Worthy Of An Idol | JJK X OC...

Bởi Yoonreverie

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"When we make it to my room, he pushes me against the wall, places his hands on my hips while my hands find t... Xem Thêm

Welcome & Disclaimer
Worthy Of An Idol Playlist🎵
1. Here For the Musters!
2. In Busan
3. Flashback to March
4. Try To Explain
5. Entitled To Some Fun
6. Just Trying to Be Friendly
7. Much Needed Time With The Ladies
8. You Alright?
9. What's With The Cold Shoulder?
10. Adventure And Cuddles
11. Working Out
12. Making Banana Pancakes
13. Please Be More Discreet!
14. Parting Ways So Soon
15. Goodbye, For Now
16. Texts And Thoughts
17. Brotherly Advice
18. Back To Work
19. Time to Confess
20. Really Doing This
21. Case of the Mondays
22. Baby, Please Pick Up!
23. Clarity
25. Past, Present & Future
26. Detour
27. In the Clouds
28. Early Happy Birthday To Jungkook
29. Don't Want to Leave
30. Preparing for Their Arrival
31. They're Here!
32. The Crazy Bunch
33. Happy Birthday To Sarah
34. Significant Words on Hallows' Eve
35. Exposed
36. Drifting
37. Back to Square One But With Support
38. The Snitch
39. Catching a Break
40. Santa's Best Helper
41. All I Want For Christmas
42. Visiting Seoul
43. Us Against The World
44. Birthday Cupcakes
45. Best Day Ever!
46. Seeing Him Off
47. They're Back!
48. Destination Wedding
Author's Note & Thank You!
Other Stories to Check Out!

24. Mom's Seal of Approval

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Bởi Yoonreverie


It's Saturday, noon time. Here's to another much needed weekend!

After my kickboxing class, I rushed home to shower and put some fresh clothes on. I threw on a baggy black t-shirt which happens to be Jungkook's. Why do I have it? Well, he admitted that he snuck it into my luggage the night before Melina and I left Seoul. Yes, it's the shirt he was wearing right after the last Muster concert, unwashed when he shoved it in with my belongings. He said he wanted me to take something home that reminded me of him. Such a thoughtful goof ball, but that sweet side of him is definitely one of the many qualities I like about him.

I will admit it did take a while for me to wash the shirt because his scent lingered on it and it gave me comfort. But, eventually, I did wash it because it's a comfy shirt and I'm putting it to use!

I paired his shirt with black denim shorts, while French-tucking the shirt in. I threw on black slip-on Vans before stepping out.

I'm currently on the road, heading to my mom's house in Orange County, where she lives with my step-dad, Greg. I consider Greg to be my true father, not by blood, but by his presence most of my life and he has always been an amazing father-figure to me. The last time I saw my biological father was a slightly traumatic experience, back when I was still in third grade. At that time, he and his new wife would have me every other weekend, which eventually dwindled to less time. One day, after school, this man made arrangements with my mom to pick me up so I can have dinner and spend some time with him and his wife. I guess there was miscommunication because after they took me out to dinner, they took me back to the after school program (which is a day care for school-aged kids) at my school that I usually go to since my mom and Greg work late. But, my mom assumed my biological father was taking me back to my mom's house after dinner. Needless to say, my biological father dropped me off at the after school program. When it was way past 6pm, after operating hours, the staff had to call my mom to pick me up. She arrived seeing me distraught because I thought I was forgotten, which made my mom extremely upset. After that, I never saw my biological father again. I never asked because I know we're better off without him. And, Greg has been nothing but a supportive dad to me. Sure, the absence of my biological father has had a negative impact in my life, such as making me not handle it well when I'm feeling abandoned or not fully trusting people. But, what can I do? I just try to get through those feelings.

The night I saw the leaked photos, Monday night, my mom, Brenda, happened to have texted me, which is a normal. She likes to text me to check in once in a while and bug me about visiting her. That night, amongst all the texts from Jungkook, I happened to see that she texted me, and it was as if it was a cue for me to call her. I was in bed, after Melina had helped get under my covers. I was still crying hysterically, but I needed my mom at that moment.

My mom and I have a strong bond. When I called her, I bawled on the phone, and she did what she knows best- she just comforted me with her soothing voice. She didn't ask questions and said when I'm ready to talk, she's there.

Yes, I'm a grown-ass adult woman crying to my mother. But, besides Melina and Gabby, she's the one person who really understands me.

When my tears had subsided, she asked me to come over during the weekend if I still needed some comforting before getting off the phone with me. I'm better now, especially since everything is clarified with Jungkook. But, I miss her and thought it would be nice to spend quality time with her and Greg.

It only took a little over a half an hour to arrive at my mom's house. As I'm parking in front of the house, I turn down the volume of my music, since I had "The Purge" blaring through my car speakers.

My mom's hearing must be at it's peak, because I see her come busting out of the front to meet in her front lawn.

"Hi, Sweetie!" My mom says enthusiastically, holding her arms out for me to hug her as we walk towards each other. She hugs me for a long time and even rubs my back.

