Business (completed) |H.S|

By Into1D

178K 6.7K 2.7K

1D watty awards winner | Completed| Harry Styles is a psychology student with a bright future, but when his m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Thank you and announcements :)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 63 + thank you so much
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Final Chapter
Sequel (Please read)
New book: Between Devil and Satan

Chapter 40

1.7K 73 24
By Into1D

Instagram - Twitter: Intox1D


- To the world of El Dorado -


The sun started going down at the horizon behind the trees as we made our ways through the woods. The tiredness swallowed me up, especially my legs that almost couldn't support my weight anymore. But the whole fatigue was worth it. Styles and I made a funny stroll in the woods of the surroundings. Almost forgetting the time, we rode our horses and had a picnic in a clearing.

It sounds romantic, something like a couple would do. Nevertheless, our relationship kept holding its mystery, and the more we spent time this way, the more it was mysterious. I didn't know how to feel about this unclear relationship. Styles, with his adorable demeanor, his generosity and his carefulness, upset the person I had been for long time.

I was slowly getting attached to him, which is, for me, the worst thing I could do. I didn't want to re-experience what I felt when Zayn left town. However, even I if tried to avoid him, I wanted to be with him.

"Phew! We're almost there!" I gasped, stopping my black Arab thoroughbred. Its mane was beautiful, a pitch-black one reminding a dark night and its muscles were prominent, making it look like the stallion of gods. But I could feel its fatigue through its frequent neighing.

"Finally. This was the longest stroll I've ever made!" He grumbled. I peeked at him, jumping from his tall white mare. He ended up falling on the high grasses. I heard him groan with pain, as he didn't get up straight away. Running towards him with fear, I saw him laughing out loud but his face held a painful expression.

"Hey you okay?" I asked, skirting around him to check on his state.

"No! Remind me not to ride any horse again!" his voice complained, keeping still on the ground.

"You're so ridiculous! How did you end up there?" I asked him, starting to laugh at his face. High grasses covered his face and jumbled up with his brown hair. His cheeks were dirty with the mud.

"I don't know, but I think I broke a bone." He admitted, sighing deeply.

"Oh my God!" I jumped from my calmness, looking around. We were still a few minutes away from Mr. Julien's house. If he actually broke one of his legs, how would I take him back to the stable? "I'm going to call someone to-"

Shit! I had left my phone in the mansion and Styles did so to avoid Payne.

"I don't have a phone... Um wait here! I'll come back with Mr. Julien!" was all I could say in a panicky voice. I rubbed my forehead, trying to figure out a better way to help him out.

"Hey Eve! Calm down!" he laughed, extending his arm towards me.

"No, no, I come back in a few seconds." I said, putting my foot on the stirrup of his mare. A few drops of sweat ran from my forehead as I saw him getting up. My eyes became round and I could feel fire burn through my veins.

A slim smile formed on his cherry lips. The panic that came through me disappeared within a fraction of second at seeing him looking perfectly fine.

"Don't tell me you... I'm going to kill you Harry Styles!" I yelled, jumping from the mare to fall more graciously on the ground than he did. The palm of my hand ended up on his face but he didn't try to escape it. His cheeky smile, the mud on his face and the grass in his hair made him look like a four-year-old boy who played like a pig. Even though I put all my strength on the slap, he didn't even look to be hurt.

"I tried to tell you but you were panicking so I thought it'd be nice to know your reaction." He confessed, coming closer to me. "If I didn't know you for months, I'd say you were worrying like crazy about a human being, especially me."

He chuckled, pushing his muddy hand on my clean face. I could feel the dirt all over my face with the caress. I backed up as a disgusted expression crept on my face.

"You're the most disgusting human being I've ever met." I let out, rubbing my cheeks.

"You said it yourself, some dirt doesn't kill!" he chuckled, following me with his hands forward. I backed up once again, and then seeing him chasing after me, I skirted around the mare that was neighing with fear.

"Don't you dare touch me with your fùcking hands!" I yelped, rushing away from him and towards my thoroughbred. In a few quick movements, I jumped on the animal and ran away from him. He was struggling once more to get back on his mare. He followed me with a small gallop. Styles was a total amateur and his clumsiness made him incredibly cute.

Since we met, Styles proved me he was sure of himself. He always appeared like a flawless strong man. I couldn't help my chuckle at his gaucherie.

It was so cheesy, a so cheesy scene. Our run looked like one of the dreams young girls made. This was so new to me. Everything was so different for me that I got a bit scared of myself, my own feelings...

"Eve! Wait for me, please!" I could hear him demand from behind me. He was almost pitiful, trying to chase after me with his minable trot.

"No!" was all I could say before it vanished in the cold air of the evening.

I ignored the last words he yelled as I entered the stable with the majestic horse. Mr. Julien was in the stable, brushing the coat of one of his old mares. I jumped from the animal and guided it to its box.

