Back To Lima Heights - Santan...

By ThePuzzler101

596K 10.5K 4.9K

Shawn Hudson, younger sister of Finn Hudson, comes back home to Lima after living with her grandparents for 3... More

Summary of Shawn
Season 2 Episode 1: Audition
Season 2 Episode 2: Britney/Brittany
Season 2 Episode 3: Grilled Cheesus
Season 2 Episode 4: Duets
Season 2 Episode 5: The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Season 2 Episode 6: Never Been Kissed
Season 2 Episode 7: The Subsitute
Season 2 Episode 8: Furt
Season 2 Episode 9: Special Education
Season 2 Episode 10: A Very Glee Christmas
Season 2 Episode 11: The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Season 2 Episode 12: Silly Love Songs
Season 2 Episode 13: Comeback
Season 2 Episode 14: Blame It On The Alcohol
Season 2 Episode 15: Sexy
Season 2 Episode 16: Original Song
Season 2 Episode 17: A Night Of Neglect
Season 2 Episode 18: Born this way
Season 2 Episode 19: Rumours
Season 2 Episode 20: Prom Queen
Season 2 Episode 21: Funeral
Season 2 Episode 22: New York
Season 3 Episode 1: The Purple Piano Project
Season 3 Episode 2: I Am Unicorn
Season 3 Episode 3: Asian F
Season 3 Episode 4: Pot o' Gold
Season 3 Episode 5: The First Time
Season 3 Episode 6: Mash Off
Season 3 Episode 7: I Kissed A Girl
Season 3 Episode 8: Hold On To Sixteen
Season 3 Episode 9: Extraordinary Merry Christmas
Season 3 Episode 10: Yes/No
Season 3 Episode 11: Michael
Season 3 Episode 12: The Spanish teacher
Season 3 Episode 13: Heart
Season 3 Episode 14: On My Way
Season 3 Episode 15: Big Brother
Season 3 Episode 16: Saturday Night Glee-ver
Season 3 Episode 17: Dance With Somebody
Season 3 Episode 18: Choke
Season 3 Episode 19: Prom-A-Saurus
Season 3 Episode 20: Props
Season 3 Episode 21: Nationals
Season 3 Episode 22: Goodbye
Season 4 Episode 1: The New Rachel
Season 4 Episode 2: Britney 2.0
Season 4 Episode 3: Makeover
Season 4 Episode 4: The Break-Up
Season 4 Episode 5: The Role You Were Born to Play
Season 4 Episode 6: Glease
Season 4 Episode 7: Dynamic Duets
Season 4 Episode 8: Thanksgiving
Season 4 Episode 9: Swan Song
Season 4 Episode 10: Glee, Actually
Season 4 Episode 11: Sadie Hawkins
Season 4 Episode 12: Naked
Season 4 Episode 13: Diva
Season 4 Episode 14: I Do
Season 4 Episode 15: Girls (and Boys) on Film
Season 4 Episode 16: Feud
Season 4 Episode 17: Guilty Pleasures
Season 4 Episode 18: Shooting Star
Season 4 Episode 19: Sweet Dreams
Shawntana Vs Angel Part 1
Season 4 Episode 20: Lights Out
Season 4 Episode 21: Wonder-ful
Season 4 Episode 22: All or Nothing
Season 5 Episode 1: Love, Love, Love
Season 5 Episode 2: Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
Season 5 Episode 3: The Quarterback
Season 5 Episode 4: A Katy or a Gaga
Season 5 Episode 5: The End of Twerk
Season 5 Episode 6: Movin' Out
Season 5 Episode 7: Puppet Master
Season 5 Episode 8: Previously Unaired Christmas
Season 5 Episode 9: Frenemies
Season 5 Episode 10: Trio
Season 5 Episode 11: City of Angels
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 1
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 2
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 1
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 2
Season 5 Episode 14: New New York
Season 5 Episode 15: Bash
Season 5 Episode 16: Tested
Season 5 Episode 17: Opening Night
Season 5 Episode 18: The Back-Up Plan
Season 5 Episode 19: Old Dog New Tricks
Season 5 Episode 20: The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Shawntana Baby!!!
Season 6 Episode 2: Homecoming
Season 6 Episode 3: Jagged Little Tapestry
Season 6 Episode 4: The Hurt Locker - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 5: The Hurt Locker - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 10: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
Season 6 Episode 11: We Built This Club
Season 6 Episode 13: Dreams Come True

