Say You Won't Let Go || Bill...

By accio-weasleyss

1.2M 33.3K 13K

*An edited, rewritten version is currently being slowly published by chapter on AO3 @ accio_weasleys * "I'm s... More

Note from the Author
One: The Weasleys
Two: Soap & Bubbles
Three: Christmas Ornaments
Four: Christmas & Celestite
Five: Fireworks
Six: Oliver Wood
Seven: Hogsmeade
Eight: Graduation
Nine: The Surprise
Ten: Blue Waters
Eleven: Harry Potter
Twelve: The Quidditch World Cup
Thirteen: Our Last Night
Fourteen: Return to Hogwarts
Fifteen: The Triwizard Champions
Sixteen: A Proper Date
Seventeen: For the Love of Dragons
Eighteen: Only You
Nineteen: Nightmares & Knitting
Twenty: The Yule Ball
Twenty One: The Other Gift
Twenty Two: Firewhisky Fun
Twenty Three: The Last Task
Twenty Four: Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Twenty Five: "Finally"
Twenty Six: Lovely Visits
Twenty Eight: Boggart Battles
Twenty Nine: Another Year
Thirty: Bright Pink & Blood Ink
Thirty One: Ties & Tables Turned
Thirty Two: Secrets Shared
Thirty Three: A Hogsmeade Date
Thirty Four: Quidditch Beaters
Thirty Five: Aphrodisiac
Thirty Six: An Early Morning
Thirty Seven: The Calm Before
Thirty Eight: Hospital Mornings
Thirty Nine: A Grimmauld Christmas
Forty: Shell Cottage
Forty One: Moving Day
Forty Two: Alone Together
Forty Three: For Better & For Worse
Forty Four: Valentine's Day
Forty Five: The Tears of Isabelle Clarke
Forty Six: Sleepovers at Shell Cottage
Forty Seven: Department of Mysteries
Forty Eight: A Lovely Day
Forty Nine: Return of the Weasleys
Fifty: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Fifty One: Family Dinner
Fifty Two: A Night to Relax
Fifty Three: Decided Futures
Fifty Four: Back to the Burrow
Fifty Five: For Good Luck
Fifty Six: Another Surprise
Fifty Seven: A Night Out
Fifty Eight: The Woes of Bill Weasley
Fifty Nine: Dance the Night Away
Sixty: More Promises
Sixty One: Seeing Things
Sixty Two: Penelope Clearwater
Sixty Three: The Future Unfolds
Sixty Four: Romania
Sixty Five: What Really Happened
Sixty Six: Birthday Gifts
Sixty Seven: A Christmas Special (part 1)
Sixty Eight: A Christmas Special (part 2)
Sixty Nine: Until Midnight
Seventy: Healers
Seventy One: Gentle
Seventy Two: Ron's Birthday
Seventy Three: Glimpse of the Future
Seventy Four: Happy Tears
Seventy Five: The First Battle
Seventy Six: Going Home
Seventy Seven: The Seven Harry Plan
Seventy Eight: This Promise of Mine
Seventy Nine: The Wedding Night
Eighty: Our Vows
Eighty One: Moonlit Night
Eighty Two: Charlie's Visit
Eighty Three: Unexpected Returns
Eighty Four: Halloween
Eighty Five: A Good Day
Eighty Six: Almost Christmas
Eighty Seven: Another Family Holiday
Eighty Eight: Never Letting Go
Eighty Nine: When 2 Became 3
Ninety: Reawakened Sight
Ninety One: Harry and the Goblin
Ninety Two: A Not-So-Happy Reunion
Ninety Three: The Battle of Hogwarts
Ninety Four: Endings and Beginnings
The End?
Rewrite Announcement

Twenty Seven: Under the Stars

13.4K 407 192
By accio-weasleyss

*Mature Content Warning.... again.*

The following two weeks of August came and went, Isabelle spending most of her time helping Mrs. Weasley and the other children with the cleaning while Bill was at work. Isabelle honestly grew to hate being in the house all day while he was gone, and found even the smallest tasks to keep her occupied.

Harry had his hearing at the Ministry, and luckily they decided to drop the charges against him for using underage magic. Even though he was just as relieved as the rest of them to be able to return to Hogwarts, he still seemed to be upset over the fact that Dumbledore was avoiding him.

