The Girl in the Mirror 2 (Har...

By stacey_x

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The sequel the The Girl in the Mirror. What is next for Sienna and Harry? Will they finally get the happy end... More

The Girl in the Mirror 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 30

528 22 22
By stacey_x

Chapter 30

Sienna’s POV

I’m so scared, terrified even. My head feels like it’s a speeding train, heading towards another train at full speed. My head is waiting, knowing it’s heading towards a head to head coalition. I can’t think of this any other way, only like this.
My body feels differently to my head. My body feels like it’s the aftermath of the crash. I feel like my body is the broken and burning wreckage. The flames raging, cutting off my air supply and making it hard for me to breathe or focus.
I can hardly focus at all, as I stare at Doctor Chance, who’s about to tell us the results, which is going to crush me. I know the results will potentially change everything, every relationship I have in this room. It may even change relationships outside this room.
Harry stands beside me, his fingers entwining tighter with my own. He rubs his thumb up and down my hand, in what I assume to be a calm manner. He’s trying to calm me down and ease my worry. I can’t be calmed though, not right now. My legs feel like jelly, shaking uncontrollably and I can feel the sweat starting to form on my forehead. I’m no use to anyone, not even myself when I’m like this. I’d be better doing this alone, it wouldn’t feel this intense then.
I know how nervous and on edge I feel, so I’d hate to think how Zayn and Harry must be feeling. I’m already a part of Freddy’s life, I always will be and the results for the pair of them mean they’ll either be involved in his life forever too or not at all.
I stare at Harry, who stares at Doctor Chance, with his eyebrows slightly raised. He doesn’t seem like he’s nervous, not like I am. He seems so calm and collected, which makes me feel worse. My heart races even faster, my anxiety growing. I don’t think he’s even considered or contemplated the thought or possibility that Freddy might not be his. He hasn’t even contemplated the idea of not being his father. The way he’s acting now it seems like he’s a hundred percent certain he’s the father. There’s a big chance he isn’t though and I don’t know how he’ll react or what he’ll do if he isn’t. I can’t imagine him sticking around or staying by my side if Freddy isn’t his.
I stare over at Zayn, standing beside Niall. Zayn seems to be nervous and on edge, like me. He’s the complete opposite to Harry. His eyes are already filled with pending tears, as he nervously awaits the results. He bites down on his bottom lip, looking sexy, which I know I shouldn’t think in a time like this, but he does. That’s Zayn though, he always manages to look sexy, without even trying. He knows that he has just as much chance at being the father as Harry does. He saw through my lies from day one, when I tried to say there was no way he was the father. He knew the truth, he always did.
I take a deep breath as the moment of truth is finally upon us and I can’t hide from it, not anymore. I turn back to Doctor Chance, who opens one of the two white envelopes in his hand. He pulls the paperwork out of the envelope and he starts reading over it. He takes his time reading over it, so he can see clearly who the father is.

“These are the results for you, Zayn” Doctor Chance says looking up at him.

Zayn nods nervously, taking a small step closer to Doctor Chance, closing the space between them. Doctor Chance holds the results out to Zayn, who instinctively steps even closer to him, placing his hands on the paperwork.

“Freddy isn’t yours” Doctor Chance says respectfully.

