Gaze Detection | Jikook |

By Sincerely_Jikook

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"I'm not built to feel, but with you... it's possible..." In a world filled with Androids and Gynoids co-exis... More

Chapter 1: The 'Boy' Next Door
Chapter 2: An Android's purpose
Chapter 3: Sapphire eyes
Chapter 4: My Question
Chapter 5: Making Connections
Chapter 6: Who I Am
Chapter 7: My Biggest Fear
Chapter 8: No Different
Chapter 9: A Filled Mind
Chapter 10: High Frequency
Chapter 11: Just Like Him
Chapter 12: A Lost Cause
Chapter 13: Just a Stare
Chapter 14: The One That Got Away
Chapter 15: All I Know
Chapter 16: Nothing's Changed
Chapter 17: My Protection
Chapter 18: Lost In You
Chapter 19: His Dreamcatcher
Chapter 20: You Don't Scare Me
Chapter 21: An Abomination
Chapter 22: I'm Here
Chapter 23: Curiosity Killed The Cat
Chapter 24: Trust
Chapter 26: Head In The Clouds
Chapter 27: Envy
Chapter 28: Moving On
Chapter 29: Follow My Lead
Chapter 30: Kiss Me
Chapter 31: I Promise
Chapter 32: What Are You Afraid Of?
Chapter 33: Are you Curious?
Chapter 34: Only if You're Ready~
Chapter 35: All That I Am~
Chapter 36: Attached~
Chapter 37: These Four Walls
Chapter 38: I'm Onto You
Chapter 39: What's wrong with You?
Chapter 40: You Don't Love Me
Chapter 41: Jumping to Conclusions
Chapter 42: It's Been A While
Chapter 43: The Defect
Chapter 44: The Night
Chapter 45: Own~
Chapter 46: Someone to Trust~
Chapter 47: He's Here
Chapter 48: Forget
Chapter 49: All That I Am
Chapter 50: The Red Flags
Chapter 51: Blind
Chapter 52: He's the Problem
Chapter 53: The Bad Apple
Chapter 54: Something in the Air~
Chapter 55: An Empty Mind~
Chapter 56: Embrace the Moment~
Chapter 57: A Bad Idea
Chapter 58: What I've Become
Chapter 59: All the Little Things
Chapter 60: We go way back
Chapter 61: I Love You
Chapter 62: Acceptance
Chapter 63: Goodbye, Sapphire Eyes
Chapter 64: Right from Wrong
Chapter 65: At the End of it All
Chapter 66: A Final Tear Drop
Chapter 67: Last Chance
Chapter 68: Only for You
Chapter 69: The Lonely Man
Chapter 70: A Change of Heart
Chapter 71: At Ease
Chapter 72: Nothing More and Nothing Less (FINALE)

Chapter 25: A Failed Experiment

1.2K 155 41
By Sincerely_Jikook

"I..." Jimin was now at a loss for words. He couldn't seem to focus on what he had planned to say before Jungkook looked him in the eyes and brought out the infatuation he had towards the android. Could it be possible that this android was all that he needed to move on from his past lover? Jimin didn't know the answer to that yet, but he didn't push the android away because of it.

Deep down the young man knew how badly he wanted to move on. He wanted to step away from the thought of Min Yoongi haunting the place where his heart should stand, so he allowed anything to come save him from his solitude. Jimin remained there, blushing, and constantly scrambling for the words he wanted to say about Yoongi but nothing came out. As this went on, Jungkook's charming smile cancelled out all the chilling glare that often concerned Jimin and left him feeling on the edge at times.

"Take your time... I'm not going anywhere~" Jungkook's soft voice sliding into Jimin's mind so carefully, only caused Jimin to become speechless. It was now that he began to face all the sweet parts to Jungkook and blush at every second the android spent looking and comforting him with his whispers.

Right there, Jungkook raised his hand slowly and reached towards Jimin to give him a gentle pat on the head.


"Go on...."

