Say You Won't Let Go || Bill...

By accio-weasleyss

1.2M 33.3K 13K

*An edited, rewritten version is currently being slowly published by chapter on AO3 @ accio_weasleys * "I'm s... More

Note from the Author
One: The Weasleys
Two: Soap & Bubbles
Three: Christmas Ornaments
Four: Christmas & Celestite
Five: Fireworks
Six: Oliver Wood
Seven: Hogsmeade
Eight: Graduation
Nine: The Surprise
Ten: Blue Waters
Eleven: Harry Potter
Twelve: The Quidditch World Cup
Thirteen: Our Last Night
Fourteen: Return to Hogwarts
Fifteen: The Triwizard Champions
Seventeen: For the Love of Dragons
Eighteen: Only You
Nineteen: Nightmares & Knitting
Twenty: The Yule Ball
Twenty One: The Other Gift
Twenty Two: Firewhisky Fun
Twenty Three: The Last Task
Twenty Four: Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Twenty Five: "Finally"
Twenty Six: Lovely Visits
Twenty Seven: Under the Stars
Twenty Eight: Boggart Battles
Twenty Nine: Another Year
Thirty: Bright Pink & Blood Ink
Thirty One: Ties & Tables Turned
Thirty Two: Secrets Shared
Thirty Three: A Hogsmeade Date
Thirty Four: Quidditch Beaters
Thirty Five: Aphrodisiac
Thirty Six: An Early Morning
Thirty Seven: The Calm Before
Thirty Eight: Hospital Mornings
Thirty Nine: A Grimmauld Christmas
Forty: Shell Cottage
Forty One: Moving Day
Forty Two: Alone Together
Forty Three: For Better & For Worse
Forty Four: Valentine's Day
Forty Five: The Tears of Isabelle Clarke
Forty Six: Sleepovers at Shell Cottage
Forty Seven: Department of Mysteries
Forty Eight: A Lovely Day
Forty Nine: Return of the Weasleys
Fifty: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Fifty One: Family Dinner
Fifty Two: A Night to Relax
Fifty Three: Decided Futures
Fifty Four: Back to the Burrow
Fifty Five: For Good Luck
Fifty Six: Another Surprise
Fifty Seven: A Night Out
Fifty Eight: The Woes of Bill Weasley
Fifty Nine: Dance the Night Away
Sixty: More Promises
Sixty One: Seeing Things
Sixty Two: Penelope Clearwater
Sixty Three: The Future Unfolds
Sixty Four: Romania
Sixty Five: What Really Happened
Sixty Six: Birthday Gifts
Sixty Seven: A Christmas Special (part 1)
Sixty Eight: A Christmas Special (part 2)
Sixty Nine: Until Midnight
Seventy: Healers
Seventy One: Gentle
Seventy Two: Ron's Birthday
Seventy Three: Glimpse of the Future
Seventy Four: Happy Tears
Seventy Five: The First Battle
Seventy Six: Going Home
Seventy Seven: The Seven Harry Plan
Seventy Eight: This Promise of Mine
Seventy Nine: The Wedding Night
Eighty: Our Vows
Eighty One: Moonlit Night
Eighty Two: Charlie's Visit
Eighty Three: Unexpected Returns
Eighty Four: Halloween
Eighty Five: A Good Day
Eighty Six: Almost Christmas
Eighty Seven: Another Family Holiday
Eighty Eight: Never Letting Go
Eighty Nine: When 2 Became 3
Ninety: Reawakened Sight
Ninety One: Harry and the Goblin
Ninety Two: A Not-So-Happy Reunion
Ninety Three: The Battle of Hogwarts
Ninety Four: Endings and Beginnings
The End?
Rewrite Announcement

Sixteen: A Proper Date

16.5K 496 209
By accio-weasleyss

*Mature Content Warning*

Isabelle didn't realize how late she had slept in until she heard a loud knock on her door. She got out of bed quickly and spent a moment trying to make herself look presentable before opening the door.

