Back To Lima Heights - Santan...

By ThePuzzler101

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Shawn Hudson, younger sister of Finn Hudson, comes back home to Lima after living with her grandparents for 3... More

Summary of Shawn
Season 2 Episode 1: Audition
Season 2 Episode 2: Britney/Brittany
Season 2 Episode 3: Grilled Cheesus
Season 2 Episode 4: Duets
Season 2 Episode 5: The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Season 2 Episode 6: Never Been Kissed
Season 2 Episode 7: The Subsitute
Season 2 Episode 8: Furt
Season 2 Episode 9: Special Education
Season 2 Episode 10: A Very Glee Christmas
Season 2 Episode 11: The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Season 2 Episode 12: Silly Love Songs
Season 2 Episode 13: Comeback
Season 2 Episode 14: Blame It On The Alcohol
Season 2 Episode 15: Sexy
Season 2 Episode 16: Original Song
Season 2 Episode 17: A Night Of Neglect
Season 2 Episode 18: Born this way
Season 2 Episode 19: Rumours
Season 2 Episode 20: Prom Queen
Season 2 Episode 21: Funeral
Season 2 Episode 22: New York
Season 3 Episode 1: The Purple Piano Project
Season 3 Episode 2: I Am Unicorn
Season 3 Episode 3: Asian F
Season 3 Episode 4: Pot o' Gold
Season 3 Episode 5: The First Time
Season 3 Episode 6: Mash Off
Season 3 Episode 7: I Kissed A Girl
Season 3 Episode 8: Hold On To Sixteen
Season 3 Episode 9: Extraordinary Merry Christmas
Season 3 Episode 10: Yes/No
Season 3 Episode 11: Michael
Season 3 Episode 12: The Spanish teacher
Season 3 Episode 13: Heart
Season 3 Episode 14: On My Way
Season 3 Episode 15: Big Brother
Season 3 Episode 16: Saturday Night Glee-ver
Season 3 Episode 17: Dance With Somebody
Season 3 Episode 18: Choke
Season 3 Episode 19: Prom-A-Saurus
Season 3 Episode 20: Props
Season 3 Episode 21: Nationals
Season 3 Episode 22: Goodbye
Season 4 Episode 1: The New Rachel
Season 4 Episode 2: Britney 2.0
Season 4 Episode 3: Makeover
Season 4 Episode 4: The Break-Up
Season 4 Episode 5: The Role You Were Born to Play
Season 4 Episode 6: Glease
Season 4 Episode 7: Dynamic Duets
Season 4 Episode 8: Thanksgiving
Season 4 Episode 9: Swan Song
Season 4 Episode 10: Glee, Actually
Season 4 Episode 11: Sadie Hawkins
Season 4 Episode 12: Naked
Season 4 Episode 13: Diva
Season 4 Episode 14: I Do
Season 4 Episode 15: Girls (and Boys) on Film
Season 4 Episode 16: Feud
Season 4 Episode 17: Guilty Pleasures
Season 4 Episode 19: Sweet Dreams
Shawntana Vs Angel Part 1
Shawntana Vs Angel Part 2
Season 4 Episode 20: Lights Out
Season 4 Episode 21: Wonder-ful
Season 4 Episode 22: All or Nothing
Season 5 Episode 1: Love, Love, Love
Season 5 Episode 2: Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
Season 5 Episode 3: The Quarterback
Season 5 Episode 4: A Katy or a Gaga
Season 5 Episode 5: The End of Twerk
Season 5 Episode 6: Movin' Out
Season 5 Episode 7: Puppet Master
Season 5 Episode 8: Previously Unaired Christmas
Season 5 Episode 9: Frenemies
Season 5 Episode 10: Trio
Season 5 Episode 11: City of Angels
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 1
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 2
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 1
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 2
Season 5 Episode 14: New New York
Season 5 Episode 15: Bash
Season 5 Episode 16: Tested
Season 5 Episode 17: Opening Night
Season 5 Episode 18: The Back-Up Plan
Season 5 Episode 19: Old Dog New Tricks
Season 5 Episode 20: The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Shawntana Baby!!!
Season 6 Episode 2: Homecoming
Season 6 Episode 3: Jagged Little Tapestry
Season 6 Episode 4: The Hurt Locker - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 5: The Hurt Locker - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 10: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
Season 6 Episode 11: We Built This Club
Season 6 Episode 13: Dreams Come True

Season 4 Episode 18: Shooting Star

3.7K 75 27
By ThePuzzler101

Shawn's POV:

"I hold in my hand, ladies and gentlemen, our competition for regionals." Mr. Shue announces and we cheer. "Drumroll please. He asked and we pat our thighs rapidly. "From... North Central High School in Indianapolis, the Hoosierdaddies." He says and I snort softly. What type of name is that?

"What type of name is that?" I say laughing and he shakes his head with a smile.

"That's very clever." Tina states. Um.

"And from Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness in Battle Creek, Michigan, the Nun-Touchables." He announces and everyone starts talking all at once.

"Wait, is that a convent?" Blaine questioned.

