Night of the Living Bitches...

By __thedynamos__

1.5K 270 37

Two girls finding their way through the apocalypse....what could go wrong? Started: July 7th, 2022 Ended: Oct... More

Chapter 1: New Friends?
Chapter 2: Blood-Soaked Jacket
Chapter 3: You Can't Die
Chapter 4: Never Be Alone
Chapter 5: Calum
Chapter 6: Shopping Center
Chapter 7: Back at the House
Chapter 8: Promise
Chapter 9: Handyman
Chapter 10: Trust Me
Chapter 11: The Barn
Chapter 12: Strictly Platonic
Chapter 13: Annoying Little Sister
Chapter 14: RIP Wawa
Chapter 15: Train Car
Chapter 16: The Crowbar
Chapter 17: Nialls Backpack
Chapter 18: Rabbit
Chapter 19: Tensions Rising
Chapter 20: Truth or Dare
Chapter 22: Field of Wildflowers and Stone
Chapter 23: Blender
Chapter 24: Clifford
Chapter 25: Jackpot
Part 26: Party Time
Part 27: Barbie Mobile
Chapter 28: Tea!
Chapter 29: jealousy jealousy
Chapter 30: Leaving Him Behind
Chapter 31: Eggs Smush Wonky
Chapter 32: Crumbing Ground
Chapter 33: Manhattan
Chapter 34: tomatoes
Chapter 35: Uno
Chapter 36: Axe
Chapter 37: The Letter
Chapter 38: Deciding
Chapter 39: Dead Inside
Chapter 40: Love and Loss
Chapter 41: Time
Chapter 42: Grieving
Chapter 43: supply run
Chapter 44: unexpected relations
Chapter 45: Badass Status
Chapter 46: the truth
Chapter 47: Erica vs. Luke
Chapter 48: fighting back
Chapter 49: friends with benefits
Chapter 50: Anniversary
Chapter 51: eyes
Chapter 52: Two Weeks Late
Chapter 53: pinky promise
Chapter 54: Zombie Killer
Chapter 55: Him
Chapter 56: Any Day Now
Chapter 57: Seven Years Later
Chapter 58: Brown Leather Jacket
Chapter 59: Hunting
Chapter 60: Airborne
Chapter 61: hospital
Chapter 62: Turned
Chapter 63: Taking Charge
Chapter 64: Backlash
Chapter 65: Blood and Guts
Chapter 66: Decisions
Chapter 67: Petty
Chapter 68: Lower Your Weapon
Chapter 69: A Strange Encounter
Chapter 70: Haunted
Chapter 71: Grieving
Chapter 72: Cabin in the Woods
Chapter 73: rambo
Chapter 74: Duffle Bag
Chapter 75: Reunited
Chapter 76: A Week
Chapter 77: Glamorous Living
Chapter 78: Hot Chocolate
Chapter 79: Missing Jewlery
Chapter 80: A Dream
Chapter 81: Staying In Position
Chapter 82: Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chapter 83: the final era

Chapter 21: Taken

22 5 0
By __thedynamos__

Vote. Comment. Enjoy!




-Erica's POV-

"How's the ankle?" I ask Jensen as he walks out of the train car. He gives me a thumbs up joining me at the fire to make breakfast.

"Is everyone ready for the mission today?" He asks, helping me empty some cans into the pot. It's been two weeks since the truth or dare game. Jensen's ankle is pretty much completely healed unless he overdoes it. Michael is also becoming more and more familiar with life without a second hand. It's impressive how positive he is about relearning simple tasks. Ashton and Calum found a shoe store and got him new shoes that don't have laces on them.

"What's cooking good-looking?" Calum says giving me a quick kiss. I fake gag at the comment before passing him a bowl.

"I'm sorry but even I thought that was nasty," Jensen says making us both laugh.

"Ready for the mission?" He asks us.

"Are we still sure splitting up is a good idea? Especially after last time?" I ask.

"It's the best thing for us to do. We have 9 people in our group. The more land we search the better," Jensen points out. I nod my head filling bowls with the little food we have left. It's going a lot faster than we thought but it's worth it to have new friends. I excuse myself for a moment to gather everyone so we don't waste time.

"Knock knock. Time is ticking people we still have to decide who's in what group," I point out. Everyone slowly filters out of the train with their bags walking to the fire. I feel like a parent forcing their kids to get ready for school.

"Who wants to pick the groups?" Jared asks.

"Michael and Jensen are stuck with me so I can keep an eye on their injuries," Ashton says. The pair happily walk over to him like we are choosing dodgeball teams.

"If I'm picked last I'm starting my own team," Calum jokes while finishing his breakfast.

"I choose Abigail and Calum then," Jared says. Calum runs over giving him a crisp high-five with a big smile. Now we have Abigail, Calum, and Jared on one team and Michael, Ashton, and Jensen on the other.

