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"Okay deep breaths...the moral of the story is we are going to do this, we are happy and the only reason we are telling them is so they can be happy with his us" Remus mumbled next to Caitlin as she sat anxiously around the kitchen table.

The hustle and bustle of the room after the order meeting was ongoing, all the usual members there, chatting away as Remus, Caitlin, Sirius and Liv sat nervously waiting for the right moment.

"What if Mad-eye sacks me?" She groaned with scared eyes as Remus rubbed her leg soothingly and shook his head.

"Trust me he won' are his best Auror by a long shot" Remus chuckled, truth in his words as he spoke them, "Listen if your not up for it today we can do it another time"

" I'm okay" She breathed, "If I don't do it now then I never will."

Taking a deep and calming breath, she cleared her throat in an act to get everyone's attention as Remus straightened himself up and Sirius gave the both of them a reassuring smile.

"We would like to tell you all something" Remus mumbled, looking around the table as all eyes turned to the two of them.

"You two getting a divorce already?" Tonks grinned cheekily as the table chuckled lightly.

"No...definitely not" He replied in amusement.

"We erm we-" Caitlin started, her eyes flicking to Mad-eye every so often as she gripped Remus' hand tighter and the disfigured man sent her a confused frown. That was until Caitlin's awkward rambling was cut off by a very loud and excited gasp, as Mrs Weasley clamped her hand over her mouth.

"YOUR PREGNANT!" She exclaimed with a squeal...running over to them both and wrapping her arms around both of their shoulders.

"Jesus...that woman knows everything" Sirius mumbled to Liv as she nodded in agreement.

"Your pregnant?" Tonks blurted out in shock, "Like...with a baby??"

"No with a god damn dragon! Of course with a baby" Sirius exclaimed, slumping back in his chair as the pink haired girl bowed her head in embarrassment.

"I am so happy for you both!" Molly continued , cupping Remus' and Caitlin's face with a beaming smile.

"Congratulations kids!" Arthur exclaimed, thumping Remus on the back and placing a light kiss on Caitlin's cheek. "Kingsley aren't you going to say anything?"

"I already knew" he shrugged with a cool and unbothered look before sending them both a big grin and nodding to his friend happily.

Caitlin's nervous eyes hadn't left Mad-eye's and his hadn't left hers. His magical eye trained on her stomach before letting out a slightly surprised grunt and allowing his gaze to fall back on her with his arms crossed over his chest.

He simply held up three fingers in question and she nodded shyly, his face still rather blank, unreadable.

"You're fine" He whispered with a wink before rolling his eyes and falling back into the blueprints he had been surveying.

"Oh thank god" She breathed, her entire body slumping as her head fell onto Remus' shoulder and her eyes closed in relief.

"Told you" he mumbled smugly as she nodded with a small smile.

"Okay..." Molly spoke determinedly, throwing her tea towel down and pouring them both a cup of tea, "I need to know everything, gender, age the whole lot"

" actually about that..." Remus started scratching the back of his head awkwardly as the rest of the table pulled a confused look.

"What is it dear?"

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