Damirae One Shots

By FandomPride101

113K 2.8K 1.5K

This are just short stories of missions and time that Raven Roth and Damian Wayne spend together. Some of th... More

Meeting The President
$3000 and I'm Sorry
Wayne Galla
Wayne Galla Part 2
Author's Note
Saving The World
Press Conference
Girls Gone Wild
Be Alright
Dinner With The Bats
Be Alright PT2
Titan Halloween
Girls Night PT 2
Prince of Night
Jealousy And Corn Dogs
The Internship
The Internship P2
Gotham Academy
Gotham Academy P2
Gotham Academy P3
Gotham Academy Pt 4
Gotham Academy #5
Turkey Hunt
Christmas Time
New Years Day
Enchanted Castle Pt 1
Enchanted Castle Pt 2
Enchanted Castle Pt 3
Enchated Castle Pt 4
Enchanted Castle Pt 5
Enchanted Castle Pt 6
Enchanted Castle Pt 7
Enchanted Castle Pt 8
Enchanted Castle Pt 9
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
Falling In Love At School
Coming Home ;)
Beach Day
Author's Note
Spero PT 1
Mates PT 2
Mates PT 3
Mates Part 4
Mates Part 5
Mates Part 6
Mates Part 7
Mate's Part 8
Scotch Pt 2
Scotch Pt 3
Halloween 2.0
Childhood Love PT 1
Childhood Love PT 2
Author's Note:
The Baby Is Coming
Thanksgiving 2021
Friendly Competition (Not A Story)
After School Activities
The Club / New Job
Home At Last
Song Bird
Song Bird PT 2
What Happens By The Pool, Stays By The Pool
I Hear Wedding Bells (and Alcohol)
Catwoman and Raven
A Misunderstanding PT 1
A Misunderstanding PT 2
Mafia Part 2
Mafia PT 3
Thanksgiving 2.0
School Pt. 1
Fights and Forgiveness
What I'm Thankful For
Christmas Presents
At The Office


1.7K 42 15
By FandomPride101

Raven's POV: 

It was the day of the 'great Wayne Family Ball'. My mother, Lois Lane, and my father, Clark Kent, have asked me to attend this year. Well more like they told me I must attend because my father is friends with Bruce Wayne. I guess it would be rude for me not to come, but it doesn't mean I won't be bored out of my mind. 

I had chosen a silk floor-lengthed gown that was a deep purple (almost black). My favorite part of the dress was the open back. I wore plain silver jewelry to add a pop of color and slipped my phone into a clutch purse. 

I was staying at their house to get ready together, but I lived in the city. I loved my parents a lot, but being with them every day can be a challenge. With their constant lovey-dovey romantic gestures and my dad's need to watch everything I do, it can be a lot. That is why I moved out. 

"Darling," my mother called for me from downstairs. 

"Mom," I called back, peeking my head out of the door. 

She was walking up the stairs and when she turned the corner she was holding the back of her dress. "Your father had to leave and I can't seem to zip this up." I laughed and walked out of my room fully. She gasped and her eyes ran over me. "You look stunning."

"Thanks, mom," I smile and walk to stand behind her. 

"Your brother seems to be kicking a lot today," she said as she placed her hand over her round stomach. 

I was an adopted child that Clark brought home one day in the first year of their marriage. I was six already and I have lived with them for fourteen years of my life now. I was happy that they were starting a family of their own, and when Lois told me the news I was nothing but happy for her. 

"I can't wait to meet him," I smiled as I finished zipping her dress. 

"Only six more weeks," she said, excitement clear in her voice. Since getting pregnant, mom has been having morning sickness, sore feet, strange appetite, and easy-to-change moods. I know she is tired of being pregnant any longer, and I am looking forward to having my mom back. 

"After you give birth you will feel back to your normal self. And dad will let you go back to doing your dangerous new reporting." I smile, knowing that she is looking forward to that the most. 

"Your father isn't going to like your dress," she changed the subject. 

"He is making me go to this thing, so I get to choose what to wear," I say firmly. 

"When he sees you though, he will be embarrassing," she turns to face me. "I love the dress as it is, but just be prepared for your father's strange behavior." 

I smile and nod. "I know." 

"Now, your father might be late because he was called out for a bank robbery, so how about you portal us to the front doors so I don't have to ride in an uncomfortable car." She begs me. Dad would have said no because he doesn't like me using my powers for selfish reasons, but I didn't mind. And mom would be more comfortable if I did this. 

"Sure," I nod. "Do you have everything?" 

She nods in answer and links her arm with mine. "I don't understand why these things start so early. I mean if this is a dinner party then why are we starting at four?" 

"They are rich," I shrug. "They don't care about time." 

