moonstruck love Zarry

By authenticzarry_

46.2K 3K 541

Zayn never thought that he will get a supportive and protective boyfriend who keeps him happy all the time. H... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14.
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17.
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38.
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 61
chapter 62.
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65.
chapter 66 (last chapter)

chapter 60

454 25 6
By authenticzarry_

Zayn woke up from sleep as he got nightmares again. Ugh, these nightmares were destroying his life and he wanted to get rid of these nightmares. It is unbearable to have nightmares every night.

Zayn opened his eyes and turned aside to see the time. He could see sun ray was coming from the window. Oh, it is morning already. Zayn felt tickling and wet in his exposing skin of the stomach. He looked down and saw his stomach was exposed as the bottom part of his shirt was pulled up to his chest and Harry's head in his exposing skin of Zayn's stomach and his curly hair shoving in his skin, making him tickling. He could see spittle coming from the corner of Harry's mouth, making Zayn's stomach wet. Harry was pressing his cheek in his stomach, sleeping peacefully like it was his soft pillow, making Zayn smile. Zayn smiled and ruffling Harry's curly hair. Harry was relaxing in Zayn's stroking, more saliva was coming out from his mouth, making Zayn smile more. Harry was looking so adorable while sleeping. As Harry was moving his head more, making Zayn giggled. He about his nightmares, now he is enjoying himself with Harry. Harry was moving so rapidly that Zayn started laughing even more as his curly hair in Zayn's stomach making Zayn tickling more. His giggling sounds made Harry woke up. He fluttered his eyes open, Zayn didn't notice as he was in his imaginary world. Harry felt that Zayn was stroking his hair and he was smiling. Harry immediately closed his eyes because he knew well that if Zayn got to know that Harry had woken then he will stop ruffling his hair. So he remains silent and taking the peace of Zayn's touch which was making his body calm. Harry was smiling while humming which caught Zayn's eyes. 

" Hey, you are already awake? "Zayn said, made Harry smile. Zayn smiled too

" You are already woken Harreh, now get up" Zayn pouted as he was pulling Harry's heavy head from his stomach. But Harry was still acting like he was asleep.

"Harry get up from my stomach. I am feeling suffocated. I can't breathe" Zayn partially lied. Yes, he was having a little breathing problem but not more than pleasure. So he was not insisting much though.

"Drama queen" harry whispered and smiled but didn't move, he only rolled his eyes and laying there the way he was. Zayn pouted and quickly fudged from there which made Harry's head strike with a soft mattress of the bed. Zayn pulls down his shirt so that his perfect olive skin is not visible anymore.

"Zayn. This is not fair" Harry huffed and sniffed adorably, looking at Zayn, made Zayn smirked.

"Aww, Harreh. You can't get me so easily" Zayn smirked and he was about to stand up but Harry grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards him, made him sat in his lap, bound his hands around Zayn's waist, and nuzzling Zayn's neck, making him giggled as his warm breath making him ticklish.

"You are the only mine. Ugh, I missed the scent of yours so much."Harry whispered in Zayn's neck making him shiver. Zayn smiled and started to blush.

" It is not necessary to blush all the time zayn" harry mocked made Zayn pouted.

"I am not blushing Harreh. Lemme go. I hate you"Zayn made face and stood up.

"Okay okay baby I am sorry," Harry said as he stood up too, wrapping his arms around Zayn's waist from behind. Zayn wanted Harry to come after him. So he relief in calm and peace when he felt Harry's warm hand in his waist. He loved the way Harry's large hand fit in Zayn's tiny waist, making him blush more

"I am not going to forgive you so easily. First, you need to take some punishment from me " Zayn said sarcastically. Harry raised his eyebrows and staring at Zayn for a couple of seconds.

"Okay, anything for you. I can do anything for you. Just order me and give me punishment the way you want"Harry whispered in Zayn's ear nuzzling Zayn's neck like Harry was becoming intoxicated in Zayn's scents.