"Guys, I like our chances against both these squads, but we still got a lot of work to do." Mr. Shue explained and Brittany stands next to him. Where did she come from??

"Mr. Shue, please stop talking. I have an announcement. I regret to inform you a deadly asteroid is headed our way." Brittany says. I thought it was fake?

"Wait, didn't we just go through this at Christmas?" Blaine asked confused.

"Yeah, and is it true you and Sam got married? Did that happen?" Tina asked.

"Yes it did." I raise my hand. "Me and Santana were there. It was so beautiful." I fake cry and dramatically sob.

Kitty slaps my shoulder.

"Stop being so dramatic." She says rolling her eyes and I chuckle.

"Also, shut up Tina. I'm naming this comet Tubbington-Bopp, and it's headed straight for Lima." Brittany added.

"Wait, so it's an asteroid or a comet?" Artie asked confused.

"It's both." She replied.

"Wouldn't NASA know something about this?" Marley questioned confused.

"We can't trust NASA. I mean, last month a meteor exactly like Tubbington-Bopp hit Russia with no warning at all."

"Oh, so now it's a meteor." Artie says.

"That's right Artie, and when this meteorite hits, I will not be spending my time in this room preparing for regionals. I will be spending my last hours making amends with somebody who I need to get right with. Somebody who I love never much." Brittany says and Sam smiles. "Lord Tubbington." She says and I hold in a laugh.

"Wow. Damn Brittany, your gonna do Sam like that?" I say laughing.

"I do love Sam, but I need to make it right with Lord Tubbington." She tells me. I laugh again. "So, go back to your homes and hide your wife, hide your kids and hide your wife." She repeats. "McKinley High, I salute you." Brittany finishes and leaves.
Santana's POV:

I was walking back home from the hairdresser when I heard a voice speak to me.

"Hey." I look next to me to see a lady sitting there on the floor. She looked like she was in her early 30s, Carmel skin, greasy hair and dirty clothes.

"Could you get me something to eat? I'm really hungry and I haven't ate in days." She tells me.

"Okay, lemme see if I have." I open my bag. Then I hear the lady yell.

"Watch out!" She yells. "I turn around to see a man charging at me. When he gets close enough to me, I knock him in the head. He fails to the ground. I step on his stomach with my heel.

"Next time you try to take my purse, Lima Heights won't be the only thing I'll do to you." I press my heel harder into him.

I pull out my phone and call the cops. 5 minutes later, they come and I explain everything to them.

"Yes he tried to run up on me and take my purse." I explained.

"Then what happened? Why is he on the floor?" He asked.

"I knocked him in the head." I admit and he looks at me weird. "Self Defense, duh." I state the obvious.

"Okay thank you ma'am." He replies after writing that down.

They pick the guy up and throw him in the police car. I walk back over to the lady.

"Wow that was cool." She says amazed.

"Well, I was raised on fighting. That was nothing." I tell her. I pull out $20 and hand it to her.

"Thank you young lady." She says smiling.

"Your welcome." I reply and walk back home.
Shawn's POV:

"I'm really surprised that Jesus Christ Superstar has chosen to end the world this way instead of the way he killed off the dinosaurs, which was a global yeast infection." Brittany says as me, her, Marley, Jake, Kitty and Unique stand around the piano.

"Do you think got will let me be a girl Angel in heaven?" Unique asked. I cringe at the name.

"Wait, there are girl and boy Angels?" Sam asked coming in the room. "Does that mean you can have Angel sex?" What is with them repeating that word???

"Ugh I hate the word Angel now. Reminds me of that crazy human being." I finally comment with an annoyed voice and my goes up in disgust.

"Are we sure she's even human?" Unique asked and we laugh.

"Yeah, she's a freaking psychopath." Jake added while giggling and hi fives Ryder.

"Yesterday, when I was coloring in the library, Angel came up to me and said my drawing was stupid." Brittany says sadly.

"Your drawing isn't stupid. She's just salty and jealous." Unique tells her while rubbing her shoulder encouragingly.

"Yeah, don't worry. She's just mad that I broke up with her. I don't care cause she was freaking crazy, but yea. Your drawings are cool and full of color." I reassured Brittany with a smile and she smiles brightly and hugs me tightly. I chuckle and hug her back. After a couple of seconds, Brittany pulls away and sits back down in her seat.

"All right. Show of hands." Mr. Shue comes in the room. "Who's worried about Brittany's meteor/asteroid/comet prediction?" He asked and only Sam raised his hand.

"I would've been worried, but I already believed the world ending prediction so no. Your not getting my like last time Brittany." I say shaking my head. "I'm no dummy."

"Yes you are." Kitty says with her bitchy voice and looks at me with a smug smirk. I furrow my eyebrows. "Last week you said that Pluto was a planet."

"2 weeks ago, you called the cops on a kid because you thought he was Adolf Hitler." Blaine added while shaking his head. Hitler died in 1945!"

"He looks like him. He even had that thick mustache!" I defend myself with a sigh, throwing my arms out to the side.

