Back To Lima Heights - Santan...

By ThePuzzler101

594K 10.5K 4.9K

Shawn Hudson, younger sister of Finn Hudson, comes back home to Lima after living with her grandparents for 3... More

Summary of Shawn
Season 2 Episode 1: Audition
Season 2 Episode 2: Britney/Brittany
Season 2 Episode 3: Grilled Cheesus
Season 2 Episode 4: Duets
Season 2 Episode 5: The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Season 2 Episode 7: The Subsitute
Season 2 Episode 8: Furt
Season 2 Episode 9: Special Education
Season 2 Episode 10: A Very Glee Christmas
Season 2 Episode 11: The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Season 2 Episode 12: Silly Love Songs
Season 2 Episode 13: Comeback
Season 2 Episode 14: Blame It On The Alcohol
Season 2 Episode 15: Sexy
Season 2 Episode 16: Original Song
Season 2 Episode 17: A Night Of Neglect
Season 2 Episode 18: Born this way
Season 2 Episode 19: Rumours
Season 2 Episode 20: Prom Queen
Season 2 Episode 21: Funeral
Season 2 Episode 22: New York
Season 3 Episode 1: The Purple Piano Project
Season 3 Episode 2: I Am Unicorn
Season 3 Episode 3: Asian F
Season 3 Episode 4: Pot o' Gold
Season 3 Episode 5: The First Time
Season 3 Episode 6: Mash Off
Season 3 Episode 7: I Kissed A Girl
Season 3 Episode 8: Hold On To Sixteen
Season 3 Episode 9: Extraordinary Merry Christmas
Season 3 Episode 10: Yes/No
Season 3 Episode 11: Michael
Season 3 Episode 12: The Spanish teacher
Season 3 Episode 13: Heart
Season 3 Episode 14: On My Way
Season 3 Episode 15: Big Brother
Season 3 Episode 16: Saturday Night Glee-ver
Season 3 Episode 17: Dance With Somebody
Season 3 Episode 18: Choke
Season 3 Episode 19: Prom-A-Saurus
Season 3 Episode 20: Props
Season 3 Episode 21: Nationals
Season 3 Episode 22: Goodbye
Season 4 Episode 1: The New Rachel
Season 4 Episode 2: Britney 2.0
Season 4 Episode 3: Makeover
Season 4 Episode 4: The Break-Up
Season 4 Episode 5: The Role You Were Born to Play
Season 4 Episode 6: Glease
Season 4 Episode 7: Dynamic Duets
Season 4 Episode 8: Thanksgiving
Season 4 Episode 9: Swan Song
Season 4 Episode 10: Glee, Actually
Season 4 Episode 11: Sadie Hawkins
Season 4 Episode 12: Naked
Season 4 Episode 13: Diva
Season 4 Episode 14: I Do
Season 4 Episode 15: Girls (and Boys) on Film
Season 4 Episode 16: Feud
Season 4 Episode 17: Guilty Pleasures
Season 4 Episode 18: Shooting Star
Season 4 Episode 19: Sweet Dreams
Shawntana Vs Angel Part 1
Shawntana Vs Angel Part 2
Season 4 Episode 20: Lights Out
Season 4 Episode 21: Wonder-ful
Season 4 Episode 22: All or Nothing
Season 5 Episode 1: Love, Love, Love
Season 5 Episode 2: Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
Season 5 Episode 3: The Quarterback
Season 5 Episode 4: A Katy or a Gaga
Season 5 Episode 5: The End of Twerk
Season 5 Episode 6: Movin' Out
Season 5 Episode 7: Puppet Master
Season 5 Episode 8: Previously Unaired Christmas
Season 5 Episode 9: Frenemies
Season 5 Episode 10: Trio
Season 5 Episode 11: City of Angels
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 1
Season 5 Episode 12: 100 Part 2
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 1
Season 5 Episode 13: New Directions Part 2
Season 5 Episode 14: New New York
Season 5 Episode 15: Bash
Season 5 Episode 16: Tested
Season 5 Episode 17: Opening Night
Season 5 Episode 18: The Back-Up Plan
Season 5 Episode 19: Old Dog New Tricks
Season 5 Episode 20: The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Shawntana Baby!!!
Season 6 Episode 2: Homecoming
Season 6 Episode 3: Jagged Little Tapestry
Season 6 Episode 4: The Hurt Locker - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 5: The Hurt Locker - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 6: What The World Needs Now - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 1
Season 6 Episode 8: A Wedding - Part 2
Season 6 Episode 10: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
Season 6 Episode 11: We Built This Club
Season 6 Episode 13: Dreams Come True