Shawntana Vs Angel Part 2

3.8K 74 72
By ThePuzzler101

Shawn's POV:

It's been over a week since my secret got exposed. Kurt, Rachel and Quinn already went back home. I put on some blue sweatpants and I matching sweater. I'm nervous for school but I got to go back some day. Oh, I forgot to mention. We found out it was Sue who shot the gun. She said she brought the gun for self defense. That made no sense to me.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked coming in my room

"I'm a bit nervous." I tell him.

"Don't be. We got your back. The whole glee club." He says smiling.

"Okay, let's go." I let out a shaky breath as we exit my room.
We enter the building and immediately eyes are on me.

'That's her.'

'She's the one.'

'Does she really have one?'

I hear people whispering this around me.

"Don't pay them any mind." Sam encourages me. We stop in front of the choir room. "There all waiting for you. Ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah, let's do this." I tell him.

He opens the door and immediately all eyes are on me. I stand in the middle of the room with Sam.

"So I know all of you are expecting answers. So I'll give them to you." I start off. "I was born intersex. It's a condition where I was born with a reproductive system that doesn't match my gender." I tell them. I take a deep breathe. "This is something I've always hated about me. I want it to disappear so badly. But it can't. I was just born this way." I admit. "I hope you guys can understand. I get it if you don't."

They don't say anything and I look down. They I hear chair movements. I look up and see they are all coming towards me. They bring me into a hug.

"We love you just the way you are Shawn." Mr. Shue starts. "We just wish you told us."

"Yea, we accept you for who you are." Jake added.

"Yeah, if you thought this would change how we felt about you, your wrong. Nothing can change the way we feel about you Shawn." Artie says and I start tearing up.

"Thanks guys." I reply.

"Again, I'm sorry Shawn. I should've never brought it up in a public place." Finn states looking down.

"Finn, stop saying sorry. It's not your fault. We weren't in a public place. Nobody was around us. Or so we thought." I tell him. "It's not your fault bro." I give him a hug and everyone claps.

"Even though I hate your guts most times, what she did to you was messed up." Kitty says. "Ik. Ik. I shouldn't be talking but still." She adds.

"Thanks Kitty." I give her a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Unique asked coming over to me. "This is gonna make our friendship so much stronger." She added and I chuckle. I give her a hug.

"Sorry Unique." I add.

"Your not alone. I'm not intersex, but we are similar." She tells me and I nod.

"I have a question though." Ryder says. "How did the doctors know you were intersex?"

"When I started developing feminine qualities. Breast, lighter voice." I give him examples.

"Oh okay." He tells me.

"I wonder who did that anonymous announcement." Jake out his hand on his chin.

"Me too." Brittany added.

"Whoever did it is a pathetic excuse for a human being." Blaine adds shaking his head.

"It was Angel." I tell them. They all gasp.

"What??" Finn asked angrily.

"She is evil." Marley added.

"She is done." Unique stands up.

"Don't worry guys. Santana, Quinn and Brittany already took care of her." I tell them. "We also have a plan to get her sent to jail for having that sex audio of me and San." I tell them.

"Well what is it?" Mr. Shue asked curiously.

"Yeah tell us." Artie asked excitedly.

"Okay so me and Sam came up with this one..." I start telling them the plan.
Santana's POV:

Me and Shawn are at the police station again.

"We have a plan to get her to admit she took the video." I tell the cop.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We have a friend who is gonna go on a date with her and get her to admit it. We are gonna need some equipment though." Shawn tells him.

"I got you guys. I have some wires, recorders and bugs." The cop tells us.

Me and Santana look at each other. We nod with a smile and fist bump.
Sam's POV:

Dude, I need your help." I tell Jared as we eat lunch.

"Sure. What is it?" He asked me.

"You know my best friend Shawn right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've seen her around. I feel bad for what happened to her. She was outed." He tells me eating some fries.

