Back To Lima Heights - Santan...

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Shawn Hudson, younger sister of Finn Hudson, comes back home to Lima after living with her grandparents for 3... Több

Summary of Shawn
Season 2 Episode 1: Audition
Season 2 Episode 2: Britney/Brittany
Season 2 Episode 3: Grilled Cheesus
Season 2 Episode 4: Duets
Season 2 Episode 5: The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Season 2 Episode 6: Never Been Kissed
Season 2 Episode 7: The Subsitute
Season 2 Episode 8: Furt
Season 2 Episode 9: Special Education
Season 2 Episode 10: A Very Glee Christmas
Season 2 Episode 11: The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Season 2 Episode 12: Silly Love Songs
Season 2 Episode 13: Comeback
Season 2 Episode 14: Blame It On The Alcohol
Season 2 Episode 15: Sexy
Season 2 Episode 16: Original Song
Season 2 Episode 17: A Night Of Neglect
Season 2 Episode 18: Born this way
Season 2 Episode 19: Rumours
Season 2 Episode 20: Prom Queen
Season 2 Episode 21: Funeral
Season 2 Episode 22: New York
Season 3 Episode 1: The Purple Piano Project
Season 3 Episode 2: I Am Unicorn
Season 3 Episode 3: Asian F
Season 3 Episode 4: Pot o' Gold
Season 3 Episode 5: The First Time
Season 3 Episode 6: Mash Off
Season 3 Episode 8: Hold On To Sixteen
Season 3 Episode 9: Extraordinary Merry Christmas
Season 3 Episode 10: Yes/No
Season 3 Episode 11: Michael
Season 3 Episode 12: The Spanish teacher
Season 3 Episode 13: Heart
Season 3 Episode 14: On My Way
Season 3 Episode 15: Big Brother
Season 3 Episode 16: Saturday Night Glee-ver
Season 3 Episode 17: Dance With Somebody
Season 3 Episode 18: Choke
Season 3 Episode 19: Prom-A-Saurus
Season 3 Episode 20: Props
Season 3 Episode 21: Nationals
Season 3 Episode 22: Goodbye
Season 4 Episode 1: The New Rachel
Season 4 Episode 2: Britney 2.0
Season 4 Episode 3: Makeover
Season 4 Episode 4: The Break-Up
Season 4 Episode 5: The Role You Were Born to Play
Season 4 Episode 6: Glease
Season 4 Episode 7: Dynamic Duets
Season 4 Episode 8: Thanksgiving
Season 4 Episode 9: Swan Song
Season 4 Episode 10: Glee, Actually
Season 4 Episode 11: Sadie Hawkins
Season 4 Episode 12: Naked
Season 4 Episode 13: Diva
Season 4 Episode 14: I Do
Season 4 Episode 15: Girls (and Boys) on Film
Season 4 Episode 16: Feud
Season 4 Episode 17: Guilty Pleasures
Season 4 Episode 18: Shooting Star
Season 4 Episode 19: Sweet Dreams
Shawntana Vs Angel Part 1
Shawntana Vs Angel Part 2
Season 4 Episode 20: Lights Out
Season 4 Episode 21: Wonder-ful
Season 4 Episode 22: All or Nothing
Season 5 Episode 1: Love, Love, Love
Season 5 Episode 2: Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
Season 5 Episode 3: The Quarterback
Season 5 Episode 4: A Katy or a Gaga
Season 5 Episode 5: The End of Twerk
Season 5 Episode 6: Movin' Out
Season 5 Episode 7: Puppet Master
Season 5 Episode 8: Previously Unaired Christmas
Season 5 Episode 9: Frenemies
Season 5 Episode 10: Trio
Season 5 Episode 11: City of Angels
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 1
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 2
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 1
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 2
Season 5 Episode 14: New New York
Season 5 Episode 15: Bash
Season 5 Episode 16: Tested
Season 5 Episode 17: Opening Night
Season 5 Episode 18: The Back-Up Plan
Season 5 Episode 19: Old Dog New Tricks
Season 5 Episode 20: The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Shawntana Baby!!!
Season 6 Episode 2: Homecoming
Season 6 Episode 3: Jagged Little Tapestry
Season 6 Episode 4: The Hurt Locker - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 5: The Hurt Locker - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 10: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
Season 6 Episode 11: We Built This Club
Season 6 Episode 13: Dreams Come True

Season 3 Episode 7: I Kissed A Girl

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Shawn's Outfit:

Santana's POV:

"I'm sorry, but since a student had lit firecrackers stuffed down his pants three years ago, we've had a zero tolerance physical violence policy." Mr. Figgins says. That's such bull crap.