"I don't know if that is true," she rolls her eyes. 

"Mom," I turn to her. "Please stay with father or me tonight. Don't go all reporter on people and wear yourself out. And don't offend anyone." 

"I won't," she sighs. "You and your father must have had a talk or something." 

"Or something..." I mumble before opening a dark hole. 

Mom and I walk through the portal and we come out behind a car. It was large enough to hide my magic from onlookers, and when we stepped out from behind it we looked normal. The crowd was fancy with women in long dresses with fur, and men in tuxes. 

"Maybe you will meet someone," my mom raised an eye and nudged me suggestively. 

"I am not looking at the moment," I shake my head. 

It has been two years since I broke up with Wally West. He was a notorious flirt and I was young and dumb enough to fall for it. It wasn't until I found him in bed with someone from our high school that I realized this though. Since then I haven't been dating. 

It's not like I don't want to, but I just haven't found a guy that makes me want to give it another shot. I have been on a few dates that friends have set up for me, but after one I don't want to go on another. Mom and dad are worried for me, but no matter how many times I tell them that everything is fine, they still don't believe me. 

"Well, you aren't getting any younger," she says in a motherly warning. 

"I am twenty. It's not like I am that old either." I reason with her. 

"I would like to see you settle down with someone." She leans her head on my shoulder. "I love you," she reminds me. 

"I love you too, mother," I hold her arm tighter in a reassuring hug. 

"Now, how about you and I go in there and make our presence know?" She smiles up at me with confidence. 

"Alright," I nod, her smile spreading. 

We walk up the steps of the house, and I make note of the stone bricks and cement that must have cost a fortune. The Wayne's have been known to throw around their money like paper, and I am still not sure why father is friends with Bruce Wayne of all people. 

"Honey," mom says with a worried tone which makes some look at her. "Your thinking about it again," she knows of my dislike for rich jerks. I think their money should be used for better things and my mother agrees with me. She is just better at hiding it than I am. 

"Sorry," I smile again, wiping the thoughts from my head. 

We walk through the main entrance and the first thing we saw was the lineup of the Wayne family. Bruce Wayne was of course head of the line, and Dick Greyson along with his wife Kori Greyson was next to him. Next were Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Cassie. Barbara sat beside Cassie in a wheelchair. 

I have done my research on the Wayne family because I was like my mother in the way that I liked to know as much information as I could before walking into any situation. The only person I wasn't seeing was my famous biological son of Bruce. Damian Wayne. Known to be the worst to get information from and no one has been able to interview him before. 

"This place is fancy," my mom whispered as we were walking through the long line. 

"I know," whispered in agreement. "Mom, how are you feeling?" 

"Oh, I am fine. Stop your worrying," she tells me with a pout. 

"I am just trying to make conversation," I smirk. 

"You are too much sometimes," she pats my arm as we got to be next in line. 

Suddenly Damian Wayne comes out of nowhere and stands on the opposite side of Bruce from his Brother. He looks to be in a bad mood because his frown is clear on his face. I must admit that he was handsome beyond belief, but his arrogance was not attractive. 

My mom pulled me along as it became our turn to talk to the Wayne's. I gave a polite smile and stood beside my mother as she started talking. "It is lovely to see you," mom held out her free hand to shake Bruce's hand. "Clark is running slightly late, but he will be arriving soon." 

"I am glad you and your family could make it," Bruce shook my mother's hand with a professional smile. "This is my son Damian. And this is Dick," he gestures. "Kori is a new addition to the family and is a young bride of Dick. And my other boys Jason and Tim. Cassie and Barbra are at the end of the line." 

"How nice," my mother smiled. "This is our daughter Rachel," she said and I held out my hand. 

"It is nice to meet you," I say politely. 

"She takes after Clark," my mother says which causes me to turn to her and question. Why would she tell someone that? What does it even mean? I am more like her personality-wise than I am my father, so it made no sense.

"Oh, how lovely," Bruce shook my hand, his grip firm. I matched his handshake and nodded in politeness before dropping his hand and waiting for my mother to signal what was next. "Well, I hope you ladies enjoy the evening." 

"Thank you very much," my mother smiles and tugs my arm along. 

Before moving I turned back and my gaze caught the youngest son's. Damian had deep green eyes that reminded me of a forest. I felt almost lost in his eyes, and his gaze seemed to soften as we stared into each other's eyes. 

I felt something I could not explain. Maybe it was my powers, or maybe it was a gut feeling, but I felt like he was a puzzle. And I wanted to put the pieces together to find the answers. I felt pulled to him, and it cause a flurry of emotions I couldn't control. 

