Say You Won't Let Go || Bill...

By accio-weasleyss

1.2M 33.3K 13K

*An edited, rewritten version is currently being slowly published by chapter on AO3 @ accio_weasleys * "I'm s... More

Note from the Author
One: The Weasleys
Two: Soap & Bubbles
Three: Christmas Ornaments
Four: Christmas & Celestite
Five: Fireworks
Six: Oliver Wood
Seven: Hogsmeade
Eight: Graduation
Nine: The Surprise
Ten: Blue Waters
Eleven: Harry Potter
Twelve: The Quidditch World Cup
Thirteen: Our Last Night
Fourteen: Return to Hogwarts
Fifteen: The Triwizard Champions
Sixteen: A Proper Date
Seventeen: For the Love of Dragons
Eighteen: Only You
Nineteen: Nightmares & Knitting
Twenty: The Yule Ball
Twenty One: The Other Gift
Twenty Two: Firewhisky Fun
Twenty Three: The Last Task
Twenty Four: Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Twenty Five: "Finally"
Twenty Six: Lovely Visits
Twenty Seven: Under the Stars
Twenty Eight: Boggart Battles
Twenty Nine: Another Year
Thirty: Bright Pink & Blood Ink
Thirty One: Ties & Tables Turned
Thirty Two: Secrets Shared
Thirty Three: A Hogsmeade Date
Thirty Four: Quidditch Beaters
Thirty Five: Aphrodisiac
Thirty Six: An Early Morning
Thirty Seven: The Calm Before
Thirty Eight: Hospital Mornings
Thirty Nine: A Grimmauld Christmas
Forty: Shell Cottage
Forty One: Moving Day
Forty Two: Alone Together
Forty Three: For Better & For Worse
Forty Four: Valentine's Day
Forty Five: The Tears of Isabelle Clarke
Forty Six: Sleepovers at Shell Cottage
Forty Seven: Department of Mysteries
Forty Eight: A Lovely Day
Forty Nine: Return of the Weasleys
Fifty: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Fifty One: Family Dinner
Fifty Two: A Night to Relax
Fifty Three: Decided Futures
Fifty Four: Back to the Burrow
Fifty Five: For Good Luck
Fifty Six: Another Surprise
Fifty Seven: A Night Out
Fifty Eight: The Woes of Bill Weasley
Fifty Nine: Dance the Night Away
Sixty: More Promises
Sixty One: Seeing Things
Sixty Two: Penelope Clearwater
Sixty Three: The Future Unfolds
Sixty Four: Romania
Sixty Five: What Really Happened
Sixty Six: Birthday Gifts
Sixty Seven: A Christmas Special (part 1)
Sixty Eight: A Christmas Special (part 2)
Sixty Nine: Until Midnight
Seventy: Healers
Seventy One: Gentle
Seventy Two: Ron's Birthday
Seventy Three: Glimpse of the Future
Seventy Four: Happy Tears
Seventy Five: The First Battle
Seventy Six: Going Home
Seventy Seven: The Seven Harry Plan
Seventy Eight: This Promise of Mine
Seventy Nine: The Wedding Night
Eighty: Our Vows
Eighty One: Moonlit Night
Eighty Two: Charlie's Visit
Eighty Three: Unexpected Returns
Eighty Four: Halloween
Eighty Five: A Good Day
Eighty Six: Almost Christmas
Eighty Eight: Never Letting Go
Eighty Nine: When 2 Became 3
Ninety: Reawakened Sight
Ninety One: Harry and the Goblin
Ninety Two: A Not-So-Happy Reunion
Ninety Three: The Battle of Hogwarts
Ninety Four: Endings and Beginnings
The End?
Rewrite Announcement

Eighty Seven: Another Family Holiday

5.7K 181 58
By accio-weasleyss

Isabelle was more than excited when Christmas Eve finally arrived. The entire house was fully decorated thanks to Ron and Bill's efforts, and she could see the snow falling slowly through the window by the outside light as she and Bill sat together on the sofa.

"Are you guys going to Mum and Dad's for Christmas tomorrow?" Ron asked them from where he sat.

"We haven't decided yet," Isabelle said. "We thought, since you still don't want to see your parents, we could just stay here with you and see them later."

"You can't just not go home for Christmas. Won't Mum and Dad be upset?" Ron said.