"I... I wanted him to stay...." Jimin finally found the words to keep going. "I wanted him to stay... so badly, but he didn't and it's all because he thought he could handle taking in too much when he couldn't. He knew how much I wanted to talk to him about my fears and he wanted to help..." the young man went on and looked away from Jungkook as he resumed holding the pillow dear to his body once again. "He only wanted to help but taking in too much is the downside of these androids. They aren't built for too much... That's why they tend to distract humans from their problems. But you..." Jimin tied the conversation back to the android before him. "But you're so much different...I'm glad you'll be okay after this. It's tough to move on and I'm sorry that it's hard for me, I can go days without thinking of him but he will always sit here..."


"On my heart.... Right where he left the broken cracks..." Jimin answered and teared up. "I want to move on..."

"Then..." Jungkook mentioned and moved in closer to the point where he was able to set his hands over Jimin's; loosening the grip the human had over the pillow and looking into his teary eyes. "I can help you... I can help you move on..."

"You..." Jimin stopped himself from saying another word as he looked down to realize that his small hands were completely hidden under Jungkook's grasp. The second his gaze locked onto the contact they shared, Jimin's face returned to the cute rosy red hue over his pale face. "You don't have to..."

"I want to, I'm here to help, right? To protect you... I want to do that for you, Jimin," Jungkook whispered softly. His hands slowly pulled away from Jimin's grasps, yet their eyes never pulled away from each other. They were stuck inside each other's worlds and neither of them wanted to break free from this. "That's what friends are for, right?"

"Right... friends..." Jimin thought and felt the pillow underneath his palms slide away until Jungkook completely removed the pillow and resumed making the charming smile that tended to distract Jimin from his chilling stare.

"In order to help you move on... why don't we... go to the beach someday? It has to be the same beach you have there on your lockscreen...."

"I can't... that place has too many memories I've shared with Yoongi... I don't think I could do it, I-"

"Yes you can," Jungkook continued and tilted his head into the direction Jimin's gaze began to look towards. There was never a moment where Jimin could break eye contact from the android now. Of course, Jungkook made sure Jimin couldn't. "And you will... you're going to be strong enough because I'll be there. Don't tie the beach with sad memories... or else you will never move on. Do you understand me?"

"Yes..." Jimin replied and shoved away his fears at that instant while the tone of a beautiful red color doubled and the wonderful glow over his cheeks brightened. "I'll do it..." Jimin answered as he kept his eyes tracing the cloud-like lips of the android before him.

He was curious; despite the many thoughts he had circulating his head along with the growing infatuation he had over this robot, deep down, the young man wondered if Jungkook could truly read his feelings. With a stare as chilling as that, Jimin was sure Jungkook could read his mind so he was always speechless even in his own head where his own voice was the population. But somehow, Jungkook's soothing and warm voice always tended to plant itself into it.

Once Jungkook pulled the pillow away, all of Jimin's thoughts about Yoongi began to disappear. After opening up and listening to Jungkook, he didn't find the reason as to why he should dwell on his pain any longer. He wanted to move on completely and Jungkook offered that, so he couldn't push this away anymore. The android before him offered the protection and the support he always wanted. In a way, Jimin knew that Jungkook was going to help him become independent in life for the long run.

"It's getting late, do you... want to keep talking? Or do you want to go to sleep?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin smiled and looked away to hide the blush over his face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... Ah, I'm not... sleepy at all. Let's just stay up and talk!" Jimin replied with a big smile as Jungkook raised his hand up to Jimin's head once more and gave him a gentle pat.

"I shouldn't keep you up... but it is better than just laying here and wasting energy while you sleep. What do you want to talk about?"

"Anything! Ask me anything and I'll ask you anything..."

"Okay," Jungkook answered and finally looked away from Jimin to look around the room. "Do you ever think you'll have something as beautiful as what you had with Yoongi, again? Relationship wise..."

"I... I know... what Yoongi and I had was special, but now that I no longer have it, that doesn't mean I'll never have something as beautiful as that again. Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

"I'm glad you aren't hung up on it most of the time. Even if it's recent, You're staying strong and I admire that."