"And three weeks ago, when we were in art, you pulled the fire alarm because you thought we were being attacked by boxes." Tina adds while playfully glaring at me and my jaw drops

"You take that back!! We were being attacked by boxes!!" I shout aggressively and look at her while gasping and with a frown.

"No, we weren't. Mr. Hilton was just bringing in a bunch of cardboard boxes so we can build cardboard box houses." She adds shaking her head and rubbing her temple.

"Okay guys. Shawn may have said and done things that don't make total sense, but lay off her. Okay?" Mr. Shue tells them while defending me.

"Yeah. Bullies!!" I say in a childish voice and they look at me weirdly. I laugh.

"Getting back on track." Mr. Shue starts and sits in a chair in the middle of us. "Here's how I see it. There are two possible outcomes. First, the meteor misses us and we go to regionals and we kick butt, which will only happen if we prepare.

"Or... we only have a few days to live and if that's the case, we need to say everything we need to say to the people we love. I can tell you from those couple of weeks where I couldn't talk to Emma that there is nothing worse than unfinished business with the one you love. And meteor of no meteor any moment you have with those people might be your last one." Mr. Shue says genuinely and kinda sadly. "Bruce Springsteen always says that he plays every show as if it's his last, and that is the kind of urgency we need at Regionals this year." Mr. Shue says and walks over to the board. "So this week we're either gonna sing our last songs to each other or get in touch with what it feels like to do that." Mr. Shue writes last chance on the board. Then the bell rings and we grab our bags. "Okay, everyone. Let's make the most of it." He adds as we exit the choir room.
"Party at my house tonight." Brittany tells me as we walk down the hallway.

"What for?" I questioned.

"Since the meteor is striking, I want to have one more party before we all explode into candy and confetti." She says and I laugh.

"I'll be there." I tell her and walk to class.

A party is a party.
I walk into Brittany's house to see all the glee members there. I came alone because Sam left without me.

"Finally." I hear Unique say as they stand around the living room.

"Sam why did you leave me?" I asked him confused.

"I'm sorry, I was just really excited to come and you were taking too long." He tells me.

"I was showering." I explain.

"I know, but you take really look showers. Like at least an hour and a half." He tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Okay forget about that. Let's get this party started!!" Brittany yells and we cheer.

30 minutes later:

Now we are all wasted and are dancing around.

I take off my shirt so I'm left in my tank top and jeans. I wobble my way to a chair and stand on it.

"Listen up sing song ppl." I slur drunk. "Some stuff just came out my mouth, I don't know what it was, but now it's in the sink. And when I tried eating it, more stuff came out. Then I did it over and over." I slur and laugh a little.

I start feeling sick then I vomit on the floor.

"How you did that Shawnee?" Brittany slurs in amazement. "You make stuff come out you mouth."

"Yeah, how you do that?" Sam slurred putting lipstick on. "Look, I pretty." He chuckle and points at his badly done makeup.

"I just took at poopie on the carpet." Jake slurs. I don't smell anything. So I think he's just saying that. Marley takes him away to dance.

"Let's play spin the bottle!!!" Blaine yells and we cheer. We stumble our way to the living room floor and grab a bottle.

"Spin, spin, spin!!" We all chant as its Tina's turn to spin the bottle.

It lands on Ryder.

"I can't, I'm in a text-lationship wit this awesome gurl. I tink I luv her." Ryder slurs smiling. Tina jumps on him and attacks his face with a kiss. Everyone screams and Tina pulls back.

"Awesome lips dude." She says and laughs hysterically.

"My turn." I slur. I spin the bottle and it lands on Kitty. "I no wanna kiss yu. You be mean to meh." I gurgle squinting my eyes at Kitty.

"Meh neither. You got a fat face." Kitty slurs throwing a paper ball at me.

"You hav to kiss. Or you get a belt whoopin." Sam giggles.

"I no want a whoopin. They hurt me tushy." I say scared. Me and Kitty lean in and kiss. It was sloppy and I hated it.

"Yeah!!!!" Everyone yells around us.

We pull away and I wipe my mouth. So does Kitty.

"Blech!" I say wiping my mouth with a tissue.

"Disgusting." Kitty adds.

"My turn!" Sam yells. He spins the bottle and it lands on Blaine. Uh oh.

"I can't do that. It will only make my feelings grow." Blaine says and Sam nods.

"Do you want the belt!!" Tina yells like an army Sargent.

"No!!!" They both yell.

"Then kiss!!!!" She says. "And for at least 5 seconds.

"I have a girlfriend who is right there." Sam points to Brittany.

"Baby do it or else you'll get the belt." Brittany says scared for Sam.

They lean in and kiss for 5 seconds. Their mouths didn't even open.

Yeah!!!" We all yell.

"My turn." Brittany says and spins the bottle. It lands on me.

My eyes widen. "I can't kiss Britt. That's my brother's girlfriend." I slur shaking my head.

"It's cool Shawn. Do it or you will get the belt." Sam says scared while biting his nails.

"For 5 seconds!!" Marley yells leaning on Jake.

I lean in and so does Brittany. We kiss for 5 seconds and pulls away.

