Trashes of the Counts' Famili...

By rileymilamo33

35.5K 2.7K 327

Adara Thornwin, the best friend of Cale Henituse, and possibly equally as Trash as him, decides to visit her... More

˗ ˏ ˋ❆ Winter Special ❆ ˎˊ ˗
˗ ˏ ˋ❆ (The Real) Winter Special ❆ ˎˊ ˗
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Summer Vacation!


1.3K 76 14
By rileymilamo33

The seating arrangements were always the same. Count Deruth at the front of the table, Countess Violan on his right, his kids in blood order, Lily, since she was of his blood next to him, and Basen next to her, on his left. All Henituses, Cale being the exception, had brown hair. Cale had always felt like an oddball being the only redhead in the family. It reminded her of her own family, her being the only one with dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin.

"You're late again," Count Deruth said. "Take a seat."

"Unnie!" Lily exclaimed in excitement upon seeing Adara, though she had seen her half an hour earlier. Adara offered her a smile as she sat on Cale's right, next to Basen. The seat on Cale's left was reserved for his mother. Nobody could sit there.

"Lily," she said, bowing her head slightly.

"Lady Adara," Basen said stiffly.

Adara smiled viscously. "Call me that again and you won't be getting any more books from me."

Basen, knowing she meant no harm and that it was only her crude tongue, smiled slightly. "Noona," he said, not as stiffly as before.

"Basen," she said in greeting. Turning to the two adults at the other end of the table, she said, "Countess Violan, Count Deruth, thank you for letting me stay."

She broke a wine glass upon hearing that she would be staying with us, Count Deruth thought, staring at the enigma in front of him. Smiling so widely, and yet so fakely. Her smiles rarely reached her eyes, he noted. Only when she was smiling at Cale. Her brother wants to get rid of her to try and grab the position of official heir, again. Unlikely their father will name him no matter his numerous attempts, but either way, her younger brother inheriting everything is not good for us. We have a good relationship with her, and her inheriting everything would come with multiple benefits, even if she might not be the current Countess's daughter.

"Of course," Count Deruth smiled. "We couldn't say no to the offer."

"We should thank you. Lily has been talking non-stop about the sword you got her, and we had to remind Basen that a book has no place at the breakfast table." Countess Violan's were meant warm, yet she said them stiffly, avoiding Adara and Cale's eyes. Like mother, like son, she thought.

Adara only smiled.

The silence that followed was awkward.

Count Deruth was intensely staring at the two, and the two were trying to look anywhere but him.

"Is there something you want to say, Father?"

"No, it's nothing."

The warm words and smiles were all fake, Adara knew. The Count and Countess had always been more than welcoming to her, and yet she thought that deep down, they did not truly care for her. In her eyes, they wanted her to be the next Count, but they were on the lookout for any disasters that she may cause to dissuade them from their thoughts.¹ They were doing it now, she noted, their eyes observing her every move, waiting to see if she'd tip over the wine glass or not, if she'd rebuke the food or cause a ruckus. Wanting to be away from their scrutinizing looks, she started eating. But as she held the fork, she realised she couldn't hold it well because of the accessive amount of bandages that Ron had put on her hand. She scowled, ripping the bandages off quickly. The Count and Countess sweatdropped at that.

[¹]: I'm realising how this can be a bit confusing. So to clear it up, Count Deruth and Countess Violan want Adara in charge of the Thornwin Territory since it's close to theirs and benefits them in multiple ways. They are however aware of how she is trash, which is why they are so attentive of her actions. But the Henituse's, with their belief in protecting their family and themselves, knowing that og!Cale sees her closely, they consider her family. So those 'warm words and smiles' aren't actually fake. They do care about her almost to the same extent they care about Cale. It's just that living in her household, where her father neglected her, her mother abandoned her, her brother is a fucking psycho, her stepmother is toxic, she has grown used to not having someone care about her in a parental way without superior motives. So where Adara says that 'they did not truly care about her' is just her thoughts on the subject at hand. She's also not entirely sure how Basen and Lily view her, but she continues to get them gifts regardless. Though, the two Henituses adore her and constantly ask their father to invite her over. I'm not sure if I cleared it up much, but I wanted to try.