It was now exactly a week before the new term at Hogwarts was meant to start. Isabelle knew that Dumbledore was struggling to find a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, after Moody chose not to return to the position he never got to teach, but Dumbledore only turned down her offer to take the position. He said, while he believed she would make a good enough teacher, the Ministry would likely accuse him and Isabelle of trying to spread 'crazy nonsense' if he were to give her that job specifically, due to her connection with the Weasleys. Instead Isabelle was to continue helping Flitwick and maybe start shadowing Professor McGonagall, too.

It was that Wednesday night after Bill returned home from the bank that the Weasley family decided it would be best for Bill and Isabelle to move back to the Burrow so Isabelle could floo back and forth between Hogwarts and home, and Molly and Arthur were going to join them a little after the school year begins.

The following day, Bill took the day off. The couple was completely packed (not that they had much with them to pack anyway) and arrived at the Burrow by late afternoon.

When they entered the house, Isabelle had never seen it so lifeless. Typically it was buzzing with energy, with the younger Weasleys running about and Molly cooking dinner while Arthur fiddled with a new muggle object at the table, chatting happily about their days. Now the house was dark and quiet, a light layer of dust covering the furniture from the absence of people that Isabelle would be sure to clean up before Molly and Arthur came home.

"It's good to be home," Isabelle said and Bill nodded in agreement, setting down their trunks by the door.

"I'll take those upstairs later," Bill said, turning on the lights downstairs while Isabelle made her way to the kitchen.

"Dinner?" Isabelle asked, looking through the cupboards for anything left that was still good enough to cook with.

"Yes, please," Bill smiled.

Soon Isabelle was making sandwiches, which seemed to be the only option at the moment, while Bill was leaned against the counter beside her, watching her intently. He offered to help but she turned him down, wanting to do it herself. He knew about her recent habits of trying to keep busy as a distraction, and assumed this was one of those times.

"What's on your mind, love?"

Isabelle sighed softly and looked up at him. "Just everything going on right now, with Harry and the Ministry and the Death Eaters. I'll be fine once the school year starts and my mind will be on other things."

Bill nodded in understanding. At least he had been able to go to work to keep his thoughts busy during the day, but all she really had was cleaning Sirius' house with his mother's constant worrying right behind her.

They were both quiet for a few minutes before Bill spoke again.

"I was thinking maybe we could go visit that beach I took you to last year," Bill said.

"Tonight?" Isabelle said, finishing the sandwiches and handing him a plate.

"Yeah, why not?" Bill said as they sat down at the kitchen table.

"What's the occasion?" Isabelle questioned, trying to figure out if she had forgotten something. Her birthday had already passed a few weeks ago, and his wasn't until November. Percy's birthday had also just passed, and she tried writing him a letter but didn't get a response.

Bill shrugged as he took a bite of his food. "No occasion. I just thought it would be nice to go out for a bit, just the two of us."

"I would love that," Isabelle smiled.

As they were finishing eating, they heard a tap on the nearby kitchen window and saw an owl that neither of them recognized. Isabelle stood and let the owl in, taking the letter that it was holding carefully.

"Who's that from?" Bill asked from where he was still sitting at the table.

"I don't know," Isabelle said, opening the letter. She skimmed over it quickly to find out the sender, and a smile grew on her face, replacing her look of confusion. "It's from Eleanor."

"The Hufflepuff girl you're always talking about?" Bill said.

Isabelle nodded, reading through the letter.

Miss Isabelle,

Look, I got my own owl! Mum and Dad surprised me with it when I got home from Hogwarts this summer. They said they thought it was safer than using school owls, whatever that means. I meant to write to you earlier but we went on a trip to visit my grandparents over the summer. I hope you're coming back to Hogwarts this year, I can't wait to tell you all about it.


P.S. Tell Bill I said hi!

Isabelle chuckled lightly as she finished reading the letter, her face containing a brighter smile than Bill had seen those last few weeks.

"What's it say?" Bill asked.

"She just wanted me to see her new owl. She also said to tell you hi," Isabelle said, finding some parchment and ink to write her back a quick letter.

"She knows about me?"

Isabelle nodded. "She may have convinced me to talk about you a time or two."

"I feel like I should be flattered. I can't believe you told your favorite student all about me," Bill joked.

Isabelle rolled her eyes with a soft laugh. "She's the sweetest kid, but I've got to be careful. She might have a bit of a crush on you."

"Wow I really am flattered," Bill said, touching his hand to his heart dramatically.

It always warmed Bill's heart to listen whenever Isabelle talked about students like Eleanor and how they came to her for just about everything, according to Ron and Hermione. He thought it was amazing how she got along with just about everyone she met, especially kids.