Season 2 Episode 6: Never Been Kissed

8.2K 153 57
By ThePuzzler101

Shawns Outfit:

Santana's POV:
I was walking in school when I saw Quinn. Perfect. What I'm about to tell her better make her and Shawn break up.

"Hey Quinn" I smiled a fake ass smile.

"Hey Santana?" She replied more as a question.

"You know Shawn, you girlfriend? Yea just last week, we were singing touch a touch a touch a me, you know the sexualized song from Rocky Horror? Yea and she looked like she had a lot of fun" I paused for a second looking at her baffled face "Anyways, later Tubbers" I finished with a bitchy smile and walked away.
Shawn's POV:
I was in the girls locker room taking a ice bath with a tank top and some shorts on. It was cold and I couldn't feel anything, but I needed it for Track. Cooking club hasn't started yet so I'm just focusing on track for now. All of a sudden Quinn barged in the bathroom.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I asked then noticed her mad face.

"Whats wrong? Why do you look mad?" I asked puzzled as to why she was angry.

"You sang Touch a Touch a Touch me with Santana? That sexual song with someone that wasn't your girlfriend?" She asked quirking an eyebrow and I widened my eyes. I couldn't lie to her.

"Ok yes I did but we didn't do the sexual parts. We only ran down the hallway and I twirled her around like twice. That was it. Nothing happened. And I don't even know why I did it. It was an in the moment type of thing. I guess I was just having a lot of fun that I forgot I was having fun with my worst enemy." I explained while scratching my head because even I was confused by the whole thing. It couldn't have meant anything serious. Quinn calmed down when I explained it to her.

" You promise?" She asked suspiciously while eyeing me and I nod my head.

"Yes I promise. Nothing happened between me and Santana. Nothing will even happen between me and her. I'd rather blow my brains up then have something with her." I told her while shaking my head and Quinn smiled.

"Ok. I believe you. Bye baby" Quinn replied, pecked my lips and left.

"Goodbye Quinn" I said with a smirk and looked at her walk away.
I saw Santana and decided to ask her about it.

"Why did you tell Quinn about what happened? We agreed not to tell anyone.

"Well, Orca, If you haven't noticed, I'm a bitch. I don't really care for agreements. I wanted to do it so I did it. Later little piggy." She said walking away.

"But you didn't have to tell her." I call after her. Santana turns around swiftly and walks back over to me doing that little cheerleader hbic walk.

"I'll say it again so you can get it through your imaginary brain." She stated bitchily while folding her arms. I look down sadly. It kinda hurt I'm not gonna lie. But I'm not letting her get to me. I pick my head up and face her with a normal look. "I don't care for agreements. I make my own rules. Deal with it." Santana shrugged and smirked smugly.

"Your gonna ruin my relationship." I reply seriously and rub the back of my neck.

"That's kinda the plan." Santana clapped back with a sassy smirk. Wait, what does that mean? She's intentionally trying to ruin my relationship? "Quinn doesn't like you. She never has and she never will." With that, she flips her hair in my face and pushes me as she walks away from me.

Ugh, Santana is so stressful.
I was walking with Kurt and Tina when out of nowhere, Karofsky pushed Kurt into the lockers.

"Kurt are you ok?" I asked helping him up.

"Yea I'm fine" he said but I could tell he was lying.

I ran over to Karofsky and pushed him into the locker. When he saw me his eyes widened.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled in his face.