"Good morning, Isabelle. I just wanted to let you know that I will be out of my office today but I'm leaving my office unlocked for you to use the floo network like you asked. Just be sure to lock the door before you go to keep out wandering students,"Professor Flitwick smiled up at her before making his way down the hall.

"Thanks, Professor!" Isabelle called after him before shutting her door.

Isabelle realized it was nearly eleven and began to panic. Luckily, she had a small bathroom that connected to her room so she didn't have to share with students, and she showered quickly. She got dressed in something nice but casual, knowing Bill probably didn't expect her to be fancy at all and grabbed her things before heading to Flitwick's office.

Isabelle locked the door behind her and took a handful of floo powder, stepping into the large fireplace. "The Burrow," Isabelle said clearly and the green flames shot up around her.


"She probably just got a little caught up at Hogwarts, dear," Isabelle heard Molly's soft voice from the kitchen as she stepped out of the fireplace.

Isabelle made her way towards the voices into the kitchen, where she found Molly sitting at the table while Bill leaned against the counter looking out the window, his back to her. Molly looked up and saw Isabelle first and her face brightened.

"See, here she is," Molly smiled.

Bill turned around quickly and his face stretched into a wide grin when he saw her. Isabelle hardly had time to get out a "hello" before she was wrapped into a tight hug by Bill, being lifted up off of her feet slightly.

Isabelle giggled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders until he put her back down after a few moments.

"Miss me?" Isabelle grinned, moving her hands to cup his face gently.

"You have no idea," Bill said, his smile softening as he looked at her.

"We'll be off now, we should be back in a few hours. I'm not sure when Percy's meant to be home," she heard Molly say and noticed Arthur was now standing in the doorway near his wife.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked.

"Your father and I are just going to run a few errands. I need some more yarn, Christmas is coming up," Molly beamed, taking her husband's hand in hers. The two made their way out of the house and they heard the sound of disapparation.

"Soooo," Bill smiled cheekily and his hands returned to her hips. "Empty house all to ourselves. It would be a shame to let it go to waste."

"Bill Weasley you did not invite me here just for sex," Isabelle raised her eyebrows.

Bill chuckled lightly. "Of course not, love. I was actually thinking we could maybe go for a picnic." He gestured to the packed basket that Isabelle just noticed was sitting on the table.

"Ooo, sounds romantic," Isabelle smiled.

Bill pulled his wand from his pocket and held out his other hand towards her. "Shall we?"

Isabelle picked up the basket from the table that was surprisingly heavy and took his hand in hers. With a quick nod, they too disapparated from the house.

When they reappeared, Isabelle felt the ground that was once solid now soft sand under her shoes. The sun was shining brightly through thin clouds and while it wasn't particularly warm, the temperature was quite pleasant despite it now being November. The salty wind blew lightly through their hair and along their skin. The long beach was completely secluded, with no buildings or other people in sight.

"Wow..." Isabelle breathed as she took in the sight.

"This okay?" Bill said next to her, his smile growing at her reaction.

"It's perfect," Isabelle grinned. "How did you find this place?"

"Dad. He used to bring Mum here all the time when they were dating, said it was her favorite place to just get away for a while," Bill said, taking the basket from her and leading her to a spot in the sand closer to the water.

Bill opened the basket that must have had a charm on it to make it bigger inside and pulled out a large blanket first. He laid the blanket down on the sand carefully before setting the basket down on it so it wouldn't blow away in the breeze as they both sat down.

"Wine?" Bill said as he pulled out a bottle and two glasses.

"Yes, please," Isabelle said, taking the glasses from him so he could open the bottle and pour it. He set down the bottle and she handed him a glass before taking a sip of her own. "I didn't think you were a wine drinker."

"I'm not, really. Only on special occasions," Bill said, drinking his own. "Like getting to spend time with my beautiful girlfriend."

Isabelle blushed lightly. "That does seem to be pretty rare, huh?"

"Iz..." Bill took her hand in his gently, rubbing his thumb along her knuckles. "While I wish I could see you all the time, I would rather this than nothing at all. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."