Doctor Chance doesn’t mess around, he just gets straight to the point, knowing how difficult this is for us all. Zayn nods, removing the paperwork from Doctor Chances hand and he stares down at the words on the paper. I imagine we wouldn’t know how to even pronounce half of the words on the paper, nor understand the terminology.
I hear a soft chuckle leave Harrys lips, which makes me let go of his hand. I can’t stand that he’s getting satisfaction and feeling smug in a moment like this. I know the pair of them have had problems over the years, but he’s just being cruel now. This isn’t the time or place to take joy in someone else’s misery.
I stare at Zayn, whose face slowly crumbles and he breaks into tears. He looks so hurt, which makes me feel so guilty. I didn’t want this to happen, I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. I know he needed this, he needed some light in his dark life, but this is out of my control. I can’t control that he isn’t the father. I keep watching him mute, as tears fall down his face, landing onto the paper he holds in his hand.
I know I’m selfishly a step closer to what I want and what I want the outcome to be. I’m another step closer to having the family I want with Harry, but I didn’t want anyone to get hurt in the process. I didn’t want Zayn to get caught up in the storm, which I’ve created. I didn’t want anyone to get caught up in it, but they were always going to. They was always going to be someone who got hurt, there always is when I’m involved.
I don’t like seeing Zayn this upset, he doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve to be hurt by me, not again. He doesn’t see the good in this right now, but one day he will. He’ll eventually see that this is a blessing in disguise. He’ll realise this way he can walk away, he can walk away from me. He doesn’t have to be tied to me for the rest of his life. He’ll see it one day that walking away from me was the best thing he ever did. He’ll look back on this day with fond memories then. At least now he can leave this all behind and never have to think about me or the mess I’ve created, ever again. I know one day he’ll think like that, which makes it easier to deal with. I know that day isn’t today though. He isn’t going to feel like that, not just yet.

“I’m so sorry, Zayn” I say to him.

I know Harry will be pissed off at me for apologising to Zayn, but I owe him something. I owe him some kind of gesture, even if it’s only small like this. I move away from Harry and before I can overthink it, I walk to Zayn. I reach him and without warning, I wrap my arms around him, trapping his arms beneath him. I hug him tightly, closing my eyes as I do. It takes him a few seconds to respond, but he soon hugs me back, which I’m grateful for. I needed some response and a returned comfort from him. I just need to know that he doesn’t hate me. I’m sure he does and I hope he knows, whatever hate he feels towards me it’s nothing, nothing in comparison to how much I hate myself. I don’t believe anyone has ever hated themselves this much, nobody ever could.

“I know you are, it’s okay babe” he says to me.

I don’t release him from my embrace, wanting to hold onto him for as long as I can. I can’t believe that he’s being so understanding and that he’s forgiving me. I can’t believe that he isn’t even angry with me. I’m not use to this kind of understanding, not since I’ve been with Harry. I was more use to it with Liam. Liam was always calm and he always easily forgave me, but Harry isn’t like that. He gets angry, like I do and that’s why we’re so fiery together, neither of us ever want to back down.
I finally pull away from him carefully, removing our connecting bodies from each other. It doesn’t make any sense to me why he’s still being nice. I know I don’t deserve it, I didn’t deserve it all the times I hurt him before either. I’ll take it though, I’ll take him being okay with me. I’d rather that than him screaming and shouting at me.
Zayn’s eyes are dark, yet they are filled with hurt. They are on the verge of leaking, on the verge of crying again. He does all he can to fight it, stopping his emotions from showing and I do all I can not to upset him again. He gives me a small smile, which I know is a lie. I know how easy it is to smile through something painful. I’ve faked smiles when really every single part of me was dying inside.
He lifts his free hand from down by his side and he gently pushes my greasy hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. He smiles at me and I stare back at him, still feeling that overwhelming bond we’ve always shared. I don’t think the connection we have will ever be broken, not completely.

“You’re going to be an amazing mother, I know it” he smiles.

His words mean so much and I feel emotion listening to him. The smile soon disappears from his face, when he turns to look at Harry. I follow his gaze finding Harry’s staring back at him, his eyes burning into him, whilst a small smirk plays on his lips. Harry looks like the cat that got the cream. He’s too confident that he’s the father, which concerns me. Does he realise that Liam is still in the running? There’s a 50/50 chance that the baby is his or Liam’s now. 
I know him though and I can tell by his face that he doesn’t care about that right now. The only thing he cares about is getting one over on Zayn. The fact that as it stands he has got one over on Zayn, brings him immense pleasure, so much so that he doesn’t care about anything else right now. He’s feeling happy, all because Zayn isn’t happy.