"Is that why you suspended all the kids who have been tossing slushees in our faces for the past two years?" I asked, knowing they haven't done anything about that.

"Slushees are not on the school board's approved list of suspend-worthy weapons." Mr. Figgins told me. And why is that??

"Here's what you have to understand: I didn't do it." I lied. I wasn't getting suspended for Orca.

"We all saw what happened. You slapped Finn in the face, unprovoked." Mr. Shue butts in and I shake my head.

"No. See, you don't get it. When I get really pissed off, Santana gets taken over by my other evil personality. I call her 'Snix'. Her wrath of words is called 'Snix juice'. I'm kind of like The Incredible Hulk. You can't blame me for anything Snix does." I defend myself.

"I'm suspending you and this Snix. Two weeks. No argument." He says. He can't do that.

"Sectionals is next week. If you suspend me, I won't be able to beat Grimace and Mr. Shue's butts. Ms. Corcoran, I highly recommend you do something about this." I tell her looking at Figgins with my head tilted.

"I'm sorry, Santana, Sectionals is important, but you need to be punished for what you did." Mr. Shue says and I roll my eyes.

"I hate to say it, but I agree." Ms. Corcoran agrees with Mr. Shue. Wow Ms. Corcoran.

"This is garbage. Hamburglar Finn is fine." I say and Finn speaks up.

"She didn't slap me." He says. What's he up to?

"I know that It looked and sounded like she did, but she actually didn't." He rambles on. "What is it called in a play or a movie when you pretend to hit someone but you don't?" Finn asked.

"A stage slap?" Shelby answers Finn.

"It was a stage slap. That's what it was." Finn confirms.

"What is your angle here Finn?" Mr. Shue asked.

"The truth. If she didn't actually hit me, then you can't suspend her, right?" Finn asked Mr. Figgins to confirm for him.

"No." He answers.

"Then that's what happened." Finn says.
"I'm a mischievous bitch, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell this is about." I said walking in front of Finn then turning towards him.

"Well, I want Sectionals to be a fair fight. And that can't happen without you on the Troubletones." Finn states.

"Well, actually, it would only be a fair fight with me off the team." I tell him.

"And I also kind of feel bad for you. Look, I know we've been at each other a lot over these past couple of years, but the truth is I think you're awesome. And when you hide who you are, I feel like you hide part of that awesomeness with it. And that's why you act out because you hurt inside... everyday." He finished his little rant and then I say

"That's sweet... but if you think that I'm exchange for keeping me from getting suspended, I'm gonna come..." I start then Finn finishes it for me.

"...back to the Glee Club? Exactly. You and all the Troubletones. I have an idea for a lesson but it won't work out if you're not there." Finn says and I get confused.

"Did Ms. Corcoran and Mr. Shue already agree to this?" I asked.

"Look, it's up to you. Either you can come back to the choir room and embrace your awesome or take a two-week vacation and enjoy your seat in the audience for Sectionals." Finn says and walks away.
Shawn's POV:

We were in the choir room and the New Directions and Troubletones were on opposite sides of it.

"Can someone tell us what's going on, please?" Mercedes yells.

"This week, the Troubletones and New Directions will both be singing music created by ladies and for ladies." Finn states. I was still mad at him for outing Santana.

"Oh hell no." Santana says shaking her head.

"Next week, all of us will be going to Sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win." Finn takes a short pause before continuing "But, Santana, we're worried about you."

"Worry about yourself, fetus face." She claps back and I silently chuckle.

"Glee's about leading how to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about." Finn says.

"So wait, I don't even get a say in this? Not cool." Santana states.

"Everyone in this room knows who you are Santana. And we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are." Finn states. I'm glad he didn't say we were dating cause we wanted to tell everyone on our own. "Look, I know not everybody outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you want to be. That's it. That's what we're doing here." Finn finish's his rant. "Blaine? Kurt?"

"Santana, Kurt and I have a song we like to sing to each other in the car. And we want to sing that for you right now." Blaine tells her.

"While there's nothing I'd love more than having two pretty ponies serenade me, I think we'd get further staging a 'gel-ervention' for Blaine than singing lady music." Santana states. She's having a hard time right now so I get her anger.

"I know it's hard. It was hard for me too. But you can get through this." Kurt tells her encouragingly.

"If you could just stop being so defensive." Blaine adds on.

"I'm trying, but your hideous bow ties are provoking me." Santana mentions.

"Wait, are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl?" Puck asked. "Cause there's a big difference." I roll my eyes.

"Puck, focus, okay?" Mr. Shue says before getting back on track "Kurt, Blaine, why don't you kick us off with what you got?"

