Sleep tight

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Remus was struggling to come to grips with how selfish he had been.

He had been so absorbed in his own world that he had completely ignored Caitlin's pain. Her suffering and her loss was most likely ten fold compared to his as she was actually carrying the children.

She had to spend her time without him, still grieving, whilst he lived amongst werewolves, she had to be strong for the both of them because he didn't know how to.

He refused to be weak. He refused to weak for her now. She needed him.

"So...I'd say the breakfast wasn't all bad...but somehow, my fried egg is rock solid" Caitlin grimaced with a giggle, knocking her frozen egg against the plate as Liv spat out her beans and burst into laughter.

"Oh sweetie...that child of yours needs a good start to the day, let me cook something better up for you" Molly sighed as the girl waved her hands in the air and shook her head rapidly.

"I'm joking Molly! Don't worry honestly, I didn't exactly expect anything less from these two" She teased, pointing behind her as Remus and Sirius winced at the food.

"Yeah...sorry pup, Think we should just stick to drinking and observing" Sirius mumbled apologetically as the rest of the table fell into amused chatters.

"How you feeling?" Remus asked quietly at Caitlin's side, placing his hand gently against her leg under the table and smiling sweetly.

"I'm okay" she smiled, kissing him on the cheek before falling back into her rather poor breakfast.

After Caitlin's little meltdown, they had stayed curled up on the floor for over half an hour. Sat in a comfortable silence as he held her against him, running his fingers through her soft strands of hair and waiting for their breakfast to arrive.

It was the last week of the summer holidays before the kids went back to Hogwarts. And to say that everyone was extremely anxious for their return was an understatement.

Everyone was on edge at what another year at Hogwarts would bring for them. It couldn't have been as bad as the years before surely? Maybe their lucked had changed just this once.

"I made you a cup of tea" Ginny beamed sweetly, as she walked over to the couple and placed two chipped mugs down in front of them as they sent her a confused look.

"What's this for love?" Remus chuckled as the fiery haired girl shrugged.

"You both just look like you could use it" And with that she span back around as they gave each other another confused glance.

"Have we really dropped that my levels of attractiveness that we are getting tea brought to us now?" Caitlin laughed in disbelief as he shook his head with a smirk.

"You most certainly have not" he smiled, leaning his head forward as she pressed her lips against his with a small smile, her hand resting against the side of his neck and her throat allowing a small content sigh to leave as the sweet taste of tea dance across their tongues.

"Neither have you" she whispered against his lips, "Still as beautiful as ever"

"Not passible looking?" he teased gently as she began to giggle, their foreheads resting against the other as small grins rested across their face.

"I did use to comment on your appearance quite a lot didn't I?" She winced playfully, thinking back to Hogwarts and how he would always bring up the 'appearance shaming' she and Liv put him through.

"Yes...ALOT" he chuckled, his eyes going wide at the last word as she let out a small spout of laughter, her head falling against his shoulder as he fell into the same amusement.

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