Damsel in Distress

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Later on, after sitting with the trio for a while, her eyes glued to the tired looking boy slumped on the bench, she made her descent back to the twins.

They would need to know what had happened, especially considering Ron's involvement in it all.

Fred and George had always picked on their little siblings, much to their disliking, but Caitlin knew that when push came to shove, they loved them a lot more then they cared to let on and if they found out that either one was in danger, they would go berserk.

Waving goodbye to the three, who still sat quite silent in their compartment, she turned to walk out through the glass door only to be met by a hard chest hitting her straight in the face, as a strong grip wrapped around her upper arms, steadying her.

"Jesus Christ!" she groaned, rubbing her forehead with a scrunched up face.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I-" she stopped as she looked up in shock at the familiar face looking down at her with a glint of amusement in his blue eyes.

His sandy brown hair was in messy waves, with light streaks of grey running through. His eyes prominently bagged yet as bright as ever as his pupils dilated slightly, crinkling at the sides with the adorable small smile that had been etched onto his face.

He wore much more presentable clothes then the last time they were in contact. They were a light brown, suede fabric, with a black cloak draping over his broad shoulders. Neatly pressed, trying to disguise the frayed hems and small patches of discoloured fabric sewn in.

"Quite alright Miss Kingsley" he chuckled. His head cocking to the side slightly as he smiled at  her embarrassed expression.

Slowly releasing her arms and placing them in his pockets, he looked down at the young girl for a moment. Noticing how her hair had fallen from its low bun, from the commotion of the dementor attack. Small strands of chocolate brown hair falling in front of her face as she looked deeply into his eyes.

Resisting the urge to lift a hand to gently tuck the hair behind her ear he was snapped back to reality at the sound of her voice.

"You look ill" she stated in questioning, furrowing her eyebrows in concern.

Remus was caught off guard by her bluntness yet appreciated the worry she held in her face.

"Yes-well...erm" he mumbled uncomfortably, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Shit! Sorry...I didn't mean it like that! It's just...ugh...and now I've just said 'shit' in front of a teacher" she exclaimed in a panicked sort of way, smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand, embarrassment flooding her cheeks.

Remus, however, just laughed and lifted a hand, waving it in front of her.

"No no, I know what you mean. I do look quite ghastly day, just a tad drained is all...nothing for you to be concerned over" he stated kindly, still smiling at the girl who's worried face relaxed instantly.

"Ah I see" she nodded, looking down at her feet that were scuffing the ground underneath them.

"About that dementor..." Remus started, cutting off the silence once more.

"I know, I know" Caitlin interrupted "It was irresponsible and careless for me to leave my compartment...blah blah blah, I'm sorry okay? But I had to make sure Harry was okay and CLEARLY I was right in doing so" she said matter of factly, recalling an unconscious Harry lay on the floor.

Remus looked quite taken back at her words, he wasn't sure whether to admire her boldness or scold her for speaking to a teacher in such manner.

"Actually, Caitlin...I was going to say how incredibly brave you were. You acted with a resilience and courage I have not seen in-well...lets just say quite a long time. I  was going to say 'well done' and what a hell of a patronus that was you conjured. Absolutely marvellous!" He said enthusiastically, proudness swimming through his eyes.

She took in his every word, letting each one sink deeper than the last.

"Oh...umm...thankyou professor. I-I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting that" she whispered lightly, once again looking down as a blush threatened to creep up to her cheeks.

"Anyway, I suppose I will see you around Miss Kingsley" Remus said with a small sigh as he furrowed his brow slightly.

"You certainly will sir" she smiled looking back up to him, regaining some of her natural confidence that seemed to disappear in his presence.

Once again, the smile she sent caused his heart to clench in a way like no other, his lips immediately mimicking hers.

As she side stepped across him, strolling past as their shoulders grazed slightly, she began to walk down the corridor.

"Oh! Miss Kingsley?" He called out over his shoulder, as she span on her heel to face him once more.

A smile slowly edging onto his face as he opened his mouth slightly.

"I must say...I am thrilled to see that you are in fact not JUST a damsel in distress" he stated with a wide grin, that stretched the silver scars across his face quite beautifully.

With a subtly wink, he turned back and continued walking, laughing to himself as he left Caitlin stood frozen in her place, a look of fake annoyance being shot his way, Yet inside all she could feel was a pulsating sensation of joy run through veins, warming her and causing her legs, hands and feet to tingle. The laughter of the tall, handsome man filling her ears with melodic bliss that sent a small shiver to coarse down her spine.

After a moment of simply standing, mind racing, she noticed Remus had dissappeared from the cart and she was now being watched by two random third years in the compartment she stood outside of. Confused and questioning looks plastered on their faces at the young witch who stood in a trance, grin wide and cheeks bright red.

Letting out an awkward cough, she made her way back to her own compartment, practically skipping, mind numb from her surroundings.

She swung the door open, still blushing, eyes wild when she was bombarded by a tirade of questions.

"What the hell happened?!?"

"Where have you been??"

"Someone said it was a dementor! Did you see it?"

"No I heard a kid say it was a wolf"

"Caitlin....you with us??"

Caitlin stood frozen for a moment, completely forgetting that she in fact had just fought off a dementor, along with lupin's assistance of course, as she tried to force her brain to form the right words to ease their confusion.

"Right children-" she began, clapping her hands together in one swift motion as she ushered the three of them to sit down.

Diving in to the whole story, whilst trying to leave out the very awkward, yet exciting, encounter with their soon to be professor, she told them about the dementor and how she and the "New teacher" (as she was referring to him as) had fought it off.

She explained that although in quite a state of shock, Harry, Ron and Hermione were perfectly safe and that she had stayed with them for a while afterwards.

"Well that new teacher is a legend I say" Fred mumbled, shaking his head softly and leaning back against the padded wall with a small huff.

"hmm... he's definitely something" Caitlin said absentmindedly, more to herself than in response. Lost in thought as she recalled the ocean blue orbs she had found herself lost in mere minutes ago.

After the four fell into a silence, the three that sat around Caitlin had stared off into the distance, absorbing the words that came out of her mouth.

"Well..." George breathed "At least we know your last year will be eventful" he said, leaning his head back on the wall behind him and closing his eyes.

Caitlin rested her head on his shoulder lightly and sighed in frustration.

"Indeed it will Georgie...indeed it will"

Please let me know what u think of the story so far! :) I love writing this and want to know everyone's take on it!
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