"I'll choose Erica and Kyleigh. I think they would freak out if they were separated from one another," Ashton says making us laugh. We both happily walk over to his side. Calum and I wave goodbye to each other as Jared picks Luke for his team.

The final groups are:

Jared: Luke, Abigail, and Calum

Ashton: Kyleigh, Michael, Jensen, and me

"Is everyone ready? Everyone has their weapons?" Ashton asks. We all make sure we have everything we need before deciding which group takes which path. Its going to be a long day, especially if we find good food and have to lug it back.

"Our group can go this way into town," he says circling the area with his finger, "They will go to the next town over to see what they have to offer. The walkie-talkies won't be able to reach each other because of the distance," Luke announces to everyone.

"Let's get a move on," Jensen says walking over to Jared and giving him a hug. One by one everyone says goodbye just in case it's our last. I start walking away from Calum when he pulls me back for another kiss.

"Stay safe out there," he whispers, wrapping his arms around me.

"I better see you tonight," I tell him walking back to the group. Kyleigh and I wave goodbye as we start walking toward the next town. Ashton is leading us to a shortcut that cuts through the woods.

"Soooooo, what's one thing everyone really hopes to find?" Kyleigh asks once we get a steady pace.

"This is gonna sound dumb but I really want to find a candy bar," Ashton says making everyone smile.

"Any food besides beans or gross canned foods would be amazing," Kyleigh says.

"I want to find more Polaroid film and a photo album," I tell them.

"Polaroid film?" Jensen asks, glancing back at Kyleigh and me.

"Our friends Shawn and Niall passed away not too long ago but they took a Polaroid picture of themselves so we always have them with us," Kyleigh tells him.

"That's sweet. Would you mind if Jared, Abigail, and I took one?" He asks sounding unsure if he should be asking. Kyleigh and I smile at each other excited that he wants to take a photo.

"Of course, that's the whole point," I smile. We continue talking for a short while until we notice a fence in the distance.

"Do you think we could hop it?" Ashton asks, looking back at us.

"I would struggle a lot," I say with a laugh.

"Ashton and Jensen can jump the fence to scope it out. Climbing with one arm seems impossible right now," Michael says holding up his wrapped arm. They nod their heads and climb up with ease. Show-offs. They tell us to come around so the three of us try to find a gate.

"Thank God. I don't think I'd be able to climb up," Kyleigh says making us laugh.

"Even with two hands I wouldn't be able to climb that big fence," he tells us. I'm excited to be out and about with a group again. It's dangerous but it's always thrilling to find new things.

"Hey, this way," Kyleigh says leading us through a hole in the fencing. I hold it back for Michael and throw my bag through first so it doesn't get caught. When we pick up our belongings again we can see the boys in the distance. Ashton and Jensen wave us over to a house that stands alone.

Ashton lifts up the garage letting dust fly through the air and a rotten smell hit our noses. I cover my face not wanting to vomit from the overwhelming aroma. We take a closer look in seeing dead walkers piled high inside.

"Who would do this?" I whisper, taking my knife and moving a body to see how many there are. At least 30 dead walkers fill the tiny garage. Ashton shuts the garage so the smell is masked as we walk around to the front door.

"We should be careful. We don't know who's out there and what they're like," Jensen whispers. I look at Kyleigh and see an uneasy expression on her face as we slowly enter the house.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I don't think we should be here," I whisper. Jensen puts an arm out stopping us. He puts a finger in front of his mouth telling us to be quiet. Ashton follows his eyesight before pointing to a microphone in the corner of the room. They slowly back us out of the house to tell us what's happening when we get surrounded.

"Put the weapons down and we won't shoot," a guy demands. I feel my pulse quicken and the color from my face disappears. I drop my knife following what the man says. I look at the group and see them putting their weapons down as well, "Why are you here?" Another guy yells.

"Looking for food. Didn't know this land was claimed," Ashton says back.

"The bodies in the garage weren't a giveaway. Who sent you?" The first man yells.

"Nobody. We can leave now and you'll never see us again," Jensen says. They walk closer to us like they are inspecting us. I look down at the floor until one of the men steps in front of me. My heart drops as he lifts my head. I meet his brown eyes as he inspects the scar on my face.

"What happened?" He asks.

"During a storm a piece of wood hit me," I tell him. I feel Kyleigh looking at me and want to scream but the man's gun prevents me from moving.

"We don't want to hurt you. We just wanna make sure you guys aren't dangerous," he tells me. I give him a confused look when his friend pulls him back.

"Go and don't come back. If we see you again we will shoot you," he yells.