"You are a pretty good kisser." I slur and laugh.

"Your okay. But I like Sam's lips better." She slurs and her and Sam start to make out. I laugh at that.

We continue playing until we pass out.
Two days after the party, I still have a slight hangover, but it's better than the party from 2 years ago.

"I actually feel fine." Jake says surprised.

"I closed my locker, and it didn't sound like a gunshot." Tina says amazed.

"I still can't believe I kissed you." Kitty sticks out her tongue in disgust.

"Me neither. I basically just kissed a child of the devil. Sadly I have before." I say thinking of when I dated Angel. Worst mistake of my life.

"Unique feels like Diana Ross. Never been betterrrrrrr!!!" Unique sings and holds a high note on 'better'.

We walk to class still talking about the party.

(Shawn is holding a candle and standing next to Jake and Marley)
"Hey Will, you wanted to see me?" Coach Beiste asked as she enters the room.

"We wanted you to join us for our first annual 'Thank God the World Isnt Ending' glee practice." He says sitting in a chair behind Sam.

I'm sitting in the piano reading my cooking recipes. I still have a lot to do from the Gordon Ramsay book.

"It's where I can throw Junior Mints at Marley without feeling bad about it again." Kitty says walking in with her hands on her bag straps.

"Sit down." Mr. Shue states, fed up and already used to Kittys comments. He walks up to the piano next to me.

"Mm, I don't know, Will." I hear Coach Beiste whisper unsure.

"Come on, we're gonna sing some songs, maybe bust out a few dance moves. I may even rap." He says and she laughs. My eyes widen.

"Please don't. I beg you please don't. I'll give you $25 dollars if you don't." I beg with fake tears.

"Get out of here you clown." He says jokingly and I laugh. He turns back to Coach Beiste with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay." She said with a smile.

"Alright!" Mr. Shue happily say and rubs her shoulder quickly. He turns around and walks towards the others sitting in the chairs. He stops halfway there. "Let's get started." He says and claps. Really loudly.

Everyone's eyes look towards the door.

"I didn't know you could clap that loudly Mr. Shue." I tell him with an amazed smile.

"I can't Shawn." He says with a worried voice.

I start to get worried. Just then I hear yelling and screaming and feet running. I look at the other glee kids and they look at each other worried.

We hear another loud sound. I fall off the piano from being startled by the sound. Mr. Shue helps me up. And that's when I realize... it isn't a clap... it's a gunshot! My eyes widen and I look at Mr. Shue scared. More people start yelling and Coach Beiste rushes to the second door. She taps Mr. Shue on her way there and he goes to the front one.

"Everyone just spread out and hide, spread out and hide." Mr. Shue tells us and we go and hide in different places. "Find a place to hide." He instructs. I go over and hide along the wall with the smart board. Some kids follow me and others scatter around the room.

"Please just go over there." He pushes Kitty over to us. Not harshly though.

Coach and Mr. Shue close all the blinds, turn off the lights and lock the doors. Blaine pushes the piano against one of the doors. He takes Artie out of his wheelchair and sits him down next to me. We hear screaming and rapid footsteps outside.

"Are we even sure those were gunshots?" Blaine asked trying to whisper but it came out loud.

"Shhh!" Mr. Shue shushed him loudly.

I am sitting between Artie and Blaine. Kitty, Marley and Jake are behind some red and black things not to far from us. Sam, Ryder and Unique are against the wall in front of us. Mr. Shue and Coach are behind a table that was knocked over. They are watching over all of us. We hear footsteps in the distance. I start getting really scared. When I get really scared, I start to have panic attacks. I try to control it.

Marley starts crying and Jake tries to keep her quiet. Mr. Shue gets up and comes over to us and kneels down.

"Everyone... Here, hey, guys, guys, guys. Start texting, tweeting, let everyone know what's going on. But don't tell them we're here, all right? Shooters have smartphones, too." Mr. Shue says. I pull out my phone and text Santana.
Santana's POV:

"No Lady Hummel, you are not using my shampoos." I tell him as we were standing in the bathroom.

"Come on, most of that isn't yours anyways." He tells me.

"Your still not getting it Lady lips." I say putting my hair into a ponytail. He rolls his eyes and scoffs. "I hope those eyes get stuck in the very back of your little, cracker shaped head." I say smugly and he scoffs and leaves the bathroom.

Just then I get a text from Shawn.

A/N: ❤️ is what Santana has for Shawn. 🥰 is what Shawn has for Santana.

Shawn❤️: Santana.

Me: What's up Bubbs? Why did you put a period? You never put periods when texting?

Shawn: Something happened at school.

I start to get worried.

Me: What happened?

Shawn: Two gunshots went off in school. We don't know if it's a school shooter, but I'm scared.

Oh my god...

Me: I'm coming there right now.

Shawn: No, if it is a shooter, I don't want you getting hurt.

Me: I'm coming to the school Shawn. No if's, ands or buts about it.

Shawn: Santana don't.

Shawn: Santana stop.

Shawn sent me those texts but I ignore them.

