The end

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Her eyes flickered open momentarily. Only momentarily as the glow of the moon obstructed her vision. She felt herself moving yet knew she wasn't the one doing it. Strong arms holding her up and walking, a chest heaving slightly under her and their throat letting out little grunts as they walked.

"Remus?" she moaned in confusion.

"No" the voice replied, the familiar voice that was low and bored, that was smug and drawling. "I suppose your little affair is over now"

What the hell does that mean? Where was he?

"Where is he?" her head shot up and she tried to escape from his arms but his strength was too much for her weak body as he clasped onto her legs, walking through the corridors, it must have been around 3:00 o clock. "And Sirius, is he okay?"

She was panicking now, she had no idea what was going on and Snape's face looked as neutral as ever yet she could see the rage flaming in his eyes.

"So not only do you bed a monster...but you befriend an arrogant mass murderer...What the hell is wrong with you?" He spat, still not looking towards her as he kicked the door open with his foot and nodded Madam Pomfrey over.

"Where is he severus? Weasley told where is he?" She called, scurrying over and pointing to the bed.

"He'll be gone shortly" Snape assured her but that was not the answer Pomfrey was looking for.

"Gone? Gone? What on earth do you mean Gone?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah what do you mean?!" Caitlin added, trying to sit herself up in her hospital bed and keep her eyes open.

"I mean..." he drawled, his eyes now flickering was boredom and uninterest, "Precious Lupin...that everyone cares so much about...will be gone by morning" And with that he span on his heel and left. His black cloak billowing behind him and the doors snapping with a shut as Caitlin and Madam Pomfrey stared at the grand oak doors in shock.

"M-madam Pomfrey...they-they can't...he can't get wasn't his fault" she whispered, a lump rising in her throat. Poppy looked just as sad as her, knowing that the man she had nurtured since he was a boy did not deserve this kind of treatment.

"I know dear, and Albus won't allow it" she assured, rubbing her arm then going to change Ron's bandage across the ward. "Did he get you? Or did you just bang your head?"

She looked down at her chest, the gashes that were now stinging and spiking like needles against her skin. They were only small but very deep. She knew they wouldn't heal because if you could heal a werewolf scratch, Remus wouldn't have so many scars.

"Just a small scratch...I'll be fine" she mumbled, hoping the woman didn't actually hear her, yet her head spun round and eyes widened quickly.

"Where?" she demanded, scurrying over to her with a determined look.

"No...honestly I'm fine" she assured but Pomfrey just shot her an annoyed and defiant look.

Caitlin let out a huff and pulled the collar of her shirt down to show the two gashes against her chest in which she faltered slightly, wincing at the sight. "What? It's not that bad?"

"I know dear...I know, come on...let's get you bandaged up" she sighed, as if it were painful for her to say.

After Madam Pomfrey had left her be, making her quickly drink a dreamless sleep potion she felt empty. No anxiety, no worry, no dread...Nothing. Falling into a dark and numb sleep.

"Miss Kingsley...Do you mind waking for a short moment?" Came a strong and soothing voice from above her as she carefully opened her eyes, adjusting them to the new bright light beaming through the windows.

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