"Hi, Mom!" I tell her, as I let her wrap her arms around me in a comforting embrace. After a moment, she lets go and puts one arm around my shoulders and directs me into the house.

"So, that crying fest you had on Monday...everything better since then or do you need to talk it out with me? Do I need to kill anyone?!" My mom asks as we walk, heading to the kitchen, looking at me with a raised brow.

"Oh, gosh mom, no killing is necessary!" I tell my mom as I giggle at her words.

"So, I take it that everything is better now? What was that about anyway, sweetie?" My mom questions me with a concerned look on her face. We are now on either side of her kitchen island. I'm sitting on a stool and she's standing, leaning on top the island countertop.

"Just guy issues, that's all," I say to her, trying not say more.

"Is it that annoying Josh guy? Why did you still deal with him?! Let me fix you up with someone," my mom offers.

"Oh, I don't really talk to Josh anymore and I don't need to be fixed up with anyone, Mom!" I tell her in my usual frustrated tone I use on her every single time she says she wants to fix me up with someone.

"Are you involved with someone, Sarah?!" My mom interrogates me.

"Honestly, Mom? Yes. It's fairly new," I admit to her.

"Is this person the reason why you were crying that night?!" My mom asks, with a protective tone in her voice.

"In a way, yes. But, there's a reason behind all of that. Mom, this person I'm seeing has a complicated career," I start to explain to my mom.

"Is he a drug lord?! Oh, Sarah, please tell me he's not in some dysfunctional gang organization," my mom says, shaking her head at the thought.

"MOM!" I yell, but quickly follow it with a laugh, which she joins me in.

"Okay, so why is his job complicated?" My mom inquires.

"What I'm telling you today is confidential, okay, Mom?" I look at her with a serious expression etched on my face. I continue and bring up my twin step-sisters, "You can't even tell Chauntelle and Stacy, at least not yet."

"Why not, Sarah?" My mom looks at me, confused.

"This guy is kind of well-known and he's actually in a group that the twins are a fan of. You know how they get when it comes to gossiping. Mom, please don't tell them!" I plead with my mom.

"Okay! Okay! But, who is this mysterious man?!" My mom looks like she's losing her patience.

"His name is Jungkook. I met him through Melina. She started dating this really great guy named Yoongi, who happens to work with Jungkook," I begin to explain to my mom.

"What do they do?" She looks at me, on pins and needles.

"They're in a well-known musical group from South Korea...remember how I went there on vacation, Mom?"

"It's that group you, Melina and the twins always go on about...BTS!" My mom says out loud, as if cracking the mystery.

"Yes, mom," I say calmly as I watch her scroll through her phone. I know exactly what she's doing.

"What's his name again? Starts with a J... nevermind! I googled BTS then added a J and a Jungkook popped up. That's him, right?!" My mom asks, her eyes glued to the phone. I just sit across from her, amused at the sight of my mom looking up what Jungkook looks like.

I see her swiping, assuming she's going through images of Jungkook that came up on the Google search. And, after what seemed like several pictures that she's scrolled through, she holds up her phone to me with this particular image of Jungkook showing on her screen.

"Yes, Mom. That's him," I confirm to her.

"Well, he's definitely got the looks, Sweetie. Dashing and handsome," she says in an impressed tone, while going back to look at more photos. "How old is he, Sarah?"

"He's 23. It's not a bad age gap," I walk over to her side of the kitchen island, thinking to myself that I'd want her to see photos that he and I took while I was with him in South Korea.

"The age gap is definitely not bad at all, Sarah. His features are so captivating," my mom thinks out loud.

"Right?! Here Mom! He and I took some photos when I was in his country," I tell her, as I hold my phone between us and scroll through a photo album I made in my camera roll that only contain images of Jungkook and I together.

"I will say you guys look lovely together, and I'm not just saying that because I'm you're mother," my mom says, smirking at me.

"Thanks, Mom," I say, proudly grinning back at her.

"So, you started a relationship just recently? While in Korea?" My mom waits for my answer while still looking through and studying the pictures of Jungkook and I.

"No. We decided last weekend to pursue a relationship. Before that, we were just friends," I inform her.

We eventually move to the living room. I continue to explain to her the timeline, from when we met in March. I obviously left out the steamy moments. I also explained to her about my hysteric crying and the whole misunderstanding behind that.

"Wow, Sarah. I know you're not one to jump into relationships quickly, so I'm assuming this man means a lot to you. But, with everything going on in his life and the distance, I know it'll be hard to handle. But, I think it's great you're trying. He seems sweet from what you've shared to me." My mom smiles at me, with care.

"He really is...speaking of the devil. Jungkook just texted me seeing if I'm free to do a FaceTime call. It's 6am, his time. Would you like to meet him?!"

"YES! Let me meet this young man! Is he fluent in English?" My mom inquired,
rubbing her palms together.

"For the most part! Mom, please don't interrogate him or scare him away! Please?!" I beg my mom like a child.

"We'll see," she says, throwing me a mischievous smile.