"Okay then now you have to do sit up with your hands over your ears. 20 times" Zayn said and burst out in a laugh. He turned around to Harry. So now Zayn is facing Harry. Hearing this, Harry's face became pale and turned face like an owl

"Why? Sorry babe I told you that I am sorry. So why I need punishment. I don't want" Harry pouted, fall to the bed, and kept his hand under his head.

"Ohh then can I know who told me that who can do anything for me?"Zayn said playfully and sat beside him, giving him a pouting look.
Who can say no to Zayn's pouted face?

"Zayn you are doing so much unfair with me."Harry sniffed, looking around.

"Okay then I am not going to forgive you," zayn said and started to make his face, turning his back in front of Harry

" Fine" Harry huffed and stood up. Zayn turned towards Harry immediately with a smile.

"First I need to check if the door is well locked or not," Harry said and walked to the door. He noticed that it locked properly, so he sighed.

Zayn smiling, he was craving to see Harry in punishment.

"Now start. You will count " Zayn laughed.

"You are taking revenge babe. You are so mean. Oh God save me" harry said loudly and sarcastically while shaking his head.

"Start. Come on" zayn said, clapping his hand like a kid

"One." Harry counted as he did sit up for one time.

"Good." Zayn was laughing and clapping his hand.

"Two" this way Harry did 20 times.

"Now you are happy? I can't show my face to anyone in shame" Harry laid in the bed beside Zayn when he finished his sit-up and covered his face with his hand.

"Yayy you have done correctly I am proud of you," Zayn said sarcastically and laughed, making Harry annoying. He grabbed Zayn's wrist and pulled him on top of him. Zayn falls into Harry's chest and staring into Harry's deep green eyes and Harry was lost in Zayn's golden eyes.

" You are so beautiful," Harry said quietly while cupping Zayn's cheek and stroking Zayn's cheek with his thumb. Zayn began to blush that he wanted to cover his face.

"Your blushing making you more beautiful," Harry said slowly which made Zayn smile.

"Can I confess something to you Harreh?"Zayn said quietly. Looking down, trying hard not to meet his eyes with Harry.

"Yes sure, "Harry said, giving Zayn a confusing look.

"Actually....."Zayn stopped as he was blushing more.

"What zayn? Tell me quickly."

"Ac.. actually I love to get punishment from you. And I...I was enjoying the way you punished me I know I am talking weird but..."Zayn couldn't finish his word, he was feeling so shy that he covered his face in Harry's shoulder.

Harry was shocked,.wow did he enjoy it?

"It's okay Zayn. My boy is trying to be naughty huh?" Harry mocked making Zayn more blush and shy.

"Stop it Harry" Zayn sheepishly said and punched Harry's arm

"But believe me Zayn I didn't mean to hurt you. I... I couldn't control my anger that time and I thought you were cheating on me that's why I did that.  Forgive me Zayn please" Harry said with teary eyes, his voice was deep and broken.

"I know Harry you never meant to hurt me. I love you Harreh." zayn whispered as tears started to roll down from his eyes. Harry pulled up zayn's face from his shoulder and saw Zayn was crying.

"Babe, why are you crying? Don't cry please I love you more. Now Let's take a bath together. I will make you feel better" Harry winked, putting Zayn down from the top of him and he stood up. Harry carried the younger boy in bridal style and kissed his rosy cheek.


Louis was walking through the alley to go to his home. Suddenly he heard someone patted his shoulder. He looked around and saw a stranger, taller than him, mostly build wearing a black suit and white shirt with pants.

"What do you want ?" Louis asked the man with a confusing look.

"Come with me," the stranger said.

"What? Why? I am not coming with you. Tell me here what you want to say" Louis annoyingly said, he knew well that there is something dubious with this stranger. He rolled his eyes and turned around to continue his walking. Suddenly he felt someone covered his mouth with a tissue and he passed out.


Please check my other stories too. My dear servant, inverse Demeanor and private tutor

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