I walk out the bathroom and throw new clothes on fast. I'm doing everything fast.

"Where are you going?" Kurt asked as him and Rachel are watching tv.

"To Lima. Shawn told me a gunshot went off in the school." I tell him and put on my coat.

Wait what?" Rachel asked shocked.

I toss them my phone and they look at the messages.

"She told you not to go Santana." Kurt tells me sternly.

"I don't care what Shawn said. I am going and neither of you are stopping me." I grab my phone from them. "Now you can either come with me, or stay here and weep in the dark while wondering how they are doing." I tell them and look at them.

They look at each other before standing.

"We are coming." They say and stand up.

"Let's go then Hobbit and Teen Gay." I say. They get up and put on their coats. We all walk out the apartment and drive to the airport.
Shawn's POV:

I put my phone down. I hope Santana doesn't come.

"It's okay." I heard Beiste whisper.

I tried to control a panic attack I feel coming, but I was so scared. I didn't want to die. My heart was pounding and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I started panting loudly and I was getting really sweaty.

"Shawn, are you okay?" Mr. Shue asked coming over to me.

Tears started to come out of my eyes and I tried to stand up but Blaine kept me down.

"Stay down." He said sternly.

"I can't breathe. I can't fucking breathe!!" I whisper yell. I start going into panic mode.

"Shawn, calm down." Mr. Shue tries to calm me down. He does breathing exercises and encourages me to do them but the don't work.

There is only one way to calm me down. And only Sam, Santana, Kurt, Finn and my mom and Burt know what it is.
Sam's POV:

I have my head down between my knees when I hear loud breathing. I lift my head to see Shawn breathing loudly and Mr. Shue and Blaine trying to calm her down while everyone looks at her worried. My eyes widen. Shit. She's having a panic attack.

"I got this." I whisper shout and crawl fast over to Shawn. "Shawn, Shawn. It's me Sam. Calm down." I start. She looks at me still panicking. I start to sing.

"Don't worry, about a thing
Cause every little thing, gonna be all right
Singin, don't worry, about a thing
Cause every little thing, gonna be all right

Rise up this mornin
Smile with the risin sun
Three little birds
Pitched by my doorstep
Singing sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true
Sayin, This is my message to you, Whoo-hoo"

A/N: Not my song. Sung by Bob Marley and the Wailers

I sing those lyrics to her quietly. Her breathing gets back to normal and she starts calming down. I pull her into a hug.

"That's the only way to calm Shawn down." I tell them while hugging her.

By now everyone is against the wall me and Shawn are on.
Shawn's POV:

About 40 minutes later, I am almost fully calmed down. My face is stained from the tears and my eyes are red but I'm okay. I hear some people texting on their phone.

"Are you better Shawn?" Artie asked looking at me as he held his phone.

"Yeah, thanks for asking." I reply with a small smile. He smiled back and nodded.

"Guys..." We are all just gonna stay here, okay?" Mr. Shue says breathing hard. "Got nowhere to be, We don't know what's out there." He says and we hear a loud noise.

Me and Artie brace our backs against the wall. It was a reflex.

"Shh. Shh." Some people shush.

Arties cell phone buzzes loudly and I hair some sniffling. I turn to him.

"Mute it." I tell him quietly with fear that whoever is out there heard it.

"Shh, shh, shh, shh." Mr. Shue shushes signaling for Artie to mute his phone. "I love you guys." Mr. Shue says and goes back to sit next to Coach Beiste.

Some tears come out of my eyes and I start to silently cry. I hear footsteps approach and I'm about to gasp loudly when Sam covers my mouth.

"Dont." He mouths and slowly takes his hand off my mouth. I shut my mouth.

The doorknob rattles and Sam covers my mouth again just in case. My eyes widen. The footsteps run away and Sam takes his hand off my mouth. Then they come back and the doorknob rattles again. I tuck my head in my knees as more tears come down my face.

A door slams shut. I lift up my head startled. I hear Coach Beiste cry out. Other people either cry or make a startling gasp.

"It's okay." Beiste tries to stay positive. "Shh. It's okay." She says again and I see Marley and Kitty cry out. "It's all right."

Then I realize something. I look around the room. Brittany isn't here.

"Sam." I say scared. "Brittany isn't here." I tell him and a tear comes out my eye.

His eyes widen. "Oh my god." He says about to cry. "She's still in the bathroom."Tears escape his eyes and he starts crawling on the floor.

"Sam." Mr. Shue hissed at him quietly.

"Sam." Coach Beiste also hissed. Sam crawls along the wall and heads for the door.

"Sam. What are you doing?" Mr. Shue asked again as he approached them. "Sam, get down."

"Get down. Get down." Coach Beiste sternly says as she and Mr. Shue try to push Sam down as he starts to stand up.

"I have to go. I-I got to go." He stuttered standing up while they hold onto his shoulders. "Brittany doesn't have her phone on her. She's in the bathroom. She left it here." He tries to past them.

"Sam, Sam, sit down." Mr. Shue sternly stated as he tries to push Sam down but Sam tries to go past him. "Sam, sit down." Mr. Shue puts him back down next to us. He starts crying and I pull him into a hug.