"How was the stroll, Evelyn?" he asked, smiling with his yellowish teeth. I lightly smiled, as the feeling of tiredness finally seemed to engulf me.

"Good." I stated, picking one brush from the water bucket to groom the horse.

"And the boy? What was his name again?" he scratched his head, looking out the doors. Styles wasn't still there, surely trying to force his mare go.

"Styles... I mean Harry." I corrected myself. I didn't know how to get over my habit to call people from work with their family name.

Mr. Julien stopped grooming the mare, looking at me. His task wasn't even done and he already took a smoking pause. His back leant on the pillar in the middle of the stable.

"Now that we're alone, tell me about your life. Since you left school, I didn't hear much about you. I thought you had become one of those filthy rich people who don't care about none other but themselves. I'm happy to see you as a radiant woman and with someone." A smile spread all over his wrinkled face. No reaction on my face. But my mind was split into shreds. At this precise moment, he actually thought I was an average person with average habits.

Do I look radiant?Do I look happy? No one ever saw me as happy. Happy in the deepest sense. Not the happiness you feel when you've got something you wanted, but the happiness you feel that you can't explain. When some euphoria got over you for no reason, it's just total calmness without any problem. That's how I looked like to Mr. Julien. But the worst was that he thought I wasn't one of those filthy rich people who don't care about none other but themselves. How would he react if he knew? I realized how much my image affected people.

"Oh" my voice slightly murmured, not daring to look at him straight in the eyes. I heard a neighing outside, marking Styles' arrival. My hand let go of the brush as he entered the stable. It fell on my boot, hurting me just a tiny bit.

He seemed utterly exhausted by the stroll. I could understand him, however, I chuckled at him. He swept the mud away from his face, making it spread even more.

"I'm not doing this anymore. Never." He squeaked between two sighs.

"Ha! Just take a rest in my house and we'll have dinner in a little hour." Mr. Julien said, putting his wet hand on Styles' shoulder.

"But we have to go before it gets dark." I snapped, looking at my watch. After a long day, I finally realized I had been out without telling anyone. Everyone should be freaking out about the two of us. It's not like we were children, but I was too important for them to lose in this poor village.

"I don't think I have strength to take the wheel anymore. Let's sleep over here and we'll explain them tomorrow." Styles agreed with Mr. Julien. I guessed his pretext to stay was totally fake, it was just another way to keep me stay with him.

"Fine, but if someone yells at me, then you'll be at fault." I said, pointing at him with menacing eyes. "You too Mr. Julien."

"We're men Eve, we're not scared of anyone. Not even your mother in person." The old man said, with his cigarette between his lips.

-- -- -- -- --

Harry's POV

"I guess you two want separate rooms since you're not together." Julien stated, showing us off the place where we could sleep. I could see the little mischievousness in the faint light in his eyes. I didn't get much time to talk to him, since I ended up observing him and Evelyn. Somehow, he acted fatherly with her. His demeanor remained radical, with his overreactions but I guess that's what happens when you live alone for years.

The room we were in was apparently his son's who left to live with his fiancée. It was a very small space but I guess I'd sleep even on the hay in the stable to get some rest.

"But the problem is that one of you is going to sleep with me and the other one in my son's old room." He added with a sharp laughter. Evelyn threw me a mocking glance.

There was no way she was forcing me into sleeping in the same room as him. But with her insistent gaze, I could tell she actually was.

"No, we'll take the same room then." I replied sitting at the edge of the bed that smelled like dust.

The old man laughed at us, leaving the room calmly. He stopped at the doorstep, scratching his head lazily.

"Good, but my room is just close to this so don't wake me up with any kind of noise." He muttered before definitely leaving, slamming the door behind him.

I knew he wasn't dumb enough to swallow this thing about me and Evelyn being just friends.

I stretched out my arms to yawn a good time before removing my shirt and my dirty boots. I immediately fell on my back on the hard mattress. Taking a deep sigh, I felt the sleepiness reaching me. As I closed my eyes, I could feel hers on me.

"Yes Eve?" I questioned, yawning again. She gave me little shakes on the leg but I didn't move. Once in bed, I felt all the pain and weight amassed in my legs and thighs. I was so tired that I had decided to skip my shower time.

"Pull away, I want to sleep." She ordered, attempting to push me closer to the faded-coloured wall. I lazily pushed myself away to spare her some more physical efforts. "Please!"

"I'm moving!"

"No you aren't! Move your ass, you take my place!" her voice raised by a few octaves and I have to admit I liked when she started to get mad. I could picture her face burning up and her eyes disappearing under her eyelids to give me one of her frightening glares.

"Kids!" We both heard from the room nextdoor. It was Julien's grumble. "I told you to keep the volume lower!"

She finished off laughing out loud as her hands settled on my belly to push me.

