Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Lo...

By Dreamsofforever

44.7K 1K 54

**PART ONE**Alyson had a normal life of a normal teenager. Then, someone had burned her family's house down... More

Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Love Story
Meet Alyson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Meet Hannah and Ashley
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Meet Kenzie
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Meet Belle
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 54

129 5 0
By Dreamsofforever

Chapter 54

I eventually fell asleep, and I was holding Liam's hand.

My eyes snapped open, and I sat up. I began getting ready, and I was about to walk out the door when Liam staggered down the stairs. "Hey, where are you going?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes. "I'm going to get a door. Before I forget. I haven't puke for a while, I should be fine. I love you. Be back in about 30 minutes." I kissed his cheek, and grabbed a piece of the door I had broke. I got in the car, and listened to the radio. I was thinking about how kind Liam was. I really didn't deserve someone like him. I pulled into the hardware store I had researched while I was awake, and I climbed out of the car. I stowed the piece of door in my purse, and my wedges made little clicking noises. I hated these shoes.

I walked in, and I looked around for an associate. I found a man who looked to be about 50 years old, and I walked up to him. "Hello, sir. Um, I need some help. I'm looking for a door that is similar to this." I said, handing him the broken door. His eyes widened at the wood, and he asked me what I did to it. "Oh, well, my boyfriend started puking really bad, and the door was locked. So, I kicked it down, and he was about to pass out. I ripped the door off the hinges, and I sorta put a giant hole in it." I blushed, and he nodded, leading me down an aisle with doors. He stopped in front of a pale door, and said, "This what you're looking for?" I nodded, and thanked him. I picked up the heavy door, and walked to the checkout. He just stared as I held it up to the clerk. I sat it down, and started digging in my purse for the money. He tapped my shoulder, and said, "Do you want a cart or anything?" I shook my head. "No, thank you, sir. I'll be good. Thank you for offering though." Everyone stared at me when I walked out of the store, hoisting the heavy door over my shoulder. I shrugged, and gently placed it in my car.

I smacked my forehead, and waltzed back in. "I forgot hinges. Do you have any like this?" I asked the same man, and he led me down a different aisle. He handed me the hinges, and I compared them. "These will do. Thank you, sir." I said, grabbing 3 and heading for the check out. Liam called me, and we had a little discussion. "What do you mean, Niall broke the fridge door?" I said into the phone, and he stated back, "He took the door, off the fridge." I shook my head. "What?" I whined. "Does this mean I have to fix it also?" Liam responded, and he gave me the make and model number of the fridge. I hung my head, and walked back to the man. "Hello, again. I'm sorry to keep bothering you. My friend broke the door off of my fridge. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?" I asked, and he led me to the fridges. I showed him the fridge we were using, and Liam sent a picture of what Niall did to the fridge. The man laughed, and said, "Well, with this model, the door has a tendency to pop off." I nodded, and he demonstrated. I asked how to fix it, and he just lined up the hinges, and pushed the door back into place. "Thank you. Hopefully, my friends won't break anything else." I grinned, and gave him a hug. I paid for the door hinges, and I put them in the passenger seat.

I walked into the apartment, door over my shoulder, and I was surrounded by boys. "Guys, guys, guys, guys. HEY!" I shouted, and they all took a step back. "Let me put down the door, and I'll fix the fridge." I said, placing the door against the wall. Zayn offered to take it up, and I laughed as he tried to pick it up alone. "This is heavy!" He whined, and Lou offered to help him. They carried it up the stairs, and I showed the boys how to fix the fridge. "This model has a tendency to pop off, so you just lift it up, line it up, and push it back into place. Easy squeezy." I said, and demonstrated. The boys all stared, and I dashed up the stairs to see the boys still struggling. I sighed, and I picked up the door, swiftly walking to the bathroom. I opened it up, and I took off the old hinges. I place the new ones on, and the door was put in place. I shut the door, leaned against it, locked it, unlocked it, tested it to make sure it was right. I grinned, and threw away the trash.

"You guys need to work out more." I said, sitting down on the couch. They shook their heads. "No, Aly. That door weight 350 pounds. That's really heavy." Zayn protested, and I shook my head. "I used to squat and benchpress that. That isn't heavy." Liam said, "Love, that's heavy for us." I shrugged. "Sorry. Next time, I'll bring it up." I said, and then asked if they needed anything repaired in their apartments. Hazza scratched the back of his neck nervously, and I sighed. "Let's go." I changed into this, and grabbed my tool bag. ----> The boys all laughed at my shirt, and I shot at them, "It's true. I don't see y'all fixing the stuff you broke." They quit laughing, and I smirked.

