Season 3 Episode 15: Big Brother

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Shawn's POV:

So Quinn got in a car accident and Rachel and Finn had to postpone the wedding. I'm just glad she's alive, because the damage on her car was crazy. Sam wouldn't stop crying. I felt really bad for him. I had never seen him like that before. So the glee club comforted him at the hospital. Quinn's okay, but she's in a wheelchair.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked Sam as I was getting breakfast from the kitchen.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad she's okay. I don't know what I would have done if she didn't make it." Sam said and he looks like he was gonna cry.

"Dude, dude, she's okay. She's fine." I told him.

"But she's stuck in a wheelchair!!" He yelled.

"I'm not gonna tell you calm down because if it was Santana, I would be the exact Sam way you are right now. So, what I am going to say is let out all your anger. Scream, kick, punch the air, whatever." I tell him and he starts yell and punching pillows on the couch. Once he's done, he's breathing heavily.

"Are you good now?" I asked him.

"I'm not good but I do feel better. Thanks Shawn." He says and then he adds "I'm going to pick Quinn up from the hospital. See you at school."

"Alright, see you." I tell him and go get dressed. I take a shower and I put on some blue jeans and a red sweatshirt and some black converse. I brush my teeth, come my curls and go to school.
After Sam brought Quinn to school, everyone greeted her. We made her a welcome back poster. She told us not to pity her and this is actually the greatest day of her life. She and Artie did a number in their wheelchairs.

(Shawn is next to Santana)

"Here a lesson for you board Mr. Shue. Don't text and drive. Ever. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done." She pauses for a second "Besides sleeping with Puck." Yeah Quinn told us how she was texting Rachel when she got in her crash. Most people were blaming Rachel, especially Sam. But Rachel just wanted her to make it to the ceremony. And Quinn could have had her phone off. But I'm not blaming anyone. "There's a lot of rumors floating around, so let's clear the air. First of all, all my plumbing still works, which is awesome. But my spine was severely compressed in the car accident, which basically means I can't move my feet or legs. But the good thing is that I'm starting to regain feeling, so with a lot of physical therapy, and your prayers, I stand a good chance for a full recovery. So no tears." Quinn looks around until she spots Tina "That means you, Tina. Oh, and I apologize for the number. My dance moves aren't as smooth as Artie's yet."

"With practice, they will be." Artie tells her.

"I promise that by the time we go to Nationals, I'll be out of this chair, and dancing on that stage." Quinn promises.

"Alright!" We say and start clapping and cheering.

Me, Santana, Brittany and Sam go up and give her a hug. I'm glad Quinn's okay.
"Five, Six, Seven, Eight!" Sue says and we start dancing. It's really sloppy. "Stop! Please, stop! This is an embarrassment!"

"Okay why is she here?" I said to Santana.

"I don't know, but I hope it's not for long." She replied.

"Got something you want to say orangutan?" Sue asked me and I look confused. How does she come up with these names?

"I said why are you here?" I spoke loud enough for her to hear. She walks over to me and speaks through the bullhorn

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