It wasn't until I felt my mother pull me once more that I turned back and walked with her to the ballroom. We instantly walked to the food table where my mother grabbed a plate full of everything she could get her hands on. I grabbed some punch for the two of us and we went over to our assigned table. 

"This food is so good," she moans as she eats yet another chocolate-covered strawberry. "You should have some." 

"I don't want to eat before the meal," I shake my head. 

"Are you saying I shouldn't be eating?" Her tone changes and she sounds offended. 

"No," I quickly fix her assumption. "I am not hungry because I have a small stomach. You are eating for two. You can eat anything you want any time." 

She huffs before turning back at eating another strawberry. I feel bad but I don't want to make it worse by saying something that she might take in another way. I sit back in my chair and look around the room, watching for people I might know or could interview. 

Mother seemed to be doing the same and after she was finished I had no choice but to follow her around as she went to talk to people she already knew. She was a very famous reporter so I knew she had many friends, but as we walked around the room I became bored. 

"I am going to get a drink," I whisper in my mother's ear. 

She nods and waves me off, so I head over to the bar I order a virgin pina colada and waited for the bartender to mix it up. 


Damian's POV: 

I didn't want to be here, and if wasn't for Dick and Kori's persistent pestering, I wouldn't have been. Once a year father hosts a boring party to raise money for some charity that he chooses and then the whole family has to be put on a show to give a good image. 

I didn't care for any of it. I was a born assassin and did not need to maintain my image, but my father insists on this. I had fully intended to leave the party after greeting all of the guests, but something stopped me. 

Or maybe it was the dark-haired woman with the most alluring eyes. I don't know what it is about her, but I felt my eyes drawn to her, and when I couldn't see her, I looked for her in the crowd. 

"Damian," my father pulled my thoughts back to him. 

"Yes?" I gave him my full attention. 

"There are not many guests left to greet, so will you and your siblings go into the room while I finish up. Make a good impression." He says in a warning order. 

"Alright, father," I nod and follow the others into the ballroom. 

"Damian," Dick pulled me to the side. "You are surprisingly not complaining." 

"You told me not to," I rolled my eyes. 

"But you never listen." He states of obvious. 

"Greyson," I narrow my eyes. "I would stop digging into something that it is not." 

He steps back and puts his hands up in surrender. "I will drop it. I was just curious, but if it's going to ruin your mood then I don't want to push you." 

I nod before sidestepping around him and walking past him. He follows at my heal as I walk over to our family's table and set down my champagne glass. When I glanced around the room, my eyes fell on a familiar woman in a dark purple dress. 

Her delicate white skill was gorgeous and the opening of the back of her dress was stunning. She was effortlessly graceful and she moved with such a pose that I wondered how she could be a Kent. 

Her jewelry was not extravagant in any way, but the simple silver with her dress was elegant and clean. She was standing at the bar, waiting for a drink, and her eyes were scanning the room with wonder. 

She looked so beautiful. 

I left my brother and walked over to the bar to order a scotch from the bartender. He started on it straight away and that left me alone with this beautiful stranger. I walked toward her and cleared my throat, gaining her attention. 

"Damian Wayne," I held out my hand. 

"Rachel Roth-Kent."  She smiled and shook my hand. 

She had a strong grip and was confident. Her smile was practiced and looked more like a professional smile one would give in a business. I glanced around the party and then back to her. 

"Are you enjoying the party?" I ask her, before turning back to the bartender to deliver our drinks. I thank him and paid for both of the drinks. 

"I will admit I have never attended such a fancy party before," she said before taking a sip of her drink. "It is a very nice house." 

"It has been passed down to my father from his father, and so on," I explain to her a little about this old home I live in. 

"It's very nice," she nods. "Can I ask what brings you over to the bar?" 

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"Your siblings are around the room making conversation with rich and well-known people. You are here at the bar, talking to me." She points out. I am surprised by her observation skills but I smile. 

"I am here because I can't get through the night without a good drink," I hold up my glass of scotch. "What do you have?" 

"Virgin pina colada." She answers and takes another sip. 

"Not an alcohol drinker?" I ask. 

"Not twenty-one yet," she shrugs. "I am only twenty, so I have a few more months." 

"And you don't break that rule?" I tilt my head in amusement. She was so pure and wholesome, and a total girl scout. "They don't check IDs here." 

"I prefer to not get in trouble," she smirks. "Are you twenty-one or are you breaking the rules tonight?" She gives a sly smile that reminds me of a fox. 

"Twenty-one," I answer. 

"Oh," she nods and takes another sip, and glances at someone in the crowd. Her eyes land on her mother and she watches carefully. 

"Is something wrong," I ask after a few seconds. 

"My mother is trying to work," she sighs. "She doesn't stop working ever, but now that she is pregnant I worry that she is overworking herself too much." She turns back to me. "Oh, I am sorry. I shouldn't be unloading my worries to a perfect stranger." She apologizes. 