"Yea. About that, we know who did it." I tell him and his eyes widen.

"Who?" He asked curiously?

"Angel." I whisper.

"Angel Montgomery?" He asked shocked.

"Yea. She is crazy. And we want to expose her and get her sent to jail. We need your help." I added.

"What do you need me for?" He asked curiously.

"We need you to take her on a date. Get her to trust you or like you. Pretend you hate Shawn as well. Talk shit about her and just pretend you can't stand her guts." I tell him eating some grapes.

"But I don't like talking shit about people." He says looking down.

"She's fine with it. I already spoke to her." I tell him. "You in?"

"I'm in dude." He replies and we shake on it.
Jared's POV:

"Just walk around her and start talking bad about Shawn." Sam tells me through the mini headphones I have in my ears. I put my hood on to block them. I see Angel  and start walking around her.

"Ugh. I hate Shawn Hudson. I'm so glad she got exposed." I start walking near her. I lie really good. Good thing I'm a good actor.

"You hate Shawn Hudson?" She asked me interested.

"Yeah. You do?" I ask fake amused.

"I hate her soul. She called me names through our whole relationship and treated me like crap. She was jealous of anyone I spoke to. Then she dumped me and got mad when SHE dumped me." She tells me. She is such a liar.

"Oh my god. You don't deserve to that. Your too beautiful and you seem amazing." She is not beautiful and most definitely not amazing.

"Thank you. Your cute." She blushes. "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" She asked me hopefully.

"I'd love to. Here's my number." I hand it to her.

"Great. See you tonight." She kisses my cheek and walks away.

Eww. I wipe my cheek off.

"Everything is in motion. Plan to expose Angel is a go." I tell Sam.

"Awesome work Bro." He tells me while cheering.
Shawn's POV:

"Everything is in motion. Jared is going on a date with Angel." Sam tells me, Santana and Brittany as we sit in the coffee shop.

"Nice work Trouts. Sooner this bitch is in jail, sooner I get to relax." Santana states sipping some coffee.

"Did you speak to the cops already?" Sam asked me and Santana.

"Yes, we did." I start.

"They are on board with us." Santana finishes.

"We need equipment now. Laptops, headsets." Sam lists some examples.

"Sam, the cops are providing us with all of that. You can calm down." I tell him.

"When they go to dinner, we are gonna be in a cop van outside Breadstix. They have computers in there and hooked up the computers to the security cameras. So we can watch the date as it happens." Santana explained.

"Ooh, I want to go in the van. Please, please, please?!" Brittany begged with puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip.

"Sure Britt Britt." Santana says with a smile.

"Of course you can babe." Sam kisses her cheek.

"Yea, you can come Britt." I added.

"Yay!" She cheered and clapped. We laugh at that.
"Are you guys sure this plan will work?" Officer Peters asked.

"Yes." Santana says as me, her, Brittany and Sam sit in the van wearing headsets.

"Positive?" Officer Garcia asked for confirmation. Those are the names of the officers helping us.

"Yes. We promise you." I tell him.

"Okay Jared, Angel is inside sitting at a table. Head on in." Sam tells Jared as he waits outside the restaurant for our okay signal.

We have cameras on the outside and the inside so we can see him.

"Remember what we told you. Make some conversation first. Don't rush into it." I tell him.

"Got it. I'm going in now. Over." Jared tells us and we see him walk in the restaurant.

"Over." All four of us say.
Jared's POV:

I walk in the restaurant and look for Angel. I spot her in a booth.

"Hey stud muffin." She says smirking.

Blech. I can't wait till this is over with.

"Hey sexy. You look stunning. Magnificent, beyond beautiful, out of this world." I say with a fake smile. Shawn told me how Angel got mad at her for saying she looks amazing which is stupid as hell.

"Aww, your so sweet. That dumbass Shawn only said I was amazing. Can you believe that?" She asked shaking her head.

She is crazy. What the hell?

"Yeah, that is crazy. But your with me now." I grab her hand. "What happened to your face?" I asked like I didn't know.

"Two of her exes and a girl she kissed jumped me for no fucking reason. I will have my revenge though." She smiles evilly.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry that happened. You don't deserve it." I lie. You deserve way more shit than that. "So tell me about yourself."