“And you” Zayn says pointing at Harry “You need to get your head out of your arse and step up. If you’re his dad, you need to finally be a man.”

Harry stares back at him, his lips pressed tightly together and I can tell he’s speechless. He’s speechless at Zayn’s cocky front, which he wasn’t expecting. I’m surprised when Harry doesn’t argue back with him, like he normally would. He stares at him, seeming to accept what he’s saying, knowing he may have to step up. He seems like he’s actually listened for once and he’s holding onto his words. He would never admit it, but he knows what Zayn is saying is right. He’ll need to step up, if he’s Freddy’s father and be the man he should’ve always been. He might not be his father though, meaning this doesn’t actually apply to him and it applies to Liam. I just really hope in my heart that it does apply to him though.

“You need to stop with the stupid games and fights. You need to be there for her, she needs you. They’ll both need you” Zayn finishes.

Harry seems to nod, accepting that I need more. I need more than he’s been giving me and I hope now whether Freddy is his or not he can see that. I hope he realises I can’t half-heartedly do this anymore. I can’t keep surviving on a half love, not now.
Zayn turns back to me and he leans in, engulfing me in his arms again. I hold him back, relaxing in his touch and appreciating his kindness. I hope he realises I’m sorry, so sorry for everything. I appreciate this moment, this last touch, even though it’ll make Harry angry. Harry won’t approve, but he doesn’t get a say in this. He can’t tell me not to comfort someone who’s been a good friend to me and who needs me.

“I’ll always be here for you, Sienna. If you ever need me, just call and I’ll be there” he whispers in my ear.

I feel my eyes well with tears as he slowly moves away from me. He smiles at me and then he turns away, facing Niall. Niall stays quiet and smiles back at him sympathetically.

“I think it’s best if I go now. I don’t really want to stick around to hear the other results” Zayn says.

I understand, so I nod showing him I do. I wouldn’t want to stick around if I was him either. It’d only upset him further if he has to hear that Harry’s the father and he’d probably think even less of me if he isn’t.


“I’ll go with you pal” Niall tells him.

Niall walks to me, hugging me too and kissing my cheek lightly.

“I’ll call you later on babe” he tells me.

I’m so thankful to be back on good terms with Niall, I need his friendship right now. Zayn smiles at me, walking to the door, not bothering to say goodbye to Harry, which nobody expected anyway. Niall walks to him, attempting to hug him, but Harry moves away, declining his gesture. He holds his hand out, allowing Niall to shake it, which pisses me off. Harry needs to move on and let the anger go, like I have.
Zayn and Niall thank Doctor Chance and then they leave. They walk out of the door, shutting it behind them. They leave me with Harry and Doctor Chance, like they were never even here. I feel alone without them, well without Niall. I always feel like I have an ally in him, whenever he’s around.
I turn back to face Doctor Chance, standing back by Harry’s side. We’re finally ready for the rest of the results, for Harry’s results. I’m just ready for all of this to end, so I can finally get some closure on this. I know if Harry isn’t the father then Liam is, so either way now I’ll get my answer.

“Are you ready?” Doctor Chance asks.

I look at Harry and he nods. I can tell he’s getting a little more nervous now, so I take his hand in mine, hoping it’ll soothe him. Doctor Chance opens the last envelope and he pulls out the paperwork, reading over it, just like before. My heart races as his mouth opens and he speaks the words that’ll change us for either better or worse.

“You’re the father” he smiles.

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I’d been holding in and a delirious half laugh and half cough leave my lips. My stomach flips in happiness, warmth filling my veins and my heart. I can’t even describe how good this feels. It feels like the missing piece has been found.
I turn to Harry, who has a huge grin on his face. He doesn’t look relieved, showing that he already knew he was the father. He pulls me into him, holding me tightly and I hold him back. I bury my face into his chest, breathing in his scent and feeling relieved. I feel like I can finally start living again, I can start planning life for me, Harry and Freddy. I’m finally going to have the family I’ve always craved. I‘m finally going to be happy.