"It is alright," I can't help but chuckle. "So your mother is Lois Lane?" 

"Yes," she nods. 

"Does this mean you take after both of your parents?" I can't help but ask the question I have been wanting to ask all night. 

"You mean am I a reporter?" She rewords my question. "The answer is yes. I write interviews with celebrities and authors of books." 

"So, are you going to try to interview me tonight?" I tilt my head, suddenly feeling the need to close myself off. 

"I already know how hard it is to get Damian Wayne to agree to an interview, so I won't even bother trying. I am here to enjoy my night and stop my mother from going overboard." She smiles and turns back to the bartender. "Thank you for the drink," she says before setting her glass down and walking back to her mother. 

I can't help but watch as she walks away, her hips swaying with each step and her open back making me loosen my tie. (Was the room getting hotter?) She was stunning, and though I have dated a few people, I have never felt an attraction like this before. 


Raven's POV: 

I walked over to my mother who was holding her back as she stood. I worried that she might need to sit down so I left the bar and ended my conversation with the handsome Damian Wayne. I came over to my mom and interrupted her conversation. 

"Hey," I came over with a wide smile. "Mother, can I borrow you for a second?" I asked her. 

"I am sorry, but I should go," mom told the couple she was talking to. She took my arm and we walked over to our dinner table and sat down. "First, thank you for saving me. Second, have you heard from your father? I am starting to get worried." 

"No problem and I haven't. I can call him if that will ease your mind." I offer to help her not worry. 

"Would you?" She sighed in relief. 

I stand up and excuse myself into an empty hallway before calling my father. He answered on the third ring and you could hear the phone crashing to the ground. He swore and picked it up once again. 

"Hello?" He asked into the phone. 

"Dad," I smile to myself. "You okay?" 

"I am fine. The phone just slipped." He said to make me stop worrying. 

"Mom wants to know when you are coming," I say, remembering the reason I called him in the first place. 

"Is she alright? I mean she and the baby are fine right?" He became worried. 

"She is fine, but she needs someone to talk to the other couples with, and I am afraid I don't understand what they are talking about." I hold the phone between my ear and shoulder as I used my two hands to flip through a book that was on display. It seemed like a family bible or something. 

"I am on my way," he says as I hear shuffling in the background. "I should be there in ten minutes." 

"I will inform mom," I nod, then remember he can't see me. "I should go back now." 

"Alright," he agrees. "Please be careful." 

"Always am," I smirk. 

"Bye," he chuckles. 


I hung up the phone and slid it back into my purse before looking back down at the book. It didn't seem to be a normal bible at all. Now that I read it, it sounded more like a story of a poor farmer and his family. 

The farmer and his wife had four sons and a daughter, they each worked on the family farm. That farm went through many trials with fires, floods, droughts, and poverty. As I read I could not help but feel for this family who despite everything, stayed together. 

I was truly inspired. 

"The oldest son dies," I hear a familiar voice that scares me out of my thoughts. 

"What?" I turn to Damian Wayne and question. 

"In the story," he points to the book. "The oldest son dies. The farm reverts to the second older, but he too dies, and eventually, everything is left to the daughter." 

"Really?" I look back at the book a flip a few more pages. He was right because the last page of the chapter talked about how the daughter inherited the land and married a local farmer's son and they kept the farm going for another thirty years. 

"They eventually pass that land down to their kids and from there we built this house," he gestures to the building around him. 

"This book is about your family?" I ask in surprise. 

"Yes," he nods and comes over. He flips a few more pages and points to a sentence. 

It says, Wayne's were built on this land, and the legacy will live on. 

"That is kind of inspiring," I smile down at the words. 

"Inspiring?" He questions. 

"It gives hope. Your family has survived this long, and these words are telling you that no matter what you go through, you will survive the hardships." I give him my interpretation of it. 

"I have never heard of it like that," he admits. "Usually we just say that is the family motto." 

"Well, that works too," I smile up at him, glancing up at his tall frame. "So, why are you telling me this?" I stand up straight and cross my arms. 

"Well, I thought you could use it in your article," he shrugs. 

"My article?" I tilt my head in confusion. 

"I assume that is the reason you are here. You need some sort of information to put for your article." He explained. 

"I already told you that I am not here to write," I uncross my arms. "I am here because my father is friends with yours and was invited. I was forced to come because my parents thought that we should attend as a family." 

"Yet, your father isn't here." he points out. 

"He is on his way. He got sidetracked and is running late." I started walking back to the ballroom. 

"Do you always walk away in the middle of a conversation?" He catches up to me and then walks at my pace. 

