The Kingdoms of Blue and Gree...

By Cha71i53

2.9K 171 61

Best Ranking #2 in Action-Adventure. He yearned for her vanilla-tasting lips and skin. Are you going to kis... More

~ Prologue ~
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
~ Epilogue ~
Author's Note

Part 22

43 3 0
By Cha71i53

Evelynn shrugged on her high heels and headed to the library. She tucked the gloves into her pockets, tucked the socks into the sides of her heels, and brushed her twisted hair with her fingers.

She did it. It was a wave of anger took over her and Evelynn killed him. She reminded herself that it was what needed to be done. Marcus would be relieved and so would the next line of warriors. She kept reminding herself again and again that it was the right thing to do. Her fingers clenched and unclenched, her skin flushed with warmth. Evelynn breath hitched.

Azrael looked up from his feet at the sound of footsteps. He adjusted his crown and rubbed his face from the remains of his tears. He looked at Evelynn, her soft smile in the moonlight as her white dress lit up; in Azrael's mind she reminded him of an angel. Evelynn smiled at Azrael. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Brushing her dress in distraction to hide the blade strapped to her thigh.

Evelynn stepped forward so she could see Azrael in the light. Those piecing green eyes that she had once seen, was bloodshot and red. A red ring appeared over the edge of his green eyes. She looked up to him, and placed her hand out. Hoping that the soft stench of blood on her wasn't smelt. Azrael looked down upon Evelynn. Her wavy black hair drifted across her shoulders as she placed her hand out to him. It was a gesture of sympathy. Evelynn held her hand out to him, wanting to place it in hers. She didn't want to know anything but seeing him like this. Evelynn simply didn't like it. It tugged at her heartstrings, even though Evelynn didn't want it too. Azrael looked at her outstretched hand. He glanced at his own and placed it in hers. Her small calloused hands collapsed in his larger hands. Not knowing where those hands had been. What they had been holding. A blade and a man's life.

"I don't need to know," Evelynn whispered. A soft voice echoed out of her throat. She tightened her grasp on his hand and suggested to walk along the corridor.

"Where are you off to this late?" Azrael sniffed wiping his free hand across his face. Azrael felt the squeeze of Evelynn's hand in his. He felt a smile appear across his lips.

"The library," Evelynn responded nodding. The stench of blood at the lie filled Evelynn's nose. "Would you like to come with me?" a soft singing like voice whispered out of Evelynn's lips. Azrael looked at the bright blue eyes that looked at him for a response. Her blue eyes darting across his facial features, like a bee flying from flower to flower in the spring. Azrael caught her stare as her eyes drifted back towards his.

"Yes," Azrael softly smiled. Evelynn's face lit up with what Azrael thought was joy. "I would like too," He finished. Azrael began to walk along the dim lit corridor with the moon rising over the window, holding Evelynn's hand gently.
The opened window blew the silver curtains the breeze filling the corridor. Azrael hummed "Why is it opened?"

Evelynn's eyes widened as she looked up to him. "I have no clue your highness," She spoke walking towards the open window, wanting to close it. Her blood pumped throughout her body. Her fingers shaking.

She pulled the curtain open and reached to shut the window when Azrael grabbed her free hand, twisting Evelynn back to him. Their other hands still intertwined.

"Don't call me formalities, Princess," Azrael spoke teasingly, in his calm voice a melody in the dim lit corridor, letting go of her wrist. Evelynn exhaled heavy and forced her shaking fingers still.

"I have no clue Azrael" Evelynn nagged smiling, Evelynn spoke trying to hide her heavy breaths as Azrael peered out the window.

"We should go," Evelynn suggested.

Azrael stood upright and said clenching onto her hand. "The general's window is open. So is his curtains,"

Evelynn peered out the window sharply and looked across the wing. The general's silver curtains flying outside the window frame. Evelynn hummed and turned back towards Azrael. Her breaths slowly becoming deeper, her eyes darted across the room like she was searching for and escape route.
Azrael still solemn held onto Evelynn's hand, as they continued to walk down the corridor.
Evelynn pushed open the library doors with her free hand and pulled Azrael in. The high and full bookcases engulfed them both. Azrael grabbed a candle and guided Evelynn through the library. The several cases of colorful books hid them from the rest of the world. Azrael turned back to Evelynn letting go of her hand. Evelynn bit her cheek as she felt his grasp soften on her hand.

"This part of the library" Azrael spoke pressing onto a bookcase. The sliding frame opening to another room. "Is my favorite,"

Evelynn looked up. Ceiling high bookcases filled the room. The high bookcases accompanied by an oak ladder matched with the oak brown bookcases. A soft pale green rug sprawled across the floor. With two black couches in the center with a wooden engraved with gold coffee table. Evelynn gaped open her mouth. She hummed a long note in her throat in satisfaction. Azrael turned to her in response and threw his arms out to the sides and spun around in the room.

Azrael lead Evelynn to the couch and Evelynn sat on the black cloud. Evelynn crossed her legs and looked up at Azrael standing above her.

"I'll be back," He whispered, letting go of Evelynn's hand. Evelynn frowned and leant into the cushion, hoping that he forgets this walk past the open window. She kicked herself for not taking the other route. What would of happened if he saw me climb through the window. God forbid ran into me! Evelynn threw herself into the back of the cushioned lounge, and waited.

After several minutes Azrael returned, with four books tucked underneath his caped arm. He walked forward towards Evelynn and plopped the books dramatically beside her. Making Evelynn cross her eyebrows and smile.

"Pick your poison," Azrael smiled. Evelynn stared down the novels. He found one history book, a romance, an adventure novel and a mystery or what seemed liked it. Evelynn couldn't tell by the breaking binding and dust that covered it.

Evelynn with a wicked smile swiped the adventure novel. She threw the romance novel into his lap. Azrael grimaced. Pulling a face at Evelynn.

"This must be a new form of torture princess," He spoke, the words like a song on his lips. The royal formality a pause in his sentence , as he tilted his head to read the soft pink title calligraphed across the front. "You must hate me," Azrael thumbed open the first page, his sarcastic tone still present in the air. Evelynn grinned even wider.

"I really do," She responded matching his sarcasm. Azrael groaned as he saw Evelynn open the book. Then a soft smile appeared. Watching her blue eyes skim over the words. The words intertwining and knitting a world of adventure and stories, in her head. Her relaxed facial features; she was calm.

Gratitude filled Azrael. He realized that Evelynn didn't feel sorry for him. But understood his pain, without directly telling her what it was. She didn't have to walk him down the corridor in the dim light. She didn't prod at him to tell her why he was feeling the way he did. She just understood it. Azrael began reading the romance book that Evelynn threw at him. To his surprise it was actually well written.

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