The Kingdoms of Blue and Gree...

By Cha71i53

2.9K 171 61

Best Ranking #2 in Action-Adventure. He yearned for her vanilla-tasting lips and skin. Are you going to kis... More

~ Prologue ~
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
~ Epilogue ~
Author's Note

Part 16

44 3 0
By Cha71i53

Evelynn felt the cold water in her throat. The bubbles rising and appearing from out of her mouth. The water above her head blurred her vision. She opened her mouth to scream, but it was became filled with cold water.

Evelynn threw her arms out to her sides and pushed them up and down, trying to resurface. She kicked her legs violently. Her ankle cracked in pain, as she kicked a hard surface. 

The light above the water glittered above her. Her hands reached above her head. She was almost there. Evelynn's heart pumping heavily in her chest as her lungs where held off for air.

Evelynn drew a sharp breath as she reached the top of the water. Her arms treading the drifting water beside her. Evelynn coughed and splurged as she felt her arms on the top of the water. She swam onto the rock, and stood up out of the water and looked around.

The single oak tree and river, two horses and a pile of clothing on a large rock to her left; was all Evelynn counted.

That and the cold water drifting down the river. Jumping and swerving around the thrown in rocks. 

Abagail had disappeared underneath the water. Evelynn rubbed her face with her wet hands and grabbed her shoes, and cape from the rock she sat them upon. Her dress swaying has it hung off the oak tree branch. Her stolen horse and The Princess' munching on the nearby green grass.

Evelynn heard the splash of water and a slight groan upon the rocks.

"You didn't have to kick me in the head Evelynn"

Evelynn spat out a laugh as she spun around. "So that was you?" She laughed. "I thought it was a rock" Evelynn tugged the dress of the oak branch, looking at Abagail. Her wet black hair stuck to her back. One of her hands rubbing her forehead. She stumbled upon the rocks making her way to Evelynn smiling.

"You finished laughing" The Princess snapped, her smile instantly dropping. Her lips forming a straight line on her face.

 Evelynn stopped abruptly and clenched her jaw. Pulling her dress back over her head.

"Chill! Far out Evelynn, I reassure you I am nothing like Azrael" Abagail assured, her smile reappearing on her face.. "I am his better half" She smiled, her green eyes lighting up.

Evelynn smiled as she slipped her damp feet back into her shoes. She looks so much like him. Minus the tall, broad build and short hair.

"So have you met him?" Abagail asked politely tugging her over-garments back on.

Evelynn haltered her step and actions. She looked Abagail in her dragon green eyes. Evelynn's face full of pain as she slowly nodded. Abagail stepped closer to Evelynn and looked up to her.

"I'm sorry" was all Abagail managed to say, putting her hand on her shoulder. Evelynn smiled at her kind gesture.

"It's alright," Evelynn bit back "It's just hard. It's hard to see all these amazing, strong and beautiful women," Evelynn sighed guiding her horse back to the flowing river. 

The river filling the silence for a moment. The sound of the water on the rocks and Evelynn's unsteady breaths.

"Being compared to each other and myself, and being chosen over them is," Evelynn stalled. Her eyes drifting back to the river.

"Heartbreaking" Abagail finished. Evelynn nodded after a moment.

"It's not Azrael's fault." Abagail stuttered. Evelynn tilted her head to the side in confusion, as she looked back at Abagail "It is what our mother wants," Abagail sighed and stroked her horse's mane. "All of this," Abagail dramatically waved her arms around in the air. "I mean I have an arranged marriage" 

"An arranged marriage?" Evelynn questioned lifting her leg over her horse to sit in the saddle. 

"Yes" Abagail groaned sitting in the saddle of her horse. "Sorry" She chuckled "I am oversharing," Abagail cringed.

"No, of course not," Evelynn debated.

"Its just your normal," Abagail's hands tightened on the brown reins of her horses saddle.

"Normal? No I am not" Evelynn reassured, placing her feet into the stirrups of the saddle. 

"I mean most of women my age are posh and pretty and don't come out here" Abagail sighed looking back to the river then, kicking her horse into a trot. Evelynn closely followed behind. "I don't have many female friends" Abagail openly said, pausing looking at the ground.

"Well let me be the first" Evelynn said sitting straight up in her saddle, the wind picking up strands of her ebony hair. 

"Only if you can catch me," Abagail laughed kicking her horse into a gallop. Sprinting off into the distance.

Evelynn laughed pulling on the reins and taking off behind her.

The green hilled slowly disappeared behind the two riders. The forest appearing in their wake. The  small river gliding down the green hills below became a blue blur in the distance. The sun was shining through the peaks of the trees tops, lighting up the ground the horses where galloping on.

Both girls where laughing as they galloped into the castle garden. The horses hooves clicking on the stones of the garden and stable. The sweet smell of chrysanthemums and the sound of the water fountain welcomed Evelynn.

"You lost," Abagail cheered, jumping off her horse and handing it to one of the nearest guards.

Abagail rain a hand through her wavy bronze hair.

"But you gave yourself a head start" Evelynn complained hopping off the stolen horse, patting its mane. Evelynn handed the horse back to the guard handling Abagail's. She brushed her dress and walked closer to Abagail. She flowed Abagail until they came near two sliding glass panels from the garden. Evelynn peaked inside and saw book cases full of books and scrolls. Ladders of all shapes and sizes leaning against the bookstalls. Evelynn's mouth gapped opened at the sight. Abagail stood in front of the sliding panels and turned to face her.

"So what is the guys name?" Evelynn laughed as Abagail opened the doors to the back entrance to the castle library.

"You don't want to know" Abagail rolled her eyes.

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