"I don't know what you are talking about," I lie. 

He chuckles and the sound sends a wave of warmth over me. I glance sideways at him and can't help but grin. He catches me staring and turns back to me with a smirk. I look away, suddenly blushing. 

We turn the corner into the ballroom and walk over to the food table. I grab two strawberries and a glass of water before walking over to my now empty table. I see my mother talking with a group of women and she seems to be enjoying herself. 

Damian takes a seat beside mine with his plate of shrimps and another scotch. 

"Scotch?" I ask him about it. 

"I find the other drinks weak compared to it," he shrugs. 

"And you need a hard drink because..." I smirk. 

"Parties are dreadfully boring," he leans back in his seat. "If you were twenty-one I am sure you would have a drink in your hand as well." 

"Even if I was twenty-one, I still wouldn't have a drink in my hand." I give him a sideways glance as I take a sip of water. 

"And why is that?" He asks with an amused look on her face. 

"Because my father would kill me if I drink. He disapproves of drinking because he says it ruins the brain or something like that." I shrug. 

"So you will never drink?" He asks. 

"No, I will," I shake my head. "Just not around my father." 

"Sounds reasonable," he nods. 

"Shouldn't you be mingling with guests right now?" I look around the room at the hundreds of guests. 

"I am," he smirks, taking a sip of his drink. "I am talking to you aren't I?" 

"But I am not anyone of importance," I tell him. 

"And why is that?" He genuinely asks. 

"Because I am not rich, not a working reporter, or someone you might have known before tonight," I list off all the reasons. 

"What if I make a deal?" He sits up a little straighter and leans forward with an offer. "What if for every question I ask you, you get to ask me one. You can use any information you want in an article on me. But if you don't want to answer a question, the interview is over." 

"Strict rules," I smirk. "But I don't see why not." I agree to the terms. 

"Do you need to get your notepad?" He asks before leaning back and taking another sip of his drink. 

"I don't need one," I shake my head. "I have a good memory." 

"Alright," he nods. "I will go first... Are you Lois and Clark's biological daughter?" 

"No," I answer. "Where did you go to high school?" I ask my question. 

"You didn't explain your answer," he points out. 

"The terms were to give you an answer. I did so I get to ask you a question. Where did you go to high school?" 

"Sly," he smirks. "Gotham Academy Preschool." I nod as I make a mental note. "How did you come to live with the Kents?" 

"Clark found me alone, I don't remember much, but he took me in when I was six," I answered his question. "Lois agreed to it after her initial argument with Clark, she became a mother to me." 

"Do you not remember anything before you were six?" He asked. 

"I remember a few things like my biological mother, but I don't know how I got to be in Metropolis and I don't know how Clark found me," I explained further. "Now you asked me two so I will ask you two." 

"Fair enough," he nods. 

"Where did you go to college?" I went on to ask. 

"The local university here in Gotham. I went for business by the way." He adds in that last part, taking away my second question. 

"Alright," I nod, trying to think of another question. "What is your favorite hobby?" 

"History. I like to study the history of wars and weapon innovations." He says, surprising me. 

"I didn't peg you for a history lover," I smile. "But now that you say that I am not surprised." 

"What are your hobbies?" He asked, tilting his head. 

"Reading, art, history of art, and mediation." I list off my hobbies. 

"Art history?" He raises an eyebrow. 

"I like to go to art museums and walk around for hours at a time and get lost in the artwork." I smile at just the thought of those relaxing days. I usually take one day a month off to go to an art museum, but I have been busier since graduating college.

"Your turn to ask the next question," he says to me. 

"Are you planning on following in your father's footsteps and joining the family business?" I knew that was a popular question that people have been dying to get an answer to. 

"I will inherit the business one day as the only biological heir. I have my own business that I run, so I have to balance between them, but the plan is to build an empire in the Wayne family's name." He answers me. 

"Other businesses?" I tilt my head. I have never heard of him working in any other line of work besides his family's company. 

"I have a nonprofit that helps with Gotham poverty. Gotham is not the city it once was, so I raise money to help build it back up to where it used to be." He explains. 

"That is very nice of you," I smile. "I had no idea." 

"Well, I have never had an interview so I never got the word out before," he smirks. "So, are you always going to be a reporter?" 

"I am hoping to be a writer, but I also like writing about others and their achievements. Maybe one day I will write a book, but as of right now I am happy where I am at." I smile, genuinely happy about my life. 

"When you write that book someday, send it to me," he smiles. 

"I will," I can't help but smile back. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am so happy to have you all joining us tonight. I ask that my family gather on the stage for an announcement," Bruce Wayne announced with a microphone in hand.  

"Our game will have to wait," Damian smiles and stands up. "Save me a dance," he says before walking toward his family on the stage. 