"Listen! We woke him up. So pull away!" She insisted, tugging at my jeans. My eyes popped open to look at her face. Her nose and cheeks were red and her eyes threw me the menacing gaze.

I finally decided to move, for some reason. I guess fighting with her was pointless, even if it was fun to see her go angry. A smile couldn't be suppressed from my lips. She raised her eyebrow, leaning in closer to me.

"Why are you looking at me that way?" she asked. Extending the two of my arms, I drew her closer to me by seizing her by her shoulders.

Her new blue eyes were mesmerizing. They seemed to change her usual self. I took delight in looking at her straight in the eyes. The blue was beautiful, making her look happier and ... nicer. The dark she held disappeared along with her dark eyes.

"Nothing. Let's sleep, shall we?" I whispered into her ear. She fell onto me, making me grumble painfully. She might look slim but her body weighed on my belly. I let her move to the other side of the bed.

I didn't know anymore if I was with Evelyn for the first reason I had. For the last days, our relationship came to another level. However, I wasn't going to make a big deal of the situation. I prefered not to think too much about it. We were just there to have some fun and forget that we had responsibilities and work outside.

Her face approached mine. I wrapped my arm around her waist and the other one around her neck. She was still wearing a thick jacket, her short pants and brown boots. I leant in the crook of her neck to blow hot air on her cold skin. Her arm wrapped around me, placing a little kiss on my cheek.

"Tonight again, Eve?" I laughed since we both were exhausted. She chuckled, tugging at my strands of hair.

"Of course, we're going back to our boring life tomorrow and I want to have fun." She answered before pressing her lips to mine.

"That's why I like you."

I hovered over her, pressing my lips against hers. She immediately responded by pulling me closer to her. Eve's thirstiness would always surprise me. I enjoyed feeling her curve at my touches, hearing her slowly whimper and sensing her breath go faster every second we touch. Our eyes locked as our lips parted. Seizing the tails of her jacket, I slowly removed it as her skin progressively showed off to my eyes. I felt a bit disappointed at seeing another layer of clothes under the jacket that had been thrown off the bed. My lips hit the skin of her bare shoulder, to warm her up.

I felt myself growing in my jeans as I stroked more of her skin. Oddly, her body didn't move and she made no noise.

Then, I proceeded to kiss her on the lips. When I saw her face, I noticed her eyes close and her mouth wide open. She was sleeping. Feeling like a complete idiot, I slightly laughed even though I felt a bit frustrated for not finishing. But I couldn't obviously blame her for sleeping. The both of us were tired. I observed her sleep as I moved to the side. Her traits were soft and a few strands of her brown hair were stuck to her forehead because of the sweat.

I caressed her face, smiling foolishly at the sleeping beauty in front of me. Pulling the covers over us, I laid on the bed, facing her.

-- -- -- -- --

I rolled over the bed. I couldn't feel my legs anymore, they were somewhat flying in the air. My eyes were tightly shut, but the sunlight triggered them to pop open. I suddenly realized I had been sleeping with Evelyn, which was very strange.

Pushing my eyes open, I discovered a bed where Evelyn didn't lie anymore. I was occupying the whole place. It didn't astonish me. She happened to be the kind of person who hates waking up to a man's face in the morning. If Julien gave us separate rooms to sleep and if she weren't too tired, she wouldn't even sleep with me. She surely abhorred this type of relationship.

Then, yells were heard at the back of the room. My body heavily got off the bed, it was hard for me to walk. I assumed the night of sleep wasn't enough for me. I dragged myself along towards the door. My hand reached for the knob but the door was opened from outside, slamming my face as well.

As I attempted to forget about the pain in the middle of my forehead, I backed up to see Evelyn rushing into the room. She was barefoot, walking in on tiptoe. Her fast pace informed me about her strong infuriation, but why did she look so furious?

"Hey Eve!" I greeted, but it seemed to be a bad idea.

Someone entered the room the way Evelyn did, followed by another one. The first person happened to be Evelyn's mother who walked in, bombarding the room with her pricy fragrance. Her eyes fell on me, turning round.

"You were here with him? You let everyone look for you for hours and you're having your time with this man in this slum!" she yelled, flashing a glare at Evelyn. Mr. Julien entered the room with Francia who looked at the scene with fear. We all indirectly agreed not to say anything, shocked by the violence of her tone.

"You're not commanding me! I'm old enough to choose." Evelyn defended herself, taking her boots. The discussion was a bit tough between them, definitely erasing the sleepy traits off my face.

"Calm down Helen! You can't just come here this way! Get out of my property!" Julien said to protect Evelyn. However, it didn't change anything. No one could bring her maddened mind to reason.

"I do what I want Julian." She said. The familiarities between Helen Sethi and the teacher obviously stated this wasn't the first time they got into a fight. She was approaching Eve with large pace. I stopped her before she could even make another step. Her face couldn't show better the rage that tortured her.

"Move out of my way!"




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