"Nothing, tell you fairy brother to stop spreading his fairy dust everywhere" he said and I got really mad.

"Leave him alone, he's just expressing himself. Like you express yourself everyday by being a homophobic asshole" I said getting madder. He pushed me off him and walked away. I walked back to Kurt and Tina.

"Thanks Shawn" Kurt said and gave me a sad smile.

"No problem Kurty. Whenever he bothers you tell me ok?" He nodded and we walked to our next class.
"Alright guys, let's get down to business!" Mr. Shue mentioned.

Hey Puck is back" I said sitting next to Puck.

"Yup, let's welcome back Noah Puckerman." Mr. Shue said and we clapped.

"Puck, I hope your time in juvie has taught you a lesson about right and wrong."

"Are you kidding me? I ruled that place. All I did was crack skulls and lift weights all day" Puck shot back but I knew he was lying. He's a bad liar.

"Wow what a catch. I can't believe I ever let you go" Quinn said sarcastically and I kinda felt jealous because I just remembered she had a baby with him.

"And now drumroll Finn, Because I have in my hand, our competition for Sectionals next month" Mr. Shue announced and we all cheered "First, the acapella choir from the all-boys private school in Westerville, The Dalton Academy Warblers."

"Okay hold up, Like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head" Santana admitted and me and Kurt glared at her. I was still mad at her for telling Quinn when we agreed not to.

"And the other team to beat—The hipsters, a first year club from the Warren Township Continuing Education Program. Now they are a glee club composed of entirely elderly people getting their high school GED's." He told us.

"Is that legal?" Rachel asked.

"How are we supposed to compete against a bunch of adorable old people?" Mercedes asked confused.

"Are you kidding? Brittle Bones. Give one of those old ladies a good-luck pat on the rear, it'll shatter her pelvis." Puck said and I high five him.

"Moving on. Since it seemed to get you guys jazzed about sectionals last year, I want to make this week our second annual Boys versus Girls tournament. So split up into two groups and figure out what songs your going to sing" Mr. Shue announced and and we cheered.

"Ok I have mash-up ideas in my emergency mash up list." Rachel started off.

"Kurt, gonna say it again—Boys team" Mr. Shue told him and he went over to the boys.
"Look, I'm not tossing the baby out with the bath water here".

"I've totally done that" Brittany said and I couldn't help but laugh. She's too innocent for this world.

"We're just making an adjustment. Boys, you are now doing songs traditionally sung by girl groups. And girls, try some classic rock, The Who, The Stones. The more opposite your choice, the more points you get." Mr. Shue challenged us.
Me and Quinn were making out in her room and it was getting pretty heated. I decided to pull away because someone was getting excited and I didn't want to scare her.

"Why'd you pull away?" She asked me with confusion laced in her face and voice.

"Well, I remember what happened to you last year and I know you said you wanted to wait until you were married to have sex again" I admitted with a small smile but she still looks confused.

"Yea, but we are girls. You can't get me pregnant". Quinn says with a soft smile and I let out a nervous chuckle. Huh think again.

"Um yea I know." I lied while rubbing the back of my neck. "But I still think we should wait. We just started dating a couple weeks ago and we've known each other for about a month and a half." confessed honestly and she nodded in agreement. I really am not ready for sex. I'm still a virgin and I don't want my virginity to be taken away yet. But I don't want Quinn knowing I'm a virgin.

"Your probably right. Let's wait for a special moment." she states and I nodded my head with a soft smile. "But that doesn't mean we can't make out." Quinn bit her lip in seduction and I smirked.
I was talking to Sam when he told me something that was kinda disturbing.

"I was making out with this girl and I said Coach Beiste name"

"What why?" I asked puzzled.

"To keep from arrive too quickly. Finn told me to think of a bad image or memory and it helps"He explained "you should try it sometime"

"Yea no. That's weird and I know how to control myself" I told him and he shrugged.
Me and Mercedes were eating lunch in the outdoor lunch area.

