The date

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"A date?"

"Yes, a date" Remus smiled proudly as he loosened his tie one cold afternoon.

"We really don't have time to be going on a date Rem" She sighed, pulling a small vest over Hope's head, sat on the bed as the adorable baby giggled at her father's funny pulled face.

"You said you wanted a distraction...I am giving you one" He shrugged, picking his child up with a small grunt and lifting her into the air with a wide grin, "Isn't that right princess, mummy has time for a night off doesn't she?"

"But what about her?" Caitlin groaned, really not in the mood to be going out anywhere, "And where would we even go? Everywhere is shut, people are too afraid to even walk the streets nowadays"

"Wow...I thought I was the pessimistic one" Remus mumbled sarcastically, holding the baby against his side with one arm as he gestured for his wife to follow her downstairs, which she did very reluctantly.

They walked into the kitchen to be faced by a busy Mrs Weasley wiping down surfaces with her signature dish towel, humming away a tune to herself.

"Molly love" Remus announced politely as the bright haired woman span around with a beaming face, stretching her arms out to the baby on Remus' hip and taking her off him as Hope giggled away to her self at the bushy hair that was tickling her neck, "I know this is a lot to ask but if you are not busy tonight would it be okay if you just kept an eye on Hope for a while whilst we go out? We are rather stressed and you would be a god send if-"

"Oh for goodness sake Remus why on earth are you even asking!" The kind woman huffed as Remus span round on his heel with a triumphant look, causing Caitlin rolled her eyes.

"We still don't have some where to go" Caitlin mocked his smug look.

"The three broomsticks is still open" he smirked, "Sirius was saying how Harry saw Slughorn the other day in there"

Caitlin let out an exhausted huff, looking between her proud husband, the kind woman and the beautiful baby held on hip.

"Ugh fine!" She exclaimed, "But I'm getting drunk and you aren't stopping me!"

"Do you know me but at all my beautiful wife? I'll be getting plastered right along side of you" he grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a small kiss on her neck as she rolled her eyes, but unable to fight off the smile threatening to tug at her lips at his good mood.

"Is it just us or are tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb joining us" Caitlin questioned as Molly left the kitchen with Hope and Remus continued to place gentle kisses in the crook of her neck, chuckling against her skin at the nicknames.

"I did mention it earlier on today and Padfoot's eyes lit up like a bloody Christmas tree so..." Remus winced looking at her apologetically but Caitlin could not help feel the hole in her heart, that had been growing over the last couple weeks, get gradually smaller. He was trying so hard to make her feel better and she absolutely adored him for it.

His hands still remained wrapped round the bottom of her back, holding her close to his body as she looked deeply into his glistening and excited eyes.

"A double date it is then" Caitlin grinned as he nodded in agreement and placed a kiss on her head, "Am I dressing up?"

"Do you want to dress up?" He questioned back, with a cock of his head and small smile.

"I think it will make me feel more like myself" she nodded surely, her mind already ticking away like a walk in wardrobe.

"Then we shall all dress up"

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