"Unnie?" Lily asked, looking concerned at the blood-soaked bandage. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"It is only a little cut," she said, smiling. 

"But still a cut!" she insisted. "Bandages are meant to help, why did you take it off?"

Adara smiled again. "I found the bandages a bit excessive, it's not even bleeding anymore."

But Lily had a determined expression. "I will become a knight to protect you!"

Adara couldn't help the wide smile that formed at that, and the Count and Countess were somewhat surprised. "Of course, you will be the best knight in the Kingdom."

Lily smiled again, leaving the conversation at that and starting to eat.

Staring at her full plate, she realised that she should also start eating. Taking a bite, she smiled as the wonderful flavours exploded in her mouth. Beacrox sure was a good cook, she might not mind staying here for half a month if she got to eat food like this. Cale also liked the food, as he let out a small smile.

Basen was so surprised he dropped his cutlery. Adara choked at his expression.

Basen quickly regained control though he still looked surprised. "My apologies."

Adara swallowed her food and started laughing. That attracted all of their attention.

"Lady Adara?" Countess Violan asked. "Is everything alright?"

Adara nodded gingerly, still smiling. "Everything's fine, Basen just saw Cale smile for the first time."

They all blinked.

Lily looked up at her, confused. "Orabeoni-nim can smile?"

Adara only laughed more at that. "Of course, he can," she said once she caught her breath. "He always smiles when we're alone, he even laughs. It's completely normal, don't worry. He just really likes the food."

Cale shot her a grateful look. Thank you for saving me, his eyes said.

She only smiled, a small voice in the back of her head whispered, You're not Cale, you're not Cale, you're not Cale, you're not Cale, over and over again.

There was a wine glass by both of their plates and so in perfect harmony, they picked up their glass, swirled it around, and took a sip. Despite being unnerved by their unison, the Henituse family watched in confusion as they kept their manners. Well, as mannered as they could be as Trash.

"Uhm... Cale?"

"It's delicious," he responded.

Count Deruth, almost automatically replied, "Right, it tastes like trash—" he paused. Staring at Cale. "Did you just say delicious?"

Cale nodded. "Yes, everything tastes wonderful."

"I agree, the sausage is very juicy. Send Beacrox my regards," Adara said, taking another bite. Countess Violan raised a groomed eyebrow, the edges of her lips turning down. How did she know Beacrox made it?

Count Deruth stuttered, a bizarre expression on his face. "R-right! It's delicious! It's nice to know you're both enjoying the food. 

"Yes, please make sure you eat a lot as well, Father."

Once breakfast was finished, Count Deruth made his way to their side of the table.

"Is there anything you need?"

Cale thought about it for a few seconds. Before looking at the Count. "Money. Please give me some money."

Adara could see a twinkle in his eyes as she suppressed a grin. Cale got a big allowance whenever he asked, so this was not out of the ordinary.

"Sure, I'll give you a lot,"  Count Deruth said without hesitation.

"Yes. Please give me as much as you can."

Adara smiled at that. From what she could tell, Kim Rok Soo hadn't grown up in the most pleasant circumstances. So he probably wasn't used to eating such a nice breakfast or having a lot of money. And while Adara didn't know how big the Treasury was, she knew that 'as much as you can' a big amount is. Cale was in for a surprise.

Later, when they were alone in Cale's room, she laughed loudly as he stared in shock at the check.

"How can they afford to give me this much?" he asked, showing her check.

Adara looked at the check. "Oh, it isn't that much." Cale's jaw dropped at her. "What are you going to do with all that money?"

He ignored her question and instead asked her a question of his own. "What date is it today?"

"The 29th."


"Oh, you want the full date?" she asked, slight taunting undertones taking hold of her voice. "Well, then it's the 29th of the 3rd month in the 781st year of the Felix Calendar."

Cale frowned. "We need to hurry up then. Choi Han is going to arrive in the Western Continent very soon."

"And what's your plan to not get beaten up by him?" He had only told her how he came into this world, not how the story went along, well he did give her the most important information of the war and how he got beaten up by some schoolboy because he insulted his dead friends, and how this kid becomes a legendary hero as the story progressed.