Harry’s POV

The hours have passed by since I found out in black and white that I’m Freddy’s dad. I won’t lie I was secretly shitting myself, when I was waiting for the results. I had my doubts, but I knew somewhere inside, deep inside he was mine. I couldn’t show I was worried though, not with Zayn the snake around. He’d have only used my doubt against me and turned Sienna against me. He’d do anything he can to try and make me look bad.
I yawn tilting my head to the seat beside me, which is occupied by Sienna. She’s half asleep, her eyes fluttering between being shut and being open. They close and then she quickly forces them back open. She’s exhausted, everything is starting to take its toll on her. I can tell she’s shattered, both physically and emotionally. I know how she feels, I feel the same, but I can’t fix it. She won’t let me help her and she won’t listen to me, when I try to make it better in anyway. I’ve told her to go and get some rest. I told her to go to the hotel, so she can get cleaned up, but she won’t. She point blank refuses to leave Freddy’s side even for five minutes. The only time she leaves is when she goes to the bathroom and even then she rushes back. I’m worried for her, really worried.
She seemed fine earlier, happy once we’d got the DNA results, but now she’s down again. She won’t really speak to me, giving me one word responses. I never know where she is or what mood she is in. She’s always that up and down, completely unpredictable. She makes me feel like I’m on a roller-coaster. I try and talk to her, seeing how she is feeling, but she clams up when I do.
I never know with her why she’s acting like this. Is she mad at me for something? Is she pissed off? Or does she just not want to talk to me? I imagine it’s a bit of both. How am I meant to make things better when she won’t tell me what’s wrong? I really hope we can try and get us back on track, especially now for Freddy.
I hear her breathing lightly and when I look at her she’s sleeping. Her head hangs back and her mouth is open, as she breathes lightly. I leave her alone, hoping the sleep, no matter how short helps her mood. I enjoy the silence too, I enjoy not hearing her moaning or sighing.
I quietly stand up, walking closer to Freddy’s incubator. I stare at him, laying there and that’s when it all starts to feel real. I start to feel like I’m his dad, he’s actually my son. His tiny body lays still, just his chest rising up and down. I know he has a long way to go, but I feel like inside that he’s going to pull through. He’s tough, like me and he’ll get through this, like I’ve got through shit in the past.
I have to be optimistic, especially with Sienna around, who’s a pessimist. She always thinks the worst in everything and she always expects the worse. She makes out like she’s prepared if Freddy doesn’t pull through, but I know she isn’t. She wouldn’t know how to cope if he didn’t. She’s already falling apart now, so I hate to think how bad she’d be if things got worst.

“Is he okay?”

I turn around to be met by worried blue eyes. She’s wide awake, her eyes staring in panic as she quickly stands up. She moves closer to me quickly, staring into the incubator once she reaches my side, seeing if he’s okay, which he is. She can’t even have a five minute nap without waking up in a panic.

“He’s fine, I’d have woken you if he wasn’t” I assure her.

Her body relaxes as she watches him, realising everything is fine and nothing has changed. He’s exactly the same as he was the few minutes ago that she was awake.

“I thought there was something wrong, that something had happened to him.”

I slip my arm around her waist and she instantly tenses up as I do. It feels like we’ve gone back in time to when we’d just met and I was a stranger to her. This was how she reacted to me back then, when I touched her in the beginning. I really don’t want to deal with that Sienna, the cold and unloving one. I was glad to see the back of her and the last thing I want is her resurfacing.

“Have you forgiven me?” I ask her.

I need to know, I need to know if we’ll ever be okay again. I refuse to walk on egg shells forever. She forgave me, so she needs to forget it. It isn’t fair saying you’ve forgiven someone and then holding it against them.
She refuses to look back at me, not meeting my eye contact. She keeps her eyes on Freddy, making me believe she’s only with me for his sake. I think if he wasn’t here then she’d be gone and I’d be alone. The thought makes me shudder, I can’t be alone. I can’t be without her, I can’t live without her.