"I will," I say while he can still hear me. 


Damian's POV: 

Father gave the history of the charity he chose this year and gave pictures of the people in need and asked for people to make donations to the cause. My family and I stood behind him in a show of support, but we didn't say anything. 

I kept looking over at Rachel, except her eyes were on my father, listening to his every word. I knew that this mattered to her, and I couldn't help but smile at how focused she was on the topic. Her father walked in during the middle of my father's speech and that was the only time Raven pulled her focus away. 

Once father was done we were all seated and served food at our tables. I sat beside my father and Dick and made small talk with them as we ate. 

Father was interrupted a few times, so Dick and Kori talked to me mostly. 

"Where have you been all night? We thought you left," Dick asked while I was eating. 

"I was talking," I gave him a simple answer. 

"To who? Who kept your attention all night?" Kori asked in confusion and disbelief. 

"I met someone," I shrugged. "We were talking." 

"Who was it?" Dick sounded interested. 

"What have you been doing all night? Who have you been talking to?" I start to through it all back at him. 

"He is avoiding answering," Dick tells Kori. "It must have been a girl." 

"Or a guy, we don't discriminate against that," Kori says that last part to me. 

"What are you two blabbering about," I rolled my eyes. 

"We are just saying," Dick said before offering his hand to his wife for a dance. 

They both leave the table, leaving behind father and I. I finished my plate and was about to leave when my father turned to me. "Damian, how is your night?" 

"It has been good," I nod. 

"I saw you talking with Kent's daughter." He makes small talk. 

Of course, he noticed. He was a very good detective and it would be hard to hide anything from him. "Yes." I nod in confirmation. 

"You don't seem to be complaining about the ball this evening." He gives another fact. 

"I guess not," I shrug. 

"What have you been talking about?" He takes a bite of food. "You know she is a reporter right?" 

"I know," I nod. "We are conducting an interview." 

This shocks my father because he stops chewing and his fork pauses in mid-air. He blinks a few times before swallowing and setting down his fork. "You are allowing yourself to be interviewed? Why now?" 

"I don't see why not," I push my plate forward. "You have been pounding me for months to have an interview, so why are you so shocked?" 

"Because you never listen to me," he points out like it was a fact. 

"I listen," I give a pointed glare. 

His lips twitch up in amusement but he stays composed. "Well, I hope the interview goes well. Give my best wishes to Mrs. Roth." 

"It's Kent," I point out. 

"She goes by Roth in her papers," he tells me, sharing something I hadn't known about before. "She doesn't like to be known with Kent's last name in her work because she wants to work her way up the ladder."  

I nod as I listen to him. 

Another guest comes over and starts talking to my father so I stand up and leave the table. I go to the bar and grab a drink before standing around at a tall table and scanning the room. Rachel and her family are sitting at the table talking, and by the looks of their face, I know that it isn't good. 

I walk over to their table and interrupt them. "Rachel, might I borrow you for a second?" 

Rachel turned around and smile when she saw me. Her parents turned to me and her mother's eyes went from her to me in confusion. I try to ignore it and turn all my attention back to Rachel.

"Sure," she stands up. 

"I am sorry, but who might you be?" Her father asks in confusion. 

"That is Damian Wayne. Bruce's boy," his wife answers. 

"Oh," he nods. 

"Nice to meet you," I hold out my hand for him to shake. He has a tight grip, but I am not intimidated by him. Once we finish with the formalities I ask Rachel to join me in getting a drink. She agrees and we go to the bar to order her a drink. I already had mine so I just waited. 

"Lovely meal," she tells me. 

"It was," I nod. 

"I am not one for fish, but the chicken was good." She leans against the bar counter. 

"You don't like fish?" I ask, learning something new about her. 

"I don't. I am not sure if it is the smell or the taste but I don't eat any type of fish." She tells me. 

"Very interesting." I nod. 

"So," she smirks. "Are we starting the game again?" 

"I suppose we should," I nod before taking a swig of my scotch. "Where were we?" 

"I will allow you to ask me the first question," she says politely. 

"Alright," I nod. "I heard you like to write your articles using your last name. Why?" 

"Well, my mother is the great Lois Lane and my father is also known for his future stores of Superman, so when I got the job I wanted to earn my reputation." She shrugged and took a sip of her water. "Now... Is your hair naturally this dark?" 

"Yes," I nod. "I can show you if you want," I raise my eyebrow suggestively, but this just causes her to giggle. 

"I will have to take a rain check on that one," she says with a smile. 

"Is your hair naturally this dark?" I ask her in return. 

"It is," she nods. "But I won't be offering to prove it to you," she smirks. 