"We told them that we might not go because we wanted to spend our first Christmas married alone," Bill explained, wrapping an arm around Isabelle's shoulders and pulling her into his side. "Mum's not too happy about it but we didn't think you should spend Christmas alone while we're away with our family."

"Thanks, but you guys didn't have to do that for me," Ron said.

"Ron, no one should have to spend Christmas by themselves, especially family," Isabelle said.

Ron held a small smile on his face before it fell again. "What do you think Harry and Hermione are doing?"

"I don't know," Isabelle said. "But they're probably thinking about you, too."

"Do you really think so?"

Isabelle and Bill both nodded, and Ron looked down at the deluminator that he was constantly fiddling with in his hands.

Isabelle looked up at Bill to see that he was looking at Ron with the same worried expression that she had, but they didn't say anything, leaving him alone with his thoughts. After a few minutes, Isabelle decided to speak.

"Alright, I think we're going to get some sleep. Tomorrow's Christmas, after all," she said, letting Bill stand up from the sofa first to help her up. "Try not to stay up too late," she told Ron before they went upstairs.

Bill and Isabelle stayed quiet until they were upstairs in their bedroom and comfortable in bed under the blankets, Bill laying behind her with his arms wrapped around her and his head against her shoulder.

"I'm worried about Ron," Isabelle said.

"I'm worried, too. He still doesn't think he can face our parents and he's worrying himself sick over Harry and Hermione," Bill said.

"I don't blame him. We're worried about them, too, but we can't begin to understand how he feels," Isabelle said. "I know I would be the same if it were you, or Charlie or Penelope."

"Or Fleur and Tonks," Bill added, and Isabelle nodded in agreement.

"Do you think Harry and Hermione are okay?" Isabelle asked.

"I'm sure they're fine. They can handle themselves and everyone would know about it if something happened to them," Bill said.

Isabelle rested her hand on top of his where it was on her bump, lacing their fingers together.

"Don't ever leave me, okay?" Isabelle said quietly.

"Why would I do that?" Bill asked.

Isabelle shrugged. "I just couldn't imagine being here worrying about where you could be or if you're okay."

"I don't have to imagine," Bill said.

"Oh, Bill," Isabelle started, turning enough to look at him.

Bill shook his head. "It's okay, you're here now and you were perfectly fine with Charlie, that's what matters."

"I love you," Isabelle said.

Bill smiled and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I love you. Let's get some sleep."

Isabelle nodded and felt his arms tighten around her, his face resting against her back until he fell asleep.



"What is it?" Bill mumbled against the pillow where his face was now buried hours later.

"Wake up, love," she said, running her hand through his hair.

"Why? What's wrong?" Bill asked, rolling over to look at her.

"Nothing's wrong," Isabelle smiled. "It's Christmas."

"Darling, it's still dark outside," he said with a small laugh.

"I know but she woke me up and I couldn't fall back asleep. I was hoping to spend some extra time with my husband this morning for Christmas," Isabelle said, her hand running down the side of his arm.

"I think I can work with that," he said as his soft smile turned into more of a grin, moving over her as she laid back and kissed her deeply.

Isabelle giggled against his lips, giving in and running a hand through his hair again for a moment before pulling away.

"You know this isn't what I meant," Isabelle said.

"At least I tried," Bill joked, making her laugh again as he moved off of her and she sat up against the pillows. "You know if you can't sleep you can always wake me up and I'll stay up with you."

"Thank you, darling," Isabelle smiled.

Bill leaned down so his face was at level with her bump, his hand resting against the side of her belly. "I thought I was the only one who got to keep your mum up for at least a few more weeks."

Isabelle rolled her eyes, making him laugh, too, before he pressed a kiss to her belly. "Merry Christmas, princess."

"So that's what you've decided as your nickname for her? Princess?" Isabelle asked.

Bill nodded with a new smile. "I think it'll suit her."

"I'm so excited to meet her and see you holding her," she said.

"I can hardly wait for that," Bill said. "Do you want to go downstairs? We can go and make some hot chocolate and cuddle by the fire."

"That sounds nice," Isabelle said, and Bill happily got out of bed to help her up and lead her downstairs.

"You just sit here and I'll be right back," Bill said after she was sitting on the sofa and he turned on the lights of the Christmas tree to give the living room a warm glow along with the fire.