“Yes, I’ve forgiven you.”

She is saying she has, but it still doesn’t feel like it. She isn’t tell me what’s going on in her head and I want to get to the bottom of it. I need to know what she’s thinking, so I can help her, which will mean helping me too.

“What’s wrong then?” I ask.

She sighs, rubbing her makeup free face with her hands. She closes her eyes taking a deep breath, preparing herself to speak to me.

“I just I feel like everything is weighing down on me, like it’s all crushing me. I feel like I can’t breathe, like everything is suppressing me and I don’t know how to make it better. I feel like I’m dying, slowly and I can’t do anything to stop it” she whimpers.

She finally shows some emotion and it pathetically makes me feel uneasy. She can’t win with me, she never has been able to.  I don’t know how to make it better, I’ve never made her feel better and that isn’t going to change now. Why do I never know what to say?
She cries, breaking in front of me, like so many times before. She’s been putting on a brave face, trying to act strong and now the tough exterior is slipping away. She can’t hold the emotion in anymore, which I’d rather see. I’d rather see her emotional side than her silent side. I want her to tell me what’s wrong, so I can listen and relate. I want to know she feels the same as I do. I want us to be able to talk and really communicate. I want us to be like a normal couple.

“I feel like I’m losing my grip on everything and I can’t stop it. My head is a complete mess, so much that I can’t even focus. I can’t think straight, all my thoughts are dark. I just want to hide away somewhere, but I can’t. I’ve got to be here for him, but I know I’m not helping. I’m not doing anything to help him.”

She starts to sob, so I move quickly to her and I pull her into my arms. I hold her tightly, my broken girl, who hours ago was the strong one. She was the one who held me together and kept me going. That seems like days ago now, as she shows her emotions in front of me. I hold her frail body close to mine, realising how thin and small she seems. The last time I held her properly she was pregnant, her huge bump making it difficult for us to get close. Now, she seems tiny in my arms, concerning me even more.
I wish I knew how to make everything better, but I know I can’t. I’ve learnt over the years that only she can make it better for herself, not me. The only thing I can do is comfort her and say words that will give her faith that it’ll be okay. It will be okay, eventually everything will be okay again.

“Babe, it’s all going to get better. I swear to you it’ll all be okay. You have me and I’ve got you, so we can get through this. I’m here, I’ll always be here and I’m not leaving you. You don’t have to go through this alone, I’m here. Everything’s going to be okay.”

She nods her head, looking up at me with her tired blue eyes. She opens her mouth ready to speak, but a knock at the door stops her. We both turn to look at the door and when the door opens my body tenses. My eyes narrow as Eleanor and Louis stand at the door, staring at us. Are you fucking kidding me?

Sienna’s POV

I turn t
o look at the door, feeling uneasy as Louis and Eleanor appear, standing side by side. They were the last two people I’d have expected to turn up here and probably two of the most unwelcomed too. The last time I saw Eleanor we had a row over her indulging Harry’s drinking and we haven’t spoken since. She didn’t bother contacting me or trying to make up and I certainly wasn’t going to make the first move.
I quickly push away my emotions, hiding the fact that I was just crying. I paint over the tears and sadness, masking what I feel. I’m not letting them know I’m in pieces, nobody needs to know not even Harry fully. I carefully pull out of Harry’s embrace, needing to stand alone.
I really don’t need this right now. I don’t need these ‘friends’ coming and showing us some moral support. I don’t need fake friends, not like these. I just want to be alone with Harry and Freddy, so we can try and deal with this. I need time for us to become a family and to start creating a bond.
Eleanor smiles at me, bright red lips and winged eyeliner covering her features. She’s made up to perfection, clean and ironed clothes. Her white blouse and black trousers make her look slender. Her hair is pinned up, not a hair out of place, then there’s me. I feel disgusting compared to her, like a tramp. My hair is a mess, I’ve got huge bags under my eyes and I’m still in my hospital gown. I probably smell, but being presentable has been the last thing on my mind. I wish it hadn’t been though, in this moment looking at her. I hate how small she makes me feel, without even realising she’s doing anything.

