispered into my ear I gulp as he looked back at me his gaze was so intense.

"I don't think you could because you know what they say about short guys," I said and looked down at his pants then back up at him "small package" I murmured he chuckled deeply.

"Well I'm also married," he said "I went out today with friends and I was hit on so many times that I just had to get out of there because none of those guys weren't even half as beautiful or sexy as my husband," he said I cocked an eyebrow.

"What about me? Why are you talking to me if your husband is the total package?" I asked he smiled and grab my chin.

"Because our friends are visiting and we haven't had sex in days" he spoke then trailed his hand to my neck "I miss his body the way his skin got goosebumps whenever I touched him or the sweet sounds he would make underneath me as I kiss every square inch of his body" he spoke voice deep into my ear and my body arched towards him I was losing control because Jimin was right we haven't been intimate in days.

He moved my chin to face him our faces were so close to each other "We shouldn't it's wrong" I whispered he smiled it was devilish.

He smirked brushing his thumb against my lip "But it would feel so right baby" he whispered against my mouth I move my hand to his chest his heart was beating so fast.

I couldn't hold back anymore my pants were so tight already.

"Fucking hell" I whispered and crashed my lips against his and he immediately kissed back like I was his last meal.

Kissing Jimin is like embracing the sun. It's red and fiery and feels like I'm going to explode, going to burn up in flames.

He was shoving me up against the bar our lips wrestling it was warm and wet a total mess of saliva but I couldn't get enough of it. The kiss was intense and lustful like we both wanted to tear each other clothes off.

He pulled back and I whined at the loss of the warmth of our bodies pressed together. Right now it felt like it was just us here no one else all eyes on each other and I wanted him so bad right here right now.

"Let's go to the bathroom" I whispered against his lips then trailed down his neck sucking marks "I want you so bad"  I whined "P-Please" I murmured

"I-I thought you didn't like doing it in public places," he said his hands pushing me against him I felt his hard so I trailed my hand down and palmed him through his pants.

"Fuck me right now, pin me against the bathroom stall, and fuck me until I'm a blabbering mess and you have to cover my mouth so no one hears us" I purred into his ear and grabbed his dick through his pants he groaned "Use this weapon on me" I added

That's when I saw the change in his demeanor the Mafia Jimin came back with that dark look in his eyes I felt my whole body get hot over it.

"Are you sure?" He whispered I nodded hands on his belt.

"Fuck yes are you gonna do it or not?" I asked raising an eyebrow he didn't answer just grabbed my hand then quickly pushed his way through the crowd and I felt the excitement build up inside of me as we reached the bathroom opening the door it was empty he pushed me into a stall and slammed the door closed.

He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall "That pretty little mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble?" He spoke

I raised an eyebrow "I feel like your all talk and no play?" I whispered he then pinned my wrist to the stall and attacked my neck biting and licking I let out a gasp "J-Jiminie" I murmured but he cut me off my capturing my lips in a searing kiss he let go of my wrist and I immediately wrapped my arms around his shoulder pulling him closer.

His hands moved to my pants and quickly unbuttoned them as his lips never left mine pulling the zipper down. My pants fell to the floor then he picked up my leg pressing me into him. Our members rubbed together as he rocked against me the feeling was slow and delicious.

"A-Ah" I whispered "Stop teasing" I hissed pulling his hair he groaned.

He pulled away from me as a whine left my lips at the loss of his lips on mine he just stood there looking me up and down then unbuckled his pants then pulled down the zipper I watched him as he pushed down his pants.

I smirked and turned to face the wall pressing my cheek against the cool door "I have hand lotion in my pocket" I whispered I hear a chuckle as he stepped closer to me then I felt kisses and bites on my neck and shoulders.

"You gonna have to be quiet" he whispered as he pulled my underwear down.

"I'll try" I mumbled as I felt more kisses go down my spine than a bite to my ass cheek "Do it already" I gasped he grabbed my hips making me arch more.

"Shut up all I want to hear next is you whining my name for me to go harder" he hissed and I straight up moaned I felt him press inside me and I choked out a moan it was pure pleasure as he pushed in.

"Shh baby doesn't let them hear you" he growled into my ear.

We never had pubic sex before but it was so hot and exciting he pushed me into the wall thrusting at a fast pace biting my neck and slapping my ass until we both finished. He had to cover my mouth because I'm a screamer as he slammed into me hard I thought the door was gonna break.

We dressed up again and cleaned up in the sink then we left the bathroom holding hands.

"Did another guys flirt with you at that gay bar?" I asked as we waited outside while the others called a cab.

He pressed me into the lamp poll holding my waist as he kissed my neck sweetly "They did, the young kids are ruthless I drank free the whole time so much glitter and fish nets" he winked but I pouted at him.

"Jimin! You let them brats buy you drinks?" I huffed at him "Did you think any of them were cute? Or pretty? Chat up a pretty young thing? Gonna trade me in for another 21 year old" I frowned at him looking down and fiddling with Jimin's jacket zipper.

He lifted my chin so I looked up at him he smiled then lifted my hand kissing my ring finger.

"Hey husband of mine" he grinned softly "You do know that I have never been in love with anyone else but you my whole life you are my heart and soul Min Yoongi, you are my everything my husband, my life partner, and my universe " he whispered with a smile tucking hair behind my ear.

I pouted and buried my face into his chest smelling his cologne he just chuckled hugging me close and kissing the top of my head.

"We're you jealous baby?" He whispered into my ear I didn't answer "You act like your old when your only 26 silly boys" he hummed rocking me in his arms.

I lifted my head to face him "I wasn't jealous" I mumbled he kissed my nose "Okay I was a little jealous but have you seen me? You so unbelievably hot one smile at anyone and they immediately fall for you...and I only want you to smile at me" I frowned at him" Your mine all mine for Yoongi only" I huffed he just chuckled.

"You're so adorable" he hummed running his hand through my hair "I like your hair all curly and long like this it's pretty" he whispered kissing my forehead.

I moved my hands to his face holding his cheeks and squishing them like dough "I hope are kiddies have all of your cute traits" I whispered, "Like how you don't like mangos or even your cute chubby cheeks or how you are kinda clumsy sometimes and fall off chairs I want our baby to be a mini Jiminie" I whispered he laughed and grabbed my wrist as I squish his face.

"Let's get you home my love," he said I smiled at him.

"Moonlight do you want a boy or a girl? Just tell me the first thing that pops into your head" I asked him

"A girl I always wanted a daughter" he whispered I grinned up at him hugging him close.

"Me too" I murmured


yoonmin are so adorable! Aww I wonder if the fluff with last? Who knows? 😮

I'm going to see Oneus the K-pop group in January so I'm trying to learn them so the members will be popping up in this story!!

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