"These are so good" I moaned at the taste of the tater tots.

"Yup, the only good food here to be honest" she replied.

"What do you think we should do for the Mash-Up?" She asked me

"I've always wanted to do rock. It's really fun and I like the vibe of it" I admitted and she nodded. Just then Santana struts up to us.

"Hey Mercedes. What are you doing talking to this orca?" Santana asked and smiled at me smugly. I stick the middle finger up at her and roll my eyes

"Santana, be nice." Mercedes sighed and shakes her head.

"No I'm serious. If you don't be careful, this orca might swallow you whole. I hear they have rows and rows of teeth that are about the size of a ship." Santana shrugged and kicked me under the table.

"Owe." I groan and rub my foot. I look back up at Santana. "Shut the fuck up Santana at least I'm likable." I snap back pissed off and Mercedes makes an Ooh face while eating a tater tot.

"I am likable. At least I don't look like a puffer fish. At least my dating options are unlimited. Unlike yours. We all know Quinn is the only girlfriend you will ever have." Santana said and I hear everyone around me Ooh besides Mercedes who is watching intently. I clench my fork in my hand. It's taking everything in me not to throw this at her face.

"At least I'm not a selfish, self centered bitch. I don't know how Quinn is your friend. She's a much better person than you. I don't know how anyone is your friend. You are a horrible person." I state pissed the hell off. She's given me nothing but hell here. Everyone oohs and laughs. Santana growls.

"At least I don't have a black eye." She replies angry and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I don't have a black eye though." I state confused and look at her puzzled.

"You will when I'm through with you." Santana yelled with fire flaming from her eyes and before I know it, she's jumping up and trying to attack me. Luckily, a boy grabs her and carries her away from me.

"Te voy a joder Shawn!!"(Im gonna fuck you up Shawn!!) Santana hollers in Spanish as she's being pulled back inside the school by 4 more people. Now there was a total of 5 people dragging her away from me.

She is bat crazy and I need to stay away from her.

(Shawn is sitting with Mercedes and they are watching Puck and Arties performance)
Me and Quinn were holding hands and walking down the hallway when a girl was yelling at Sam.

"Why are you having sex with Coach Beiste?"

"I'm not. I swear!" Sam argued back.

"Then why did you say her name while we were making out? Only reason you would say Beiste's name while making out with someone else is if you were having sex with Beiste!" She shouted.

"What's this?" Beiste asked.

"This is a friends with benefits fight and it's your fault for having sex with your student!" She shouted at Beiste.

"Watch your tone with me missy! You crap on my leg, I'll cut it off!" She yelled at the girl.

The girl left and Mr. Shue came up to them. I walked to Sam and whispered to him.

"You need to tell the truth. She could find out about it or other people can and she could lose her job over this" Then I walked back over to Quinn, grabbed her hand stayed off to the side.

I heard Mike tell coach to stay away from his woman and coach yelled

"What the hells going on around here?!" And she walked away.

"What's going on Sam?" Mr. Shue asked Sam and Sam gave him an awkward and nervous look.
I was in the choir room laying across a couple of chairs and laying my head on Quinn's lap while she rubbed her fingers through my curls and I was eating a rice cake.

"The boys beat us the last time we competes against them. We've got bring the noise hard this time" Mercedes said with a hand gesture.

"To be fair, they didn't officially beat us. We got busted for Vitamin D possession before the vote" Quinn reasoned.

"Wait. Somethings definitely wrong. Why isn't Rachel talking?" Santana asked.

"She should totally be bossing us around right now" Brittany added tying something.

"The idea of the assignment was to do the opposite of what we normally do. I'm just trying to stick to the lesson plan, which is proving nearly impossible since your gluing those sequins on backwards!!" Rachel replied, going back to her Rachel Berry voice.

"Spies!!" Rachel yelled, seeing Puck and Artie come in the room.

"Lighten up, we're here to talk to Santana and Brittany" Puck told her.

"Hmm. So, how does it feel to be a free man?" Santana asked Puck. I still wanted to throw a fork at her for trying to basically kill me.