"Tina isn't here either." Blaine worriedly states. Omg Tina. I sniffle.

"Who are you texting?" I hear Kitty ask Marley.

"It's my mom." Marley sniffles and she has tears streaming down her face. "There's no b-back way out when your in the k-kitchen." Marley stutters and starts sobbing. Jake brings her into his chest and she sobs there.

I start crying when I heard that. Marley's
mom is one of the nicest people in the school. I hope she is safe.

I hear Kitty and Marley sob into each other chest.

"I have to go." Kitty says when they release the hug.

"Where are you going?" Marley asked crying.

"I have to go." Kitty choked out.

"No, are you crazy?" Jake asked seriously.

"Shh." Mr. Shue shushed them.

"Kitty." Jake says trying to keep her down.

"Stay down." Marley adds.

"Kitty." Jake says again.

She gets out of his grip and starts crawling on the floor.

"Kitty. Kitty. Kitty. Kitty. Stay down." Mr. Shue whisper shouts.

Kitty runs over to Unique and Ryder and hugs them.

"Get down!" Ryder says when she gets over there.

Then Sam gets up. Blaine grabs his shirt and tries to get him back down. He pushed him off.

"Sam." Coach Beiste said.

"Sam." Mr. Shue adds. They stop him from walking past them.

"I have to go. I got to go. She's out there all alone, she doesn't have anybody out there." Sam says trying to leave. They grab him.

"Sam, no." Mr. Shue and Coach Beiste try to grab him.

"I have to go, I don't care". He pushed past them while they hold onto his shirt.

"Come on Sam." They both say holding onto him.

"I don't care." He says fighting past them.

"Come on Sam!" Mr. Shue's voice gets a little louder.

"No let go of me! I'm going!" Sam yells trying to get to the door. Sam moves the tv.

"Sam!" Mr. Shue shouts.

Sam starts yelling when Mr. Shue covers his mouth. Now his screams are muffled.

Mr. Shue and Coach Beiste pick Sam up and bring him back while he is fighting them.

"Sam, listen!" Coach tell him.

"I don't care." Sam let's out but it's very muffled.

"Shh!" Mr. Shue shushed him.

"I don't care." Sam let's out another muffled scream. He is kicking and fighting.

This is scary to watch and I start shedding more tears.

"Sam, listen!" Mr. Shue yells through gritted teeth.

"You are putting everybody's life in danger. Look at them. Look at them. Look at them." Coach says gesturing towards us. Sam starts crying. "Sam, it's okay. It's okay Sam. Sam, go sit. Go sit with Shawn. Go sit with her." Sam slowly sits back down and once he does, I pull him into a hug. He sobbed into my chest quietly.

Ryder crawls over to our side.

"Ryder. Get down. What are you doing?" Coach asked as he crawls across the room. He sits next to Marley and Artie.

"I want to call her." Ryder whispers to me crying.

"Who?" I asked, tears pouring out my eyes.

"Katie." He says.

Ryders been texting a girl named Katie online. Turns out he got cat fished.

"I thought you said she was fake?" Jake whispers from the other side of Ryder.

"Look, she's someone..." He breathes in deeply. "And I still care about her, okay?" He sniffles and pulls out his phone. "I'm calling her." He puts the phone to his ear. "Come on, pick up, pick up. Pick up, please. Please." He whispers breathlessly.

All of a sudden, a phone rings in the classroom. What the? Ryder looks around confused.

"Shh!" Someone says.

The phone keeps ringing and Ryder looks confused but also shocked. He tries to look around and see which bag it's coming from but can't identify it.

He removes the phone from his ear but doesn't end the call.

"Turn it off!" Coach whisper yells.

Ryder is staring straight ahead, zoned out.

"Turn the phone off." Marley tells him.

"You guys find that phone and turn it off." Coach instructs.

Ryder is still looking around to try and spot the bag the phone is coming from.

"Hang up." I tell him in a normal voice.

"Hang up the phone Ryder." Jake says a little louder than me.

"Hang up. Hang up." Marley repeats. "Hang up... the phone."

"Shh! Shh! Shut up!" Ryder says irritated. He hangs up the phone and breathes in and out. He places his phone on the floor roughly. I was gonna comfort him but he was mad so I left him alone.
Santana's POV:

Me, Kurt and Rachel are on the plane. We have been on it for an hour and a half. Only 3 or so more hours to go.

"How much longer?" Kurt asked worried.

3 hours." Rachel tells him.

"I'm so worried about them. I wanna text Blaine but I have no WiFi." Kurt sadly says.

"Ugh. Hello?" I call a flight attendant.

"Yes ma'am?" She asked.

"Can you speed up the plane? We are in a rush." I tell her.

"I'm sorry ma'am. But we can't. If we do, it can put lives in danger." She tells me walking away. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"This is bullshit." I groan.

"All we can do is pray." Rachel sniffles.

"I don't normally pray but I agree." Kurt said and they start praying.

God please let everyone be okay.