"Yeah, it's not easy. At times it gets to me but I think... with having you here to support me, it won't bother me anymore," Jimin answered and laid back onto the bed as Jungkook remained sitting up with a straight posture. "But... I've been alone before him and I don't mind being alone now when you're not here. I'm always to myself."

"You don't mind being alone?" The android questioned and made a smile. "Do you really? It's easy for a human to say that and seem fine with the solitude, but it's not easy for them to accept it."

"The... fact that you know so much about humans... is very concerning," Jimin joked along and giggled, noting how Jungkook smiled at the sound of the charming giggle he spewed from in between his plump lips. "I... I don't know, I like being alone at times... and then I don't. It's confusing, really."

"I understand that," Jungkook replied and continued to look at a few objects within the room. "I know... many things about humans... only because I'm very intrigued by their existence," Jungkook confessed and slowly ran his hands down his thighs and set them on his knees. "I like to observe... and study them. Each and every human is different and special and I just find it so interesting."

"I think you're the only android that thinks this way. Yoongi was never like this and neither is Taehyung," Jimin mentioned and circulated his index fingers against each other. "You're an interesting creation, I've never heard of an android like this before... but I don't regret it. I like that you're different and more realistic than the rest. You are capable of handling information... you're not like the others, Jungkook and I adore that from you."

"You do?" Jungkook asked with a soft whisper as he watched Jimin nod his head and continue looking at the ceiling as he laid back. At that moment, the color of Jungkook's irises shifted from a blue color to a pink tone. But just before Jungkook could dwell on that feeling longer, he closed his eyes quickly and opened them to the usual blue color. Being able to control his emotions and hide what he didn't want to show.

"Of course I do, you're a great creation that at times... I forget you're not human." Jimin continued and let out a chuckle. "I wish all creations were just like you."

"No you don't," Jungkook instantly answered and listened to Jimin giggle and shake his head. "You don't... there could be things... many things wrong with me and you wouldn't know. I could be the most dangerous creation out there and you wouldn't have a clue,"

"You don't scare me Jungkook. If you were the most dangerous android ever made... you would have harmed me already but you haven't. You haven't harmed me and all you do is protect me. I think... you're better than the words you make yourself out to be. I think you're a great creation and I'm glad to be here with you tonight...."

Jungkook turned his face away as he couldn't contain the cherry blossom color in his beautiful doll-like eyes. Jungkook only continued the smile as he kept his face pointed away from Jimin, hiding the color of his eyes and the red surfacing over his pale and smooth skin. At that very second, he listened to Jimin sit up on the bed and sensed his hand reaching out to him now. Only then, Jungkook was able to quickly control his emotions before looking back and catching Jimin in the process of reaching his hand out, hoping to set it onto the Android's shoulder for comfort.

"Are you okay, Jungkook?" Jimin asked, a little startled Jungkook quickly turned his attention back onto him before he could try to comfort him in return. With Jungkook stopping him in the process, Jimin slowly moved his hand down and set it back onto the bed to support his body sitting upright.

"Of course I am," Jungkook replied happily. "I appreciate your words Jimin, they mean so much to me even if they are just sentences placed together so perfectly."

The best part about that moment to Jungkook was that he was told many things he never knew he could hear from a human being. It was unknown about how Jungkook viewed himself but to Jimin, he thought of his close friend as the most perfect creation there ever was. He wondered why Jungkook was the only different one, but he didn't allow those questions to be constantly thrown at the android when the conversation didn't really need an inquiry like that. Maybe soon Jimin would know why, but until then, he wanted to enjoy the moment and embrace every second he shared with Jungkook; the android he was infatuated with and trusted dearly now.

"Has... anyone told you that before?" Jimin asked as Jungkook only shook his head. "How? Doesn't your roommate, Hoseok, tell you anything?"

"Not really... but, I'll let you in on a little secret," Jungkook whispered as he leaned in carefully and looked at the human in his brown gaze that trembled in innocence and curiosity. "Hoseok and I... aren't really that close... His views on me are very different... and my views on him are different as well. We aren't as close as you would think and that's okay... that's completely okay. I like the way you view me because, in your world, I'm a hero that stepped in to save you, but in Hoseok's world... I'm only a failed experiment..."

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