(Shawn is next to Quinn)

Everyone claps and Santana says

"Thank you guys. Thank you Finn, especially. You know, with all the horrible crap I've been through in my life... now I get to add that." She does a sarcastic laugh with a sarcastic smile and Blaine and Kurts faces drop.
"So how are you doing?" I ask Santana at her locker.

"Well the video isn't out yet so fine for now." She says and I give her a sad smile.

"We're gonna help you get through this. Even though I can't stand Finn still, he's trying to make things right. And I promise. It's gonna get better." I tell her.

"We're you outed before?" She asked me and I sigh.

"I was." I say and her face drops.

"It was at my school in Atlanta. I was kissing a girl in my dorm room when the school snitch came in to do a bed check. The next day she told everyone about what she saw. I wasn't bullied, but people started treating me differently. The girls thought I would come into their bed and try to touch them when I would never. I also didn't get the chance to come out in my own and I was so mad that you didn't either. Cause I didn't want you to go through the same thing I went through. And the only person I had to help me was Sam. He helped me tell my grandparents and my parents and Finn. And they all accepted me. Finn didn't understand at first but then he came around. He didn't treat me like he treated Kurt which is why I was so shocked when I found out how badly he treated Kurt." I tell her.

"How did you feel when you were outed?" She asked me.

"Well I felt like shit and I wanted to stay in my dorm forever, but overtime, it got easier. I promise you. It's gonna get better." I tell her and give her a smile.

"Thanks Shawn." She says and hugs me.

"Your welcome San." I say and hug her back.

(Shawn is next to Santana)

Puck said he sang this for Santana but I don't think it was meant for her. I think it was meant for Ms. Corcoran since he kept staring at her. He's always crushing on teachers.
Santana's POV:

I was staring at myself in the mirror I have in my locker when Finn came up to me.

"So, what do you think of the new assignment? It's pretty sweet, right?" Finn asked me. Why can't he leave me alone? Geez.

"Do you realize your basically forcing me out of the flannel closet?" I tell him.

"Salazars ad's going to run. That's what's forcing you to deal with this." He replied.

"Why are you getting so worked up about this?" I asked him.

"Cause I don't want you to die." He says and I look at him confused. "A few weeks ago, some kid who made one of those 'It Gets Better' videos killed himself. You deal with your anxiety surrounding this stuff by attacking other people, and someday, that's not going to be enough and you might start attacking yourself." He finishes.

"Well thanks, but that's never going to happen. I'd miss me too much." I clap back.

"Look, you were my first. That means something to me. You mean something to me." He pauses for a second "if something ever were to happen to you, and I didn't do everything that I could to try and stop it, I'd never be able to like with myself." Finn finishes and walks away.
Shawn's POV:

(Shawn is sitting next to Santana looking at her)

Finn stands up to put the chair back when Santana grabs his arm.

"Thank you." She says and Finn gives her that dopey smile we share and pulls her in for a hug. I'm glad he made things right.

"We love you, Santana." I heard him say.
It was now voting time and I went into a booth. I voted for Kurt because he really wants to make change in this school for the right reasons. I put my vote in when someone else came in.

"Hey there." I heard the voice of my girlfriend. I smiled.

"Hey, it was pretty cool how Finn made things right. I'm still kinda mad at him but I'm proud of him for making it right." I tell her.

"Yea. I'm still kinda pissed at him as well but he is helping me get through it. And so are you. Thank you for all that you've done. For not pressuring me to come out or go public with our relationship." Santana tells me genuinely and with gratefulness in her voice.

"I told you. I don't want to pressure you into anything. Whenever you want to go public with our relationship is up to you. Although I kinda hope it's soon since your out the the glee club now." I say and she chuckled.

"I actually came in here to talk to you about that." She tells me and I raise an eyebrow "I wanna do it."

"Do what?" I asked puzzled. She rolls her eyes.

"Go public with our relationship silly." She says and my eyes beam with happiness.

"Really?" I say and she nods.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I cheer excitedly and do a yes hand gesture. And she laughs "When do you want to do it?" I ask.

"I was actually thinking in two days?" She tells me and my eyes brighten. "I still have to tell my parents and my abuela." I give her a tight hug.

"Thank you Santana. I can't wait for people to know about us." I say still hugging her.

"Me too Shawn, me too." She softly replies.
Santana's POV:

It was the day after the campaign ad got released. I walk into school with confidence like Shawn told me. I'm already getting stares but I shrug it off. I go to my locker and take out my stuff when a jock comes up to me.

"Saw the commercial. Whew. Smokin." The dumb jock says.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked turning towards him.