“Hi” she speaks first, breaking the silence.

I don’t respond as I stare at her and I see the ‘Baby Boy’ balloon in her hand and the bag of presents she’s carrying. The last things we need are gifts. The last thing I want is to have clothes for him, which he may never get to use. Why didn’t they think that? I can’t jinx this by buying him things, not yet.

“Hey” Harry responds.

The tension in the room makes me feel uncomfortable and I can tell by everyone’s face that they all feel it too. This situation feels awkward and almost painful. I‘ve no idea why they both thought coming here would be a good idea. It wasn’t a good idea, especially for Louis to come.

“We got some presents for the baby” Eleanor says, lifting the gift bag up.

She steps forward, holding the bags out to us. I stay rooted to my spot, folding my arms across my chest. I refuse to make eye contact with her, so I stare at a spot on the wall, ignoring the gesture. I don’t want their presents, I don’t want anyone’s gifts. Harry quickly steps forward, taking the bag and balloon from her, before returning to my side.

“Thank you” he smiles.

He places them by the side of his chair and then he stands back by my side. I don’t say thanks, I’m not thankful, so I’m not going to pretend to be. I know they’re trying to make amends by being here, but it isn’t that easy just to forgive what’s happened in the past. If they want to rebuild our friendships then they need to make the first move and they need to put some work in it. I’m not going to make the first move and I know Harry won’t either.

“How’s the baby?” Louis finally asks.

He doesn’t care about my baby, he doesn’t care about any of us actually. I can’t forget the hurtful things he said and I’m not ready to even try. I don’t know why he’s pretending he cares now. He isn’t a loyal or trustworthy friend and neither’s Eleanor. I don’t trust either of them and I don’t think I ever will again.

“He’s improving every day” Harry answers him.

I’m surprised that Harry is speaking to Louis at all, let alone this calmly. If it was under any other circumstances I’d normally be the most forgiving and be the first one to speak, but not today. I’m not in the mood for petty small talk, which doesn’t mean anything and doesn’t make any difference.

“That’s good news” Louis smiles lightly.

He turns to look at Eleanor, searching for support and for her to try to ease the tension. The easiest way for them to avoid this tension is to leave, it’d be the best thing for all of us. I wouldn’t care if they both walked out and I never saw either of them again.

“We both want to try and make amends. We’re both sorry for everything that’s happened, really sorry. I personally never realised how much trouble one drink would cause us. If I’d have known I’d never have drank myself” Eleanor explains.

“It’s okay, we know” Harry speaks for us both.

It isn’t okay, but I stay quiet and I let Harry do all the speaking. He might be willing to forgive them both, but I’m not ready to forgive them. I can’t forgive them as easily as he can, I’m not good at forgiving people. I can hold a grudge for life, except for Harry, I always somehow forgive him.

“I’m really sorry for everything too. I lost my temper and things just got heated. I’ve wanted to come and apologise, but it didn’t seem like the right time. Then this all happened and it put everything into perspective for me. I’m probably the last person you want to see or talk too, but I want you to know I’ll do anything I can to help you both. I’m ready to sort things out, whenever you are” Louis says.

“Okay, we’ll keep that in mind” Harry advises.

Harry’s tone is sharp and his words sound slightly forced. He clearly isn’t ready to forgive Louis, not yet and neither am I. Louis nods, accepting his words and then he looks to the floor, looking deep in thought. He probably expected everything to be fine and all to be forgiven by him saying sorry. It doesn’t work like that though, things aren’t that easy to just get over.