"All I can say is that I don't want a long-term relationship with either of you. Especially Brittany since I'm not in love with her" Artie spoke up.

"Do you guys want to go out to dinner tonight?"Brittany asked with a smile.

"Not really" Puck states.

"Oh" Santana replied seeming kinda bummed out.

"Tell you what. You know show up at Breadstix tomorrow night around 7:00. If we don't find hotter chicks to date tonight, we might show up" Puck answers with confidence.

Shit. Tomorrow? I have a shift a breadstix tomorrow from 5-8. I hope they find "hotter girls" to date.

"You are totally cool" Santana whispers looking at Puck.

"Awesome" Brittany says. Then they leave.

Everyone else looks at them with confused look but I'm to worried about having to see Santana on my shift. I know she will make fun of me. But I decided to let it go for now and finish my rice cake.
I was at my shift at Breadstix taking some orders and sending it to the chef. I started working here because I wanted to make my own money and not have to ask my mom for money constantly. It pays pretty well which is good. I wish I could be the one doing the cooking tho. I'm really good at it.

"Hudson!" My boss calls me.

"Yes boss?" I answered him.

"Go take table number 4's orders" he told me.

"Ok boss, can I give this to the chef first?" I asked showing him my notepad of orders. He nodded and I went to give the chef the orders. When I exited the kitchen, I walked over to table 4 without looking up because I was writing something down on my notepad.

"Hi I'm Shawn. I'm your server for today. What would you like?" I asked not looking up from writing on my notepad.

"Is that you Shawn?" I heard Puck say. PUCK??!! Shit they are hear. I looked up to see Puck and Artie staring at me while Santana and Brittany were texting. My eyes widened. My They looked up and Santana gave me a evil smile.

"Hey lumpy." Santana said with an amused voice and an evil smirk. I sigh, wanting to get this over with already.

"What are you doing here Shawn?" Artie asked me.

"Well I uh, I work here" I said like it was obvious, which it was.

"Why tho?" Puck asked.

"Well, I wanted to make my own money, so, here I am." I admitted.

"Wow, you are actually doing something productive for once in your life lumpy" Santana said and did a fake clap and I shook my head.

"Anyways, What are you guys getting?" I asked getting back on track.

Once they tell me their orders, I go back to the kitchen and give it to the chef.
I get their orders from the chef and walk over to their table.

"Here y'all go, enjoy" I say and walk away.  I'm not even a foot away from the table when I feel something being throw at the back of my head. I turn around and look at the floor. It's a meatball. I look up and see Puck, Brittany and Artie eating. But I see Santana smirking at me with a spoon in her hand.

"Really?" I say annoyed and shake my head.

"What's wrong? Dogs like you eat food off the ground." Santana asked with an innocent voice and face and I hold back my tears. It really does hurt me when she calls me these names. I grab a napkin, pick up the meatball and throw it in the trash. "Aww man, I wanted to see a dog eat food of the floor." I hear Santana say behind me. I swallow the lump in my throat and walk back to the kitchen.

I really hate her guts. She makes me want to go back to Atlanta.
"Ok here's the bill" I say putting the bill in the middle of the table.

Alright guys let's move, this meal has been comped" Puck said and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Um you have to pay for it first" I tell him, stopping him from walking out.

"Come on Shawn, we're friends. Let us slide this one time" Puck said trying to get off free. I wish I could but I can't.

"What about the money you and Artie made earlier?" I asked him puzzled.

"You know I have a lot more to do with that money than pay for a stupid dinner. Come on let me get off this time." Puck tried to reason with me, but I wasn't going with it.

"Sorry Puck, but I can lose my job if they find out I let y'all dine and dash. And if they tell my mom I did that she'll send me to live with my grandparents again" I told him seriously and sighed.