"Josh Comen. Sophomore rugby captain." The douchebag starts "Girls like you are a challenge. You just need the right guy to straighten you out, and I'm just the man to do it." He says and I'm about to say something before I hear Mercedes voice.

"Move your busted creeper ass."

"Now." Tina adds on sternly.

"Easy girls. I'm just trying to make her normal." He says.

"She is normal." Brittany defends me.

"It's not a choice, idiot. But even if it were, you'd be our last choice." Quinn adds on.

"Oh I get it. Your all a bunch of lesbos." He states.

"So what if we are? You don't stand a chance either way." Rachel claps back.

(Shawn is sitting the the front row admiring Santana)

"Ok, ok. Update yall. Um, I told my parents last night, and they were actually okay with it." I say and they all clap. "I just have to tell my Abuela before she sees that stupid commercial. But luckily she only watches Univision." I finish.

The principal comes in and calls Kurt to his office.
I was at my Abuela's house getting the courage to tell her.

"Santana, your all bones. Like Jesus on the cross. Eat." My abuela said putting food down.

"Abuelita, I have something that I want to talk to you about..." I started but she cut me off.

"Okay who cares, talk with your mouth full, hm?" She responded and went to chop some vegetables.

"No, no, no. Come on." I say encouraging her to come back.

"Hmm?" She asked. I then speak Spanish so she could understand me better.

"Ah, okay." She says and gives in. We walk back over to the table and sit down.

"Look... I have to tell you a secret: a secret that I've kept hidden for a long time, but..." I say but abuela cuts me off.

"You need salsa...?" She asked me and I shake my head.

"No, no, no. Escúchame." I say to her.

"Your so special to me." I tell her genuinely.

"Santana, are you pregnant? Because I will beat you up with this chair." She says and my eyes widen.

"No, it's not— it's not that." I reassured her "it's just that I've watched you my whole life. And you've always been so strong. Done exactly what you believe, and never cared about what anyone else thought of you..." I say. Once again she cuts me off.

"Tell me about your life, I know mine." She tells me and I nod. It's now or never Santana.

"Abuelita... I love girls the way that I'm supposed to feel about boys. It's just something that's always been inside of me, and I really want to share it with you because I love you so much. I want you to know me. Who I really am. When I'm with Shawn... I finally understand what people are talking about when they talk about love. I've tried so hard to push this feeling away, and keep it locked inside... but everyday just feels like a war. I walk around so mad at the world, but I'm really just fighting with myself. I don't want to fight anymore. I'm just too tired. I have to just be me." I tell her. "Say something please." I ask her, the silence becoming unbearable.

"Everyone has secrets, Santana. They're called secrets for a reason. I want you to leave this house. I don't ever want to see you again." She tells me and I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Abuela, you..." I start but she sternly cuts me off.

"Go. Now!"

"I'm the same person I was a minute ago." I try to reason with her.

"You made your choice. Now I have made mine." She tells me.

"But why?" I ask. Why can't she just accept me?

"It's selfish of you to make me uncomfortable." She says and starts speaking in Spanish. I can feel the tears building up.

"The sin isn't in the thing, it's in the scandal when people talk about it aloud." She says and I'm in such shock.

"So your saying it would've been better if I would've kept this a secret?" I ask and she gets up and leaves.

"Abuela..." I whisper but she doesn't respond. I can't help but let the tears out.
Shawn's POV:

I was making dinner for myself because I was home alone. Mom and dad were out on a dinner date, Kurt was sleeping over at Blaines, and Finn was sleeping over at Rachel's. I was making some Buffalo wings from scratch. One of me and Santana's favorite foods. I was about to fry the wings when I heard a knock. I open the door and see Santana.

"Hey Santan-" I start but notice her tear stained face.

"What happened?" I asked and brought her inside.

"I came out to my abuela and she kicked me out." She said as more tears came down her face. I brought her into a hug and she jumped on me and wrapped her legs around me waist and bI held her from under her butt and took her upstairs to my room. When we got to my room, I layed us on my bed and she layed on top of me again.

"She said she never wanted to see me again and that it would be better if I kept it a secret." She sobbed into my neck.

"I'm so sorry babe. I really am." I tell her.

"I looked up to her my whole life and now when I tell her the truth about me she disowns me?" She rhetorically asked like it doesn't make sense. Which is doesn't.

"I'm sorry about that babe. I know it hurts. But if she can't accept you for being honest with yourself and for being you, then she needs to learn a few things." I tell her as she cuddles closer to me. I hate seeing her like this. "You are smart, strong, brave, beautiful, funny, kind to me, and your not afraid to say what's in your mind. That's what I love about you. If she disowns you over that, then maybe she doesn't deserve to be in your life." I tell her, hoping she won't get mad at me for saying that.