Bill kissed her cheek and left to go into the kitchen. She waited a few minutes for him until he returned in front of her with two mugs in hand, giving one to her before moving the blanket on her lap to sit next to her and cover them both with it.

Isabelle took a sip of her hot chocolate as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "Merry Christmas, my love."

"Merry Christmas," Isabelle smiled, leaning against his side.

When their hot chocolate was gone and they had been sitting for a while, enjoying the quiet aside from the crackling sounds of the fire, Bill took her mug from her and set them both down on the table before standing to turn on the radio. Slow Christmas music began to play, softly enough to not wake up Ron, and he moved back over to her with a hand out.

"I think I'll have a dance with my wife as my first gift this morning," Bill said.

Isabelle giggled and took his hand. He pulled her to her feet and led her over near the fire, wrapping his arms around her to rest his hands on her back as she leaned against his chest. They started swaying slowly, Isabelle playing with the end of his hair where her hand rested on his chest.

Bill kissed the top of her head and rubbed her lower back gently, just happy to be holding her close as they both watched the snow falling by the window.

"Has anyone ever told you guys that you're very clingy to each other?" They heard someone say, looking over to see Ron.

"Maybe a little," Isabelle said. "Everyone has their own love language, and ours happens to be touch."

"When you find the one person you know you'll love until the end of the world, you'll figure it out for yourself," Bill said, looking down at her still with a soft smile.

"Merry Christmas, Ron," Isabelle said.

They watched a smile grow on Ron's face. "Merry Christmas," he said.

"Well, since everyone's up now, I guess we should get to it," Isabelle said, pulling away from Bill.

She reached down slowly to grab a gift from under the tree and hand it to Ron.

"Go sit, I'll handle this," Bill said to her, kissing her cheek as she smiled appreciatively and returned to her seat on the sofa.

Bill sat on the edge of the table while they watched Ron open his gift, unwrapping a box and opening it to reveal a new pair of pants and some shirts.

"We know it's a little disappointing to get clothes for Christmas, but we thought you needed some new things, especially for when you leave us," Isabelle said.

"When I leave you?" Ron asked.

"We think we're really close to finding Harry and Hermione and then you can go back to them," Bill said.

"You've been looking for them?"

Bill nodded. "We've been worried about them, too. We weren't going to tell the Order, it was just going to be for you."

"Thank you," Ron said. "And thanks for letting me stay here for so long."

"We've been more than happy to have you here, Ron," Isabelle said.

"There's something under there for you guys, too," Ron said.

Bill picked up a gift that was clearly not wrapped by him or Isabelle, and he handed it to her to open while he watched until he noticed what was in her hand once it was opened.

Inside was a small knitted blanket, and even though it was clean, it looked old and a little worn.

"Ron, where did you find that?" Bill asked.

"What is it?" Isabelle asked, confused as to where Bill's shock was coming from,

"It was mine, I thought I lost it when I was a little kid. My grandmother knitted it before I was born, she's the one who taught Mum how to knit," Bill said.

"I saw it in the attic when we were bringing down decorations. I recognized it from pictures in the albums, you must have left it here," Ron said.

Bill moved to sit next to her and she handed the blanket to him. "I didn't think I would ever see this again," he said.

"Now you can give it to your daughter," Ron said.

Bill handed the blanket back to Isabelle and she folded it in her lap as Bill looked back up at his brother. "Thank you, Ron."

"There's also your favorite ice cream in the freezer, Iz, since you've been craving it," Ron said.

Isabelle looked over at Bill. "Have I mentioned how much I love your brother?"

Both boys laughed. "Love you, too, Iz," Ron said.

"Now it's your turn for something from me," Bill said, leaving her to pick up another gift and hand it to her.

Isabelle opened it to see a shirt, unfolding it to look at with a small giggle. "World's best mama," she read.

"To match the one you gave me. There's something else, too," Bill said.

Underneath in the same package was a much tinier shirt that was the same color as Isabelle's that said 'our little princess', and her smile widened as she laid it against her bump.

"Thanks, love," Isabelle smiled, pulling him into a quick kiss. "Go open yours."

Bill found one more wrapped gift under the tree and returned to sitting next to her on the sofa, unwrapping it happily until he was holding a photo album in his hand.

"Darling?" Bill said, glancing up at her.

"Open it," she said.