I chuckle and take a drink. "Fair enough." 

"Why haven't you ever done an interview before?" She set down her drink and focused all her attention on me. It was almost too much, but I also didn't want this moment to end. 

"Because I never saw the point. I don't care about my reputation, and despite my father saying that I should, I don't. There is also the fact that reporters exaggerate and twist your words, and I hate that." I said firmly. 

"So why let me interview you?" She leaned on the table. 

"Because I am getting something from this interview as well, so it is a sacrifice I am willing to make." I give her an honest answer. "And because I have a feeling you are an honest reporter." 

"I am flattered," she blushes. 

"Have any boyfriends?" I ask my turn to ask the next question. 

She turns to me, stunned, but she finds her barring soon enough. "No." 

"No?" I tilt my head. It seems impossible for someone as beautiful as her to not be dating anyone, but it also fills me with hope. 

"I don't have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend." She adds. 

"Good to know," I nod with a smirk. 

"You?" She asks. 

"No," I finish off my drink. 

"You are like the most eligible bachelor in Gotham and you aren't dating anyone?" she says in disbelief. 

"What can I say? I don't normally date around," I shrug. "I might have the Wayne last name, but I do not follow their reputations." 

She smirks and finishes her glass of water. "Would you like to drink?" 

"I believe it is my turn to ask the question, yet you stole the words right out of my mouth," I smirk and walk around the table and offer my hand. 

She takes it and I lead her to the middle of the ballroom. 


Raven's POV: 

Damian rested his hands on my waist and I slid my hands behind his neck and we swayed together with the music. Couples were dancing all around us, and Damian and I made note of them. 

"The couple over there is the Donavin's," he nodded over to an older couple. "They have been married for sixty-two years now." 

"How sweet," I say as I watch the older couple sway around the room. 

"They knew my grandparents and watched my father growing up," Damian added. "They are filled with many stories about my father, which comes in handy for blackmail." 

"You blackmail your father," I smirk in amusement. 

"It sounds worse than it is," he smiles. "I just like to bring up stories about him when he brings his girlfriend over to the house. Selena Kyle loves to hear about my father's adolescent days." 

"Who wouldn't," I chuckle. 

"Oh, and your parents are dancing," Damian added, making me turn in the other direction to see my parents slow dancing. I smiled at how happy they looked and turned back to Damian. 

"They like slow dancing at parties. I used to think it was the most embarrassing thing, but I have changed my mind." I tell Damian. 

The song opens and Damian looks up, his face suddenly changing. "I have to go. I will be right back." He says before walking away, not leaving me any time to question him. 

I watch as he disappears into the crowd and when I can't find him I walk back to my designated table and find a seat. Damian and I had danced to four songs, and my feet were starting to kill me in these heals. I slid them off under the table and covered my feet so no one would notice. 

"Rachel," my mom's voice came from behind me. 

I glanced over my shoulder and saw my mother and father standing behind me. "Hi," I nod to them and twist my body to face them. 

"Your mother and I have decided to go home," my father announced. 

"Is everything okay?" I begin to worry, looking at mom. 

"I am fine," she cups my face tenderly. "Just ready for bed." 

"Oh," I sigh. "Alright." 

"We will get going then," my father announced to me, expecting me to get up and leave with them. I hesitate though, not wanting to leave without talking to Damian once more. 

"Or she can stay," my mother offers, noticing my hesitance. "I mean she is old enough to get home by herself now Clark," my mother turns to my father. "I think she should be allowed to stay out and enjoy the party some more." 

"But how will she get home?" He forgets that I am here and asks mom. 

"I can teleport," I whisper but I know he can hear me. 

"But you will just be risking your powers being found out," dad whispers. "Not to mention drain your energy for something as pointless as that." 

"That is how we got here tonight," I tell him seriously. 

"You what?" He looks between mom and I. "You know you shouldn't use your powers for something as trivial as travel." 

"I asked, Clark," mom gave a warning look to dad. 

They have a staring contest and after a few seconds, my father concedes and nods. "I want a text in the morning to signal that you are alright. You can go back to your apartment if you want or you can use your spare key to the house." 

"Thanks, Dad," I stand up and hug them both. We say our goodbyes and I watch them as they walk out the doors. I start to question my decision and as time goes on I start to wonder if I should just leave. 

I am sure Damian wouldn't think anything of it if I just left. 

"Hey," Speak of the devil, he comes up behind me. "I thought you might have left. My father said your parents had left." 

"I am an adult, so I decided to stay for a little while longer," I shrug. "Where did you have to go?" 

"It was a family emergency." He sighs and takes a seat beside me. "One of my siblings is taking care of it though so I shouldn't have to abruptly leave anymore." 