"Well, I like dancing, singing and cheering. My moms a nurse and my dad is a construction worker. I'm an only child. My favorite foods are pizza, steak and chicken. I'm 16. How about you?" She asked me.

"I'm 16 as well. I have 9 siblings. My parents are doctors. I enjoy hockey, sleeping, playing video games. My grades are extremely well and I'm looking forward to going to college in Alaska for hockey." I lie. I lied about everything expect for playing video games and enjoying sleep. I'm actually 17. I only have one sibling. My mom is a waitress and my dad is a veteran. I freaking hate hockey, I actually want to be a basketball player. My grades are kinda bad and I want to go to UCLA for basketball.

"That's nice. I like your dreams." She says and I nod.

Santana's POV:

We were in the van listening in.

"You kissed Brittany???" I asked shocked.

"It was at a party we had a couple days ago, we were drunk and we were playing spin the bottle." Shawn shrugged with a nervous look on her face.

"Don't worry San. I still like Sam's lips better." Brittany clarified. I shake my head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned confused.

"I don't know. I don't even know how she found out." Shawn says confused. "Wait. It's Angel. She probably sent out spies or something." Shawn shakes her head. "And I didn't think you want to know that I kissed one of your best friends." She said shrugging.

"Yeah, I need to know who my ex kisses." I reply like it's obvious.

"Kinda possessive, don't you think?" She raises an eyebrow. I roll my eyes.

"You know I don't mean it like that." I state and she chuckles.

"Good, good. He's following all the steps. Not getting to the point right away." Officer Peters says nodding his head.

"How many years in jail will she get when we catch her?" Brittany asked curiously.

"She can get up to 30 years. The least she can get is 20. Having a recording of people having sex without their permission is a very serious crime." He explains to her. She nods.

"I hope she gets 30." Sam states clenching his jaw.

"I hope she gets 50." I state with an angry look on my face.

"I hope that bitch is in there for life and rots in hell." Santana states with an angry snix face.

"Just be patient guys." Officer Garcia tells us as she gives Jared an instruction. "Jared, you can start getting to the point now." She lets him know.
Jared's POV:

Officer Garcia told me to start getting to the point so I do.

"Look at this. Someone just made a tweet calling Shawn a dirty freak." I show her a fake tweet. Shawn made this of herself. I told her she didn't have to say dirty freak but she told me it has to be believable.

Angel starts laughing hysterically. The hell? "Good for her. She deserves so much bad things in her life. I hope she gets her head sliced off and her eyes cut out." She says smiling evilly and it takes everything in me not to barf at her words.

Shawn's POV:

"That is basically a threat. Arrest her!!"Santana states yelling.

She wants my head to get cut off and my eyes cut out. Oh my god.

"Okay that is a disturbing thing to say. But, we need more evidence to arrest her. It's the law." Officer Peters says and Santana groans. "Look, we have officers at Angels house looking for some evidence."

"Why was she so specific about it?" Brittany asked confused.

"Exactly. The fact that she was so specific scares me. That means she's must've thought about doing that to you." Sam says scared.

"Oh my god. I can't wait till she goes to jail." I say disgusted. We turn back to the cameras.

Jared's POV:

I have been at dinner with Angel for an hour. One disturbing, weird and creepy hour. Her body language is so off and the way she spoke about Shawn was too specific to think of out of nowhere.

"I wonder who exposed Shawn. I would give them a big hi five." I fake a smile.

"Can I let you in on a little secret?" She asked and I nodded. Finally. Tell me so I can get out of here. "I exposed Shawn." She says smiling. "I heard her talking to her stupid brother her nasty penis and how she should tell me. Ugh, you know how disgusting it is for a girl to have a penis. It's a sin." She added and it takes everything in my not to punch her. She shakes her head.

"Yeah, that's nasty." I lie and scrunch up my face in fake disgust.