I sigh out and text Jungkook, warning him that I'm at my mom's house and that she wants to be in on the FaceTime call. He immediately replied saying he's nervous but that he's okay saying hello.

I call him and in moments, he appears on my phone screen. His doe eyes are looking directly at me through the screen. My mom was sitting across from me, in the living room. But, now, she's sitting right beside me on one of the two couches in their living room.

"Hi, Jungkook!"

"Hi, Sarah!"

He throws me a gentle wave and is giving me his bunny smile which has a touch of nervousness behind it.

"Jungkook, next to me is my mother, Brenda Pfeiffer*."

"Hi, Mrs. Pfeiffer. Nice to meet you!"

His voice is cheerful and there's no hint of nervousness.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Jungkook!"

"I hope the two of you are enjoying time together."

"We are! We are about to bake some cookies, soon. Do you like cookies, Jungkook?"

"Of course, I love cookies! I hope to try your baking someday, Mrs. Pfeiffer."

"Well,  Sarah learned her great baking skills from me, so she could always bake cookies for you. But, if you're ever back in California, make Sarah drag you over here, and I'll show you a couple secret family recipes. "

Secret family recipes? My mom isn't willing to  share that information to just anyone. The fact she'd share secret family recipes with Jungkook subtly shows her seal of approval.

"I'd love that, Mrs. Pfeiffer."

"Do you have a busy day today, Jungkook?"

"Yes, Mrs. Pfeiffer. I'm actually heading to my group's company building to work with my trainer and our group has a lot in our schedule for the day."

"You sound like a busy man! I admire that! Well, I am going to head to the kitchen and let you and Sarah have a little privacy to talk to each other before you have to start your day. Again, it's a pleasure to speak to you, Jungkook."

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Pfeiffer! I wish I was there to be the cookie taster."

"Someday! Take care, and don't overwork yourself! Talk to you again, soon! Bye, Jungkook!"

"Bye, Mrs. Pfeiffer!"

They wave goodbye to each other and then my mom gets off the couch. Before she walks away, my mom makes eye contact with me and mouths "He's adorable!" She follows it with a wink and a thumbs up. Oh, that's my mother, alright.

I turn my attention back to Jungkook.

"Kook, I don't want to keep you on the phone too long if you have a lot to do today."

"Babe, it's early. I have time for you. Plus, I miss you."

"I miss you too, Kookie."

"Your mom is really nice. I see where you get your personality from."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Well, if I didn't like your personality, I wouldn't have considered being with you, babe!"

"Point taken."

We both chuckle at that.

"By the way, keep an eye out on a couple packages I sent you!"

"You sent me something?!"

"Yes, I did. A couple things. I can't wait for you to get them!"

He winks at me.

"Jungkook, you don't have to send me things. It's not like there's any special occasion!"

"Babe, I just miss you and wanted to do this. Plus I think you'll get a kick out of one of the things I sent you. And, I hope you'll appreciate the other."

He winks at me and gives me the most devilish smirk."

"Now, I'm a little nervous one of them is something inappropriate!"

He chuckles and I can't help but grin widely at the sight of his adorable smile.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

"Well, thanks for thinking about me. That's really thoughtful, Kookie."

"It's the least I can do. I wish I could send myself."

"Me, too!"

"But, I hope you like what I did send you. I just still feel bad about Monday. I just want you to know I'm serious about us trying to be together."

"Jungkook, like I said- we've cleared all of that up. I know you're serious and it shows with your actions. Babe, we're good right now, okay?"

"Okay. Babe, I'm going to get going and let you join your mom! Send me pictures of your cookies!"

"I will, Kookie!"

"I wish I could kiss you right now."

He pouts at me. And, of course my heart is melting right at this moment.

"Baby, you have no idea. Those lips are such a tease! Stop pouting at me!"

We laugh and continue to say goodbye but both of us are reluctant to get off the call. I eventually put my foot down and teasingly tell him he needs to work out before he loses all that sexy muscle. We blew each other kisses, and he pretends to catch mine and places his hand on his heart.

This man has no idea what he does to me.

When I walk into the kitchen, I see my mom has a lot of ingredients out but hasn't quite started yet. I expected she would  have already been ahead.

"I thought you would be mixing ingredients by now," I tell my mom.

"I was busy eavesdropping," my mom shamelessly admits.

"MOM! Ugh, of course you would!" I say, shocked but also amused.

"I can't help it. The two of you sound sickeningly cute on the phone. He seems like a gentleman, Sarah," my mom says to me in a genuine tone and gives me a smile of approval.


*This is Sarah's mom's re-married name.

Just a reminder that in this ff universe, Jungkook can speak conversational English well from constantly learning the language.

Debate Time!

Is it better to...
Wash your face first or brush your teeth first?

Give me your reasoning! The guys' reasons cracked me up through all their debates!

🎵Song to check out: "The Purge" by Jay Park, pH-1, Sik-K, TRADE L, Woodie Gochild, BOG Naughty, and HAON

I chose this song since Sarah was playing it in her car... it's a solid song. 👌

Love you all for your support just by reading my ff! XOXO✨

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