Dogs, news & snow

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"Okay we can't tell anyone just yet, just in case Mad-eye is wrong, you know?"

"Why on earth would Mad-eye be wrong? Please let me tell someone, I'm already bursting to do it" Remus begged, holding his hands together in  pleading motion as she giggled at his boyish-ness.

"Alright Lupin, who already knows?" She rolled her eyes with a chuckle as he turned bright red and gave her a guilty look.

"Okay Liv does... BUT I didn't tell her, she worked it out herself" he huffed as she hit him on the arm playfully.

"Right well that's fine, but Pads can't know just yet, not until we are sure" She sighed, grabbing his arm and dragging him back into the living room with a wide grin.

"Pads...Pa...ds" Sirius spoke clearly, holding a very confused Hope on his lap as Liv chuckled at the side of him and shook her head.

"She won't say it" she laughed as her fiance waved her off and shook his head.

"She will she just needs some motivation" he mumbled, reaching into his pockets and pulling out a piece of chocolate.

"Don't let Rem see you with that, he will kill you for going into his stash" Liv warned, clearing her throat as the two walked over to the other two and the baby, and Sirius shot his hand behind his back, hiding the chocolate and giving them a fake grin.

"What are you up to?" Caitlin asked suspiciously as Sirius shook his head and gave her a shrug.

"I don't know what you mean pup"

"He's trying to get Hope to say 'Pads' and is failing miserably" Liv teased as Sirius let out a defeated huff and shrugged.

"Her second word will not be 'Pads' I assure you" Remus chuckled, taking his child off his friend and throwing her up in the air playfully as she giggled, "Isn't that right pup?"

"P-pup" Hope giggled as they all froze, everyone in the room, simply frozen as they looked at the now slightly scared baby.

"What is it with her and dogs?!" Sirius exclaimed, "I'm a dog! Why can't she say my name?"

"Pup..." Remus spoke again slowly, eyebrows furrowed as she played with his loose knot tie.


The entire room burst into celebration once more, as Hope giggled at their loudness. Remus kissed her on the top of the head with a big grin and looked over to Caitlin who was sporting the same proud look.

"You definitely bring something out in her" she smiled sweetly, resting her hand against his chest and placing her lips against he hummed against hers.

"Let's try a few more" He suggested, dropping down next to Liv and resting the baby on his lap as the four around her waited expectantly.

"Hope..." Remus tried to catch her attention as her eyes jumped up to his, "Say...mummy"

The baby just cocked her head to the side in confusion as Caitlin let out a disappointed sigh.

"Say daddy" Sirius suggested as both Caitlin and Remus let out an awkward cough.

", don't say that" Caitlin mumbled uncomfortably as a small smirk quirked at Remus' lips and Liv burst out laughing.

"Oh wow" the blonde breathed and Remus elbowed her in the ribs warningly.

"Am I missing something?" Sirius questioned in confusion as the three, with rather amused looks shook their heads rapidly.

"Absolutely nothing Pads" Caitlin chuckled.

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