Taking a breath

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" right... so let me get this straight...Peter Pettigrew is not only alive BUT he is also a rat that lives with the Weasley's and is in Ron and Harry's dorm as we speak? AND...just to top it off...my dad was Regulus Black...your brother and the very devoted death eater...I'm not saying you sound a tad crazy but..."

"I have no reason to lie to you Caitlin"

"Actually Black you have every reason too"

"So what...you don't believe me then? Because I feel like if you thought I was the violent Mass murderer everyone's saying I am, you wouldn't be sat here asking questions now would you?"


 Caitlin and Sirius had strolled up to the Shrieking Shack as he explained the whole story of his innocence and what happened after. How he discovered how to turn into an Animagus at such a young age, how he used this advantage to sneak past the guards of Azkaban and how he's been on the run ever since. 

She was still so unsure what to believe. She had no idea whether she could trust the man sat in front of her on the dusty and moth bitten, four poster bed, his hands lay flat on his lap as he looked pleadingly at the girl sat on the floor, legs crossed, searching his face for truth. She was so conflicted yet all she could do was think back to a time of the young, handsome man, holding her tightly at a small age, looking down lovingly with a huge charming grin plastered across his face.

After a moment of silence, Caitlin rose to her feet and started pacing back and forth, alternate conclusions flashing through her mind.

"Will you bloody sit down you're making me dizzy" Sirius huffed, collapsing back on the bed in frustration, a cloud of dust forming around him as he dropped.

"This is a lot to take in Black" she snapped. "Excuse me if I need a fucking minute"

"Language" he grunted sternly, causing Caitlin to roll her eyes.

She stopped in her tracks, turning to him in conclusion, He lifted his head up curiously at the sound of her footsteps coming to a halt.

"I believe you" she stated simply, causing Sirius to jump up in celebration.

"Fucking finally!!" he exclaimed, his hands punching the air with his fists.

"Language" she teased, causing him to chuckle as he walked slowly over to her and cup her face lovingly.

"You have no idea how much this mean to me darling...truly" he whispered, looking deep into her eyes as tears began to brim the corners.

"Come on Black, I never took you as a softy" she smirked, whilst bringing him into a comforting hug, as he let out a low and quiet sob before pulling back and hastily rubbing his eyes, letting out a harsh grunt and turning back round towards the bed to hide his tears.

"There's just one thing I still don't understand" she began as he nodded for her to continue. "Why don't you just tell Dumbledore? He has more than enough power to clear your name and then everything can go back to the way it was can't it?" she shrugged.

Sirius let a small sigh and shook his head in sadness.

"I wish it was that easy darling...Look-" he began standing back up and holding her small hand in his rather large and dirty one. "This has to be done a certain way. Do you understand? So when the time comes...which I assure you won't be any time soon... you cannot be there, No matter how much you may want to, I'm afraid its just not your story to tell" he said gently. "And as for Dumbledore...I've admired the man for as long as I've known him but I can guarantee as soon as he takes one look at me I am as good as dead, there would be no story to tell...no justice." He looked down more and more with every word he spoke.

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