He waved his hand. "I'll tell you in a couple minutes, we have a place to be."

She made a face. "This early? We just had breakfast?"

"Will you come along if I tell you there will be wine?"

"As long as it's on you, of course."

"Of course."

"The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry?" Adara asked, squinting as she hopped off the carriage to look at the shop in front of her. She turned to Cale. "They don't sell any wine here, you fucking liar."

Cale only shrugged.

She let out a disappointed sigh. She knew of course that he was probably lying, especially when she looked out the carriage window and saw which street they were on. The bars and clubs were on different streets, she knew for a fact none were on this one. Turning back to the shop, she said, "Doesn't that one bastard son of the Flynn Merchant Guild's leader own the place?"

Cale nodded, a bit surprised how she paid no mind to the fact he had tricked her. He was nervous to trick her before, he wasn't sure if she knew how to fight and it seemed as though she would've skinned him alive had he answered wrong this morning. "Billos. Yes." He turned to the servant who was standing tensely behind him. "You can leave now."

The servant jumped out of his skin. "Excuse me?"

"Are you going to make me repeat myself?"

The servant stuttered. "I mean, uh, do I not need to wait for you, Young Master and Mistress?"

"Yeah no. We'll be staying here for a while."

Adara arched an eyebrow. She enjoyed tea, wine preferably more but she wasn't getting that here, just as much as any person, poetry not so much, but what did this have anything to do with Choi Han?

Cale stepped into the shop without another word. Adara following after him.

The shop quieted down as soon as they caught sight of the redhead. The dull sense of foreboding only increased as soon as they saw Adara.

Adara let her eyes roam until she saw a chubby man with a flushed face.


Billos raised his arms out in a hearty gesture. "Welcome!"

He seems excited to see us, Adara noted. Maybe a bit confused but definitely excited. She held in a smile. He looks like a piggy bank. And with the amount of wealth he has...

Cale slammed a handful of coins on the table. "We plan on staying on the third floor all day long. I want any tea that isn't bitter."

"And I want sweetened chamomile tea," she said, giving Billos a bored look.

Despite her disrespectful tone and the look in her eyes, he smiled. "It will be delivered to you with pleasure."

"Do you have novels here or just poems?" Cale questioned.

"Of course we do! We have just as many novels as poems, Young Master." And with a side glance at Adara. "Young Mistress."

"Then bring me the most interesting book with a cup of tea." Cale turned to her.

"Do you have any fantasy books?" she asked the short man.

Billos looked confused for a second. Before smiling once again. "Yes. We have fantasy books."

"Then bring me the best. With my tea."

"Yes, I understand," he said bowing.

"Do not bow to me."

"Young Mistress?"

Her voice was cold. "You heard me. Do not bow to me. You can bow to him for all I care," she said, a hand waving in Cale's direction. "But don't bow to me."

Billos let out a small smile. "If I may ask, why?"

"You may not."

His smile grew larger at that. What fun this noble is, he thought with a smile. "Very well, Young Mistress."

Cale scourged his pockets for a coin, recognizing the shape and emblem on it, Adara raised an eyebrow. A million-gallon? What's he going to buy with that? He's not going to— Adara looked in annoyance as Cale gave the gallon to Billos. This guy is richer than the both of us combined, she hesitated. Okay, maybe not both of us combined but it's close enough and we both have a fair amount of money. And you're giving him more?

He caught her look and gave her a close-eyed smile.

"I'll drink more tea, so take this," he explained to Billos.

Billos looked at the coin in shock. "A million-gallon is too much, Young Master!"

Adara found herself agreeing with Billos.

"I have lots of money," Cale said with a smirk. "Consider it your tip."

But he has more than you will ever have, she thought, sighing. Before stopping to think about it. Well, that really depends on how seriously you take your so-called slacker life. She turned around and started walking up the stairs, Cale close behind her.

Once they were inside the room, seated with the books and tea, Adara looked at Cale expectantly. "So? What's the plan?"

He pointed outside the window, speaking distantly. "That's the place," he said.

Looking out the window and seeing a staircase guarded by two guards she raised her eyebrows. "The entrance to the city? Where Choi Han showed up? What'd he want to do? Tell the Count?"

He nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. But you need identification papers to enter the city."

"And considering he's a random schoolboy who happened to appear in the forest a few decades ago, he doesn't have any means of identification," she said, watching the guards with interest.

Her eyebrows perked up as she saw a young man walk up to the stairs. The guards were quick to intercept him. He was dressed shabbily, a cape wrapped around his left shoulder, his clothes were ripped in places and the edges burnt. Her brother would've made a remark about how he was dressed like a beggar. "Is that him?"

Cale took one look and nodded. "That's Choi Han."

She frowned slightly. "Are you sure he's as strong as you say? He looks quite skinny and lean," she murmured.

He looked at her with an unintelligible look. "You are lean yet you're strong."

"Yeah, but since I'm a count's daughter I'm well-fed. And—," she stopped talking, still with her head in the direction of the window she looked at him from the corner of her eyes. How did he know that? Cale felt a slight shiver go down his back at her glare. She realized she had never asked about herself, or what happened to her in the future. Did she die in the war or was she long dead by her brother's hand? She wasn't sure if she wanted to know. "And how do you know that? Did I appear in the book?"

He shook his head. "You don't really appear in the book, only mentions, you're still alive though. I was just guessing at the strong part. You seemed to know how to fight from the mentions in the book, and how self-assured you were when you threatened me this morning gave me the impression you could at least handle a weapon."

Adara didn't respond to him, instead continued to look out the window. So he doesn't know. That's a relief.² "He was denied access," she said, changing the subject. They watched Choi Han walk away from the city entrance. "Is he really this obedient that he didn't even strike up a fuss?"

[²]: She doesn't mean this as in 'oh he doesn't know my dark and horrible secret, that's a relief', she means it in the way that he doesn't know what happens to her in Birth of a Hero. Because while she didn't exactly want to know, she also couldn't stop herself from asking. So she's relieved she didn't just hear news about how she was dead.

Cale smiled mischievously. "He's going to wait for nightfall until he can jump over the walls and secretly enter the city. Then, four days later, he'll come across a drunk Cale," he said, the humour suddenly gone. "And he'll beat him up."

"And where am I? When Cale is getting beaten up, where am I?"

He shrugged. "You weren't at the estate. You left, leaving some wine which Cale decided to get drunk on."

She frowned, suddenly doubting Kim Rok Soo. "But, that doesn't make sense. This is pretty much the exact same beginning as the book you read, right? Choi Han comes, gets denied, leaves, etcetera. So if it's the same, then my brother should've called ahead to tell the Count that I would be staying. I would've stayed at the estate, I would've been there four days later. I should've been there."

Cale raised an eyebrow. "And what would you have done if you were?"

She waved a hand, thinking hard, her heart feeling heavy. "That's not important. It's why I wasn't there that's important. Something happened, either my brother never made a call, or I refused to stay... but why would I do that?" she muttered, thinking hard. "Nothing we did impacted the storyline in terms of whether my brother asked or not. The Count received the call before we saw each other at breakfast, so I couldn't have done anything, and neither could you have. So what is it?" she murmured. She sighed. "I'm thinking too much and it's barely the beginning of the day." She looked back to Cale, boring her onyx eyes into his soul. "You never answered, what's the plan to not get beaten up by sunnyboy down there?"

He smiled a viciously sly smile she had seen multiple times. On Ron and on herself. "Have you ever heard of Ancient Powers?"

"Of course I have." She looked at him with newfound interest, a small part of her waking up at the mention. "And since you read the book you know where they are."

He nodded. "There's one I want in this territory, Indestructible Shield. It's like a mage's mana shield. It'll protect me if Choi Han decides to attack me, though I prefer that possibility never to appear."

"We know where he is, right? You mentioned he'll jump the wall later tonight, let's just appear there and give him a good impression then he has no reason to harm us."

Cale smiled. "That's exactly what I was thinking. But first, the Shield. Just in case of future problems." He got up, gently setting his book on the table and finishing his tea.

She got up too, drinking her warm tea in one sip. "So?" she asked, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. "How are you going to get the Ancient Power?"