"Santana? Are you crying?" Kurt asked me. I wipe away the tear.

"No Lady Hummel. Mind your own business." I sternly say and face the window.

Please let my baby Shawn be okay.
Shawn's POV:

Artie pulls out a camera and starts recording.

"Artie, what are you doing?" Blaine asked as the camera went on him.

"If we don't get out of here, people need to see this." He whispers shaking the camera. "Does anybody have anything they want to say?"

"Yeah. Me." Ryder says and Artie turns the camera to him. Ryder moves closer so he is next to me. He sniffles before starting. "I love you dad. Thanks for, like... everything. And I know I don't always let you know, but you've taught me a lot." Ryder sighs deeply. His eyes look like he is higher than a kite. He leans against the wall again.

Most people say some words before I decide to say something.

"Me." I tell Artie and he sniffles before turning the camera to me.

I sigh and take a deep breathe before I start. "I love you mom. Thanks for loving me for who I am and dealing with my crap." I lightly chuckle. "You've made me who I am. I'll always love you." I sigh and move onto the next person I want to acknowledge. "I love you Burt. Your dad jokes make me cringe but they are funny. You always know how to make me laugh. Thank you for watching my cartoons with me sometimes." I smile lightly at the memory. "Kurt, I admire how brave you are. You've dealt with a lot of crap and bullshit, and you are one of the strongest people alive. I love you. Thanks for all the walks in the park." I lick my lips. "Finn, your my biological brother. I always looked up to you. I enjoy all the pranks we pulled on each other. Even though I'm much better at it." I say wiping my eyes. "I love all our memories together. I love you a lot dude." I move on to the only person I fell in love with. "Santana, I love you so much. I love all the times we laugh, watch movies together, cuddle; with and without clothes." I add.

"We didn't need to hear that last part." Artie says and I scoff.

"Whatever, anyways, I'm gonna miss bothering you for cuddles, annoying the crap out of you, spending time with you. You will always be in my mind. I love you Sanny. You already know how I feel about you." I finish and Artie moves the camera off me.

"You guys. Turn it off." Coach instructs Artie. "Please turn it off."
"Sam..." Artie calls Sam who pushes the camera to the ground and turns it off.
"Shawn." Sam lifts his head up from my shoulder. "I'm going to get Brittany. Cover me." He says and tries to crawl the other way but I stop him. "Come on. If this were Santana, you would do the same." He whispered getting frustrated.

"Your right. I would risk my life for Santana. I stopped you because your not going without backup. I'm coming too." I tell him.

"Cover us." We tell Jake and Marley. They nod. We give them a tight hug.

Me and Sam quietly open the door. It's easy for me to do because I learned stealth mode in karate. And I taught Sam it.

We successfully exit the classroom and tip toe to the girls bathroom.

We are halfway there when we heard a loud thud and stopped in our tracks.

I put my fingers to my lips and look at Sam. We stay in place for a couple of seconds before continuing.

We go inside the girls bathroom and hear whimpering.

"Brittany?" I question. I follow the whimpering

"Babe, are you in there?" Sam asked worriedly as we stand in front of the stall with the whimpering.

"Sam, Shawn." Brittany chokes out and comes out of the stall. She pulls us into a tight hug and cries.

"Shh." Your okay now." Sam rubbed her back. Then a cheerleader and a boy come out of the stalls next to Brittany.

Even though we don't know them, me and Sam give them hugs.

"You guys are safe. Follow us." I tell them and we exit the bathroom quietly. "Sam." I whispered to him as we get outside the bathroom. "You take them back to the choir room. I'm gonna find Tina."

"I'm coming with." Sam says. I shake my head.

"No. Go back to the room with them. I got it." I tell him. He looks at me and hugs me. He goes back to the room with them.

I start looking for Tina around the rooms.
Sam's POV:

"What the hell is wrong with you?? " Mr. Shue scolded me quietly as I got back in the room with Brittany, the cheerleader and the boy.

"I had to save Brittany." I tell him.

"Sam, you could've got us killed." He sighs putting his hand on his head.

"I'm sorry. But I had to save Brittany. I hope you can understand." I sit down with Brittany and the boy and girl.

I hope Shawn is okay out there.

20 minutes later, I checked the whole downstairs and no sign of Tina.

"Hey." I hear behind me. My eyes widen. I turn around slowly and see a security guard. I sigh out of relief. "You need to get into a classroom. Now."

"I'm sorry but I'm not going back to the room till I find Tina Cohen-Chang." I tell him looking into a room next to me.

"She's outside. Now get back to your class. Now!" He sternly says. I run back to the choir room.
I open the door and close it softly.

"What the hell were you thinking??" Mr. Shue whisper yells.

"I'm sorry but Tina was out there and I couldn't leave her." I say.

"You put all our lives in danger. What if the shooter saw you come in here?" He scolds.

"I'm sorry. I had to. I would risk my life to save my friends lives anyday." I admit.

"Where is Tina? She's not here." He asked.

"She's safe. She's outside with all the other kids who managed to leave." I tell him. He sits me back down.