I walked into Larry Stylinson's apartment, and I inspected the kitchen. I had to fix their garbage disposal, and I found some underwear in it. I frowned, and I put it on Lou's head. I went to the bathroom, and gagged when I saw the toilet. "Boys!" I screeched, and they all rushed to me. "What?" Harry asked innocently. I smacked him and Lou upside the head, and sent Liam away for bleach. "Really? How long has that," I pointed to the toilet, "been clogged?" Hazza scratched his head, and said, "I dunno." I smacked him again, and I began unclogging the toilet. "Filthy animals." I mumbled, and everyone laughed. I sent them away to clean the apartment. I scrubbed the tub, and got the rust stains out. I looked around, and their apartment was clean. I check each closet, and I put away the cleaning supplies. "Good. Next up." I said, and Zayn raised his hand nervously. It took the entire day to clean up the apartments, and I sat down on Liam's couch, satisfied.

"Tomorrow is a date night. At least, it is for me." I grinned, and Liam sighed. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked Liam, and before he could say anything, Niall started jumping on the couch. "I would love to!" He shouted, and we began dancing on the couch. Liam laughed at us, and Hazza asked me if I could help him get ready. "Hannah planned a date, and I need help getting ready." He explained, and I called Hannah, asking for details. I grinned. "I planned a picnic at the park. He can wear whatever, just something casual." I started bouncing, and I dragged Hazza to his apartment. I dug around, and pulled out some this ---> I grinned, and pushed him out the door. "Pick Hannah up. She'll take it from there." I smiled, and wiped my eyes.

"2 more days!" I sang, and I cranked up some tunes. I started singing along to the radio, dancing. "I threw a wish in the well, don't ask me, I'll never tell. I looked to you as it fell, and now you're in my way." I sang, and Liam joined in. His voice was so beautiful. I stopped singing just to listen to him. He looked at me, and stopped singing. "Why'd you stop singing?" He asked, and I shrugged. "You have a beautiful voice, too." I said, rearranging the pillows on the couch. He smiled at me, and he kissed me. Even though we've kissed many times, it still feels like that first kiss. Bombs, fireworks, explosions. It feels like we're the only people in the world when we kiss. He pulls away when he gets a tap on the shoulder from Zayn. We were both a bit pink, and we just cuddled together on the couch, watching Scarface.

I wasn't paying attention, and I played with Liam's hair. I tugged on one curl, and he said, "Ow! Don't do that." I snickered, and kept doing it, and finally Zayn smacked us both. I glared at him, and he glared back. I stuck out my tounge, and he laughed, knowing he won. I kept messing with Liam hair, and he finally sighed. I stopped, and he put me on his lap so he could mess with my hair. I grinned. "Do you even care?" I heard him sigh after a few minutes. "Nope. I don't care at all." I laughed. He asked, "Why do you like my hair so much?" I shrugged. "It's a bit curly. It's cute. Plus, when I do this," I pulled on a curl gently, "it like, boings, back into place. Look!" I said, and everyone agreed. He messed with his hair, and said, "Ok. I can fix it." I shrugged. I do an awful lot of shrugging. "Hey, Liam. Liam. Li. Li. Li. Leyum. Liam. Liam. Hon. Hon. Bud. Bud. Buddy. Buddy. Baby. Liam. Liam. Li-" "What!?!?" "Hi." I giggled uncontrolably, and he scowled. Zayn started yelling at us. I yelled back, then pointed to the screen. "It's over!" I shouted, and he facepalmed. I giggled again, and Liam said, "Your laugh is cute."

"Why, thank you. Your, uhh, friends are cute." I said, winking at the boys. Liam pouted, and I started messing with his hair. "I'm going to bed." He said, and I shouted after him, "I'm going to have a cookie, and then join you. Oh, and by the was 2 more days!" I snickered. I ran into the kitchen, and I quickly ate a cookie. I ran up the stairs, and I started singing, "nanananannanananananananananana BATMAN!" I jumped on the bed, landing on Liam. He groaned in pain, and I smiled. "I love you." I said, and he glared at me. "I know. I love me, too." He joked, and we cuddled, falling asleep.


If you look closely at a tree

you'll notice it's knots and dead branches,

just like our bodies.

What we learn is that

beauty and imperfection

go together


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