"Really?" Isabelle looked up into his eyes, which were soft and genuine.

Bill nodded. Isabelle smiled softly and pulled him into a kiss, which was enough for Bill to know that she felt the same way. He let go of her hand and used his free arm to pull her into his lap, careful to not spill any wine from their glasses.

They spent the next few hours eating the lunch he had packed for them, with some help from Molly cooking despite him telling her he could handle it, and talking about their respective jobs. Bill told her about the things he had been working on in Egypt and his work friends while Isabelle told him all about Hogwarts and the Triwizard Tournament as they finished their food and the bottle of wine.

Isabelle was still sitting in Bill's lap, her back resting against his chest so they were both able to watch the waves crashing as they talked. Bill's chin rested on her shoulder as she told him about how Fred and George tried to get past the age line and it caused their potion to backfire. She didn't mention any of the suspicious things she had noticed between George and Lee though, knowing it wasn't her place to tell their brother about it. She also told him about how Harry had managed to get picked despite not putting his name in, as well as the other champions.

"Of course Viktor Krum, that seeker, is the champion for Durmstrang," Isabelle said.

"I didn't know he was still in school," Bill said, looking at her while she still watched the ocean.

Isabelle shrugged. "Neither did I. And then for Beauxbatons is this girl named Fleur. She's so pretty, she has Ron completely mesmerized."

Bill chuckled lightly. "Ron falls for any girl that looks in his general direction."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Isabelle laughed. "But she really is beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if she was part veela with the way everyone looks at her and her gorgeous blue eyes and her perfect blonde hair..."

Bill laughed again. "If I didn't know better, I would think it was you that had the crush on her instead of Ron."

Isabelle rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm just good at making observations."

"Oh yeah?" Bill said, holding her chin gently and turning her to look at him. "And what do you observe about me?"

"Hmmm," Isabelle pretended to think for a moment. "I can observe that you really want to kiss me right now."

"Really? And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"Because you clearly aren't looking at my eyes," Isabelle said, tilting his chin up to make him look up.

"Clever girl," Bill smirked, pulling her into a deep, but soft, kiss.

Isabelle returned it happily, moving her body so she was facing him and straddling his hips. Her hands rested on the sides of his face while his arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. His hands traveled up and down her back gently for a minute before he pulled away slowly.

"Isabelle..." Bill said softly, moving a hand to push a strand of hair behind her ear gently. Isabelle watched him silently as he took in a breath.

"I love you."

Isabelle was quiet for a moment, which almost started to worry Bill, until her shocked expression turned into a wide smile.

"I love you too, Bill."

Bill let out a breath of relief that sounded like a mix of a sigh and a laugh before pulling her into another kiss that was a bit harder and more desperate than the last.

Isabelle melted into the kiss, and her hands found their way into his hair. She hadn't even realized that he left it down that day, which was unlike him. He seemed to always pull it back when he left the house, but Isabelle actually liked it when he left it down. She liked being able to run her fingers through it, and clearly he did, too.

Isabelle tangled her fingers in his hair and his grip on her waist tightened. Isabelle bit his bottom lip gently and he allowed her to slip her tongue into his mouth. She moved slightly and let her hips brush against his, causing him to moan softly against her lips.

Isabelle smirked and pulled away from his lips, moving to kiss sensitive spots on his neck. She left marks along his pale skin and heard his breath become shallow. His hands ran under her shirt and up her back, his warm hands heating up her cold skin.

"You're freezing," Bill chuckled lightly.

"Maybe we should head back home then," Isabelle smiled, leaving one last kiss under his ear before moving off of him.

Bill shook his head with another chuckle and helped her quickly pack up their picnic. It wasn't long before they had apparated back to the Burrow to find it still empty, just as they had left it.

"Mum? Percy?" Bill called as they took off their jackets, the house as warm as always. When they were only answered with silence, Bill shrugged. "I guess they still aren't back yet."