Bill opened it and his smile brightened as he looked through the pictures that were already there.

"It's us," he said, flipping the page.

"I got some pictures from our parents of us as kids for the beginning and then our wedding pictures and then-"

"The ultrasound pictures," Bill said, stopping at that page.

Isabelle didn't say anything, letting him have the moment as he stared at the pictures in the album.

"This is wonderful, Iz," Bill said. "When did you put this together without me noticing?"

"The nights when I couldn't sleep and you were, I came down here to work on it," Isabelle said.

"Thank you. I can't wait to add to it," Bill said, kissing her softly.

They sat together in the living room for a while longer, listening to the radio, when they saw Ron suddenly reach into his pocket and pull out his deluminator.

"What is it?" Isabelle asked.

"I thought I heard something," Ron said. "You didn't hear it?"

"We didn't hear anything," Bill said.

"I heard my name... and something about a wand..." Ron said.

He looked at the deluminator for a long moment before clicking it, and suddenly the lights in the room went out, and they turned around to see a ball of light outside the window. It looked blue and like it was pulsating, and Isabelle looked over at Bill worriedly.

"It looks like the light around portkeys," Bill said.

"This has to be it," Ron said, standing quickly.

They watched Ron hurry toward the guest room, and Bill and Isabelle got up to follow him, finding him by the bed and packing his stuff into a bag.

"Ron, slow down," Bill said. "At least wait until the sun's up."

"No, I heard Hermione's voice, I have to go," Ron insisted.

"Ron-" Isabelle started.

"Please don't try to stop me, Iz," Ron said.

Isabelle rested her hand on Ron's shoulder, and he turned to realize she had clothes in her other hand. "I was just going to tell you not to forget your new clothes."

"Thanks, Iz," he said, taking the clothes and putting them in his bag before closing it.

When he was done, they followed him until he was about to go out of the door.

"Are you sure you don't want to take some food with you?" Isabelle asked.

"I'll be fine, I promise," Ron said.

"Are you at least going to say goodbye to your brother and sister-in-law?" Bill asked.

"Or at least your niece?" Isabelle said.

Ron had the smallest smile as he pulled Isabelle into a gentle hug as Bill squeezed his shoulder affectionately. When he let go of Isabelle, he crouched down and rested his hands on Isabelle's belly.

"I'll see you soon, little troublemaker," Ron said.

"We know she'll miss you, too," Isabelle said as he stood back up. "Please be careful."

"I always am," Ron said.

Bill wrapped an arm around Isabelle as they watched him go through the door, and after he stood there for a minute, They watched as the ball of light floated toward him into his chest, and then he pulled out his wand and disapparated.


"We're very happy that you two decided to join us for Christmas," Molly said.

When the early afternoon arrived, after the initial shock of what happened with Ron that morning wore off, Bill and Isabelle got dressed and left home to visit the Burrow. They had dinner with the family and exchanged gifts, and now they were all sitting in the living room together while Molly listened to her favorite Christmas singer like she did every year.

Fred and George were playing some new card game from the shop with Ginny and Charlie on the floor, and unfortunately, Lee couldn't be there because he was spending the evening with his parents, while Arthur fiddled with the things they gave him and Molly sat next to them. Fleur was also there, watching the game with curiosity, since she couldn't go home to France for the holidays.

"Well, we really only wanted to have the morning together. You know we wouldn't have missed Christmas dinner," Isabelle said. "I'm guessing you liked the jumper?"

Molly nodded with a bright smile, wearing a new knitted jumper. "No one's ever made me my own jumper. It's wonderful."

"I told you she would love it," Bill said, sitting next to Isabelle on the sofa.

From Molly and Arthur. they were right guessing that they would give them things for the baby for Christmas, and they were more than grateful since they still weren't completely ready.

"Okay, Mum, my turn to annoy them," Charlie said, moving from where he sat on the floor as Molly stood from her spot, rolling her eyes at her son.

Charlie went to sit in the now empty spot next to Isabelle when it was suddenly taken by Fleur, and Charlie looked at her with a gaping expression.

"Godmothers get the sofa, godfathers get the floor," Fleur said with a smug look on her face.

"Hey, Charlie," Isabelle smiled as he sat back down on the floor.

"How are you feeling?" Charlie asked.

"Pregnant," Isabelle said, making Charlie and Bill laugh. "We still have like six weeks left. It doesn't seem like a very long time but I also can't imagine getting any bigger."

