Business (completed) |H.S|

By Into1D

178K 6.7K 2.7K

1D watty awards winner | Completed| Harry Styles is a psychology student with a bright future, but when his m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Thank you and announcements :)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 63 + thank you so much
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Final Chapter
Sequel (Please read)
New book: Between Devil and Satan

Chapter 31

2K 78 39
By Into1D

Instagram- Twitter: intox1D (follow me)


Evelyn’s POV

My eyelids were heavy, as the desire to keep sleeping swallowed me up. In a last attempt, my eyes fluttered open, seeing the white ceiling of the new apartment clearer and clearer. A huge headache seized me as I sat up. After rubbing my eyes, I discovered the apartment in a pitiful state. How did they make so much damage? Some furniture were moved, bottles and cups covered the large carpet… I couldn’t even tell what were the exact damage or changes, as I wasn’t even in this apartment for 24 hours. I wouldn’t even notice if any little profiteer had taken a precious object.

I realized I had slept on one of the couches in the living room. What did I do? After burning the dress and saying good bye to Styles, Payne and Angelica, nothing remained in my memory. My hands reached under my hair to massage my scalp, soothing the headache.

With clumsiness, I finally got up from the couch. I was barefoot, I finally remembered that I had thrown my shoes somewhere in a room. On the tiptoe, I checked the surroundings.  I could peek at the front couch, where a man - I could tell it by his short hair - was laid on his belly. I slowly walked towards him, making sure I wouldn’t hurt my feet with a piece of broken glass or any cutting thing. I couldn’t be more astonished, not realizing who it could be. Who the fùck slept over at my flat?

He wasn’t dead, as I saw the calm moves of his breathing. Phew I didn’t kill anyone last night. I decided to touch the man with the tip of my finger. He didn’t move. I let out an exasperated sigh. I finally slapped the man’s back harder.

His body rolled over the couch, letting out a huge moan. I never saw him in my life. Perhaps I did see him already, last night but I didn’t remember at all. Who could it be? I found the vase from the coffee table in the middle of the room and threw it at his back, hoping that I didn’t willingly invite him. I could tell by the way the porcelain vase broke that it did hurt him. He startled, jumping off the couch with such a hurry.

His eyes looked at the ground, trailed towards the broken pieces of the vase and then up to me.

“Who are you?” he asked, shaking his head. His hands rubbed his sides, to soothe the pain.

“Huh, who are you?” I asked back in a more astonished way. Of course, I should be the one everyone knew, right?

“Why are you in my …” he looked around, checking whether or not he was in his flat. And he wasn’t.

“Get out!” I yelled. My voice held no composure. I was in nerve, lost and there was an idiot who dared sleeping over at my flat.

“But where am I?” he kept asking in vain.

Anger was ignited inside me as I pulled him out of the flat without even getting explanation.

Once the door slammed, I let out a huge breath of exasperation. What happened? I ran my hand through my messy hair; I was stopped by the tangles of my hair. I made my way towards the kitchen, hoping it wasn’t as terrible as the state of the living room. The kitchen seemed cleaner from my spot of view.

As I slowly approached, an agreeable smell fluttered my nostrils. A good smell of pancakes. I closed my eyes, breathing in the good aroma of vanilla. Realizing that someone was in the kitchen, my body stiffened in sudden worry. Many people stayed the night in my flat, and this one was taking advantage of my house. It wasn’t an hotel…

I entered the room, taking the biggest pan that was clung to the wall. I could see a man moving in front of the oven, turning his back on me. I took another breath and rushed towards the man, holding the pan up in the air. I knew I overacted, however, I didn’t know these people enough to trust them. Ready to blow the pan against the one’s head, I suddenly stopped when he yelled.

“Eve!” the one yelled in defense, dragging on my name. He covered his face with his arms. Meanwhile I had stopped my front attack and dropped the pan to the tiles.

I sighed in relief, seeing a familiar face in front of me.

“Niall, what are you doing here?” I asked, my face wrinkled in annoyance. He was in the same clothes, his blond hair was just a total mess.

“Cooking, duh.” He simply replied, turning back to the stove where a smaller pan was placed. He apparently was preparing delicious pancakes.

“I know you’re cooking, but didn’t you go home?” I cocked one of my eyebrows and folded my arms above my chest.