**"Good." Isabelle had a bit of a mischievous smile, one that Bill had not yet seen from her, but he didn't question it. Isabelle took his hand and led him up the stairs to his bedroom, hoping she didn't look as nervously excited as she felt on the inside. The last time was very heat-of-the-moment and a bit of a blur, but she tried to push all of her thoughts aside.

Isabelle pulled him into his bedroom and locked the door, casting a silencing charm just in case his family returned.

"I think I like where this is going," Bill smiled cheekily, grabbing her by her waist and pulling her close.

"Yeah, I think you will." Isabelle ran her hands up his chest slowly, taking a hold of his shirt collar.

Bill raised an eyebrow but didn't get the chance to respond before she pulled him down into a passionate and rough kiss. She undid the buttons of his shirt quickly as she walked them backward until his legs hit the edge of his bed, where she pushed him down onto it gently. Isabelle moved so she was straddling his hips while he sat leaning back on his hands, watching her. She pulled his shirt from his shoulders and off of him, running her hands along his arms softly.

Bill sat up fully to take hold of her waist again, playing with the hem of her shirt as he pulled her into another kiss. Isabelle slid a hand into his hair, gripping it gently while also dropping her hips slightly like she did earlier, knowing it would drive him crazy. He groaned softly into the kiss and pulled away from her.

"Go ahead and take this off for me," Bill said, looking down at where his hands held onto the bottom of her shirt.

Isabelle took hold of the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up and off, trying to hide the blush that was beginning to cover her face. Once she tossed her shirt aside, she then unhooked her bra and pulled that off, too, as Bill watched her.

"Wow," Bill breathed, looking her up and down. "How did I get so lucky?"

Isabelle giggled softly. "I think I'm the lucky one," she mumbled as she placed kisses down his neck. Isabelle pushed him down onto his back gently as she trailed kisses down his neck and chest, leaving marks at his most sensitive spots. His breathing became shallow and a bit shakier as she reached his hips and waistband of his pants.

Isabelle undid his belt and pants quickly, pulling them off of him while he watched her. His breath hitched as she pulled his boxers off next, releasing his erection. Isabelle glanced up at him, seeing how his chest rose and fell as he met her gaze. He had a pleading look in his eye and she understood.

He let out a soft whimper as she placed a gentle kiss near his tip before taking as much of him into her mouth as she could, wrapping her hand around where she couldn't reach.

"Oh, fuck..." She heard him groan, his head falling back against a pillow.

Isabelle began bobbing her head up and down while using her tongue. His loud moans only increased as she sucked him harder and began using her hand as well. His hand found its way into her hair, tangling his fingers in it but not pushing her at all.

"God, yes... just like that." Bill moaned, his hips thrusting up slightly, involuntarily, and she nearly gagged as he hit the back of her throat.

It didn't take long before his moans and whimpers got louder and broken, his grip in her hair tightening.

"Isabelle..." He moaned, lifting his head to look at her. She knew he was close, but decided he wasn't going to get his way just yet.

Isabelle pulled away from him suddenly, causing Bill to let out another low groan. He looked at her and she gave him an innocent smile in return.

"Get up here," Bill breathed, pulling her up and meeting her in a rough kiss. Isabelle only returned it for a moment before pulling away with a soft giggle.

"You're terrible," Bill chuckled quietly, pushing a strand of hair away from her face.

"I know," Isabelle grinned, running her hand along his hip.

"I think you're really going to regret it," Bill smirked, his hands moving to undo the button of her pants.

"Oh really?" Isabelle said innocently, raising an eyebrow.

Bill nodded, gripping her hips and turning them over so he was on top of her. He kissed her neck roughly, sucking marks into her skin, as he pulled her pants and underwear off of her. He made his way down her body quickly, placing a few softer kisses along the inside of her thighs before glancing up at her just as she had earlier. She gave him a nod of approval and he shot her one last mischievous smile.

"Oh god!" Isabelle moaned loudly as Bill pushed two fingers into her and sucked hard on her clit without warning. He pumped his fingers in and out of her, starting slow but his speed steadily increasing, as his tongue worked against her clit. He curled his fingers slightly, hitting her spot with every motion. For Isabelle, it felt like absolute heaven, but she knew in the back of her mind that it wasn't going to be in her favor for long.