"Who are you guys?" Jensen asks. The man smacks him in the face with his gun sending him back a little. I go to help him but they point the gun at me. I slowly back up looking over to see him spitting blood. They motion their guns back where we came and we start moving. I help Jensen down the stairs looking back at the guy who was talking to me. He looks guilty and out of place next to his friends. With one last look back they disappear behind the fence. Ashton looks at Jensen's face and tells him there is nothing we can do besides let it bruise and heal.

"What the fuck just happened?" Michael whisper yells as we start walking back.

"I don't know but we are not safe here anymore," Ashton says. Kyleigh and I follow behind the guys when we hear rustling in the woods. I look back and see the guy who was talking to me.

"One of them is coming," I whisper. We all start sprinting towards the train trying to lose him in the woods.

"This way," Kyleigh yells, bringing us towards the town the other guys are in. It's best not to bring them to our camp. We pause for a moment when I hear movement behind us. I catch my breath realizing my pants are stuck on a log. I tell them to go but Jensen stops to help me get the fabric out. He finally managed to get them free when we hear a gun cock.

"Don't move," they whisper. We both stand up and turn around and see the guy from before. He aims the gun at my face as he speaks. I cower back pressing my back into Jensen. I turn my head to the side and see Ashton and yell for him to run. The man sees Ashton and aims his gun but I tackle him not wanting him to see where he goes, "Stand up and don't move," he shouts, pinning me to the ground. Jensen goes to grab him but he shoots his gun just missing his foot.

"I'm not here to hurt you. If you would just listen," he says sounding frustrated. He tells us to start walking back to where we just ran from.

"You told us to leave so why did you come after us?" I ask, out of breath from running away.

"The group...we didn't trust you wouldn't do anything stupid so I was ordered to get some leverage on you," he tells us. I look at him and he quickly looks away ashamed of what he's saying.

"Are you going to kill us?" Jensen asks. I look over at him and he's trying to come up with a plan that won't get us shot.

"No. We just want to talk to you. Figure out who you guys are and why you're here," he says.

"We are just trying to survive like you. We don't fight humans we just fight the dead," I tell him trying to get us out of here. We make it back to the fence and he tells us to hurry up as we climb our way through. I stumble a little bit holding onto Jensen as we walk in what seems to be a random direction.

He stops us in front of a house with two guys standing on guard outside. He walks us inside and slings the gun around his shoulder bringing us to the basement. Jensen tries to fight but gets pushed almost sending him down the stairs. The man passes us water and some snacks telling us to sit on the couches. I look around the room and see the bright wallpaper starting to peel at the corners. When I saw we were going to a basement I figured we would be tied to the wall not handed food and drinks.

"This isn't a prison. I swear they just want to talk. No one it's getting hurt I promise," he says with a smile. It's sweet and sincere calming my nerves a little, "my name is Dylan by the way," he says jogging up the stairs. Once the door shuts he goes to speak but freezes. I turn around and see a camera and microphone just like the other house. He wraps his arms around me putting his head in the crook of my neck.

"We need to figure out a way to get out of here," he whispers. The door opens back up so we pull away and three guys come down.

"Welcome," the man starts as the other two guys walk to the sides of the room, "my name is Harry and I've just got a couple questions for you," he says.

"Why were we forced to come here?" Jensen asks. One of the guards starts walking towards him when Harry puts a hand up.

"Not yet. Like I said a couple questions. Where are you guys camping out?" He asks. Jensen goes to speak when he points to me.

"We aren't. We just stumbled across this place looking for food and shelter," I lie. Harry raises his hand signaling the guard. Harry asks one more time and I give him the same answer trying to protect the others. I try to convince him when the guard collides his fist with my face. I fall to the ground gasping for air. I keep my face to the floor feeling blood pool in my mouth. Jensen yells my name going to help as the other guard holds him back.

"This is what happens when you lie. If you tell the truth nothing else will happen," he says clicking his teeth.

"What do you want from us?" I whisper, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Where are you guys staying?" He asks, squatting down and lifting my head. I spit the blood in his face and he just smiles, "so be it," he says walking up the stairs. The guard comes back over kicking me in the side. I can't help but scream as Jensen gets held back being forced to watch. He slams his foot one last time before walking up the stairs with his friend. I can only hear Jensen calling my name before the pain becomes overwhelming.


I groan at the pain in my side feeling hands in my hair. I go to sit up and realize it's Jensen. The pain sets in, hitting me like a truck and making me want to double over in anguish.

"What's happening?" I whisper as tears streak down my face.

"It's been hours and nothing. You passed out after they left so I put you on the are you feeling?" He asks, helping me to sit up.

"Everything hurts and I just want to be with Calum," I whisper. He tells me to shush because of the cameras. He tries to catch me up on what's happening when the door opens and Dylan comes down with a tray of food. Jensen stands up but Dylan tells him to stop or they will come down again.