“I told you I’d crash here for the night. Horans never break their promises.” He smiled with all his teeth. I never knew his family name before that day. I didn’t know why I felt such a huge tolerance towards him. I guessed it was just because Niall wasn’t in business stuff, he didn’t care of school, all he wanted was fun. I remember that stupid old French saying: “Les opposés s’attirent.” (The opposites are attracted)

“Pancakes?” I asked, getting on the tiptoe to look over his shoulder.

“Yeah, it’s like the only thing I can cook on Earth.” He bragged, giving me a cocky smile. He overturned the pancake on the plate where ten or so of them were already placed. As if he were home, he walked out the kitchen and towards the living room.

I followed him calmly and dropped my body onto my armchair. He pulled everything away from the coffee table, throwing it to the large carpet. He set the plate of pancakes on the table and took one with his hand.

“Um, Niall, aren’t you supposed to use something like a fork?” I asked, looking at him disgustingly shoving half of the pancake into his open mouth. Men are creepy. He just shrugged my remark off and continued eating like he wanted. He leant in the front couch.

“You know, when you eat something in your hands, it has a better taste.” A smile was spread on his lips. I seized a pancake from the pile and brought it to my lips. He was still devouring the breakfast like a monster, leaving a little trail of the golden apple jam on his lips.

“And don’t forget to spread the apple jam all over your face.” He said, sweeping the jam off the corner of his lips.

“No, thanks.” I muttered, chewing it slowly. It was too sugary, but I kept on eating. So the disturbance of the sugar didn’t matter anymore.

“Does Evelyn Sethi like my modest breakfast?” he asked. I felt the humourous tone in his statement. Everyone treated me with my haughty side because I was a Sethi. They were right, I was born to get everyone on their nerves.

“Actually, I do. Can I ask you something?” I demanded, stopping to eat for a little while. My feet slid up onto the chair, folding them to curl up, which was a good position for such a weird situation.

He slowly nodded, making a strand of his blond hair fall on his forehead.

“Why are you always on my back?” I asked. This question tricked me in a while. I never knew how we always happened to be together.

“On your back? I’m in front of you!” he joked, burying another piece of pancake in his mouth.

I furrowed my eyebrows, seriously exasperated by the way he always replied me. “Well, I don’t know. Let’s call it fate.”

He seemed a bit embarrassed by the question. The way he replied wasn’t as jokingly as the rest of his attitudes. His deep blue eyes looked straight into mine. Since the day I talked to him, his eyes always fascinated me, in a strange way. I couldn’t deny it.

“Or you can be a creepy stalker.” I snapped, laughingly to make him leave his serious face.

“You’re right. I had added sleeping tablets in your pancakes.” He said, pointing at the one I had tried to finish since the beginning of our conversation.

“Are you serious?” I asked, throwing my pancake to the side. It’d have disturbed me in normal circumstances, but with all this mess, some apple jam on the carpet wouldn’t hurt anyone. Almost anyone. The maid that I had hired would die if she saw this.

“Oh you’re spoiling the food!” he grumbled.

We shared short laughter for a few seconds, before I heard knocks at the door. I could bet that this time, the caretaker was there to ramble about the little party I had been accidentally throwing. I jumped off my armchair, walking towards the door. Before opening the door, I checked my face on the large mirror enclosed in the white wall. The person’s bangs at the door were frenzied, showing how much the person was frustrated early in the morning.

I faced a person that couldn’t be me. Strands of hair were straightened above my head, like the quiff Niall had on his head. My white shirt was totally creased, and I wouldn’t even dare look at the state of my feet out of my court shoes.

I combed my hair with my own fingers, giving it a little more its usual order. I correctly fixed my collar and sleeves, and then, felt more like myself. I grabbed the handle of the door and turned it on. It slowly swung open, showing me no other than Helen Sethi.

I felt my blood freeze for a few seconds. My breath stopped for the few seconds that followed, getting paralyzed. She couldn’t enter the flat in such a state. Of course, I had some powers on her actions, but that wouldn’t prevent her from yelling at me for this disorder.

Her eyes scrutinized me for the moment I remained still. The way she looked at me made me feel uncomfortable, as I wasn’t impeccable anymore.

“Good morning Evelyn, I’ve been told about a huge party in your flat. A lot of people complained.” She said, looking down on the screen of her phone. She kept typing stuff on there, while waiting for any word that could leave my lips.