Isabelle's gasps and moans only increased as he moved his fingers faster and sucked harder on her clit, and eventually he knew she was getting closer to her climax.

Suddenly he pulled his lips and fingers away from her, causing her to whimper. He kissed the inside of her thighs softly, a smirk resting on his face.

"Really?" Isabelle glared.

Bill chuckled against her skin. "Now you know how I feel."

After a minute of teasing, he must have decided that she had cooled down enough, as he went back in with his tongue and fingers, bringing another round of loud moans to her lips. Her hands found his hair and gripped it tight, causing him to groan against her.

It took much less time for her to reach her peak again, and again he noticed and pulled away from her.

"Bill..." She whimpered, picking up her head to look at him.

"Yes, love?" He said with a cheeky grin, rubbing her thigh gently.

"You've made your point."

"Have I?" He said, moving up to kiss her neck gently. "I don't think I have," He whispered, his hand moving to rub her clit gently. Isabelle gasped softly, biting her lip and silently hoping he wouldn't stop.

Of course, he did stop after a moment, chuckling against her neck at how flustered she was.

"Aww, what's wrong, love?" Bill cooed, sucking a sensitive spot beneath her ear.

"Bill... please," Isabelle breathed as she ran her fingers through his hair gently. She watched his face soften, melting into her touch, and nodded. 

He brought her into a deep kiss as he pushed into her slowly, both of them groaning softly into it. He waited a moment until he knew she was comfortable before moving his hips slowly.

"God, Isabelle..." He moaned. "You feel amazing."

It didn't take either of them long before their loud moans of pleasure filled the room, both getting more desperate as the minutes passed. His lips stayed on hers most of the time, keeping no space between them.

"B-Bill," She whimpered, gripping his back with one hand and his hair with another. "Please don't stop."

"I won't," Bill moaned softly, moving faster. "Go ahead and come for me."

It only took a few more moments before they both reached their peak together, their moans muffled between another soft kiss. They both breathed heavily and he rested his forehead against hers, a grin spreading across his face.**

"I love you," Bill said softly, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you, too," Isabelle pulled him into another kiss before letting him move to lay beside her and wrap his arms around her.

They laid in a comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company for a little bit longer. Isabelle noticed Bill's breathing begin to slow and his body relax and knew he was near falling asleep.

"Don't go to sleep, love," Isabelle said softly, running a hand through his hair.

"Mmm, why not?" Bill mumbled, pulling her closer to him and burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Because I can't stay."

Bill picked his head up to look at her with a small frown. "Right. I almost forgot you have classes tomorrow."

Isabelle nodded. "And you have work."

Bill sighed softly. "I'm sorry, you deserve so much more-"

"Bill, stop it," Isabelle cut him off, resting her hand on the side of his face gently after moving a strand of hair from his face. "We both knew this was going to be difficult. And don't even think about me finding someone else because I would never want to love anyone who isn't you."

Bill smiled softly and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You're incredible."

"Yeah, I know," Isabelle giggled and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.


The couple was reluctant to let each other go when it was time for Isabelle to return to Hogwarts. Molly and Arthur returned an hour or so later, and she and Bill were invited to stay for dinner. They asked her all about Hogwarts and how the other kids were doing and expressed their concerns about Harry in the Tournament that Isabelle completely understood.

Molly wrapped Isabelle in a tight motherly hug, followed by Arthur.

"Remember you're always welcome to visit, even without Bill," Molly said.

"I'll be sure to come around more often," Isabelle said before turning to Bill.

"I'll see you soon. Christmas, at the latest," Isabelle promised as he pulled her in.

"I love you," Bill said one last time (earning a quiet 'aww' from Molly) and kissed the top of her head softly.

"I love you, too," Isabelle smiled, still having butterflies and not believing she's finally getting to say it.

Bill pulled her into one final kiss before she stepped into the fireplace, returning to Hogwarts and her cold, empty room.

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