"You two better not ever, ever, pull a stupid stunt like that again. Do you hear me?" He points his finger at us. We don't answer. "I said do you hear me?" His voice gets sterner.

"Yes Mr. Shue." We answer. Obviously I'm lying. I would do that any day if it means helping someone.
Santana's POV:

"I don't give a crap if there's a shooter on the loose. Let me inside now." I growl at the security guard.

"Ma'am, for the hundredth time, I can't let you in the building till the shooter is arrested. How dumb are you?" She says and my mouth drops. Wrong choice of words bitch.

"You know it's a good thing we are in Lima right now so I can go Lima Heights on your fake police officer ass." I yell and take out my earrings. I go to attack her but someone holds me back.

"Stop it! You can't attack a security guard." Kurt says sternly.

"Or course I can. Especially a wanna be cop like her." I say looking at the bitch.

"No you can't. Calm down Santana." Rachel said and I rolled my eyes.

"Rachel? Kurt? Santana? What are you guys doing here?" We heard the voice of Tina from behind us.

"T! Tina! Girl Chang!" Kurt, Rachel and I yell in that order. We give her a tight hug.

"Where is everyone else?" Kurt asked worried.

"Did they come out yet?" Rachel asked curious.

"No. They are still in the room." She says. "How did you guys find out about this?"

"One, there is a news camera right there." I point to it. "Two, it's all over the internet. And three, Shawn texted me and told me."

She nods and starts crying "I've been so worried about them. Mr. Figgins won't let me back in the building. I've tried getting in so many times to get in but he won't let me." Tina cries out and we all bring her in for a hug.
Shawn's POV:

We sit in silence. We were all scared. We have been here for 4 hours.

"All clear!" We hear a cop yell. We all sit up. "Hallway clear!" He yells again.

Mr. Shue sighs in relief. So do I.

Coach turns on the lights. I stand up and some others do too. I fix my clothes.

"Oh my god." Ryder stands up as well.

Kitty and Unique stand up and sniffle. They come over to us. Unique let's put muffled cries.

Kitty hugs me which surprises me but I hug back.

The Unique hugs me. Followed by Brittany, Jake and Ryder.

"Come here." Mr. Shue brings us into a group hug. "Come here. Come here. You guys get over here." He tells Jake and Ryder.

"You kids get in here." Coach adds
"It's okay. We're all here. It's okay." He said as some of us start crying. In including me.

"I love you all." Mr. Shue states as we all looks down while we hug. "I love you guys. Every one of you. You guys were awesome."

We hug each other while silently crying.
Shawn's POV:

I pick up my bag and walk out the building. I'm the last one to leave from the glee club. I walk out of school with my head down. I look up because I bumped into someone. I see that I'm facing the back of three people.

"Sorry." I say. They turn around and I see it's Rachel, Kurt and Santana. I automatically hug them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We were worried about you. Are you okay?" Kurt asked worriedly and stated rubbing my face.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I tell them panting.

"What happened?" Santana asked.

"We were in the choir room when we hear a gunshot. I thought Mr. Shue just clapped really loudly because he clapped at the same time it went off. Then another one went off and I knew it wasn't a clap. We hid in different places and throughout the whole four hours we were in there, everyone was crying, someone banged on the door a couple of times. Brittany was in the bathroom so me and Sam went to get her. I thought Tina was in the building so I searched the whole downstairs for her." I admit.

"Why did you leave the room? You could've been killed." Rachel sternly says.

"Yeah, come on Shawn. Your smarter than that." Kurt tells me.

"I'm sorry. But I had to help them." I tell them.

"Don't you ever do that again." Santana scolds me and flicks my head.

"Okay mom." I joke and Kurt and Rachel laugh. Santana rolls her eyes.

They bring me in for another hug.
I was in my room cuddling with Santana. I was laying my head on her chest.

"Are you okay?" Santana asked massaging my scalp.

"Yeah. I'm still freaking out though. I could've died." I tell her.

"I'm glad you didn't. I would've missed you." She tells me.

"I would've missed me too." I say smiling and she rolls me off of her. I fall off the bed.

She starts laughing.

"Oh my god. I should've recorded that." She chuckled.

I roll my eyes and get off the floor. I try to cuddle back into Santana.

"Uh Uh." She says shaking her head.

I give her my puppy dog eyes and pour my lip.

"I hate when you do that." She squints her eyes and slightly grits her teeth. She opens her arms and I fall back into her embrace.

I lay my head on her chest and sigh.

"Night Sanny." I yawn cuddling into her.

"Night Bubbs. Sleep tight." She yawns as well and puts her hands on my back.

I fall asleep on Santana's chest, forgetting about today's events for now.
I spent the weekend with Santana until she had to go back to New York. We mainly stayed in bed and cuddled.

It's Monday and we are in school for the first time since the shooting. We are in the auditorium and decided to do a number.

(Shawn is playing her guitar with Sam and singing with him. She is sitting next to him. It's a duet)

This episode was so sad. Seeing them cry made my heart break.🥺 Also, Angel has been real quiet. Wonder what she's doing.👀🤔

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