Isabelle shook her head at him and sent her letter off with Eleanor's owl, telling her thank you for writing to her and that Bill said hi back.

They cleaned up after dinner in no time at all. Isabelle decided to go upstairs and change into what she thought would be a little more comfortable for the beach, out of her jeans and into a very simple, loose dress that she hardly ever got the opportunity to wear.

Isabelle could've sworn she saw Bill's jaw practically hit the floor when she made her way back downstairs to where he had been waiting for her with a small bag in hand, the same one he had taken when they went to the lake, causing her to blush before he even said anything.

"You look beautiful," Bill smiled, taking her hand and squeezed it lightly. "Ready to go?"

"Just one second," Isabelle said. She reached up and pulled his hair out of the tie it was in, letting his hair fall to rest on his shoulders the way she liked it. "Now we can go."

Bill chuckled and then they were gone, disapparating from the house in a split second.


"-And that one's Pegasus, there."

Isabelle was pointing up at the stars that shone brightly above them as they were laying on the sand of the beach. There was no other light in the area, making it perfect for stargazing that night. The warmth of the late summer made it much more enjoyable this time as the salty breeze blew lightly around them.

Isabelle was laying in Bill's arms on top of the blanket they brought, and had been spending the last half hour pointing out different constellations and telling him all about them while he listened contently.

"I think you've taught me more today about the stars than I learned in any astronomy classes at Hogwarts," Bill chuckled, holding her closer to him.

"My dad always loved stargazing whenever we were somewhere we could actually see them. He told me all the stories growing up," Isabelle said.

"Your father is a brilliant man," Bill said while running his fingers through her hair gently.

Isabelle turned to look at Bill instead of the sky with a soft smile. "I'm really glad my family likes you so much. They weren't too keen the first time or two I brought someone home for them to meet."

"I still can't believe that time you dated that awful older Slytherin guy. I heard Charlie punched him so he would know how it feels," Bill said, remembering when they got a letter while he was visiting their parents that Charlie had busted his hand and another student's face.

"I was fourteen, you can't blame me for being a little stupid when it comes to that stuff," Isabelle shrugged.

"Well, I can promise you that nothing like that will ever happen again. Not while I'm alive," Bill said seriously.

Isabelle smiled and pulled him into a soft kiss, which he eagerly returned. It lasted for a long while before Bill pulled away from her to reach into the bag he brought. Isabelle watched him curiously as he pulled out a small portable muggle radio.

"Where did you get that?" Isabelle questioned.

"Dad's got tons of them in the shed, I figured one was bound to work," Bill said as he turned it on. There was static for a second before a slow song began to play that Isabelle vaguely recognized.

Bill stood up from their spot and held out a hand to her. "Dance with me?"

Isabelle nodded with a bright grin, letting him pull her up and into his arms. He wrapped one arm around her waist and kept his other hand in hers as they started swaying to the soft music, occasionally pulling away just to spin her under his arm and pull her back in.

They silently enjoyed their dance as one slow song faded into another, Isabelle eventually resting her head against his chest as they moved slowly. She only thought it was a bit odd when four slow songs had played in a row.

"I may have enchanted it to only play slow songs," Bill said when he noticed her realization.

"Of course you did," Isabelle giggled.

They continued swaying to the music for several more minutes before Bill spoke again.

"Isabelle, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Bill said softly.

"Okay?" She said, still resting against his chest contently.

"I know there is so much going on in our lives right now, but I don't think I've ever been happier than when I'm with you. These last few weeks coming home to you every night and seeing your smile really made me realize I want that more than anything for the rest of my life." Bill said.

"Bill-" Isabelle lifted her head from his chest to look at him properly.

"Let me finish." He said. "You are so kind to everyone you meet and your smile lights up even the darkest rooms. Your laugh is better than any music I've ever heard and I firmly believe you are the strongest and most beautiful woman in the world. You make me happier than any man has the right to be, and I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Bill pulled away from her gently and took a nervous breath before moving down onto one knee in front of her, his eyes never leaving hers as he pulled a small box from his pocket. Isabelle's eyes widened and she was completely speechless as he opened the box carefully, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Isabelle Clarke, will you marry me?"

Isabelle barely processed his words before she found herself nodding quickly and tears were streaming down her face. "Yes, of course I will."

Bill stood up, his nervous expression shifting to the biggest smile she had ever seen, and met her lips in a deep, loving kiss. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger as he kissed her, and it fit her perfectly.

"I love you," Isabelle said once they pulled away. She brought a hand up to brush his hair away from his face gently and noticed a few happy tears of his own had escaped his eyes.