"I'm gonna let you in on another secret." She tells me. Finally. Tell me about you recording them illegally evil hoe. "A few weeks ago, Shawn went on a trip to visit her brother in New York. What I didn't know is that her brother lives with her ex girlfriend and another girl. When I found out I was pissed off. I had every right to be." She tells me and I nod. "So I confronted her about it. We got into a fight about it and I decided to plant a recorder in her suitcase just to keep an eye on her. When I went over to her house, she dumped me for no reason. I got the recording and went home. When I played it, I heard her moaning Santana's name and Vice versa. The recording of them having sex lasted for an hour. I didn't listen to it because that's nasty but I fast forward it and it added up to an hour." She explains. I smirk. She probably thinks I'm smirking because I liked the plan so she smirks back. She is going to jail.

Shawn's POV:

"We got the bitch!!" Santana yells as the four of us cheer.

"Okay, we are going to go in now to arrest her. You guys can come with." Officer Peters says.

"Oh I'm definitely coming." I state.

"Me too. I want to see the look on this bitches face when we go inside.

"Okay, let's go." Officer Garcia said. "You guys go in first. We will come after."

We nod at her instructions. We get out the Van and walk inside the restaurant. We go up to Angel and Jared's table.

"What are you guys doing here?!!!" Angel hissed.

"Just enjoying the scene." Santana smiles smugly.

"What are you talking about?" She asked and we all smile smugly.

Officer Garcia, Officer Peters and 10 more cops come to in the Resturant.

"Angel Montgomery, you are under arrest for having a sex recording without permission and for murdering 10 dogs." Officer Peters said and we gasp.

"She murdered 10 dogs?" Sam asked freaked out.

"What type of Jeffery Dahmer shit is this?" Santana asked baffled.

"How could you nursery poor innocent doggies?" Brittany cried and Sam brought her into his chest.

"I don't have a sex recording. And I didn't murder any dogs." She says innocently. This bitch is dumb hell.

"Save it for your new cell mates. We heard this whole dinner. Jared is working for us." Officer Peters says handcuffing her.

"You dumb asshole. You tricked me!!" She yelled trying to get out of the handcuffs. Officer Garcia puts her on the floor roughly.

"I can't believe you thought I liked you. Your ugly, your hair is smelly, you look bad. Did I forget to mention, your sick in the head??!!" Jared yells.

"Your beyond insane!! Who kills ten dogs??" I yelled.

"We were searching her house and I smelled a nasty stench." An Officer says holding Angel down as she tries to get up off the floor. "I followed the smell and it lead me to her basement. In there, I found the ten dead dogs." He starts and takes a breath. "But there's something else." He sighs. "We found a bulletin board. On the board, it had pictures of Santana and Shawn." He says and we both gasp. "It had over 20 lists of how to kill you both." He says and my eyes widen. "She also had a shrine of Shawn. It had locks of her hair, a half eaten granola bar she threw away, some of her spit." He says confused.

"I never gave her a lock of my hair and I sample of my spit. So how did you get it you creepy piece of shit??!!" I roar, eyes burning red.

"Below it, it says she saw a piece of your hair fall when you were scratching your head and took it. She saw you spit in the bathroom sink and took the spit out with a tube." He says and I feel like barfing.

"Your a sick, twisted fuck!!!" I yell.

"I only did it because I love you baby. Your mine forever. Hahahahaha!" She laughs evilly. "Santana had to ruin us!!!"

"I was here before you, child of Norman Bates." Santana states. "And I'll most definitely be here after you. Have fun in jail!!"

"You had multiple lists of ways to kill us!! I hope you rot in your jail cell." I added bitchily.

"I regret encouraging Shawn to date you so badly." Sam adds shaking his head. Ange growls at him trying to stand up.

"25 years for illegally having a sex recording. 30 years for murdering 10 dogs. 10 years for having lists on ways to kill someone. I'm not judge, but you going to jail for a long time." Officer Peters says and stands her up he, officer Garcia and the cop who spilled the news to us drag her out the Resturant in hang cuffs.

"Fuck you Shawn, Sam, Santana and Brittany. I'll have my revenge!!" She yelled as the drag her out.

"Have fun with your 65 years in jail!!! Make it worth it!!" I yell and we all laugh.

"Come on, let's go see her face while she's in the car." Brittany says and we run out to the car.