“I’ll erm well I’ll give you some space, so I’ll wait in the car” he says.

He turns around, squeezing Eleanor’s shoulder and he slowly walks to the door. He walks so slow that it feels like he’s waiting for one of us to stop him, but none of us do. He opens the door and walks out, which we allow. We don’t say goodbye to him or speak another word to him.
Eleanor smiles at me, which I don’t return. I don’t even know why they both came here together. She split up with him, he broke her heart and said he wanted nothing to do with her, so why are they together. He was cruel and nasty, like he is with everyone. It doesn’t make any sense, unless they’re getting back together. Why would she get back with him though?

“We’re giving things another go, me and Louis” she tells us.

She seems to have read my thoughts as she tells us they’re back together. Harry and I both stare at her, this weak woman. I’m not surprised she has got back with him, she wasn’t strong enough to resist him when he showed her any interest again. I think she’s stupid after everything he’s done, but who am I to judge her. I’ve forgiven Harry for much worse, so I’ve no room to talk.

“What? After everything he’s done and said to you?” Harry asks.

She looks slightly embarrassed and upset, staring back at Harry. I’m not really that interested in her love life and her constant need to be the centre of attention. I feel like she hasn’t even come here to see us or Freddy. She’s here to show off and brag that she’s back with Louis. NEWS FLASH!! Nobody gives a shit!

“I know, but I love him. I can’t help loving him.”

“Fine, but don’t come crying to me when it all goes wrong” Harry snaps.

“It isn’t going to go wrong, not this time! It’s not like it even matters to you! You don’t care about me, you don’t give a shit, do you?”

“Course I care, I’ve always cared” he tells her.

I stand here just listening to them arguing and their voices rising more and more. I don’t care about their issues with each other, I can’t stand listening to them. I can’t cope listening to them any longer, not another word. I don’t even know why they’re arguing and why they’re both getting so angry.

“Both of you shut up!” I snap “If you’re going to argue then do it outside, so I don’t have to listen and you don’t disturb Freddy.”

She stares at me looking hurt by my outburst, but I don’t budge. I just glare back at her, like I don’t even know her. My stare makes her give up and she angrily turns away, walking out of the room. I really don’t need her friendship, not now. The last thing I need is to complicate my life with her problems and issues. I’ve enough problems of my own to worry about. I will make up with her one day, but not yet, not today.

“Fine” she states when she reaches the door “At least I tried.”

She walks out of the door and before I can say or do anything, Harry rushes out of the room after her. I don’t bother calling after him or following him. I stay here with the one person who’ll always matter to me. Freddy.
I walk back to Freddy, back to his incubator, watching his chest slowly rising and falling as he breathes. I didn’t know it was possible to love someone this much. I didn’t know love could be this strong or even this powerful.
A few minutes pass and then I hear the door open again. I turn to look, watching as Harry walks back inside alone. I don’t say anything to him, even when he stands beside me. He watches Freddy breathing too, placing his arm around my waist. I don’t get comfort from his touch, it makes me feel uneasy. I think it’s because mentally I’m doing all of this alone. I feel like I’m alone in this, even though Harry is beside me.

“Did you speak to her and make up?” I ask.

“No, she stormed off, before I could reach her and talk to her.”

I finally turn to look at him and that’s when I see red lipstick smudged on his neck. He smiles at me, but I can’t force myself to return the gesture. The lipstick belongs to Eleanor, I recognise it from her lips. Why has he lied to me and said he didn’t catch up with her?
I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I’m pretty confident that I know why he’s lied. This is Harry Styles. He has no morals, he never has and the worst part is I don’t even care anymore. I don’t care about his lies or what he’s been up to. How can I care? I can’t, not anymore because when I think about anything other than Freddy, I feel completely empty inside.

A/N – Hey guys so sorry for the delay in updating. I’ve had loads going on with work and some close family friends dying! I’m back now though, so I’ll be updating regularly again. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Peace out x

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