I oddly remained silent, engulfed by the worry. I closed my eyes and took another sigh. The only cure to my worry was replying.

“Oh, sorry.” Was all I could say. I didn’t mean to get her pissed or anything, but it was the actual result of my words. She pushed the door open, making me pace back. Her eyes grew wider as she discovered the situation of the flat that was finished the past day. She crossed her arms against her chest.

“What’s this?” she asked, her piercing eyes looking at the living room.

“Damages. Well, it happened accidentally.” I shortly explained her. Niall was still on the couch, his eyes darted on my mother. I could feel the little startle that seized him when he saw her stoned face. I could say that until now, Niall was the one who looked at my mother without blinking his eyes.

“Ha? Who’s this?” she continued her questioning, walking in the room. Her eyes scanned the floor, where bottles, broken pieces of glass and papers laid.

Niall jumped off the couch, making large pace towards my mother. He stretched out his hand for a handshake, but my mother dismissed the gesture with a wave of her hand. She looked at Niall, up and down, as if he were an item. Her cold face made Niall feel uncomfortable for the examination time.

“Good morning, Ma’am.” He friendly said, even if the embarrassment caused by her coldness remained. That’s what I really liked about this guy.

“This is Niall… Horan.” I remembered his family name hardly, pointing at him. “And this is my mother.”

She backed off, holding the same composure. She shoved her phone into her Gucci bag. Niall and my mother studied each other’s face for a short time, before simultaneously looking back at me.

“Niall um… Horan. Leave us alone, I have to talk to Evelyn.” She stuttered, dismissively.

He wasn’t totally agreeing with leaving, but I motioned for him to before anyone raised his voice. He walked out of the room with the plate of pancakes, making me mentally laugh. I last saw him in the corridor leading towards the bedroom.

Once his presence disappeared, my mother’s face changed with wrinkles and frustration.

“What did you do with this flat, already? It’s a total chaos in here!” she yelled, not as loud as usually. She didn’t take time to sit anywhere, seeing that all the chairs had been corrupted with sweaty bodies and crackers.

“It’s my flat, I do what I want with it!” I snapped back after taking enough courage to reply to her.

“No, you’re spending my money in this. All your neighbours lodge settled a complaint for causing a disturbance. And who’s going to pay the damages? Me, of course!” she yelled, frantically going in circles in the room. She was actually frustrated with her work, with me… I didn’t know much.

“Of course you pay.” I said, as if I didn’t care at all.

“Look at you. You’re not the same. Tell me the rumours are fake.” She grumbled, leaving me a bit surprised.

“What rumours?” I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

“That you broke up with O’Connor!” she shouted, grabbing my hand into hers. She checked on the spot where the precious ring was. Nothing remained there, making her hand tighten around mine. “How dare you!”

“He didn’t worth it. I hate him.” I mumbled, reminiscing what happened with him, the nervous wreck I had felt after he left and the way I cried for this dïck.

“Remember that we still have an alliance with O’Connor’s business. You can’t break the engagement.” She continued her high-pitched voice speech, looking away and leaving my wrist.

“I can. I have the right to.” My voice broke with total despair, as if I was trying to convince myself that I was right. I was right, however the way she talked gave me shivers down my spine, burying my confidence deeper.

“Don’t tell me it’s for a man, Evelyn!”

“What if it’s for a man? It doesn’t matter at all. But you have to know that I broke it just because I didn’t feel Ok about this engagement.” I replied, placing my hand onto her shoulder. She turned back, her eyes deepening a strange mix of sadness and infuriation.

“You didn’t feel OK? That’s stupid! Business shouldn’t involve these problems.” She dangerously approached me, her accusing finger pointing at me. “You shouldn’t act this way!”

“I don’t care actually. I hate Lens O’Connor, I won’t marry him and that’s final!” I shouted back at her. A huge flow of adrenaline was drained in my blood, giving me the guts to yell louder than she did. “I know your marriage was a disaster, but you won’t make me live the same horror.”

It was the touchiest object I could talk about. Talking about the failure of her marriage always got her mad and insanely sad. I regretted saying that because she drowned into such despair. I felt her urge to explode and show her emotions. However, she turned her back on me.

“I totally forbid you to see this Niall Horan again. And also Anne’s son.”


“You heard me Evelyn. I warned you about these two.”






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