"Well I wouldn't mind you going to live with your grandparents again guppy. I'd actually love that. Nobody likes you hear anyways." Santana smiles and shrugs while getting her purse. I scoff and ignore her dumb comments. "I'm gonna be in the car waiting." Santana says getting her stuff ready. She slides out of the booth, walks towards me and pushes past me hard to the point where I stumble back a bit. Brittany follows behind her.

"Yea I know she wouldn't care but come on Puck, just pay for it" I tried reasoning with him.

"Dude, I don't pay for food. I dine and dash" Puck answered leaving". I groaned and shook my head. I looked at Artie to see him thinking. I rolled my eyes and decided to take my own money out and put it in the bill thing. Before I put it in, Artie stops my hand and puts money in it.

"Keep the change" He says smiling and he wheeled away.

I smiled at him for doing the right thing.

I saw Puck arguing with Artie, most likely about giving me the money but I just walked away.

(Shawn is next to Quinn and she's wearing a bandana and her clothes are more looser)

"Ladies, very, very impressive" Mr. Shue said clapping. Just then Becky Jackson came into the room. She's like Sues minion. She ran to Mr. Shue and said

"Coach said to give you this" then she saw me and said "Hi Humpback Whale" which made me shake my head and some people started to laugh.

"Pig." Santana came up to me and whispered in my ear. I push her away from me with an annoyed look.
I was walking to class when I heard arguing. I walked peaked into the boys locker room and heard Karofsky and Kurt arguing.

"You going to hit me?" Kurt said. He better not. He's lucky I can't go in there.

"Don't push me!" Karofsky yelled.

"Do it! Hit me cause it's not going to change who I am. You can't punch the gay out of me any more than I can punch the ignoramus out of you!" Kurt yelled. I was glad he was standing up for himself.

"Then get out of my face!" Dave yelled and he sounded like he was about to cry. Weird.

"You are nothing but a scared little boy who can't handle how extraordinarily ordinary you are!" Kurt yelled and what I saw next made my jaw drop to the floor.

Karofsky kissed Kurt. I decided to leave from there. I was going to talk to Kurt about this soon.
Santana's POV:

I was talking to Quinn, trying to get more information on her and Shawn's relationship. I need to make sure they don't get anywhere far.

"So how are you and lumps?" I asked her as we walk in the hallway.

"Don't call her that." She replies and I roll my eyes. I'll call her anything I want. "And we are good. She's really a sweetheart. And I don't know why your mean to her." Quinn adds and I scoff.

"It's just a facade. Orcas are not sweethearts." I state bitchily and fold my arms with a smirk.

"She really is. She's one of the nicest people in glee club. You should give her a chance." Quinn said as we turn a corner and walk towards the door that leads to the field.

"No way. She didn't even give us a free dinner yesterday at breadstix." I say still annoyed that Artie actually paid.

"With the way you treat her, I wouldn't either." Quinn admitted. I honestly don't care. "I'm lucky to be her girlfriend. Anybody would. She's really amazing and I don't know how you don't see that." Quinn adds as we walk on the field towards Coach Sylvester who is doing cheerleading practice.

Anybody would be lucky to be Shawn's girlfriend. And I'm gonna make sure that Quinn isn't her girlfriend for much longer.
Shawn's POV:

I saw Kurt sitting in a chair and I ran up to him.

"Kurt, I need to talk to you. Now" I said and grabbed his hand, dragging him to a empty classroom. He said a shocked ok.

"I saw Karofsky kiss you while I was passing by the locker room" I told him and his eyes widened "now I don't do outing, that's wrong, but I am going to talk to him about it"

"Shawn don't do anything crazy please" He begged with glossy eyes. I can tell this really shook him.

"I won't. But he's not going to get away with bullying you and then kissing you. And he took your first kiss away. That's not right" I told him. He nodded and left. Kurt also told me about his friend he met on a Dalton visit and he told him about what Karofsky did and he said I could meet him one day.
The boys convince Coach Beiste to come back and the decided to say sorry threw a song.

(Sam was singing to Coach Beiste instead of Quinn, Shawn is sitting next to Quinn)

This was over 3,000 words. I didn't know I could write so much. :)

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