"I love you, too," Bill grinned, pulling her into another kiss.

When they decided to make their way home, both of them were absolutely beaming. Neither of them could put into words how happy they truly were. Any doubts that either of them had about the other had completely melted away as they apparated outside of the Burrow for the second time that night.

Bill opened the door but before she could enter, Bill swept her off of her feet, picking her up with one arm under her back and one under her legs.

"Hey, that's meant for after we're married," Isabelle giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Technically this isn't our own house, so it doesn't count," Bill said as he carried her through the doorway and shut it behind them.

**He left several quick kisses all over her face as he carried her upstairs to their bedroom. Bill laid her down gently on their bed before moving over her, pulling her into another deep kiss. Isabelle removed her arms from around his neck and began unbuttoning his shirt slowly, taking her time with each button before it was completely undone.

Isabelle ran her hands along his chest and upwards, where she pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and pulled it off of him. Bill moved and kissed her neck gently while unzipping the back of her dress, taking it off of her just as slowly as she did his shirt. He continued to kiss her neck and collarbone softly while he took her bra off of her, too, hearing the soft sighs she had trouble containing. Isabelle knew that he hadn't been this gentle in a long time, but she wasn't complaining.

"I love you so much. You're so beautiful," he would whisper, still smiling against her skin between kisses as he made his way down her chest, leaving a few marks along her breasts.

Isabelle's hands reached for the button of his pants and pulled them off of him, soon followed by his underwear.

"So eager," Bill chuckled as he kissed the sensitive spot below her ear. He pulled her own off of her while kissing along her jaw just as softly as he had been and ran his hands up the back of her thighs.

Bill pulled away from her neck to look at her as he positioned himself just outside her heat, and she nodded quickly. Isabelle kissed him deeply, a little more heated and desperate than before, as Bill pushed into her slowly and let out a groan against her lips.

He moved his hips slowly, taking his time before he was fully pressed into her and began moving at a steady rhythm. Isabelle gripped his back and wrapped her legs around his waist. The gentleness after several rough nights was wonderful to her, and their kiss turned into just him resting his forehead against hers while they both moaned. It was as sweet and romantic as ever, and she could tell he was enjoying it just as much.

Several minutes passed until he began to increase his pace little by little. Isabelle kissed his neck as he thrusted into her, causing louder moans from him that drove her crazy.

Bill let out soft grunts and moans as he moved a little faster. His hand trailed down her thigh for a moment before squeezing it lightly, pulling up her leg as he remembered how it made her feel last time he did it.

Bill groaned when Isabelle dug her nails into his back, letting out a loud moan as the new angle made him hit the perfect spot. His pace quickened slightly more, causing him to groan again and bury his face into her neck while she continued to place occasional kisses on his.

"Right there, just like that..." Isabelle breathed as he moved in and out of her, letting out every sound and noise next to his ear. One hand stayed on his back while the other reached into his hair, pulling it lightly.

"Ohhh, Isabelle..." Bill moaned softly against her neck and moved a little harder. His movements were becoming a little desperate as their volumes increased, but they continued on for several more minutes.

Isabelle eventually felt herself nearing her release and gripped the muscles of his back once again, her nails dragging along his skin. "B-Bill, I'm-"  Her words turned into a loud moan as she came, squeezing her eyes shut and her legs shaking.

Bill crashed his lips into hers as he came only moments later, groaning lowly into the deep kiss as he slowed to a stop before pulling out of her gently. He moved to lay next to her breathlessly and wrapped his arms around her as she laid on his chest, just as she always did.**

"I think I like gentle Bill," Isabelle said after a few minutes of silence.

Bill chuckled and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life," he said breathlessly.

"Me too," Isabelle smiled, kissing him softly before laying her head back on his chest. She could hear his heart beating fast as she lifted her hand to admire her new ring.

"It's a beautiful ring, Bill," Isabelle said, watching the soft moonlight shining through the window reflect off of the diamond in the center.

"It was my grandmother's. Mum gave it to me when I told her I wanted to ask you to marry me, and I was really worried you wouldn't like it," Bill said.

"I love it." Isabelle placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "And I love you."

"I love you, too. More than you know," Bill said, twirling her hair between his fingers.

They spent the night talking and stealing soft kisses here and there. For just one night, they could pretend that there was absolutely nothing bad happening anywhere, and that they were the only two people in the world. Because they truly did love each other unconditionally, and with the wizarding world beginning to slowly shatter around them, it was their greatest blessing.

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