He looked at her, surprised by how she only mentioned him. "You don't want it, or in general, an Ancient Power? I know where a lot of them are."

"Nah, not really. I can already fight so I don't really need a shield. Plus, if things get too much I'll just hide behind you." She winked.

His lips quirked up. "Well, getting the power is quite simple. We just need bread."


"Bread. A lot of bread."

After a bit of threatening, they both had two sacks thrown across their shoulder. They were walking quietly through the city, and yet everyone had their gazes stuck to them. Waiting and waiting. Waiting for the two troublemakers to break something, to make an outrage. Yell and scream. Anything. But the two infamous nobles only continued walking. Their gazes resting heavily on their shoulders.

As they walked through the slums, with Cale walking quicker to get away from the eyes of the people, Adara noticed two dirty children hiding behind a wooden pillar. They both stared at the two nobles with big eyes, almost reminding Adara of cats. Her lips turned into a smile, noticing the familiar features of the Cat Tribe on the children's faces. But Cale was walking faster and she needed to hurry up. At that moment, she felt someone watching her. Someone different. Someone new. She rolled her shoulders, trying to get rid of the subtle trouble.

As they got out of view from everyone and started going up the hill where the Man-Eating Tree was.

"How do you..." Cale started, his voice wavering. "How do you deal with the stares?"

She looked at him, curious. Stares had always followed her since she was born. With her odd appearance in her family of Western-looking people, with the giant scar on her face, with her rude words and unladylike behaviour. "You just ignore them," she said. "Pretend they're not there, pretend they're staring because you're amazing and not because you're trash, whatever works."

"What do you do?"

She inhaled sharply. "I pretend that I'm not there. That they're staring at someone else. Adara Thornwin. That's who they're staring at. The trash who drinks all the time and makes a cruel mockery of everyone. The one with the brother who'd do anything to get rid of her, big or small. The one who's the subject of harsh japes directed at Dark Elves at every social event. The one who's unloved by her family." She blinked, she didn't want to say so much, the words had come out of her mouth.

He raised an eyebrow. "And you're saying you are none of these things?"

She shrugged, suddenly wanting the conversation to be over. "I am, but I am not."

He let out a hum as he started walking again, unsatisfied with her answer yet not wanting to continue persisting. "But you do drink a lot, and break glasses and stuff."

She shot him a look, her lips curving upwards. "That was one time. Besides, it's always Cale who threw the bottles, I just laugh."

Cale grinned, dropping the sack on the ground. "You are a horrible person."

She grinned back, dropping her sack too. "Oh, I know." Turning to the wooden door and the stone walls as tall as Cale. "Is the door locked?"

He frowned, inspecting. "Should be. But it's really old..."

She looked at the walls with a measuring look. "I think we could hop the walls."

He slowly extended his hand out to the old rotted wooden door. "You maybe, I don't want to try." He pushed the door and it creaked open.

"Just how old is this place?" Adara murmured, making a face as they entered inside.

In the middle of the high-walled circle, was a tree. An ancient tree, the branches low and sturdy, the bark dark and dead, no grass around it and no leaves on its branches. It may have been ancient, but it was surely lifeless. Adara smiled slightly, happy with finally being on the hill after the long walk. She froze suddenly. Something was coming towards them, two children. But as soon as she properly looked at the tree something made her pause.

She took a step closer, something pulling her to the tree. But before Cale could pull her back, a thin voice called out, "You—! You can't approach the tree!"

A child? Cale thought, turning around.

He realised it was the two cat-like children he saw earlier. Adara smiled. The older of the two, was taller, had long messy silver hair and peculiar golden eyes. The younger of the two had short coarse maroon hair, as messy as his sister, and the same golden eyes.

"You can't!" the redhead called again. "It's a man-eating tree!"


[Fun Fact]: Adara enjoys fucking with people. Especially if they're torn between decisions, need to be nice to her to hold on to their reputation, or are just assholes themselves. Venion is a perfect example; since he's not officially recognised as the successor (nor is she but he also has a reputation to hold on to as the soon-to-be successor of one of the noblest families) he can't exactly speak back to her, so when they do unfortunately meet, Adara, who has no reputation, can say all she wants, and he can't do anything about it.

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