We see Angel looking at us with a hard glare. Santana sticks up the middle finger, Brittany sticks her tongue at her, Sam does a Daniel LaRusso winning kick stance. I pretend to shoot a gun at her with my hand, blow it out, and turn around and slap my but. She starts banging on the window and we see her mouth moving fast. We can't hear here, but we know she's cursing us out.

"What a pathetic piece of trash." Brittany says laughing.

"We did it guys!!" Sam yelled happily.

"Yep, Angel will be in jail for practically the rest of her life, both recordings were destroyed and we are free!!!" Santana yells and we all hi five.

We turn around and see Jared walking to his car.

"Hey Jared!" I call him over.

"Hey guys." He says with a smile.

"Thanks for your help. We couldn't have done it without you." Sam tells him.

"Yea seriously. And how the hell did you sound so convincing when you were pretending to hate Shawn?" Santana asked amazed.

"I'm an actor. I'm really good at faking." He states and Santana nods impressed.

"Come here!" Sam yells and we bring him in for a hug.

"Well, I got to go. I was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago. Let's hope my mom doesn't kill me." He jokes and we laugh. He runs back over to his car, gets in, and drives away.

"Do you guys wanna sleep over at our house?" I asked Santana and Brittany.

"Sure. I keep clothes over there for when I sleep over anyways." Santana shrugged.

"Same." Brittany adds.

We get in Sam's car. Me and Santana in the back while Sam and Brittany sit in the front. We drive back home listening to calming music.
Shawn's POV:

"Hey guys. How did it go?" Finn asked as he and my mom were in front of the stairs.

"Amazing. Angel is in jail for 65 years and I have never felt better." I admit.

"Ahhhhh!!!" They cheer excitedly.

"I'm so happy you got your justice love bug." My mom says and hugs me. "For you and Santana." She gives Santana a hug.

"Yeah. Angel deserves all those years. And I hope she suffers while she's in there." Finn admits and we nod. I pray she suffers in there.

"Well you kids head up to bed." My mom tell us. Brittany whimpers. "This time Brittany, I promise to leave the night light on. Okay?" She tells her. Brittany smiles and nods. She gives my mom a hug.

"Thank you." She said still hugging her.

"Your welcome sweetheart." My mom says rubbing her hair. Brittany giggles.

We go upstairs to out rooms. Santana stays in my room and Brittany stays in Sam's.
"Santana. Santana!" I yell scared!

"Nobody can save you now Shawn!" Angel yells as she has me tied up in a chair. "Your mine."

"No. Leave me alone!!" I yell. "Sanny!!!" I yell as Angel comes near me with a knife.

I wake up in Santana's arms panting. I sit up.

"Shawn? What's wrong?" She says and I start crying. "Oh baby. Don't cry." She cooed and brought me into her embrace.

"I had a nightmare. A-Angel had me t-tied up in a ch-chair a-and was coming at m-me with a k-knife." I stutter crying.

"Oh Bubbs, Angel is in jail. And she's not getting out anytime soon. I promise you." Santana kissed my head.

"I know. But it still creeps me out. She was planning on killing us." I sniffle.

"She can never kill me. I would kill her first. And she can never kill you either. Cause I would still kill her first." Santana states and I lightly laugh. "Okay?"

"Okay." I nod. I lay my head on the pillow next to Santana. But I can't go back to sleep.

"Sanny?" I question softly as I am about to ask her a question she may say no for.

"Hmm?" She hummed with her eyes closed and I take a small breath in.

"Can I sleep in my favorite spot?" I asked.

"Shawn..." She trails off. "We aren't together."

"Please San. I don't mean for it to be sexual or mean it like we are dating. It just helps me sleep fast." I beg with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine." Santana groaned rolling her eyes.

I smile as I lay my head on Santanas chest. She wraps her arms around me and holds me close to her.

"Sweet dreams Bubbs, sweet dreams." I hear her say as I slowly fall asleep.

Shawntana finally got revenge on Angel. Angels going to jail for 65 years.🤩 She got what she deserves.🤷‍♀️ Glee club supports Shawn. How will everyone else though?🤔 She sadly already got some slurs.😔
Last part isn't mean to be sexual. Meant to be cute and fluffy.🥰
Next chapter will be from an episode.

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