"I'm sorry this has happened. It wasn't supposed to be this way. I brought ice for you," he says motioning toward me. He walks over frantically handing it to me watching as I wince from the movement. He kneels down and places what looks like coffee and tea in front of us, "I turned the cameras off. Please eat before they realize," he whispers.

"Why are you doing this?" Jensen asks, putting a protective arm over me.

"Life will never be the same if we turn on the living," he says, walking up the stairs. He shuts and locks the door behind him leaving us in the basement again.

"How do we get out of here?" He says thinking out loud. He gets off the couch and walks around. He goes to the window and tries to open it but it's painted shut. It's not even big enough to fit a toddler through, let alone two adults. Jensen sits back down after a couple minutes of pacing.

"I'm gonna kick his ass," he mumbles, looking at the bruise that stands out on my cheek. This isn't how its supposed to be. We should be at home unloading our haul of food and random finds. We should all be laughing about the stories we have...getting to know each other more, "Jensen I dont want to die," I whisper.

He turns to me quickly shaking his head. He pulls my legs over his lap, holding my torso to his chest. He presses the ice on my bruising skin for me as I break down in his arms.

"No one is dying today. If Kyleigh knew I let them touch you she'd have me by the neck," he whispers making me laugh. I wipe the tears from my eyes and jump when the door opens. It's Dylan again.

"They went out on a mission. You guys can relax for now," he tells us.

"Why not just let us leave?" Jensen asks getting more and more frustrated with him.

"Cause then I would be shot. We have to plan this right. My friend Tyler is upstairs and we are trying to figure out a way to escape without being caught. Once you step in this gate you're watched 24/7," he tells us.

"How much longer are we going to be trapped down here?" I groan, dropping my head onto Jensens shoulder. We have to warn the others about what's out there. Everything's been calm since the other group joined ours. I would have never guessed this was going to happen.

"Hopefully not much longer but I can't make any promises. The microphone in the corner is just to scare people by the way. The camera however is real so be careful," he tells us.

"This has to be a trap. Why should we trust you?" I ask looking him in the eyes.

"You don't have any other choice. Hopefully, your friends aren't stupid enough to try and break into this place. There are traps everywhere," he tells us. Loud footsteps shake the ceiling above us making Dylan's eyes go wide. He puts his gun back on his shoulder and runs back upstairs putting his ear to the door before walking out. Jensen and I sit in silence for what feels like hours until we hear more movement. The sound of tables moving and chairs breaking bring Jensen to his feet. The door flings open and thats when I see Ashton and Michael being forced down here. Michael's arm is dripping fresh blood as Ashton looks at me with wide eyes. The men leave us alone shortly after they rushed the boys down. Ashton runs over wrapping his arms around me.

"Erica, what happened?" he whispers, pulling back slightly. Jensen helps a weary looking Michael sit down. How much blood has he lost to be acting so woozy.

"Wheres Kyleigh? She was with you guys wasn't she?" I ask feeling like I could cry from the lack of information.

"They let her go to warn the others that they have us. They followed us and we almost made it back to the other group. They caught up to use once the walkie talkies were in bound with each other," he tells us.

"How long have we been down here?" Jensen asks, looking away from Michael for a moment.

"Its night now. We got lost in the woods for a while and it took up a forever to find where we even started. When we were running from them we took a lot of back roads and tried to spin them around and got lost," michael says struggling to say a cohearent sentence.

"Do you think Kyleigh got to the other group? How do we know they aren't just following her?" I ask confused. None of this makes sense. They are doing this to scare us. What do they even want? We don't have anything they would want and we aren't powerful enough to do anything to them.

"We don't know. Nothing is making sense," Michael says. Jensen stands up ripping the bottom of his shirt to tie it around Michaels hand. As Jensen works at stopping the bleeding, Michael passes out from the amount of blood that has spilled onto the floor.

"We need to get this covered soon or hes not gonna make it," Jensen says. I look at the camera in the corner of the room and throw a pillow at it to try and get someone's attention. No matter what we do no one will come down here. Dylan is probably trapped upstairs becuase they are all back. I sit back down on the couch and cringe at the metallic taste that's been trapped in my mouth for hours. Ashton walks over and asks if he can check on my injuries.

"Lift your shirt so I can see the bruising," he whispers.

"I'm dating your best friend Irwin, stop trying to come onto me,' I tease trying to lighten the mood as I lift the shirt. His face is unreadable until he sees my back. Its already becoming dark with bruising.

"You might have some cracked ribs but you should be fine if you rest. I'm not talking about Kyleigh and Michael rest either. Full on bed ridden or you'll make it worse and pop a lung or something," he tells me.

"Its not like I have a choice down here," I point out. Jensen sits behind me putting my head in his lap as Ashton tries to cover more of Michaels wound with our clothing. The only other fabric down here is from the couch but it wouldn't rip away easily. We can only pray that Kyleigh has made her way back to the other group.

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