"Imagine what it was like having twins," Molly said from where she was now sitting in her chair.

Isabelle rested her hand on her belly with a small laugh. "I think one is definitely enough for us right now. She's already a handful."

Bill moved closer and placed his hand on top of hers, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I'm sure we can handle her just fine."

"We're just ready to meet her," Isabelle said.

"We all are, dear," Molly said.

Isabelle looked at Bill, and he was quiet for a moment until he let out a defeated sigh and turned toward his mother.

"Mum, we were talking about it and, um, Isabelle?" Bill said nervously.

"It's not that hard," Isabelle whispered to him. "We were talking about who we want at the hospital when she's born and we wanted to wait to have visitors until maybe a few days after we come home."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with wanting it to just be the two of you there," Arthur said before Molly could respond.

"Um, actually, we were hoping Charlie and Fleur could be there at the hospital, just not while I'm pushing," Isabelle said.

"You want us to be there?" Charlie asked, and Isabelle nodded with a smile.

"What about your parents?" Molly asked.

"We haven't talked to them about it yet, but they would probably come visit once we're home, too," Bill said.

"If that's what you want, that's your decision," Molly said.

"Really?" Charlie said with a look of surprise that matched Fleur's.

"They're having a baby, it's no one else's decision about who they have around," Molly said. "I remember what it was like when Bill was born and everyone wanted to be there. It was really uncomfortable for me having so many people around."

"Thank you, Molly," Isabelle said.

After a few minutes more of chatting, Isabelle suddenly got quiet, taking Bill's hand and squeezing it.

"Is it those contractions again?" Bill asked her quietly, and she shook her head.

"Are you okay?" Fleur asked, noticing them and causing the rest of the family to stop talking.

"I'm fine," Isabelle nodded. "She's just been kicking a little harder lately."

"Can I?" Charlie asked, and Isabelle smiled as she let go of Bill's hand and took his.

"Right here," Isabelle said, placing his hand where she felt the kicking as his grin widened.

"That's exciting," Arthur said.

"It's an interesting feeling, isn't it?" Molly said.

"Yeah, she hardly ever stops," Isabelle said. "She definitely kicks more when Bill's here."

"That's how Ginny was with Arthur," Molly said.

"What were we like, Mum?" George asked from where they were now all paying attention to the conversation.

"Surprisingly very calm. We actually thought you would be easy on us," Molly said.

"I think you were wrong with that one, Molly," Fleur said.

"No matter how she turns out, we'll still love her just the same," Isabelle said.

As the evening went by, Fred and George left because they wanted to spend the rest of the evening with Lee when he got back from visiting his parents. Ginny was talking quietly to Arthur and Charlie in a corner, and Fleur was now sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, running her fingers through Isabelle's hair gently now that she was laying on her side on the sofa after dozing off.

Bill was sitting in the kitchen when Molly found him, looking stressed and tapping his foot.

"What are you doing in here?" Molly asked, sitting next to him.

"Isabelle's asleep so I thought I would let her have the quiet," Bill said.

"Seems like something's bothering you, dear," she said.

"I'm just worried about her, Mum," Bill said. "She hasn't been sleeping much and she's uncomfortable all the time. I hate seeing her hurting so much and I feel terrible for not being able to take it away."

"Well that's just part of being pregnant and she knew that. There's not much you can do about it," Molly said.

Bill let out a sigh. "I know. I love her, Mum, more than anything. I wish I could do more than just watch while she goes through it all."

"From what I can tell and what Isabelle's told me, you are doing all that you can and you've already been an incredible husband and father. Being there for her is the best thing you can do for her right now," she said.

"Thanks, Mum," Bill said quietly. "I'm going to go check on her."

Bill stood from his seat and left the kitchen, finding Isabelle still laying on the sofa but starting to wake up.

"Hey, love," Bill said, sitting on the floor next to Fleur and pushing hair away from Isabelle's face.

"Hi," Isabelle smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's okay. If you're tired, there's nothing to be sorry for," Bill said.

Bill took Isabelle's hand and pressed a soft kiss to the back of it.

"We can go home if you want," he said.

"No, it's okay," Isabelle said, sitting up slowly. "Just come sit with me."