"Thank you babe, you always know how to make me feel better." She says lifting her head up and looking at me.

"Well you know what Barney says 'I love you. You love me'. I say in a Barney voice and she giggles.

"You still watch Barney?" She asked and my eyes widen. I look down.

"Sometimes." I mumble and she laughs. She lifts my head up and looks into my eyes.

"Your eyes are so sexy." She tells me. I blush the gulp and say

"Your eyes are pretty." She lean in and kisses me. I kiss her back and stick my tounge in her mouth making her moan. Our tongues caress each other until I remember the Buffalo wings.

"Oh babe. I forgot I was making Buffalo wings. Your favorite meal. And also mines." I add smiling. She miles back and pecks my cheek.

"Thank you. This is so sweet." She tells me.

"I can't lie. I didn't know you were coming over so I didn't plan to make it for you." I tell her and she playfully hits my shoulder "but you can have some." I reason. We go downstairs and finishes making the Buffalo wings. Santana wanted to make Mac and cheese as a side and she did just that. It was bomb. We spend the rest of the night enjoying each other's company.
Today is the day me and Santana tell everyone that we are dating. The results we got was not what we were expecting.

"Guys." Santana announce while I stand next to her in the choir room. "We have something to tell you." She continues and everyone goes silent.

"We're dating." I say and connect our hands.

"Oh we already knew that." Mercedes tells us. My mouth drops open.

"Yeah, who didn't know that?" Artie says.

"What? How did you find out?" Santana asked baffled.

"One you guys flirt all the time, even before Santana came out. Two, you guys stopped dissing each other." Tina stated.

"Also, I caught you guys kissing in the choir room when me and Rachel went to go get that coffee for the solo audition. I came in and saw you guys kissing and decided to go back out and make noise to see if you guys would move or not." Kurt says.

"And the amount of times I seen you u guys go in the janitors closet pretty much summed it up for me." Mike says.

"Also when Shawn defended Santana when Mr. Shue kicked her out gave me the impression that something was up." Mercedes adds.

"Aww man, I wanted to see the looks on your faces." I say sadly.

"Oh trust me. I can speak for all of us when I say that we were shocked. Like shocked isn't even the word to describe how we felt." Kurt says.

"I had to clean my glasses multiple times to confirm what I was seeing." Artie says.

"My mouth fell to the ground." Brittany says nonchalantly.

"I kinda knew before you guys because I saw they'll kissing in Shawn's room when they thought nobody was home." Finn says. I turn red.

"Who knew that all that fighting would turn into love?" Quinn says.

"Okay now that I'm out and proud. I have a confession to make. I thank Shawn for not outing me and saying this, but I'm gonna be honest. The person Shawn cheated on Quinn with was me." Santana confesses.

"I mean we kinda already knew that too." Mike says.

"Seriously, how do you guys keep finding out?" I ask shaking my head.

"We didn't see you guys kiss or anything, but with the way Santana was so jealous of y'all relationship, told us she wanted you." Mercedes says.

"I wasn't jealous." She mumbled.

"Oh yes you were." Quinn says and Santana rolls her eyes.

"So this means I was right. Santana had a crush on Shawn. I told you Shawn." Blaine tells me and I shake my head playfully.

"But it was so unbelievable. Like that was the last thing I would've thought." I says and Santana kisses my cheek.

"Same. Like out of all theories as to why she hated you/made fun of you, this one never crossed my mind." Mercedes stated and everyone hums.

"Okay guys I get it. I don't know how to deal with feelings and I'm sort of a bitch. Deal with it." Santana butts in and everyone laughs.

"Hey guys, you know I won class president?" Brittany says and we clap for her. Kurts ballad got stuffed so he lost. It was sad because the principal thought he did it but I know him. He would never.

Okay, nice Brit. But me and Shawn want to sing a duet together." Santana mentions. "It gives me strength to get through this, just like all of you do."

(Shawn is standing next to Santana playing her guitar and singing Shelbys part)

We finished our duet and hugged and everyone clapped. Just then Rachel comes in the classroom with tears in her eyes.

"Rachel?" Mr. Shue asked noticing her teary and red eyes.

"I just, um, told Principal Figgins that I rigged the election so that Kurt would win." She did it?? "Kurt please, don't hate me. Your totally in the clear." She replied.

"What did he say?" Finn asked cautiously.

"He said that he had no choice but to put it on my permanent record, and that I'm suspended for a week. Also he said that I was banned from competing at Sectionals." She finishes and my eyes widen. She's banned??

Santana and Shawn went public with their relationship!!

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