"I thought that you were just doing it to get back at me," I smirk. 

"I thought about it, but it happened to be an actual emergency that I couldn't prevent. But it is being handled and everything is alright." He assures me. 

"Alright," I chuckle. 

"Can I show you something?" He suddenly straightens and becomes more serious. 

"Sure," I nod. 

He offers me his hand and I follow him out of the ballroom and down a long, dark hallway. He didn't say much, and I didn't mind because I was enjoying walking the decorated halls. There were paintings and statues all over and each one told a different story. I would have stayed there longer if I could have, but Damian kept walking. 

He opened a set of large doors and allowed me to walk into the room first. I walked a few steps into the room, but it was too dark to see what I had just walked into. Damian closed the large doors behind him and turned on the lights to reveal the large library of books surrounding us. 

"Wow," I walk over and trail my fingers down the spines of the books. 

"This is my family's collection. Some of these books are the last of their kind." He came to stand behind me. 

"Not that I am complaining, but why are you showing me this?" I turned to face him. 

"I felt you would appreciate this room as much as I do. My family, besides my father, thinks this is a waste of money." Damian said in a deflated tone. 

"But this place is amazing," I gape at the shelves around me. "I mean, I am sure there is one of every book in this massive room." 

It's true. This room stretched so far that I couldn't see the far wall and there were too many books to count. I walked farther into the middle and looked at the category cards that sorted the books. They were placed by genre and then name, and I was just amazed at the thought of someone sorting these books. 

"Impressed?" He smirks. 

"Very," I nod. "This is by far the coolest thing I have ever seen." 

"Yeah..." He said, making me turn to him. 

Suddenly his lips crash on top of mine and I am caught off guard. It takes a few seconds to realize what is happening, and right when I start to feel him pull away I wrap my arm around his neck and pull him into me. 

His hands go to my waist and he pins me against the closest bookshelf. I found myself being lifted by my waist as he positioned himself between my legs. I kissed him passionately as his tongue slipped into my mouth. 

"Fuck," he groaned against my lips, causing a fire between my legs. 

I started to kiss down his jaw and to his neck, teasing him with small bites and marks. His hands ran through my hair as he brought our mouths together once more. I started to fiddle with the buttons of his shirt and I undid his tie, throwing it behind him. 

"Greedy are we?" He chuckles. 

I roll my eyes and smile. "Let's just say that I don't have a lot of patience." 

"I don't mind," he whispers in my ear in a deep velvety voice. "Should we head to my room, or would you like me to lock the doors?" He smirks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Lock the door," I whisper into his ear. 

He chuckles before carrying me over to the door. He peeks me on the lips as we walk and when I hear the lock click I know that nothing is stopping us now. I crash our lips together and shift onto his hardened member. 

He groans as I rock on him, and I can tell I am driving him crazy. The next thing I know my back is pressed against an expensive leather couch. Damian hoovers over me with passion in his eyes and a fire that drives me crazy. 

"This was not how I saw my night going," he whispers with a wild smirk. 

"How did you see it going?" I tease. 

"Maybe having a few more drinks and heading off before the party ended to read." He shrugged. "How did you see your night going?" 

"Going to the party, coming home, taking a shower, and probably a movie night in PJs," I told him the truth. That was my plan, but I am happy to change it up a bit. 

"I wouldn't have minded seeing you in PJs. I assume you would look sexy," he mumbles in my ear, causing me to giggle. "I am serious," he sits back a little to study my face. 

"I am sorry. I don't mean to laugh. It's just that... I would never call me laying in bed 'sexy'." I put one hand on his cheek and smiled. "But thanks." 

He comes back over to me and kisses me. I shift my legs, causing my dress to ride up to reveal my thighs. I wasn't wearing any underwear because of a lack of doing laundry. As Damian's hands trail upwards on my thigh, he seems to notice this fact for himself. 

His eyes widen and he looks down and then back up to me. 

"What?" I give him a sly grin. 

He smirks, "nothing." 

"That's what I thought." I wrap my arms around his neck and bring his lips to mine. He shifts over me, freeing himself from his pants. His penis springs forward and the veins are bulging on his cock. 

I rip off his shirt and kiss his bare chest as he slides a condom on. I feel his hands raising my dress up, and I shift so I can toss it over my head. Once I was naked on the leather couch, I felt exposed. 

But he was naked too, and that assured me. 

I felt him pressing at my entrance, and I nodded to give him my permission. He pauses for a second before leaning down to kiss me as he slides inside of me. I moan and claw at his back at the pressure of his cock inside of me, but my lips don't leave his. 

I moan with every thrust and we get lost in our own little world. Who knew that going to a boring party would end up like this? I might not have been expecting it, but I am sure ENJOYING it. 

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