Bill smiled and joined her on the sofa, and that's when Fleur decided to give them the time together, leaving to sit next to Charlie.

"Hey, Fleur," Charlie said, draping an arm over her shoulders in a friendly way as she leaned against him. "Iz woke up?"

Fleur just nodded, still looking over at the couple on the sofa where Isabelle was giggling softly while Bill pressed quick kisses against her bump, laughing with her.

"What's on your mind?" Charlie asked.

"I just hope that someday someone loves me the way Bill and Isabelle love each other," Fleur said with a small smile.

"Someone will," Charlie said.

"You think so?" Fleur asked.

"Yeah, of course," Charlie said. "What about that guy you've been seeing that you won't tell them about?"

"I will kill you," Fleur said, and Charlie pulled his arm away from her quickly, holding up his hands in defeat.


"Are you going to stay here tonight, Charlie?" Isabelle asked.

Later in the night, Molly, Arthur, and Ginny decided to go to bed, leaving Charlie, Fleur, Bill, and Isabelle left in the living room, nearly ready to go home themselves.

"Yeah, I was thinking I would stay the night and then go back to the sanctuary tomorrow," Charlie said.

"How are things there?" Bill asked.

"Slow. Nothing's really been happening, it's the season where the dragons spend most of their time sleeping," Charlie said. "What have you been up to, Fleur?"

"Nothing, really. I cannot go home or work, there isn't much to do," Fleur said.

"You know you guys can always come to Shell Cottage to visit," Bill said.

Isabelle nodded in agreement. "We would love to have you over, especially now that some things are getting a little harder for me."

"What if we came to stay?" Charlie suddenly asked.

"Wait, what?" Fleur asked, just as surprised as Bill and Isabelle.

"We could stay with you to help get ready for the baby and we'll be there in case she decides to come early," Charlie said.

"That actually sounds wonderful, Charlie. We would be more than happy to have you stay," Isabelle said.

"We have the guest room downstairs and another one upstairs. The house has always been too big for just us, anyway," Bill said.

"Your anniversary is New Years, we can let you be alone for the next few days and then come over after," Fleur said.

"You're still going to celebrate that anniversary now that you're married?" Charlie asked.

"I don't see why not," Bill said, wrapping an arm around Isabelle. "This would be our fifth New Year together, I think we've been celebrating it together alone long enough to keep the tradition."

"Well, then we'll be there after the New Year," Charlie said.

"Thank you, Charlie," Isabelle said.

They finally all went home, Isabelle now completely exhausted after such a long day with little sleep, and were ready to go to bed.

"There's one more gift I haven't given you yet," Bill said as he led her upstairs, her hand in his.

"Darling, I'm really not in the mood tonight," she said.

"No, no, that's not what I meant," Bill laughed. "You'll see, come on."

They reached their bedroom and noticed the huge pillow that was now on their bed.

"What's this?" Isabelle asked.

"It's a pregnancy pillow. I saw it at one of the shops and asked your doctor about it and she said it could help you sleep, since cuddling with me isn't very comfortable anymore," Bill explained.

"When did you put this in here?" she asked.

"I asked Ron a few days ago to do it when he got up this morning," he said. "What do you think?"

"I think it's wonderful and you're very thoughtful, love," Isabelle smiled. "You aren't going to get jealous of a pillow, though, are you?"

Bill chuckled. "Of course not. As long as you're comfortable and happy, so am I."

Isabelle turned to him and pulled him into a long, soft kiss, and he kept bringing her back in when she would pull away.

"As enjoyable as this is, my love, so is sleeping," Isabelle said.

"Of course, darling," Bill said, letting her go to change her clothes.

Once she was in bed, shifting around with the pillow until she was comfortable, he crawled into bed behind her.

"Is that better?" he asked, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

"Yeah, it's actually really comfortable," Isabelle said. "I would still like some cuddles from my husband."

"How about maybe a nice back rub and then we'll see how you feel?" Bill suggested.

"That sounds nice, but you don't have to," she said.

"I want to," he said.

Bill sat behind her and started massaging her lower back gently, and after a moment she let out a small sigh of comfort and relief.

"That feels really good," Isabelle mumbled.

"Sounds like it," Bill laughed. "If I'm not careful, you're never going to have sex with me again."

Isabelle giggled softly. "I love you."

"I love you," Bill said, continuing to rub her back until she finally fell asleep.

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